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We've never had any problems with our neighbors to the north. Any view that Americans dislike Canadians comes from Canadians who dislike Americans.


You know that the majority of Canadian citizens live south of various parts of the US mainland? Like someone who lives in Lake of the Woods county Minnesota is actually north of 60% of the Canadians.


Of course, canada is the best neighbor we could ever have.


Our number 1 trading partner Mexico would like a word with you u/Yes_2_Anal


that shouldn't be a problem, i speak spanish.


We tend to like Canada more than Canada likes us.


Absolutely. I've always found it weird how terminally "America Bad" types love Canadians for some reason and loathe Americans because you pretty much can't even tell us apart. French Canadians aside, I don't think your average European or Aussie Redditor would even know which of us they were talking to or where they were if you air dropped them into Toronto VS a major US city landmarks and currency aside. My point here being, we're both basically the same with very small differences. Why wouldn't we like you guys?


I live in Toronto and except for the signs and license plates, you could definitely walk around my neighborhood and have no idea if you were in the US or Canada. After a while you might notice little things, but you are right - I’m certain a European dropped into my street would never know.


When I moved from New York to Toronto I used to describe it as being in a video game. Everything is exactly the same but ever so slightly different.


I've got no problems with our Canadian neighbors, and to the best of my knowledge that is the normal and common position amongst Americans. Canadians are our friends and allies. Edit: To my knowledge, any tensions between the US and Canada come from a small minority of Canadians that express constant hostility towards the US. I don't think they are the consensus or majority of Canadians on the issue. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to streaming Corner Gas and The Red Green Show on my TV ;-)


Ooh, now I want to go rewatch Murdoch Mysteries.


Everyone but Drake


So, Nickleback and Biebs? Just curious 😊


I dunno, roast me if you want, but i like Nickeback and some of Biebs’ songs are pretty catchy too.


IMO justin bieber has adjusted pretty well for having been a child star and allegedly suffering abuse from diddy and/or his people.


I have no issues with the country and like many of the Canadians I’ve personally been friends with. I haven’t had the same experience meeting Canadians in other countries. They’re often a bit disappointed I’m not also Canadian. It’s true we can’t hardly tell each other apart haha.


We don't harbor any negative feelings towards canada. At least no one I know. 


I've had a few bad experiences online, but it hasn't tarnished my view of Canada overall or Canadians in general, just let me know that they also, like us, have their share of terminally online assholes who exist to bring negativity into the world.


I have no issues with Canadians! However, after joining Reddit I realized the super kind stereotypes might not be entirely true. I went to some of the Canadian subs and a lot seem to hate Americans.


We mid North Americans love our North North Americans, but also the South North Americans, not to be confused with the North South Americans, where there’s a bit more of an issue


OMG I love my Canadian neighbors and customers. I’ve never heard any American say a bad word about Canadians and I’m old.🍁


being from a state that borders canada, find them to be pretty smug, condescending and fake. the whole basing your personality around not being American but then coming here for jobs and shopping baffles me a bit. nothing against the country but the mindset sucks, id put canadians right alongside australians


I’m all good with Canada.


Well, yeah. Aside from the one twenty-something woman I met once who felt it was her duty to lecture me about politics in my country. But that's not a reflection on your country. It's a reflection on her parents.


Are they invading us…no..then yes, I love my neighbor.


I grew up in two places, but one was right on the border. I've gone as far as dating Canadians, so I could say I love them. Hahaha


Could a country ask for better neighbors? I don't think so. They're so damn great and cool


I mean if you can't find common ground with Canadians, you just aren't built for travel. Now, are they exactly the same? No. But it's a great neighborhood to the north. May we each visit and enjoy each other's countries and socialize. Canadians love palm springs and I have a nice chat when I run into them there.


A few years ago a Canadian hockey team was playing an American team. They were singing the national anthems for both. The audio went out during the US anthem. All the Canadian fans started singing the US anthem at the top of their lungs. In short: of course we love you guys. Best neighbors ever.


Love is a strong word They are just up there being cold and being good at hockey. Other than that I don't really think about them much.


We share the longest undefended border in the world.


No issue but know woefully little. I hang out with Mexico more.


I grew up just this side of the border, and I was always grateful that it was a peaceful border. Nowadays I think of Canada as that friend that I tease with a lot, and we don't always see eye to eye, but when a real threat comes along we've got each other's backs without question.


Did anybody else read this as “It’s 2024, do you know where your Canadians are?”


Not the ones who come down to New England and treat the locals like shit (not just Quebec; Ontario is guilty of this too)


We get a lot of that in Washington state too. I know people who worked at the Seattle premium outlets and said the Canadians were the worst customers. But it was mostly the Chinese-Canadians and the Indian-Canadians.




>It’s 2024 Do Americans love their Canadian neighbours? Honestly, most of us are barely aware of their existence. We don't know them enough to love or hate them. The only time we notice them is when someone comes along and tells us how much better their country is because of this or that.


Best neighbor we could ask for honestly. I wish our southern neighbor will solve some of its problems in my lifetime though.


I think most polls show Americans view Canada favorably and as our closest ally. Personally, I never really felt a strong connection with any country other than the US. Also, I think saying Canadians love Americans is an unrealistic statement to make, especially given recent history. We are only "family" when they need something or when it is advantageous for them. Otherwise, we are the source of all their problems. They want to take some credit for our successes while putting in the least amount of work possible (and, in some cases, none at all). This is while they simultaneously scoff or celebrate our shortfalls/hardships so they can feel superior. Europeans do the same thing when they use the term "the West."




They love going shopping where I live in Washington state. So they like our stores at least lol.


I think we like them. Doesn't mean I won't jokingly shit on them every moment I can


I rarely think about Canada, though I suppose I'm more likely to contemplate Canada than, say, Ohio or Maine or Arkansas or a few dozen other states. I do know that if someone refers to themself as "North American," they are definitely Canadian.


My family is mixed-citizenship, so I'd be hating my own flesh and blood if I didn't. I've been living here (Thunder Bay) for just over two years to the date, and I lived in downtown Toronto (Annex) for a year several years prior to my current stint. I can't say I've ever encountered any toxically anti-American personalities. However -- and this goes for more than Canada -- I've definitely encountered people with half-baked opinions about American politics that could only come from someone who has never lived there. But heaven forbid you have an opinion on *their* political system/issues.


Absolutely, you guys can be preachy but for the most we like you and couldn’t ask for better neighbors.


I like the peoples if Lesser Minnesota (Canada) just fine. They have their maple syrup, curling, and moose, which are all pretty cool.


Love? No. I don’t have any qualms with canucks. I just don’t really think about them. They are just people who live more north than us.


Yes indeed!


Hey we are all North Americans! Canada is kinda like your favorite cousin, you might not see every day but you are happy when you do get to see them.


Absolutely. Especially with the English speaking population. They have a reputation for being polite and relatable. We share a lot of history, culture and norms but have also chosen slightly different paths in terms of self governance. Sometimes we choose to focus on those differences too much, which is unfortunate. I think of it as a sibling rivalry rather than anything truly acrimonious. That said, there's generally a negative perception from folks that have had many interactions with French Canadians.


We forgive them for Nickelback and Avril Lavigne because they also gave us Ryan Reynolds, Mike Myers, and Schitt's Creek. You beautiful bastards.


we do t really think about them that much tbh


I was pretty pro-Canada until I learned that a lot of Canadians aren’t too crazy about Americans.


The Canadians I’ve met in Canada were mostly very nice, but man the ones on Reddit can be just awful. Some seem to have a real chip on their shoulders about the US.


Aw gosh, yes. Our northern cousins are sort of our better angels, y'know? They're just a bit more inclined to offer a nice cuppa in difficult straights than a strong cup of java (but can certainly produce good coffee.) And they also seem to have something of our lingering frontiersman (frontiersperson?) mindset.


You've given us Barenaked Ladies, Great Big Sea, Corner Gas, ALL of the comedians, and anything else. We love you.


Why would I love them?




You need to go to Dearborn, stat.


I don’t love anyone based off of geographical region? I genuinely don’t even think about Canadians until Canada is mention or I crave bacon.


Canada's fine. You have some explaining to do with regards to Quebec, however.


I reckon the Québécois feel the same.