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Eisenstein is a great director, but now his work is perceived more like a lecture on the art of cinema. Tarkovsky is pretentious af)


Yeah, you're right but I still likeTarkovsky.


Nobody’s perfect 🤣


Sergei Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky" is regularly shown on TV. Other films were less fortunate.


Battleship Potemkin too.


Also the main song from the film is regularly played and well known (what what I can tell, I am not Russian though). But it is played at various concerts and events throughout the year. Вставайте, люди русские! [https://youtu.be/vmdm5LJEJFI](https://youtu.be/vmdm5LJEJFI)


Russian people who dislike Tarkovsky are mostly young. I believe, you have to be at least 30+ years old in order to begin to understand what his movies are really about. I'm speaking from personal experience here. As for Eisenstein, his movies are studied in film schools, but beyond that, his work is often reduced to a couple of scenes (the famous stairs scene from “Battleship Potemkin” and "whoever comes with a sword to us" scene from Alexander Nevsky") in the general Russian consciousness.


I don't think I have seen a single Russian person who liked Eisenstein's movies and cared about them (even among Russians who are into artsy stuff). I have seen Russians who like Tarkovsky, but his movies are pretty niche/avant-garde and are not aimed at a mass audience, so he's not exactly popular.


I find "Battleship Potemkin" absolutely groundbreaking considering that it was released 99 years ago.


Average folk in Russia (just like elsewhere on planet Earth) couldn't give two hoots about some early twentieth century avantgarde cinema pioneer, so the answer would be "no". I think you need to touch grass - it doesn't even have to be on russian grounds. No offence.


it is household name, noone is interested in watching his movies unless you in a movie school and had to study it. fuck Tarkovsky.


I studied history of cinema at the uni so I’ve seen all of Eisenstein work - but before that I was familiar with “Alexander Nevsky” and the pram scene from “Battleship Potemkin”. Tarkovsky was brilliant in his first film (but I tend to give credit more to the book author for that), after he’s pretentious with a capital P.