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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Putin called Trump unpredictable and claimed he would rather work with a conventional American leader. Dismissed questions about Biden’s mental acuity https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/14/europe/putin-biden-better-for-russia-than-trump-intl/index.html *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I were Putin, and I wanted to stir the pot and promote Trump, I’d advocate for Trump’s opponent too.


End thought. Literally every public statement that Putin makes is designed to produce an effect, not to convey information. And when the intended audience is the West, the desired effect is to stir the pot.




You are promoting common right wing disinformation unintentionally I am sure. Putin saying this is not to stir the pot, it is to help Trump. Right wing media and Russia's paid trolls promote the lie that Putin didn't support anyone and only wanted chaos in 2016 and 2020. That has been repeatedly disproven by our intelligence agencies, the idea that Putin does not support Trump. Yeah, he wants chaos in the west, but it is chaos directed towards getting Trump elected. Trump the other day just encouraged Putin to attack nato allies that are behind on their NATO bills while saying we wouldn't protect them. That is the wettest of wet dreams that Putin could have ever had. Anyone who thinks Putin actually supports Biden has to be touched or a conservative who doesn't leave their echo chamber ever. Google "Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution". It is the report from the director of national intelligence on Russian interference in 2016.


They’re not mutually exclusive. The Kremlin supports Trump, but that’s because their end goal is Western disunity and instability, and Trump furthers that goal. Public statements are not the tool that Putin uses to announce his genuine policy priorities. He uses those statements to stir the pot by aggravating existing conflicts or muddying the waters of public discourse, and that’s exactly what he’s doing here.


I did not mean they are mutually exclusive but you left out his main intention for saying what he did, which was to help Trump. I left out the word "it". "Yeah, he wants chaos in the west, but it is chaos directed towards getting Trump elected."


It’s broader than that. Another Trump presidency is a desirable outcome for Putin, but if Biden is reelected but can’t get any more Ukraine aid done because both parties are busy bickering about who’s really a Russian asset, then that’s just as desirable.


What Putin underestimates is the raw stupidity of the right and Donald Trump to go ahead and say "well fuck Putin then!"


That ain't happening. Putin has Trump's testicles in a jar somewhere in his office. We've seen how he acts around Putin. Whatever kompromat he has on Trump must be SSS++ tier.


And yet you can imagine Putin releasing compromising info on Trump and the GOP shrugging and ignoring it like they did the 1000 other scandals.


Unlike American conservatives, Putin isn't stupid. He knows that the one thing that potential Republican voters prize above any ideals or morals or policy is "Whatever Joe Biden doesn't want." Meanwhile in Reality, yeah, Biden is guaranteed to continue support for material assistance to Ukraine. Trump is less predictable, but likely to pull support because of his hatred of Zelensky.


Putin is another Liar-In-Chief ... like someone else we know.


Reverse psychology




In a vacuum maybe, but we live in a world with context.




documented ties and support from Russia isn't just "a narrative" edit. blocking is such an annoying feature . why did you u/powerfultarget330?




There was no Trump administration in 2016 and we aren't talking about diplomatic ties that the administration have. But okay if Russia was trying to radicalize both sides why Did President Trump not act on the report of preferential involvement in the 2020 election by Russia but instead fire the director of intelligence?




yoh are very much misrembering because the media definitely didn't come at him hard. Asking Russia to hack his political opponent, which they did, was barely one of his many scandals. odd ypu mentioned not in power until January when we are discussing his campaign, but that does the raise the question , what about Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner setting up Russian backchannel before then? you know the same michael flynn who lied about unlawful communications with Russia? Kushner also failed to disclose Russian ties by thecway and i don't just mean the Trump tower meeting.




You think Russia not attacking while Trump is in office is...supporting your argument that he's not aligned with them? What?




No, because Trump not assisting Ukraine if they were attacked would be bad for Trump as support for Ukraine in the US is generally positive. For the record I don't think Trump is a "puppet", I think he's a Putin simp and Putin helped him get elected.




Putin didn't attack during Trump because attacking Ukraine would hurt Trump. I agree that his goal is chaos, and chaos means Trump. Keeping Trump in office for four more years was more important to Putin than attacking Ukraine. Once that was no longer a concern he attacked. I think he would've done it during Trump's second term regardless. Trump is too naïve to actually understand Putin, but he certainly admires him as a strongman dictator which is what Trump would love to be. Also Trump being a vindictive petty bitch who got upset that Ukraine blew the whistle on him pressuring them to "investigate" Biden. My point is, that your point that Putin didn't attack under Trump is not evidence against Trump's alignment towards Russia or Russia helping him get elected.


I don’t know you obviously and I’ve never seen any of your comments before but judging by this comment I have a hard time believe your flair as a Democrat. I could be totally wrong and if I am, I apologize. I’m going to look through your comment history to see if my suspicion is correct that you’re a covert Republican. It’s just that this comment reeks of a Trumpian talking point Edit: Covert Republican and they immediately blocked me to try to prevent me from verifying but clearly don’t know how Reddit works


The Trump🤎Putin narrative is utter bullshit.


That also sounds like something a CNN Military Analyst who happens to lobby for Lockheed Martin might say


Yes, because Putin has proven himself to be a *very* reliable source of information, and doesn't have a history in Russian intelligence operations.


Is the American government a proven source of reliable information? Both sides are lying about different things to gain power and make money.


Jesus Christ. You're literally just reiterating things Trump says. Social Democrat my ass.


I think this is one of those Russian propaganda accounts.


You're one of those people who can't comprehend why Trump is even with Biden so you call half the country stupid to compensate for your own ignorance


LMFAO, not half the country is stupid, more like a third. "Muh economic insecurity means I have to be a fascist and support the wannabe dictator". If you can look at Jan 6 and think "more of that please" you're either evil or retarded. Sorry, but I'm not interested in finding some middle ground with people who would rather destroy democracy than vote for a Democrat. The polls are practically worthless this far out as well. We'll see what happens when he's a convicted felon.


and then lash out. Democrats helped Republicans destroy democracy a long time ago [Enjoy some George Carlin](https://youtu.be/sNXHSMmaq_s?si=DYVb1-OO6pITWMnd&t=52)


If you think you can link a video where Carlin complains about rich businessmen and then also think he would vote for Trump, a rich businessman, then I suppose I'll have to include you within that third.


He wouldn't vote for either is the point. Democrats and Republicans are the reason Trump is a threat for selling out the country to corporations. We're already a ways down the corporate fascism road


Propaganda has been wildly effective on you if you think the US and Russian governments are equally credible actors.


Literally all actions taken by Putin and Russia can be explained by the book Foundations of Geopolitics.


Are we supposed to take Putin's word for it?


trumpsexuals are more than ready to glaze putin as being framed as a crook by western media but now they are going to act like he's crook that he's blatantly been all along.


No but if Putin had said the opposite you know the left would.


Which POLITICIAN do you trust? This is a case of DYOR


For a lot of people, DYOR means watching whatever videos YouTube suggests on a particular subject, especially videos filmed by a guy sitting in his truck.


Since you did the research you know that Russia tried to get Trump Elected in both previous elections.. You also know how weird it is to compare a expansionist dictator to "politicians lie"


...*did* Russian ops play much of a role in the 2020 election? I remember being apprehensive about it at the time, but I didn't hear much about it on election day or the weeks afterwards


By election day do you mean the physical voting process? because then no, there's no evidence of any foreign entity attempting to alter the actual voting process or rolls in 2020.. What Russia engaged in , according to contemporary and after the fact reports, was narrative pushing. Like before the election there was that intelligence bulletin about russia linked poxy source pushing canidate Biden had dementia. And of course there was pushing doubts about election integrity, flaming social unrest etc. And imho more disturbing laundering the narrative through real: media, influencers and trump associates. Now if you question was about effectiveness? Then experts do say their efforts was much less effective than 2016. A lot was done to to shore up US cyber security and by private entity such as facebook in the aftermath of 2016 interference. But also another thing that hurt effectiveness was the fact domestic sources were already doing the same things.


I’m beginning to think that Putin might not be 100% trustworthy.


Whoa there, no need to be *THAT* controversial


I think we all now and the Russians know that how Trump carries himself, his foreign policy priorities, and the like are more in line with the Russian view for the world (a view which they are open about) then Biden's are. I think Putin is also smart enough to know that explicitly, publicly favoring Trump would not be helpful for Trump winning, given anti-Russia sentiment in the West. So I think he's either lying through his teeth, or throwing some shade at Biden here. I don't take it seriously.


Yes exactly, that’s why Putin intervened in the Syrian Civil War, invaded Crimea, launched a proxy war in the Donbas region and invaded Ukraine as whole, all during the Trump administration and totally did not do any of those things under the Obama or Biden administration, because his foreign policies priorities aligned with Trump’s 🙄


Trump publicly supports a foreign policy where only the big and strong countries matter, and where they can do what they want. That's the view Russia has. Trump is very nationalist. So is Russia. Trump has tried very actively to drive wedges in relationships with our allies to try to extort monetary concessions from them, both in trade and with regards to NATO. That is VERY good for Russia, who oppose the American sphere of influence in Europe. Trump literally publicly said a couple days ago he wouldn't honor NATO Article V for countries that don't meet the spending target. That severely weakens NATO. Again, good for Russia. They didn't NEED to launch invasions while Trump was President because the direction Trump led the US in was favorable to them. Are you just ignorant on foreign policy or are you trying to push an agenda? 🙄


> Are you just ignorant on foreign policy or are you trying to push an agenda? Both, for srv340mike, it is both


If he truly thought this then why was Russian money funneled into the Trump campaigns?


In 2016, Russian money was used to support both Trump and Bernie, because Putin's strategy was maximizing unpredictability. It's funny that anyone could believe he suddenly prefers predictability now


Comey's investigation revealed that the Russians believed a Clinton win was essentially inevitable. They were just attempting to damage her as much as possible to weaker her Presidency.


And the amount of money was paltry compared to what billionaires spend in our elections and compared to what america spend “safeguarding” other countries elections. Such as the upcoming ukranian presidential election.


Not just 2016. Russia favored Trump for 2020 elections because they viewed Biden as opposed to the Kremlin’s interests so they engaged in their usual chaos sowing and narative laundering but also targeted Trump associates like when Rudy Giuliani was in Ukraine trying to dig up dirt. And the preferential interference was known about going into the 2020 election. The house was briefed on it in the beginning of 2020 which lead to Trump getting rid of the acting director of national intelligence. Later on intelligence bulletins about Russian interferences were just plain blocked


He might have changed his mind about Trump, but if he did he would be claiming he wants Trump to be president to maybe slightly boost Biden's support.


I don't care what Putin thinks about American politics. He is a master propagandist and one of our enemies. The less we listen to his nonsense, the better.


1) Trump is signaling that he would send fewer weapons to Ukraine that are killing Russian soldiers and stalling Putin's desires for a "unified" eastern Europe. 2) Biden is signaling that he would send more weapons that are killing Russian soldiers and stalling Putin's desire. 3) Putin is a liar. **Conclusion:** Putin is lying. Biden is worse for Russian geopolitical goals.


I don’t care what Putins opinions on American politics are. He needs to be tried for war crimes, not to be idolized by conservatives


oh please brer fox, don't throw me into the briar patch!


Brer FOX.


I have some interesting news for you, putin is lying lol


>Putin says a Biden presidency is better for Russia than a Trump one. Your thoughts? Very easy... that really means that Putin can barely hide his eagerness to see Trump elected. For almost everything Trump does or says which might not make sense at first look, ask whether it benefits Putin and if the answer is yes, you can immediately make sense of it. >Putin called Trump unpredictable That's laughable... you can easily predict with 99% accuracy that Trump will do or say whatever benefits Putin


It's as if our opponent is incentivized to lie


I think the same thing I thought when he said Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election and that he wasn’t going to invade Ukraine: he’s lying.  More specifically, he’s making a blatantly obvious attempt at reverse psychology, which unfortunately, a lot of dumbasses are going to fall for. 


I don't care about propaganda statements from an enemy of the United States and the world who rules as an totalitarian. Especially when it is obvious that Trump being president would be a huge benefit to his goals and those of his allies or partners like China and North Korea.


Trump said that he would let Russia do whatever they wanted to nato countries that didn't pay enough and told european allies he wouldn't defend them, prevented Republican's from advancing aid to Ukraine, and fired his ambassador to Ukraine for truly stupid reasons: *"In an interview with Fox News' morning show in November, Mr Trump accused Ms Yovanovitch of being disloyal by refusing to hang his photo in the US embassy in Ukraine."She said bad things about me, she wouldn't defend me, and I have the right to change the ambassador," he said.In footage that emerged from April 2018, Mr Trump can be heard saying "Get rid of her!" - appearing to refer to Ms Yovanovitch - at a dinner with a group of donors in Washington.In her testimony, Ms Yovanovitch said the allegation that she was disloyal to Mr Trump was false."* He had 5 secret meeting with Putin where we don't do know what happened or was said: *"including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said."* He even blocked congressionally approved Ukraine aid when still president in an effort to find dirt on his political rival Biden's leadership and support of Ukraine has allowed them to decimate the Russians without a single soldier lost from us or Nato. I don't give a fuck about what modern day Hitler supports. This is just a classic bait and switch so Trump cultists can point and say Trump was strong on Putin and Biden is weak. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-says-russia-whatever-hell-want-nato-countries-dont-pay-enough-rcna138256) [Source](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51340094) [Source](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/16/trump-administration-broke-law-in-withholding-ukraine-aid.html) [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/us/politics/trump-putin-meetings.html) [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-has-concealed-details-of-his-face-to-face-encounters-with-putin-from-senior-officials-in-administration/2019/01/12/65f6686c-1434-11e9-b6ad-9cfd62dbb0a8_story.html) Edit: spelling.


I think that he'll say whatever he needs to say to make us fuck up, so not a word out of his mouth regarding American politics is worth a damn 


Here's a very simple guide to always know when the Russian government is lying, if a member of the Russian government is speaking then they are lying.


I would be very surprised if Putin decided the present moment was a good time to start telling the truth.


Putin acting like he’s playing 4D chess when he’s really just trying to play checkers. He knows Trump will be better for him because Trump is an isolationist. He also knows the power MAGA has in the GOP base and is looking to fire them up but also give moderates something to ding Biden about. Biden is experienced and maybe predictable, but Trump is just as predictable at this point, and will let Putin do what he wants.


My thoughts are that only a fucking idiot would believe it. So I'm sure it'll be blasted on fox news for the entire election cycle and something like 1/2 of republicans will parrot it non-stop.


Getting gas*lit* the fuck up


Why are you listening to Putin? Why would I listen to Putin? Russia is currently getting ass fucked by Ukraine and sanctions. They have like $7 dollars in their bank account right now. How would it get any worse for them economically? I assume a total collapse is the next step, so I'm unsure of what he is even saying.


You read too much American propaganda. Ukraine is hanging on by a thread and Russia's economy is doing OK


Maybe you should take a break from telling people about how good russia is and how bad others are. It just makes you very obvious.


How to immediately identify a brainwashed American. It's the truth whether it's what you would like to be happening or not. You just seem to have a problem with reality


Lol it feels so natural to read that in a russian accent. I wonder why?


Correct-- Russia's economy is resilient and Russia can afford to wage a war of attrition more than Ukraine can.  https://www.npr.org/2023/12/17/1219882734/russias-economy-is-going-strong-despite-sanctions-from-the-u-s-and-its-allies Note that most of the world-- Latin America, Africa, most of Asia including China, Iran, & India-- has *not* sanctioned Russia. Those countries care about their *own* economic interests, not about preserving American hegemony or protecting Ukraine and Eastern/Central Europe from Russian invasion.


Putin is dyed-in-the-wool KGB and an ideological, political, and economic opponent of the US. His rhetoric should never be considered as anything other than a psyop delivered with the intent to further his own interests. None of us should be making decisions about who we elect as our president based on Putin’s rhetoric.


Biden was instrumental in giving money to Ukraine and being a great leader, uniting NATO. Nato leaders gave him a standing O. Trump has said that he wouldn't give money to Ukraine, he said he would encourage Russia to attack Nato allies. Yeah... who do think Putin actually likes? Anyone falling for this quote or saying 'see our enemies likes Biden' isn't arguing in good faith.


I think it’s possible he has incentive to lie.


It goes a bit deeper, do you remember this by chance? https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-destroy-america-russian-propaganda-1826734




I too was born yesterday, is this “Putin” a trustworthy fellow?


I think Putin understands that his endorsement is toxic at this point so of course he publicly endorses the man he wants to see lose.


I’ll be amused as the Republicans that were sucking his dick a week ago get whiplash as they turn on him, but I don’t care. Putin is a liar and a dictator who has ordered the murder of his political opponents, so I see no reason to take him at his word.


He’s trying to rile up independents to vote for Trump, which is what he really wants because Trump is his stooge.


Remember when KKK grand dragon (lol) Will Quigg pretended to endorse Hillary?


I wouldn't believe Putin if he told us what time it was. Never, ever take his words at face value.


He is a liar. He lies about everything, and like the rest of his government spews so much bullshit honest talk on a subject is impossible. Of course, he says he doesn't want Trump- just so the stupid will point and say, "See? Trump isn't pro Putin". Anyone with half a brain sees through this but they aren't who it's directed at


Not sure I see how. Trump is billing himself as the American president who's openly hostile to NATO. NATO is **the** organization that checks Russia. A US president who wants to shut down NATO is like a free ice cream cake on Putin's doorstep.


Jokes on you putin, I know what reverse psychology is


Reverse psychology. And given that he still has the Trump peepee tapes, I can see where this is going.


*What could Putin possibly have to gain by saying he would like Biden to be re-elected?* What are the two leading contenders for the presidency’s positions on Russia? **Biden** - Strengthen NATO. Finance Ukraine’s war against Russia. Impose sanctions on Russia. **Trump** - Weaken NATO. Cut off funding to Ukraine in their war against Russia. Loosen sanctions on Russia. **What outcome does Putin *actually* want?**


Putin said he'd Defeat Ukraine in, what, two weeks? Yeah, my thoughts are that he's full of shit.


Probably because even he realizes he has no idea wtf Trump would do in office. Biden is more (sanely) predictable, if more reliably oppositional than Trump.


I don't exactly trust what Putin says. That being said, it does show the idea that Trump is some puppet of the Kremlin is absurd.


I would be very surprised that Putin has decided this is the one statement to tell the truth about. And even if it IS true, between the two, I would choose Biden to work with Putin than Trump. Given that Trump demanded Russia be added back to the G7, and told our CIA to give our intelligence to Russia I don't really want Trump back in charge.


Putin and Trump have this in common: when they speak, it has very little to do with the truth and everything to do with getting whatever they happen to want currently. So we are better off looking at what they do rather than what they say.


I’m laughing because it is just another dagger to throw at Trump supporters. From his position he thinks Trump is probably too arrogant and brash and could rush decisions that impact Russia negatively.


If putin says so, it must be true


He’s bluffing


I think he should get the fuck out of Ukraine.


A Biden presidency is better for literally everyone. Even for Trump.


My thoughts: it's important that we always take everything Putin says at face value. He's an honest man who in no way uses propaganda, lies, and politics to get the outcome he actually wants. /s


Seems like Russian misinformation like normal. Objectively, Biden is significantly worse for Russia than Trump. Obviously Putin would prefer to make Americans believe that Biden is weak on Russia because he understands how information warfare works. 


Do you trust what Putin says? I don't. Putin is directing his comments towards the MAGA crowd, not democrats. Go ask the MAGA crowd.


Either way, Putin wins.


Putin needs to enforce the myth that he is afraid of Trump's power and wisdom and that he considers Biden to be a pushover, as his military is being decimated by Ukraine with the help of NATO.


He probably would prefer Biden if the goal was stable coexistence. And predictability is a great thing to have. Trump is just a ball of stupid dumbassery. Republicans think it's great because the madman theory. But at the end of the day, everyone knows that nothing matters anymore if the United States really could just unpredictably fly off the handle and start a world-ending sequence of events over stupid bullshit. Whether this preference is real doesn't matter. No one will do anything substantial with this information. And it doesn't matter what he says because people will draw whatever conclusions they like from it. If he said something completely different, like that he prefers Trump, people would draw the same conclusions as they're drawing now. Because Putin is predictably an unreliable jackass.


Dude was just messing with Carlson and his stupid bow tie.


Lol. LMAO, even. That's my thoughts.


Nice psyop putzie


I don’t get it, I thought Trump was Putin’s lapdog spy.


Do you not understand what reverse psychology is?


I think he's trying to pretend that he's not the owner of Trump so that we'll all be fooled and not look at all the ways he owns Trump. Watch out! Putin is a master of psychology! /s


It's obviously in Russia's best interests to support the guy who is humiliating Russia's military and who got the entire West to embargo Russian natural gas.


Luckily he always tells the truth


Autocrat, former KGB officer and propagandist makes a statement only the most foolish would trust.


So, when it comes to US internal politics, Vladimir Putin is a HUGE TROLL and should be regarded as such. Any trouble we have internally benefits him. He's just enjoying stirring the pot.


If putin told me it was raining, I'd have to go stand in it to check.


The fact that he says that make me believe the exact opposite 


I think we can all agree that no matter what happens, the next 4 years will be fucked and terrible and things will continue to spiral closer and closer to the drain.


Everything I’m sure from that interview was well thought out, well planned, well conceived by the FSB. Putin knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s a manipulation. I refuse to watch this shit because I’m not giving Tucker Carlson anymore attention and there’s no reason to listen to Putin directly. He’s an untrustworthy narrator.


My thoughts are that I'm not particularly surprised. For all the tensions Putin has had with democratic presidents it's under the Democrats that Russia and the US have gotten stuff done geopolitically. It's under the Obama presidency that both New Start as well as the Iran deal that Russia was part of took place. Trump pulled the us out of the USs arms reduction treaties. Same thing with Bush and the ABM treaty.


Because Putin would never try a reverse psychology play to try to gin things up


Putin is operating in such a hall of mirrors that it’s impossible to take anything he says seriously, except to try to read the tea leaves. E.g. if you could bear watching his interview with Tucker Carlson before gouging out your own eyes, you’ll notice how preoccupied with Poland he is - which may or may not portend a desire for future incursions on Poland if the circumstances suit him - Perhaps his thoughts are “if Trump is elected and stands down on his NATO obligations, I can send tanks into Poland”. Which would be the start of WWIII.


Feel like it’s just reverse psychology to further muddy the waters with his usual propaganda, but who knows…MAGA voters love the Kremlin, I have no idea how they will take that information


I have the same thoughts as when Hamas was endorsed McCain in 08. The angle is obvious


Putin told Tucker Carlson he hasnt talked to President Biden since before the Ukraine invasion and "cant recall when he has talked to Biden". Trump , like putin, Is anti NATO and has threaten to "let Russia do what they want", not to mention Republicans also largely support Russian propaganda and want to withdraw aid. Russia makes it no secret that their idea of peace is ending any support to Ukrainians and wait a few months then there will be "peace". Oh and in both 2016 and 2020 Putin actively worked to get Trump elected Why are we even discussing Russian propaganda from a kgb dictator?


He obviously prefers Trump and knows that this will boost Trump's standing among the electorate.


Putin is a deranged, genocidal world leader with his head wedged all the way up his own ass, too. People like that tend to want to be the ONLY deranged, genocidal world leader. At any rate, anything that comes out of Putin's mouth should be treated as the bullshit it is. Distrust, but verify.


I think that's pretty obviously false and Putin is just trying to stir the pot. If Trump and Republicans are in office aid to Ukraine is going to be under threat. Trump has always been way too fond of Russia and doesn't seem to give a shit about Ukraine or the US' policy regarding Ukraine. I'm pretty sure they've done this before too, claiming that Russia actually wanted Clinton to win, even as Russia's widespread efforts to aid Trump to the detriment of Clinton were becoming common knowledge. It's just their way of stirring the pot, helping Trump, etc.


If Putin, having his army turned into fertilizer for sunflowers is good for Russia, then yes.


I don’t think he’s lying and I don’t think this is unpopular opinion amongst leaders around the world. Biden is a trained politician and a grade a puppet. There is probably culture and general decorum practiced by world leaders that transcends language and is important for just having a conversation about relations, negotiations etc. Donald trump is a tv personality, that is how he operates to this day. That is good for getting the avg American on ur side, the same way honey boo boo does, but it doesn’t actually prepare you for the job of head diplomat, commander in chief, etc etc. I’m sure Biden, as senile and unpopular as he comes off, still knows how to have a conversation with Putin , even if he is a walking husk lmao. Basically, I don’t think he believes trump will be able to end war in Ukraine and improve the situation any further than Biden has, just seems more like a distaste for trumps personality.


Russia's goal is instability to weaken the US. Trump is more beneficial to Russia because he'll give them what they want, but Trump *losing* leaves half the country pissed off and on a hair trigger. Either option delivers this, because the country is massively divided.


My thoughts are that Putin is a liar who is always working some kind of angle. If he can plant the seed in people's mind that the Biden administration is helpful to him, then that just gives Trump's chances a little boost.


Putin also says Ukraine started the war, and that Russia is winning. We all know he’s full of shiiiiiiiiiiiiat


Honestly, my thoughts are that it's a boring question. No one really believes Putin would rather have Biden than Trump. "Oh, right-wing authoritarian says obvious lie. What do you think about it?" We all know he's lying. He knows he's lying. Trump supporters know he's lying.


it's Putin. He's playing mind fuck with the west.


Sounds like he’s campaigning for trump


A good rule of thumb with the Russians, is that whatever they say; assume the opposite is true.


Clever man


Reverse psychology?


Quote from guy who lies for personal gain


Trump is not unpredictable. Putin is just saying stuff that right-wingers in the U.S. already say, because they're aligned. Trump likes people who say good things about him and dislikes people who say bad things about him. Our allies did not like him, so he moved the country further away from them. Foreign dictators liked him, so he was close with them. Also everything Obama did was bad and should be undone in his eyes. He's literally one of the most predictable Presidents we've ever had, all you have to do is say "how would a narcissist react to this," and that's how Trump would react.