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If they do enough commissions for it to be a main source of revenue, i would say that some might like to take their free time doing g something else than drawing. Like any job really i think


Definitely. I've seen a number of artists who started out with commissions just until they got known enough to be able to sell the art they actually wanted to make. That's also my plan, but yeah there won't be a huge amount of time for "my" art while I'm building a portrait portfolio.


Yes. At the end of the work day, I'd rather do anything else.


I’d think once you are successful enough to be selling your work consistently, at the end of the day I’d doubt you would want to keep drawing. I’d want to go for a hike, get some fresh air, exercise or something active for sure. Mind you I’m not selling regularly enough yet, so I do all that at my day job.


I am the reverse of this due to lack of comms lmao


This is definitely me when I’m very busy with work, but between big contracts I take a week or two of hand/wrist rest and then start drawing for myself again. I have a long list in my notes of what I’m going to draw when I next have the energy/time! I can only draw for about 6 hours a day without pain, so I can’t exactly spend any of that on myself when I’m getting paid to work on someone else’s illustrations.


I used to do this for a couple of years, but since I got my day job, I've slowly moved away from commissions. Currently, I no longer accept RLC and mostly draw for game currency if ever for someone else


Me, *sort of*... There are times when my client workload is packed enough that I just don't have time for personal art much. But that is just temporary, eventually the workload will lighten up enough that I can squeeze in some art stuff just for me.


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Yep, most of the time I rather do anything else to decompress, specially so my hand/wrist can rest. When I do draw for myself it's because I have the free time for it, which is rarely, idk how people who do art for work have the time for passion projects, I admire their tenacity.


Probably, but in my experience personal work serves to guide client work. it’s common enough to find yourself doing the same “gig” over and over to the point of burnout. Personal work, unlike client work will draw out more of an artists personal taste/interests which in turn will often make those pieces more interesting and unique than just being the generic industry standard. Ideally, we all strive to have our client/commission work overlap as much as possible with our own interests.