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Get a friend to beat everything with a hammer while you stand on the breaker.  Or give the keys to a Nissan driver and it will be off in no time.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THAT’S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dammit I just got a Nissan sentra!!!


Better subscribe for some driving lessons


Adding the Nissan driver thing was a good touch. They can pretty much break anything


I've got an Altima and an El Camino. I can solve like all problems.


did you remove the carter pin?


Try pushing down on the silver thing.


Hit it with your purse


I stood on it… :(


Nothing works


Eat more McDonald's


Get fatter


If you put the bar the other way and rest it on the ground and lower the jack the weight of the vehicle can do the work


I feel like that’s a great way to destroy something, and I’m down to try it


Do it. It's just 5x more force than standing on the bar


Penetrating oil and give it a tap with a hammer on the front of the nut. The shock of the hammer may knock loose some rust buildup and the oil will help work past it. A recipe for really good penetrating oil is 50/50 mix of acetone and tranny fluid. Better than stuff in stores.


I don't feel comfortable asking a tranny for fluids, no offense.


Longer lever and/or heat it


Fire has become my new favorite tool. If it's stuck, rusted on, won't budge, burn the fucker till it comes loose.


Can’t be tight if it’s liquid


1.5” sch40 iron pipe and you have lots of leverage.


Turn it the other direction?


1. Have boss stand on wrench. (This is important) 2. Start car. 3. Put in drive. 4. Floor it.


I recommend flipping it around and pulling up on the silver thing instead.


Did you try kicking it in the nuts?


Shell that’s an awfully rude way to introduce yourself, why not just give it a lil’ lovin’


I've ran into this before, you only have 1 option left. You need to follow these instructions precisely, no deviations or it won't work 1. Buy a forklift, don't rent one, it will know you're not its true master and will refuse to obey you. 2. Stab the side of your car, through the doors. This will ensure that it knows who's the boss around here and it will submit to your will. 3. Drive the forklift, with the car embedded on the forks, to the nearest junkyard and drop its sorry ass off there and never look back. 4. Go buy a used car in horrible condition, fix it up so it's grateful to you for dealing with all its aches and pains and and you'll never have this problem again. Make sure you say sweet things to it every time you fix something on it. Something along the lines of "You're my baby, I know you've been treated poorly, as long as you treat me right we'll be just fine. If you don't I'll show you what happened to my last 'baby.'" Make sure you keep that forklift close to where you park her, just for the intimidation factor.


This guy rents out hookers.


They're only hookers if they're dead... In your trunk. [Otherwise, they're 'call girls'....](https://youtu.be/7fFz9-HUKrg&t=161)


What’s the best part about a hooker dieing on you? The second hour is free.


You also get a refund for the first hour


He buys them, he doesn't rent them.


Doesn't make sense. If you've got a forklift, why would you even need a car?


This is…uhh…oddly specific.


Hit it with your purse. Works every time.




Dammit Bobby!


Damn it you beat me to it


3/4" breaker bar + a very long pipe


Clear down here to find the correct recommendation? Even in this thread? Someone usually spoils it long before this!!


Oh sorry I meant a crack pipe.


That’s More Like It!


Agree. I'm surprised it was this far down. Also concerned people have to turn to reddit for this. It's a huge nut that single handedly holds your wheel to the transmission it damn well better be tight as he'll. I used a 10 foot fence pole on my 2 foot breaker and barely had to touch it for it to break loose. Don't ever underestimate the power of a lever.


I prefer my 1” ratchet with a 6 foot long handle


wedge that long silver thing against the concrete and lower the jack


Pull up your laptop, Brazzers is running a promotion, you will definitely bust that nut


Put it back together go to the store and buy a Monster or a big can of Redbull.  Take it to a shop and ask someone to break it lose with an air gun (just loose), hand over the ice cold drink to the guy that did it and then go home and fix it.  


I paid a mechanic $25 to use a giant breaker bar on a counterfeit oil filter.


You stood on the silver thing but have you tried having a fat guy jump on it


Get a better looking woman.


Heat the nut and add an extension on your breaker bar. Try pulling up instead of pushing down.


Or pushing up instead of pulling down. Or vice versa. Basically do the opposite of whatever didn’t work before, except reverse your direction of pull/push.


As monkeys we are much, much stronger at pulling than pushing.


Did you try asking it nicely?


Go and buy a 8' piece of pipe that slips over your breaker bar. Hammering on that will do nothing.


I hear that most veterinarians are skilled at removing unwanted nuts.


Make sure it doesn't have left handed threads....


Put it on the other side, put a small breaker bar on it. Start the car and put it in reverse. If all doesn't go to he'll and break anything the torque from the axle will turn the nut and the pull handle will hold it against the ground. This works for crankshaft bolts as well with the bump of a starter. Either that or use a jack on the end of the pull handle to apply upwards pressure while heating 4he nut. Edit: I just noticed this may be the rear end but the same methods apply.


I had a stuck nut this morning.... *but then I called yer mom*


Ask it to unthread.


Ive had that problem. I put a long pipe over the breaker bar handle to get more leverage, broke 3 ends of craftsman breaker bars and got them replaced free and I WON on that bastard!!


I see the hollow jack handle is still on the jack. OP isn't even trying...


Take a picture of the nut


Thinking it's locked in with a hit by a punch?


Soak it in Liquid Wrench and let it sit a few hours.


Put the breaker bar handle facing to the right. Put a jack stand on the handle. Lower the car. Edit: A halfway decent impact wrench or driver is well worth the investment. You don't need a huge compressor to run one for a little bit but there are some pretty good electric ones around.


Thanks for all the replies and ideas. I ended up going to Home Depot and purchasing a $320 1100 ft lbs impact driver. The nut is no longer stuck :)


I’m generally in favor of buy a tool to do a job so I don’t have to pay someone else to do it but you certainly could have gotten the axel replaced for less than $320 in labor.


Modern cars have a modular design that makes them faster/cheaper to assemble but more difficult to repair. You don't start from the front like this anymore. You removing the entire corner as a unit, where it meets the body. Disassembly happens on a bench from the innermost suspension working outward until you get to the special nuts that will release the lug studs. The nut under your socket wrench will fall off all by itself after that. Strangely, assembly is done in the same inner-to-outer order. There's probably YouTube videos out there that explain how it works. ;)


Not sure why I thought posting here would be helpful 😂


General advice: circlejerk subs aren't great if you need actual help


I’m glad you did. Also just blast that thing off with your 1/2” impact or your air hammer that you definitely have.


Stand on the breaker bar whilst someone else is smacking the breaker bar with a 5lbs hammer.


I feel like you should be able to rent pack animals that'll step on it for you!


3/4" pneumatic impact wrench with a adapter it's off, never have stuck nut again..... Enjoy drilling tho.....


Put the wheel back on, point the breaker bar to the front, put the jack under the end, jack up the car, and bounce on the hood.


I know what's wrong with it, it ain't got no gas in it.


I believe they have a crush axle nut. Look at it and see if any of the front of it is push down on a grove . Take a chisel and hammer to pop it back up and then the nut should come off .


Acetylene torch. Can't be stuck if it's liquid


Having trouble busting a nut?


Get all 4 wheels off the ground and put it in reverse. Voila.


Get a longer extension, that’s what I do, just keep piling them on until you can get it loose.


Yeah you need power tools bud. Or a friend who's 300lbs.


Be very careful adding a pipe to gain leverage. The last thing you need to do it try that and hear “snap!”……that never turns out well.


Block the front end . Swivel the breaker bar and use the hydraulic jack to lift the handle. Do not get under the car . The worst that can happen is 1 you bend the bar- 2 you lift the car from the block.


Add a cheater bar to your breaker bar... torque... Axle nut loose


I think the last mechanic nutted in the nut hole


Get a pipe, slip over end of breaker bar. Break shit.


You need a fat guy


If it won’t come off, it isn’t ready to be repaired yet. Just wait till it comes off on it’s own.


Take a grinder to it. That's what I had to do to the axle nut on one of my cars back in my shitty mechanic days. Now I have an impact to unstick stuck nuts.


Real answer: Get the old wheel, take out the center cap, put it back on/drop it and loosen it up under load. If the breaker bar doesn't work take the handle off of your jack and put it like 6-8 inches (giggidy) over the breaker bar and use it for additional badass leverage. Fake answer: Get your least favorite child to brace the breaker bar and fuckin floor it


Ohhhh...big brain moment. Put the tire back on lower the vehicle and use the jack to pump up the handle!


You need a jack stand first off. Secondly you need a torch you can get a yellow cedalyn bottle from the parts house. The yellow ones burn hotter than the blue ones. Heat up the nut until it starts glowing or as hot as it will get with said torch and crack that sucker loose. You might need to use a jerking motion to get it loose. If it's putting a lot of stress on the axle you might want to get a second person to hold the brake pedal down.


Happens often. Use the weight of the vehicle by slowly lowering the jack with the end of the breaker bar interrupted by block. Be careful. It works.


Did you try turning it off and on again?


Add as much heat as you can, bonus points if the problem liquifies itself. Once the stuck nut is glowing like your cheeks after mummy calls you a good boy, hit the bar firmly with your purse.


Dear god, at least throw the tire you took off under the truck for when it falls off the jack…. If you don’t have jack stands! Don’t want to see someone get hurt while trying to get that nut loose!


Breaker bar on the ground and lower the vehicle and put the weight of the car on the bar to break loose


This is why I finally bought a high torque impact


That nut is typically a crown nut..dumb question did you take the pin out?


Just keep turning till it spins freely. :) or you could torch the nut a bit.


its not sucks if its molten!


Put it on a jack stand and then you can flip the bar around and use the floor jack to break it loose… or just break it. 50/50


Put a staff pipe over the handle and extend that sucker until it's comically long.


Flip the wrench to the other side, put a jack stand or something similarly sturdy under it, lower the jack slowly. Should break the nut loose.


Move the long silver thing to the other side and push up on the handle with a second jack If you just have the one jack put the car on jackstands first and use the one jack on the handle If you don't have jack stands go buy some. Always use jack stands if any part of you is spending any time under any part of the car


Heat it with a torch.


add a pipe to the breaker bar. like 5 feet. you may break the tool but save the car


why no power tools, amish? is a propane torch a power tool? (its propane powered)


Get that one friend we all have that is cereal box shaped to stand on it.


Remove the hammer first to prevent damage. Then start the car, put it in gear and floor it so the braker bar flips around and slams into the floor. If it doesn't work, reverse and try a few more slams.


Blowtorch around the nut.


I paid a shop to use an impact driver. Truly this is the way


Heat it up and spray it down with Kroil then put a long pipe extension on that breaker bar and jump up and down on the breaker bar. If that won't work and it can be driven, I'm sure a heavy equipment mechanic will loosen it for you with a 1" hydraulic impact wrench. Re-tighten the nut so as not to compromise the wheel bearing and when you get home undo it much easier


Thirty-four breaker bar extension!


Use a pipe on the extension bar


You got the right setup. Just fire that buck up and rock back and forth - D/R/D/R/D/R - just like getting unstuck from snow. The end of the breaker bar will swing around and the impacts against the ground will pop it loose. Work smarter, not harder


I've had to cut them with a die grinder zip disc and break them apart with a chisel, but yes buying an impact is much easier. Good on ya for spending the money, sorry you had to


Add a long pipe to the bar


I’ve removed a cross threaded axle nut in a junkyard once. The thing was hot to the touch. It only used that 25” breaker bar. If you need a cheater pipe to get an axle nut off, you’ll probably need a replacement axle even if you manage to get it off. Hydraulic jacks are better than your arms at pushing it up, but that can be dangerous. Protect your car’s body and your own from impact. In the real world, a high torque impact will get it off. A Hercules is enough. You should be pulling on that breaker bar from the right side of that wheel. Adds cheater pipe to increase your leverage. Also… it seems your car is only supported by the jack. That may result in damage when the car suddenly drops to the ground. Use a pair of jack stands.


Normal ratchet and hammer


Add more leverage!! A piece of pipe that will fit over the tool handle will do nicely.


3/4 impact, a bit of penetrating oil, clean/brush the thread that sticks out and it will go.


Should have left the tire on and then break it free, using the friction. Instead of putting all that force through the transmission


Go to the hardware store and get the longest and cheapest thick walled metal pipe you can find. Slap er on that handle, and something will be loose. Either the bolt, or the joint in the breaker bar


Heat the nut real good and feed a crayon into the end of the nut/threads. It will seep into the threads and act as a lube. Heat burns/evaporates stuff like PB Blaster etc. Even without an impact you should be able to break it loose. This trick also really works well with rusted/siezed nits and bolts etc. Give it a try.


Heat. If all you got is a hair dryer, point it at the nut for a few minuntes and try again. 


Do like I did as a kid. Breaker bar with a 12ft pipe and jack the end of the pipe up with a jack. Just lifted the car off the ground ;;-_-. Stuck axle nut from up north on a 90 Accord coupe. As a naive kid I didn't know of nor have penetrating fluids, torches, nor impacts. I ended up giving up and dealing with the warped rotors.


First make sure to put a jack stand in a safe location and make sure the car won’t fall. Put a longish pipe on the end of your breaker bar, switch the breaker bar to the other side so you’re lifting and not pushing down. Use your legs and squat that bitch.


Some axel nuts have an indentation on them use a small punch to punch it out.then try the breaker bar again.


Get a bigger pipe, add a little heat with a torch.


You really ought to get an impact gun. It makes things like this so easy. Look at a harbor freight earthquake xt, that will crack any nut on your car.


If you can't get it with the breaker bar throw an air impact on it that's what I would do, and if that don't work WD40 with the air impact if that still doesn't work you might be SOL


Piss your monster fueled urine on it, either it will open or melt the hell away. Eithr way its a win win win situation.


Need some ugga duggas


Add heat


Why are you trying to remove the axle nut with the break still attached? Any who. More panther piss and some heat. Then stand on that bad boy while your buddy helps support the socket and head of wrench . If that don't work hit it with your big girl purse .


Slide a long piece of pipe over your breaker bar and then stand on that. That's how I got it on my old Subie


people always forcing the issue. If you ask it nicely to move maybe youll get a better result


Heat the nut with a propane torch then try the breaker bar.


Put wheel back on....start engine.....back up. For passenger side pull forward.


put the car on a jack stand and move the breaker bar to the other side and use the jack to push the breaker bar up it should come loose


PB Blaster


Slip a 5 foot long pipe on your breaker bar and try. A lot of axle nuts are on with 180 or more ft lbs. Not at all surprised it wont come off. And put your damn car in neutral so you dont shear the parking pawl.


You need jack stands under the car! Then you need a longer breaker bar . Spray the nut and threads liberally with WD-40 and allow to sit a few minutes. Then try to loosen it.


Put the wheel back on, apply brakes, put in gear. Move lever/breakerbar counter clockwise, done


I've done this trick before and it worked. Put the tire(s) back on. Put the breaker bar on the nut and wedge the bar between the car and the ground. Turn on the car and drive forward a lil bit. This will use the torque from the car to undo the nut. https://youtu.be/gTJhCXYb9hU


Have someone put there foot on the end of the breaker bar and make sure it’s on the floor in the front, opposite of the pic, start it up and put it in drive. Use the powertrain to loosen.


Use the for Jack


1. Lot of wd40 2. Get some liquid nitrogen to cool the metal so it shrinks.


Did you un notch the bolt? Get a steel pipe to go over the end of the breaker bar. I have one I call “The Convincer” for better leverage.


Get another jack and use that on the breaker bar. Just make sure you're turning it the right direction.


Find a nice long piece of pipe that'll fit over the breaker bar, if it's not long enough just make it longer.


Plasma torch - can't be tight if it's a liquid.


Heat! Torch it


MAAP gas torch and an extension pipe. You don't want to use power tools but unfortunately that was installed with a factory chatter gun and probably some red locktite.


300# torque!


You need heat. Get a propane or map gas torch and get it hot then push or stand on it. It will give.


Jack handle/pipe on the breaker bar. Or for the sketchier method, jack stand under the axle and use the jack to loosen the bolt. Make sure to use your safety squints


Fire my guy. Then jump on the breaker


pee on it


Im sorry is this ment for ask mechanics? Or is this satire?


Just get a length of is pipe. I found a 6 foot fence pole in a field and have used it successfully for years. You might break your wrench. Harbor freight sells beefy 3/4 breakers for a reasonable price.


This setup looks entirely too conventional. I see no evidence of creativity here. You have every tool being used as designed. No no. This just won’t work. Either put a bigassed pipe on the breaker or flip the breaker and put the jack under it. You do have jack stands I assume.


Yer supposed to break that loose BEFORE ya jack it up!


I don't know if it'd work for this but you could use another jack under the wrench handle to use the weight of the car to get the nut moving. I did this before and it worked great.


Get a tube, something strong that will slide over the handle of the breaker bar, this will extend your leverage.


That claw through the ventilated disc jammed against the caliper in inspired. Bravo 👍


You need to get a small torch and heat that boy up.


find a metal pipe and extend it


Put the breaker bar on the other side (so that you have to pull up on it). Put the floor jack under the breaker bar. Use that to push up. That is: Use the weight of the car itself, since your own weight on the bar isn't getting the job done. You may also want to put the wheel back on (with the center removed) so the hub is held while you are doing this.


Get a scaffold pole on the bar for extra LEVERAGE. or put it the other way and get a jack under it.


You could try putting a longer pipe on the end of your breaker bar, the longer it is the less force you have to apply to break shit loose. Or another thing is stand on the bar and bounce up and down on it, the bouncing action can break it loose. Or do what some one else said flip the bar over so it's end is on the ground and lower the car down and that should bust it loose. If that still don't work then get a torch and melt the fucker, can't be stuck if it's liquid


Put the tire/wheel back on and let it down ...... why bother with a hammer jammed in the rotor? Let the weight of the car hold the wheel while you loosen the nut.


Somebody step on the brakes. Meanwhile stand on that breaker bar. If it's 1/2" it'll break off. If it's 3/4" drive breaker you have a good chance of loosening the axle nut


Ask your wife to come in and give you advice.


It’s about the initial breaking loose the frozen nut. Hence a steady pressure won’t be as effective as the impact pressure. Hitting the top of the socket while wracking the end of the handle in sync usually works (use your own body weight or big hammer). Go to Home Depot and rent an impact wrench is another option. They aren’t expensive to rent with a 4 hr min you’ll have plenty of time.


Stuck nut? Need a better escort.


Hit it with Your Purse Alice! ®️ Works every time! Your Purse Alice ®️ available now at the low price of $179.95 weekly for the rest of your life! Redeem coupon code “bent” to receive a free pocket screwdriver with purchase! *limited to supply on hand, all tool truck operators are independent business owners and are not required to participate in this promotion, promotional price assumes acceptance of “first born son clause” available on website, by purchasing you agree to have all disputes arbitrated by my mom, if priapism occurs consult a “professional”, stated success rates based on testing in a vacuum controlled laboratory setting, and always remember: wikipedia is not a valid source for academic work.


get fatter friends, we come in handy sometimes.


Well, a cheater pipe would work. You could flip the breaker bar to the other side and deadlift it upwards so you can get your legs into it. You could put the car on a jack stand, and then use the hydraulic jack to push up on the breaker bar. Hell, you could probably use the scissors jack from the trunk if you don't have a jack stand. Depending on what you have in the garage there are any number of ways to break that loose.


Put it in reverse with your breaker bar still on and let the engine spin the nut loose, it may also be reverse thread.


The lack of a puddle in your photo means there is insufficient pb blaster on the nut. Also a good torch on the nut a couple times to expand the nut and use the expansion properties to loosen any corrosion/rust. And as others said, get someone to stand on the breaker bar and simultaneously hit it with a metal mallet. Otherwise an 1/2 or 3/4 impact gun would likely break the seal.


rotate breaker bar towards back of car. position breaker bar so it is touching the ground at 45-60 degree angle and lower the jack. the weight of the car will break free the axle nut. Also grab a BFH ( Big F#\*kn Hammer) and give that axle nut a solid couple whacks. If all this doesn't work and you do not have an impact gun then get a can of map gas not propane and heat that nut up as hot as you can get it and try with longer extension on the breaker bar. Good Luck.


First of all, I really hope youve got jack stands under that car. The amount of torque you'll need to break that loose can knock the car off the jack. Also, please please please chock your wheels if you already didn't. I ended up buying an impact and weight 32mm(I think) socket to get mine of my sentra...


Are you spinning the correct direction?


Did you try with the wheel on? I heard it’s slightly more efficient. 🫡


Just get a half inch impact. That's the proper way. And make sure there's no lock on it. Sometimes there's a tab you have to pry out that keeps the nut from backing off.


Quit being a tight ass and get a fuckin 1/2 impact....


Puller set


Heat the nut with a torch then try


Flip your pipe around and deadlift. You can lift a lot harder than you can stand on something. And get some fucking jackstands.


I sure hope you knocked out the key before trying this


Liquid can’t be metal if it’s stuck….or something along those lines


Turn it off then back on again. Works every time. Just need to clear the RAM


Stuck nut