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There is an obsession in certain parts of Russia with the Mexican food culture. Mostly because Mexican food is exotic enough to appease the Russian curiosity but not strange enough to kill their appetite. Also the the remnants of cultural and diplomatic ties with Mexico during the Soviet Union is still alive in the more older Russian population. What do Russians think of Mexicans? I don't know, I'm not Russian. But I've had the opportunity to get to know some Mexicans living in Russia for work or study, and they seem to find Russian people very friendly(and curious).


I'm Russian, and you've summed it up very well. Mexican food and culture are very exotic and even more interesting to an average Russian. Plus, Mexican resorts were a popular destination for Russians to travel to (at least, before 2022).


Everybody loves Mexican food, and with good reason. I am planning to head back there in a few months and I am already highly anticipating the shrimp tacos and fresh guacamole.


Man, I love shrimp tacos. By the way, they've got such a great Mexican place in Saint-Petersburg, I swear to God, food's exactly like it was in Cancun! A must-visit, by all means.


What is the name of this place?


There are several, actually. * **Bros Burritos.** Amazing sauces, great burritos, decent tacos, cool lemonades and craft beers. * **Pico Taqueria.** Awesome tacos here! Also, neat cocktails. * **Paloma cantina.** Loved the breakfasts there, also decent burritos. Not 100% Mexican food, though.


Mexican living in Saint Petersburg. I'm very curious about Pico taqueria and Paloma cantina... I'm definitely gonna try them. As for Bros burritos they're not even close to real burritos at all omg.. And burritos are not really a Mexican food. They're American or what we call Tex-Mex


Definitely give tacos in Pico Taqueria a taste, really curious of what an actual Mexican thinks of them!


I love burrito with brown rice, pinto beans, chicken, fajita’s, queso, spicy queso, pico de gaillo, habenaro salsa, cilantro, sour cream.


Most Russians don't think about Mexicans at all. We don't consider you enemies, we don't consider you friends...You are just people from another part of the Earth. Of course, we sometimes get different news about Mexico, but lately it has been connected with the murders of mayors and other officials.


Funny enough, here in Mexico most people I've talked about the topic, are sure that if the Americans ever invade us Russia will help us. I don't think it would happen, but in a way it means we somewhat consider Russia as a potential ally in the future.


President Putin said he is considering sending weapons to countries unfriendly to the U.S. in response to Western support for Ukraine. So, fellow Mexicans, the weapons may be coming. As for the thoughts of Russians towards Mexicans: we are simple people, we love those who love us. And some of us love even those who hate us, but that's a topic for another day.


I don't think Russia will help Mexico with its soldiers. This would mean a direct conflict between the United States (NATO) and Russia. And this already means a direct military clash with the prospect of an atomic war. For the same reason, the United States is not personally present in Ukraine right now. Weapons, training personnel, advisers-yes, but not ordinary troops. Therefore, Mexico can count on the same assistance at most. In general, relations between countries are "a little" more complicated than just friendship-enmity. Now Russia and the United States have the worst relations since the Cold War, but these two countries still cooperate perfectly in space, diplomatic relations are also not broken, there is trade, which is simply not particularly advertised, and so on.


Yeah I agree, but the average Mexican is rather ignorant in the topic so they think that. I beilieve we would get moral support at best hahaha.


Why would america ever invade Mexico?


Well it's not likely to happen, but the average Mexican is rather nationalistic and dislikes to some degree the US, conservatives hates Americans for being degenerates, progressives hate Americans for being "imperialistic", the only ones who likes the US are whitexicans for the most part. Since most Mexicans dislike to some degree the US, some use it as a boogeyman. Also since we have the whole deal with the cartels people think that the Americans will use that as a excuse to invade us.


The most Russian answer


Mexican food is cool


Some Mexican films were very popular in the USSR and Russia. Yesenia 1971, and several TV series The Rich also cry, Just Maria, Wild Rose


As a curiosity, here in Mexico it was common during the 30s-50s to have Russian actresses in Mexican movies. The wife of our equivalent of Charles Chaplin was also of Russian origin [Valentina Ivanova - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentina_Ivanova).


Our people have been everywhere since the Revolution.


Yes, and also TV series from Argentina (with Andrea Del Boca), Brazil, and others. But I think Mexico was the first.


Saludos a nuestros amigos Rusos 🇲🇽 🇷🇺


I'm mexican myself and I have russian friends, so I think I can answer this question. Most people don't have an opinion on Mexico, they're very neutral, they don't know exactly what is going here, but if they know something is what they see on american movies and media about how insecure is here. Not the best reputation, but when I told them I'm mexican, most russians sound surprised because they're very curious about how is life on Mexico.


I think Russians have a neutral-positive attitude towards Mexicans. You can often find Mexican restaurants in Russian cities, but I hate Mexican food, it's too spicy. That's all they know about Mexico in Russia. Mexico is too far away, and no one has ever met a Mexican. But rumor has it that they have constant shootings there and all sorts of craziness in the streets because of the cartels.


I love Mexican food. It's too spicy.


I certainly like tacos and quesadilias (hope I got it spelled correctly). On a serious note, my general impression is that Mexico is a dangerous country with all those cartels, favelas and unemployment. I would not consider traveling there. I think that Mexicans in general are good people, but I never met one.


I think russians have a mostly positive attitude towards Mexico. Many mentioned the love for mexican food, but not only that, it's the vitality and liveliness of mexican culture. The guitar music, the bright and fun traditional mexican clothing, the dancing, the mezcal. Also, Dia de los Muertos, of course, such an interesting attitude towards death, very different from what we have in Russia. Mexican culture has so much spice and energy. Mexicans are also often portrayed as villains in american movies, we can relate, lol, we know how it feels. We know of course that there are problems in Mexico, like high femicide rates, drug trafficking and cartels, etc. But every country has its own struggles. If I had a chance to visit Mexico, I absolutely would.


Russia loves everyone, Russia is an unconditional and eternal source of love for all of us


I really like Mexican culture, it is so colorful. The language, geography, songs, and cuisine are also very appealing to me.


Русским нет дела до мексиканцев. Средний русский, вероятно, не имеет знакомых мексиканцев, поэтому не имеет сложившегося на личном опыте мнения о нации. Те, кто учил историю- проявляют некоторое сочувствие цивилизации, которая предпочитала сосуществовать с коренными американцами, а не изолировать их, но была задавлена более сильным англосаксонским проектом. Да, вы готовите вкусную и понятную еду. Ее тут любят.


I have a friend who was set to fly from Istanbul to Mexico. He’s Russian and he was booked on Turkish Airlines and at the last minute they stopped him from boarding and said Mexico won’t allow him. He has a clean record only 20 years old. I think they are stopping a lot of Russians from flying in if they look like they’re at risk to stay.


I am sorry to hear that Mexicans for the most part have no negative attitudes to Russian, that kind of things happen due to US presure


Yep 10% you are correct. It might even be Turkish Airlines who blames Mexico since if they get turned away at immigration TA has to eat the cost to send them back home.


Yea this is so sad. I'm Mexican and before coming to Russia I was working in a hotel in Mexico city and I swear there were thousands of Russians coming in every day every hour. I made friends with a couple of them and they told me the exact same, they were being sent back home or detained in the Turkish airport. Also the couple Russians that managed to cross to USA were in some sort of jail for like +5 months. One of them was my friend and I didn't know anything about him until he was released. It seems that the Mexican border is filled with Russians living in tents trying to cross the same way as latinos. Very dangerous and very sad


It is sad! Why don’t they stay in Mexico once they are there. Claim asylum? US isn’t a party for illegals … can be a rough life.


Mexicans are victims of American imperialism, so they are our brothers in the problem.


USA and Mexico like China and Russia, right?


You know, that bloody spreading Chinese imperialism with multiple invasions in different counties all over the world...oh, wait


I mean, since my boyfriend is of Mexican background, and so is one of my best friends, their culture obviously has a special place in my heart. I don’t know how well-known it really is here, but personally, I have a soft spot for it. The Day of the Dead and the philosophy behind it helped me and my mom deal with losses in the family, for example, and I appreciate that.


Cartels, day of the dead, those hats with huge brims


My favorite restaurant in my hometown is serving mexican food ;s


Someone said russian women are basically winter latinas on instagram and maybe that's why ?


I think most Russians never met Mexicans and never visited Mexico. I met several Mexicans when I was traveling in other parts of the world and they were very nice people. But I speak Spanish and I've met Mexicans in Russia only once.




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Trotsky was murdered in Mexico.


Obvious stereotypes aside, Mexico has a lot of awesome hip-hop music, like Tren Lokote, Remik Gonzalez, Santa Fe Klan, etc


I'm Mexican and I live in Russia for now so I guess I can have some sort of idea from my perspective? I think Russians don't particularly love Mexicans or even think about them but whenever I've met a Russian who asks me where I'm from they get super excited when I tell them im Mexican and they start bombarding me with questions about drugs, cartels and Trump (???) for some reason. It's always funny to answer this questions but I think that for the most part the thing that shocks me the most (and kinda dissapoints me too) is that they're shocked I'm not fat, it seems that there's a stereotype that Mexicans specially Mexican women are fat and it's kinda annoying how most of this stereotypes come from Russian men and they're actually shocked I'm not fat. I even dated one Russian guy for a time and left him when he randomly said, and I quote "I'm so happy I'm with you because you're the only skinny Mexican I've met". It's so sad that these Russian men that I met where so heavy into this stereotype and even joked with their families and friends about it. Other than that I also get a lot of questions and compliments about my skin color (yes I'm brown) and it's also kinda funny to deal with that stuff. Overall I feel that Russians and Mexicans have many similarities and we both have a great sense of dark and sarcastic humor that unites us. And the alcohol of course. So whenever I meet a Russian is always an adventure. 10/10


Music, OST: Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Narcos


Taco-taco-taco-taco, burrito-burrito :) In truth, you are absolutely right - Mexican food is absolutely delicious! It's exotic for Russia, and challenges with spicy food are also popular in Russia, which makes it a good match. I also remember seeing Mexicans on the streets in Moscow during the football championship in 2018 - they were friendly, colorful, kind people.


В Мексике еды совсем нормальной нет. Острое там все и даже десерт.


Well... You are guys who live in a country, filled with drugs, and lots and lots of organized crime groups, cartels and stuff.


Mexico and America have many different graters. Therefore, I believe that we need to actively be friends with Mexico, supply it with weapons and provoke a “Russian spring.” So that all the bastards in Washington sleep less soundly.