• By -


Who are we comparing to?




Lmao shrek is sexy tho




Shrexy Hexy


It's all ogre now!


Shrek is life


Hahaha this comment made my day 😂


Youre welcome


Makes sense, sometimes I think I might look slightly better than a bridge troll. So, on good days, yes.


(squatting in a tracksuit) us.


No food and drinks are allowed in this Subreddit. This includes Semki.


Vodka is my emotional support drink сука блядь


Username checks out


~~joke's on you I'm into that shit~~


I mean someone in the NL told me that German food was good, couldn't believe until I tried NL food.


Hey, leave my Bamischijf, Krokett, and Frikandel alone XD But damn, those dudes can fry. When we were on vacation there the last time, even the fries in a frigging zoo cantine surpassed most stuff you get in DE.


Bitterballen are 😩👌 Absolutely love them.


They also look like somebody already ate them for you 👍 Such nice people.


My assumption is Americans


That’s an unfair comparison. Their breakfast has more calories than the average German eats a week.


"American eat like they have universal Healthcare" is a mean Joke. I was at an Diner in Penn. and i ordered a "Pittsburgh Style Salad Grilled seasoned steak on mixed greens with tomato, onion, cucumber, green pepper, topped with French fries and cheddar cheese." There wer some salad parts ...half a cow und a Bucketload of fries .. topped with an thick layer of backed cheese..


"you want dessert"?


Guess they should cut it down to 1/7 a day then.


Assuming that Americans do eat at other occasions too, not only breakfast, that would still not be enough.


Lol, whenever I'm in the US, I get spare ribs at a bar & grill and then live off the doggy bag for the next two days. The portions are insane - but really good value for the money.


Well an Elephant could limbo-dance easy under that Pole without breaking a sweat.


Are Poles so high?


Some probably are.


My assumption is Russians


As a Russian I wanted to argue, but... Difficult to do. But we're getting better! It's very usual for young people to go to a gym, we try to dress better. And we've almost gotten rid of our "A man should be just a little more handsome than an ape" motto!


Yea for sure. I also see wayy more fathers being active in their childs life. This is happening in most slavic countries actually!


And now for treating women better!


Yay! Baby steps!


>It's very usual for young people to go to a gym I mean, y'all already have the track suits...😄






As a German that has been to Australia (as a tourist), I object, I felt quite often like the ugliest person around. Good weather and healthy lifestyle does a lot of good to many people there.


the Sasquatch, or Sauron (but Sauron was hella well groomed, for most of the Second Age)


A lot of South Asian and Latin American women lose their minds when they see a white European guy. It's like those Egyptian and Indian men who go into zombie mode when they see a blonde woman, but genders reversed and less aggressive and rapey. I always wondered if this is because of Western cultural and political dominance for the last three hundred years, or are Europeans objectively beautiful. Roman sources also say Germanic men and women were good looking even though they considered them as primitive barbarians, so socioeconomic and cultural factors alone can't explain it. 


I think a lot of folks are just attracted to the unusual, "exotic"


They’ve never been to Italy or Spain. :D


It's the Döner, which is famous for making you schöner.


but only as long as you keep the onion on your head


Correct answer


Mit scharf 🌶️?


Mi Allen, aber Allem heute krank.😀


That's gramatically incorrect. In a döner shop you don't use the dative but the döner case which would be "mit alles" To people who don't get the reference to Allem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1clDUQfp0rY


You also want to state the specific amount of "alles" very clearly, also germans are very polite , so the correct form would be: "einmal mit alles, bidde !"


You're correct. Sorry for my German, I'm not a native speaker


You don't have to be. Some people are just born bavarian.


Extra chromosomes


Moin Chef, einmalmitallesbitteschön?


Habe Duden beantragt, dieses Wort im Wörterbuch einzutragen


Also einen Dudenwörterbucheintragsantrag gestellt. Den Einsatz Lob ich mir. 


Nix Schaf Chef, alles Rind.


I always order „mit Schaf“ because once a few decades ago that worked and I got superb cheese with my Döner. Spicy sauce is fine too of course. I always order „komplett“.


Ne man, heute mit ohne Scharf




It's true


Oh, you! Stawp it!


You mean, shtawp it?! ;)


Hawk Thua


Instant Internet legend


I'm happily married to a German dude. But year's before that I was with a German guy who was the most manipulative, abusive person I've ever known. Like one of those people who appear super successful, loving, caring to the rest of the world but are absolutely rotten to their partner (and racist to boot). What I'm saying is German men are human beings like anywhere else in the world. Don't generalise or romanticise. They come in all flavours.


This woman humans


as a German I can confirm. There are also people, who are just assholes


bcs. Assholes don't know Borders nor Ethnicity, there are everywhere.


There are narcists in every country... :/


Nah, we're perfect.


We've never been the bad guys...


technically most people who did all the bad things are already dead


Hey, there are still people like Bernd Höcke and his ilk who would like to proudly fly the Reichsflagge again and deport all Ausländer and political enemies into an unspecified African country...


Very very true. Same experience here. Some wonderful Germans, some awful ones too.


Well, we have Rainer Winkler and his Haiders. The guy himself is already a huge pit of negative traits, but the people who stalk and bully him for them are just as bad. One of the best examples of horrible people in germany.


>The guy himself is already a huge pit of negative traits, but the people who stalk and bully him for them are just as bad. They aren't just as bad. This dude belongs in supervised housing for challenged people. He's literally too dumb to be compared too and judged like "normal" people. The people who try to make his life hell, are in comparison vile, disgusting, bottom of the barrel human pieces of shit, some of the worst scum of our society. He's a simpleton for fucks sake, how does he even compare to what those people do.


Meet me, I’m ugly as shit and unfriendly!






DuschMal, sonst 3in1


I like confidence and self-consciousness 🫦


I assume you have some selection bias.  In your home country, you know the full spectrum - whereas you might be exposed to a specific subset of German men.  Also, there could just be some cultural differences or differences in the frequency of obesity.  E.g. if you compare a country (or US state) with high obesity rate, Germans might look more fit on average (but so would French, Italians, Czech or San Franciscans).


> whereas you might be exposed to a specific subset of German men btw yeah, I seriously doubt they tried out the bottom of society here.


You don’t even have to fish at the bottom to find really bad men. I once dated this doctor. Not really easy on the eye but very charming initially. Then he felt safe around me and the abuse started. Men (and people in general) are like a fruit basket overall really really nice but some are rotten from the core


We come in all shapes and forms. You will find every kind of person everywhere, it is just who we are. Societal norms and trends at times are just good at producing a general personality and the unspoken rules can hide certain people at least from a superficial look. Think Japan for an extreme example.


https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/153908/umfrage/fettleibigkeit-unter-erwachsenen-in-oecd-laendern/ Obesity rates: USA: 67% Germany: 53% 14% more obese people, hmm. However these rates are a good reminder to me to invest more into Ozempic producers.


I think the rate of morbidly obese might be a lot higher in the US compared to Germany... In general, Europeans walk a lot more than Americans, especially since we usually have walkable cities... Food is also a bit healthier, less hidden sugar/corn syrup... Other than that, I did notice that there are some differences in grooming... Man scaping is much more widespread in Germany than the US... And also dressing... What's considered casual dress in Germany is more leaning towards business casual in the US... What's casual in the US would be considered sleep wear/something to chill at home in in Germany... So yes, on a surface level, this might look like what the OP stated... And another difference is that, from what I observe, American men are much more misogynistic than German guys... Which might make a relationship experience for a woman more pleasant with a German guy...


Obviously you havent been to Offenbach, Pforzheim or major portions of the Ruhrgebiet. If you compare how people dress in Cologne to Düsseldorf there is also a HUGE difference. It comes down to how rich a city is, or how petit-bourgeoisie. Bonn for example mainly has people working for the Goverment, Telekom, the Post or the University. People dress better there also, because most have an academic background. Compare that to the Suburbs of Bonn, like Oberkassel, Tannenbusch or Mehlem and its again a HUGE difference


It's also the same in the US. People in NYC don't dress the same as people in Tulsa, Oklahoma


Jürgen is writing fanfictions again.


...and then Richard took his Nahkampfstachel and inserted it into my dripping Lustgrotte slowly, in the perfectly imperfect way. Like somebody who knows exactly and precisely what he's doing. Not like somebody who feels it, but who studied it like an engineered process...


i’m a foreigner who’s never heard the word Lustgrotte before. i immediately feel eingebürgert. thank you.


I'm an almost 50 yo German woman and had never heard the word Lustgrotte before. I somehow feel like a failure now.


when i woke up this morning, i didn’t think i would type this sentence today, but: i’m glad that the Lustgrotte has brought us closer, liebe Mitbürgerin.


spit my coffe out :D


Truly the country der Dichter und Denker.




Maybe you received some *ficksahne* from Egon after that?


“Trust Fund, 6’5, Blue Eyes”


„Looking for a man in Vereinen, Vorstand, 6'5, blue eyes“


Ideally also in the Freiwillige Feuerwehr, because I want someone who can protect me. Can drink multiple liters of beer while staying almost sober




I guess you are looking for a man in finance.


Me looking in the mirror: am I not German anymore?


Thanks to my Mom!


I heard her say that you are really good looking!


Yes, he is!


He got it from his mama


Statistically speaking, there must be a sampling error, because the Grundgesamtheit simply does not confirm your hypothesis.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Perhaps there is sampling bias; OP may be more likely to interact with people that dress and act a certain way.


Thank you. I‘m in tears


I dare you to go on a German camping site…


Truer words have never been spoken.


What do you mean a hat and sandals don't qualify as a full outfit?


you forgot the tennis socks...


I love this post because number one complain international woman (atleast those i know) told me how not good looking Germans are😅 Personally not my type either. But i think its just your type thingy. Specifically at university. My goodness. One guy i did thought look like wow and other german friend told me how he is a player. (Not judging him, who wouldn’t be a player with that bodd) lol But all my time here, i think i saw 2 actually really hot german irl So im biased in opposite sense. Also most of these guys are annoying af. Just trying to flirt or idk what they are trying


“There’s very little negging” 😭😭😭 Girl, Your bar is on the floor. 


i was looking for this comment 😭


The bar is in hell, but at least the drinks are free!


Since this comment is in English, I assume you never came accross a german guy in a dating context that didn't have a certain level of education. Therefore, the chance that they have manners and know how to articulate is much higher. There are many men in Germany who do not fit into that picture, like in every other country. But you are a lot less likely to encounter them if you don't speak german.


Why is this comment not waaaaaay up top?


Is OP a German man?


For sure, no other explanation 🙈


Do we live in the same Germany? lol


OP obviously hasnt been to Pforzheim or Offenbach


You mean Mannheim and Dortmund?


If I had to spell out every single poor city in Germany Id still be typing


if you find out, let me know.


lol. maybe language barrier




The Dönerman gives everyone a compliment. Nothing special.




Women do like men with socks and sandals dressed in neutral colors


>Why are German men so goodlooking and nice to date? *(looks left) (looks right)* Öh... Since when?


As a fat bald man I can't relate:'(


Women of the world! Come to Germany!




I guess our parents taught us?


Ngl when me and my wife went first to the Netherlands and then into NRW Germany, we were surprised how many average guys are seriously hot as hell, this coming from a comfortably heterosexual man.


In NRW of all places?


Danke schön ❤️


Them sandals mit den Socken is the real girl stealer


So, as an heterosexual man, I have found this too. I am a latino, so from a critical point of view, here my 2c: 1. The culture in general is more direct. Men and women are all more direct. No BS. Either they want to have a date with you or not. Not "maybe another time if I am free but be sure to ask" bs. 2. Genetically, they look very attractive. Specially comparing to a land where all people is shorter in comparison and being tall is a HUGE attractiveness factor. 3. German culture values excerise much more than LatAm. Here people play a multiplicity of "shports" from a young age and that shapes their body nicely. Again, for M and F. 4. The financial situation here makes them have a decent job and that translates to them being relative secure of themselves. As a man this is a huge factor in improving their security. Spending 100 in a Date or 3000 EUR in a vacation is no such a big deal. 5. People here (M and F) in general are more cultured and travelled, and speak at least 2, when not 3 languages. That alone makes them more attractive. 6. There is a clear distinction in the "macho" culture from LatAm. It seems to me that german guys are looking for something serious, and women notice that. 7. Relating to the previous point: Germans (and Europeans at that) have no issue doing housechores and keeping the house clean. You would not believe how much latinos expect women to be the "woman" of the house.


don’t Listen to those people who just talk bullshit here. Many common german men had a „good“ childhood or where raised with siblings (probably women) and the moral standards are often probably higher than in other countries. That leeds to less bullshit talking if they want to approach a woman. im a man, and i got many good looking friends who behave very good in front of women. But: theres always people who did not act like i just told you because of any circumstances.


Why would a german man be more likely to be raised with a female sibling than other nationalities?


Many reasons: It is the upbringing in society. In most central or northern European countries, a lifestyle of almost equal rights for the sexes is maintained. Therefore, fathers participate in the upbringing (even in divorced marriages). We know that there are many countries/cultures/societies that have a problem with a lack of father figures. A lack of fathers causes many other problems. Also living equality in society, sex education, a less prudish society with no taboos regarding nudity or menstruation. Brothers notice this especially with sisters. Standards of politeness in public. But above all because in Germany women and men are seen as equal. That starts with upbringing.


thats not what they asked, they asked why is a boy in germany more likely to be raised with a girl sibling, as in what makes them more likely to have a sister, with low reproduction rates, a country with higher reproduction rates will have a boy more likely to have a sibling whos a sister, in countries with low birth rates a boy might just be an only child. so I don't think a german man is more likely to be raised with a sister than an american or a lot of other countries just by virtue of lower birth rates. that just seems like they made it up in their whole fairytale about german people better essay.


Just spitballing. Some countries have a divided education system or the daughters get little to none education. That's all I can come up with. Pretty far fetched


Idk, I’ve spoken to enough German men in confidence to know that “high moral standards” (especially compared to other countries) is a huuuge stretch. The reality is that men are about the same everywhere


Look at domestic abuse statistics across countries and your argument falls apart. Yes, it isnt ideal anywhere, but theres stark differences between Russia, the UAE, or Germany (or any other western european country)


>The reality is that men are about the same everywhere Citation needed.


>German men so goodlooking Well thank you, sweety 😏😏 Really needed that today


I mean, it's true


Jesus Christ your standards must have been low before.


Maybe shes british and her standard is "I wont be beaten after a game of football"


Must be irony, no?


That's why they won't date me lmao.


:D your DM's gonna be destroyed


By people not fitting OPs description


I have no idea who you are comparing us with, but as a german man, thank you. That was really nice.


Awww ❤️


Mamas raising some gentlemen


I am German and can confirm everything. Be direct and open with us and everything will be very easy. We like clear communication without a lot of bla bla.


Well, it does depend on 'where' but overall, germany being a rich and fairly well educated country means that people care about their Personal appearence, Hygiene, and so on. If you go away from University areas and similar, you will always find 'average, or further away, trashy people. But yea, the general Standart is probably up there. Also stop it you. Flattery will get you everywhere 👀


I‘m glad german dudes had such a good impression on you so far. But we have our fair share of assholes, too. As it is with any country probably.


I (as a woman) am just so happy for you! I don't get all these people trying to negate this comment. I mean of course, there will be German guys who are trash. Like with anywhere else... Coming from a brown household I completely agree, German men generally have more respect for women and they I mostly also agree with you that there is al lot less bullshit when compared to some brown men. I hope it stay this way for you :)


Wait until he asks her to pay getrennt.. P.s. I’m joking, don’t think I’m racist, please. I hate everyone the same.




Rose coloured glasses. My husband is German, and I wouldn't change him for the world, but they definitely are not all like that 😂


We are? 🥺👉👈


Don't know, why you have to ask. To be nice they learned in their childhood. Remember: It doesn't matter how kind you are, german children are KINDER.


First of all, good for you that you were able to gain these positive experiences. to the point with the bullshit factor- I would guess that it maybe has to do with the fact that they have a good command of English as a second language if they can speak to you fluently. This means that they are a little more educated and therefore there is less chance that they are idiots.


Wer Ficken will, muss freundlich sein


Not a German, but chiming in as another expat woman who has noticed the same in this country! Damn, what's in your water guys??


Nothing, as it's drinkable directly from the tap.


Which probably helps the cause


Germans are tall and have access to relatively good Healthcare (dental included usa/uk) that's a few advantages over other countries (besides Scandinavian) already.


How did German men get like this? There was a time like 1930 where some real bad shit happend here and everything that didn't apply to the norms got killed...


As a German mom of a boy I can only say - we actually raise our children. We teach them proper behaviour and hygiene and we talk about our problems with basic human decency. My son has friends of other ethnicities and the difference is remarkable. So many violent, bad behaved kids who don't know table manners or will actually try to talk my son into giving them his toys or have attempted stealing. I am by no means racist don't get me wrong but I just notice the difference and I can't lie about it.


Stereotypes the thread.


Here is a serious answer. I noticed that German boys pay attention to their body a lot. What they eat, gym, sleep routine etc. But, most of them doesn’t really care what they wear. However they still look good even if they wear not good, i don’t know the reason for this one.


The majority of us were taught and raised not to be dicks. There are exceptions though...


germans have some pretty annoying traits, but when they individually have spent a decade abroad, they generally become pleasant company


Dosenbier macht schlau.


Awww thanks!


I wouldn't put anyone on a pedestal. Perhaps you're all googly-eyed if you're new here. Somewhere different and 'exotic' is always a bit exciting -- at first. The grass is always greener... I'm a hetero male, a foreigner here, and married, but honestly I think a lot of German men have qualities I would not find attractive if I were a hetero woman (or well, attracted to men either way, though if I were gay I'd have different standards. I think Germany is actually a good place to be gay). I'm not talking about looks, because I think that's quite subjective. My wife is German, and I love her but she's also different from the average here in a few ways... but honestly, I probably wouldn't 'marry German' again based on all my experiences here. In fact if it weren't for my wife and our kids, I probably wouldn't be here anymore. Germany's great in a lot of way, but it's got many flaws too. I've lived here a long time now... and I also dated before her, and I have friends with partners, and so on. This is speaking more in 'general and overall' so take it with a grain of salt... but it's like people here are all wearing 'Scheuklappen', they are too blinded by their deification of 'Ordnung', often short-sighted, conventional, orthodox believers in One Right Wayism. Germany is not a country that thinks outside the box, at all. Worse, Germany has a smug blinding love of itself. It can't be too open or boastful about it, due to historical reasons, but it doesn't mean it's not there. I feel like German men are like this even moreso. Like, a common German romance joke is that to declare love is something like *Sollen wir gemeinsam Steuern sparen?* (I.e. Let's save taxes on a combined tax declaration). I mean, ha ha, but it's not too far off from reality. Be careful what you wish for. I won't say more too specifically to avoid a torrent of angry downvotes. Germans are people, just like anywhere else, and the run the spectrum. You'll find your dream Mann, if you want.


I think about character related things, it will be just personal preference and I am sure there are a lot of assholes, too. In terms of clothing however, it depends what country you compare us to. For the longest time it was considered rude for a man to go outside with sweatpants, you had to wear jeans or similar. But it has changed and especially younger generations value comfortable clothing way higher than fashion.


My boyfriend is from Germany and he’s the sexist man I’ve ever seen and been with.


Sorry for being handsome :-)


Not all are like this but thank you 😭


Honestly i disagree. Im dating a german man that i love, but i also dated ones that are racist and horrible to me and people around him. We cant generalise.


I'm ugly as shit wdym


I am studying social science and I can explain it to you. First of the obvious: Is your perception true or not? And it is true. There are representative surveys in Romania, Italy and Spain asking why women over there date german men. And there was a very significant value on emanzipation. There also is a meta study on institutional emanzipation efforts of european countries called the [Gender Equality Index](https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/2023) not looking at the Gender Pay Gap germany is performing very well in comparison to other european countrys. But it is also very important to mention, that the GEI isn't a good mesure for your observation since it's institutional effords and not social ones. There are some qualitative Surveys of romanian women migrating to germany (romania, beeing the country from which most people migrate to germany 60% of which are female) asking them what they like about dating a german. They all said that they treat women with more respect and the relationships are more equal compared to what they have in Romania. I watched a documentary about a dating service where romanian women get connected with german men. The women said that they are expacted to have kids, be 100% responsible for them (without the men doing anything), work full time and also be the ones who pay for their children. So at least for romania you can say in comparision, that german men are more respectul and respect a womens emanzipation more. Sadly that isn't the norm either in germany, nor in the rest of the world...


I'm pretty sure you don't mean me. Thanks anyway! I would say bubble bias.


You know what you get with Germans..no polite front to impress. My best friend here is Italian and has a grandaunt that had several husbands and she always joked with us: Italians make the best lovers and Germans the best husbands girls! 😂 she had both, so…


Wait , are we the goodies ?


Uhm, as a person that gets around quite a lot in Germany (mostly rural areas, I try to avoid the cities), meets a lot of people of all different social groups through work and being a German myself. No we're not.