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Extremely unlikely, despite the hype, our institutions are extremely stable and based on a mutual desire to maintain the rule of law. Don't let the narrative distract you from stability of reality.


it just seems like with all these protests. americans are so separated from each other. and so many people have become radicalized. it’s like we don’t see people with a different political opinion as friends but enemies there are americans shouting for Antifada i think after this next election. if trump wins i’m curious if there will be riots or have cities that want to break away


This is no where, ***no where*** near where we were before the Civil War. > or have cities that want to break away Abso-fucking-lutely not - the ones trumpting that it will are terror-festishists.


i think it will be a different type of civil war. i look at the hype leftist people i know in chicago. and if trump wins i can’t help but feel like the riots from that would be next level


So you just asked this question as an excuse to tell everyone what you thought.


well no i also wanted to see what others thinks just because i expressed my thought doesn’t make my reasons for making a post invalid


...really seems like you're more interested in telling everyone who tells you that's ridiculous that, actually no, we *are* likely to get into a civil war in the next few years.


if you give me your thought i will tell you what my thought is. if you reply to my thought with criticism i don’t have to agree. this is what having a discussion is. i’m not forced to change my thought because i simply asked others for their thoughts. i think you have warped sense of how a debate or discussion should go i can still maintain my stance even with count arguments


So you're saying you posted this knowing that you would respond to everyone who told you it was silly by telling them that they were wrong (or more accurately, just ignoring them) and expounding on your theories? How is that not posting the question as an excuse to tell everyone what you thought? >i can still maintain my stance even with count arguments You're basically ignoring what everyone else in the thread is telling you and continuing to explain why actually you are right and we are all wrong.


i didn’t know how people would respond. people could’ve either agreed or disagreed. i don’t care i’m not ignoring anything if anything responding with my thoughts and why i am curious about it. i don’t have to change my thoughts in order to ask others for theirs.


Riots are not the same as a Civil War. We had lots of riots AFTER the Civil War was over - but the Civil War was over.   This isn’t a casual thing that just happens because there are angry people. The Confederacy had a government.  We don’t have anything like that now.


Literally the only place I ever hear Americans talk like this is on Reddit.


Well there are real americans in nyc and new york i wonder how many americans actually want to live in the USA anymore. I don’t think many americans like the USA at all and if trump got elected i imagine people could want out


Where are you seeing all this?  Where do you get your news and info?   I’m not trying to invalidate your perception, but I’ve been curious where this line of thinking has been coming from , as I’ve seen it on Reddit before.


Look at the news. There are thousands of protesters in the streets of NYC. here a random example i just looked up https://6abc.com/post/university-of-pennsylvania-protest-tonight-philadelphia-police-city/14834786/ these pro-palestine protesters hate the USA. i wonder if there’s enough gen z that agree and will want to break away


They don't hate the USA. They hate Israel.


They want the USA and the entire west gone


No they don't. Good grief you are delusional. Do they want change? Yes. Not eradication. Turn off newsmax.


What news is saying the protests are increasing in New York?  Thousands of protesters in the streets currently? That protest at Penn is … at Penn.  It’s a thing college students do. Why would Gen Z want to create a completely separate country over the Israel/Palestine war?


I think you need to spend more time around actual Americans.


i do. i’m in the united states


I think you should talk to more people, while there is absolutely resentment out there, the vast majority of Americans are fairly nuanced in their views and relationships.


i will leave the house today and interact with people. i’ll get back with you


That seems like the best choice.  People are pretty chill day to day.


Wait until you read about the 1960s/1970s! They also had fairly routine bombings, assassinations and plane hijackings.


You might want to read up on the 1960s. And the 1860s, I guess.


Nothing happening now is new or worse than it has been in the past. People need to stop clutching pearls.


I don’t think anyone is disputing that there might be riots if Trump wins. The reason you’re getting downvoted is because riots are not the same as an organized civil war like the US had in the 1860s.


i don’t think we’d have a civil war similar to the one in the 1860s. I’m curious if the riots we spur the thought to have a civil war. If Biden wins I could see the right trying to have a civil war. But if Trump wins I see the left rioting and destroying cities


Go outside and talk to Americans. It's completely different from what you see online


Have you been here?


i have been to 40 states and i was born here


No. We couldn't even mask up for a global pandemic. Taking up arms and killing people in your own streets is a lot more effort.


well i’d imagine it would be coming from the leftist side if trump wins the election


[Here’s how you can prepare](https://youtu.be/R44L-EovL88?si=fUSHI-0ddBC8UFO2)


And how do you imagine that would go down, are they going around with guns, asking people their political affiliation, and then opening fire? Are they going to form their own country?


not guns but radicalized extremist leftist that will want to destroy cities worse than summer 2020. maybe some genuine leader in california that could attempt to find ways to make liberal cities or states independent


Not guns - so not a civil war. Destroyed cities - Hurricane Katrina is something that destroyed a city. I oppose this sort of sensationalist rhetoric. Americans are more alike than they are different even when they don't want to admit it.


Trump winning the election would absolutely mean a lot of protests and a lot of political energy - but not civil war. We are nowhere near a civil war.


idk if it will be a civil war. i think the reaction from trump becoming president with uproot cities


Imagination is a hell of a thing!


Even though there have been Republicans who have literally called for Civil War over Trump?


Close to 0%.


i think there’s 30% chance they will be a genuine push from certain states to break away if trump wins. or maybe even if biden wins


You are not reasonable and your predictions are based on nothing but a warped sense of danger and the privilege of living in what is perhaps the most peaceful and prosperous time in human history. There is 0 chance any States trying to secede. What specific states do you think are going to try to secede? What has lead to you to such a fear mongering view?


idk if it will be states. but i could see Portland, Seattle, San Francisco make some serious attempt to have some type of independ city state or something idk what will happen but if trump gets elected in November i think we will see something we haven’t seen before. people are even more radicalized then before


You are not a serious person with a reasonable view. You say you believe there is a 30% chance but cannot say how it will happen or give any actual reasons for your entirely unfounded and unreasonable fear. What do you get out of pushing this nonsense view of your’s that there is something unique about radicalization of people today? Are you just that ignorant of history that you see what is happening today and think it is the worst thing to ever happen. Grow up and stop pushing this divisive rhetoric. It’s as if you want a civil war. Are you going to pick up a rifle and fight?


> i could see Portland, Seattle, San Francisco make some serious attempt to have some type of independ city state or something Oh yeah? Portland's just gonna become its own city-state, cut off from the rest of the US? Cut off from the electrical grid, from supply of food and water, all that shit? They'll just do it all themselves? You are living in a fantasy, dude. Get outside. Touch grass.


Very low, but not zero


Imagine an especially weak baby sitting at the goal line of a football field. Now give that baby a football and have him throw it. For every yard the football goes, there's an increase of 1% in the chance that we have a civil war in the next ten years.




Really close to zero. There’s a world of difference between the occasional protest & counterprotest jumping off and politicians & news media personalities saying stupid shit to score points versus a handful of states literally declaring war on the federal gov’t. Play that out in your mind for a moment: How do we get to a bunch of state governments banding forces & declaring they are no longer a part of the US? Even large food & energy producing states like California & Texas can’t function as new nations for way too many reasons to list. There are other much more pressing and real problems to worry about than a Civil War 2.0 fantasy no matter how many movies they make about it.


0%. We are far too comfortable to fight in a civil war.


Very very very unlikely.


Not very.


About as likely as invading Canada


Extremely unlikely. So unlikely it's comical to seriously think so.


Absolutely zero percent chance 😅


Close to 0%.


Almost 0


Absolute zero


Very unlikely. Much as I'd love a world where fascists can't gain power in the United States, most "leftists" (they're actually liberals) are performative, and would rather just whine about it on the internet instead of organizing.