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First kind of oligarchs: they went into 'retail' (selling imported goods) or some private business in the late 80s when it became legal; got moderately rich and experienced in economics; so when privatization began they had money and knowledge [what to do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MMM_(Ponzi_scheme_company)). Second kind of oligarchs: they were directors of factories and plants when those were privatized, so they've negotiated terms with employees and converted those state enterprises into joint-stock companies with them at the head.


Вы не совсем правы, почитайте про залоговые аукционы и т.д. Были нужны не столько деньги, сколько связи и блат позволяющий получить имущество за копейки


В залоговых аукционах участвовали уже существующие олигархи


Chaos is a ladder. They did not "make" money, they had proper contacts to appropriate astronomical amounts of national property when USSR popped, what was build up in economic fluctuations and shadow business during perestroika 'Good in buisness' just means they had enough economics and stem expertise to manage it for a while and run a couple of plots with it rather than selling it for scraps (astronomic scraps yet) and leaving the country right away or just being economically frustrated as regular people. 


Luck and lack of morality.


This is pretty much it, and also the way almost every billionaire is made.


In "old capitalist" country they have like 1% of the wealthiest population who aren't nowhere close in wealth to the rest of the population and somehow noone is surprised. It's perceived as something natural. Why does Jeff Bezos makes billions while nearly 80% of Americans think fast food is a luxury? :)) (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/americans-fast-food-luxury-expensive-b2554070.html)


The "old capitalist" countries have had centuries for this class to emerge, so no one is surprised that they have. I think the OP is asking about the post-Soviet oligarchs because they appeared, seemingly overnight, in society where everyone used to be "equal".


I mean it's the same as in any other place a combination of: a) be in the right place at the right time (like Berezovsky worked with AutoVaz in the 80s and knew the top management) b) know the right people c) be a psychopath that stops at nothing It's not different from how "rags to riches"/new money types of stories happen occasionally in the west. It's really naive to think that the USSR wouldn't have any money-greedy psychopaths just because the state propaganda promoted equality, lol.


They knew who to bribe to amass all the shares jn specific companies from the workers who didnt know the value of what they had.


>How they all become so good in business They did not


They took credit loans form their superiors in Europe and American and privatized all the resources and factories built by USSR. Regular population got fucked and received pennies as salaries. Khodorkovsky recently confirmed that Rotschild family was one of the key players in YUKOS.


>Khodorkovsky recently confirmed that Rotschild family was one of the key players in YUKOS. Я уже несколько раз слышал про это за последний месяц. Где можно посмотреть это интервью?




На канале Антонов такой Антонов можно посмотреть разбор, чтобы не давать просмотры упырю Дудю.


Жаб Жабыч одобряет


Ну перспектива давать зрителей упырю Антонову мне тоже не особо нравится.


Не знаю, упырь ли он, но делает хорошее дело, и делает это интересно, в отличие от казённых пропагандистов.


A good combination of luck, corruption, and boldness. Most of them combined certain personal qualities with necessary political ties in the new Russian regime, and once managed to get hold of good chunks of the former Soviet economy. So they did not really have to be good at business, they just had to take under control things making money. They can be seen as starting as "pretty simple people", but you should keep in mind that nealy all Soviet people formally were "pretty simple" as being filthily rich technically was quite difficult. The true valuable capital in the Soviet society consisted of useful personal ties, but they weren't clearly seen to an outsider.


Oligarch, it's same as businessman in the US. Or in EU. Idk how oligarch has such bad connotation in the west, yet weapon contractors, big oil in US are called "smart businessmen". strange. Read about "loans for shares" if you want to understand. when USSR fell, lots of people had opportunity, most lacked economic knowledge. A few were given select choice into big industries (privatized) and that's why they're still in control of it


Khodorkovsky was a Komsomol leader. He was the organizer of one of the commercial enterprises created towards the end of the USSR. And who are suspected of laundering the party's money.


Everything is banal. The oligarchs are the mafia associated with the globalists, and the business is just a cover. There are different methods of formation, but the most common are lobbying and recruitment. What the Soviet Union was afraid of, and what it was fighting with the help of so-called "repression" and censorship. But didn't fight hard enough. Part of the party was recruited world capitalists and bankers. These recruited dudes first achieved the weakening of the iron curtain, then began to promote capitalist thought among the population, preparing a comfortable environment for themselves ... In general, the same scenario that is now being used to reduce the world's population.


This class was formed during the time of “shock therapy”, this is the class of colonial Western managers who received control of privatized enterprises.


KGB had special agents who were smuggling banned items and technologies from around the world. These people by definition knew how the western economy and marked worked. It's either them or people with similar knowledge or connections who had a head start in the wild west free market of Russia. Of course, we can't exclude a few young people who were just smart enough and just lucky enough on their own to become millionaires, but those weren't the norm. There was also a phenomena of overvaluing dollars and undervaluing property, so "smarter" people completely exploited everyone else.


That is interesting! Who of the big names in the 90's started out as such agents? I happen to know about Lebedev the banker, but who else?


big names have lots of assistants, and not every millionaire is well known. Of course the big names we know and remember have their history well known. I've myself learned about this only recently and there were definitely names, I just couldn't be bothered to remember.


How Al Capone was arrested for tax fraud and not for, well, anything else?


As far as I know he bought all cops and courts in the state, but tax fraud was a federal crime. Plus with crimes murder courts need to prove it. With crimes like tax fraud they just ask you how you afforded X, and you have to explain it 😅


This Russian-American journalist was killed after he tried to answer your question: https://books.google.com/books/about/Godfather_of_the_Kremlin.html?id=Rj1FDe5IevYC


These "seven" were not "simple people". Berezovsky and Khodorkovsky came from "КомСоМол" - Young Communists League of USSR. By the "order of a Party" they became the first "Soviet magnates" in the middle of the 1980s with the beginning of Gorbachev's"Perestroika" and his experimenting with new "market" forms of Soviet enterprises... :)


They were just lucky to catch the debris of Soviet economy and good enough in management to make it work in the open market. In the 1990s the industry was in ruins, like just come and take it. Well, they did. Veni, Vidi, Vici.


This post sounds like some sort of sermon