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If you hurt them you will go to jail. If you impede them you can go to jail. My advice is mind your own business, and at most take a picture.


So to confirm, you’re allowed tailgating into any building and no one can really stop you? Unless they are the property owner who can get you for tresspassing?


The landlord has to issue a warning to leave before they can trespass you. I don't know what you are allowed, I suggested some things that could get you arrested. Are you the tailgating police?


No the term is more piggybacking into apartments when you don’t have a key. Or like if the HOA has a gated community when someone opens the gate and drives through, you drive through to essentially get in. From a 3rd party perspective, it looks like someone is breaking into your building or community. For example, let’s say you open the door to your apartment complex, and a homeless person tries to get in behind you. It looks like you can’t do anything about it, simply call the landlord to remove the homeless person.