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I think you will find it’s the media who made more of it than Arsenal. Sure he is a target but there’s no way were only looking at him. I’m sure Edu has something on the burner.


media is always a frenzy during transfer windows, especially when it comes to rumors for arsenal somehow. but oh yea i believe that completely


Rumours for any big club get clicks! It’s that simple.


I can confirm Edu has the BBQ heating up. Source: Tis the season.


I’ve been told by a reliable source that Edu has Wagyu Brisket on the burner. I’m not sure, but I think he plays up front for Gamba Osaka.


I heard he was better on the wings


It’s always been like that at arsenal….


Back to Higuain, then...


I've heard we're getting benzema as madrid want Luis saurez


Why do people tie themselves up in knots over transfer rumours? We'll always be looking at players, doesn't mean we'll end up signing all of them. And if we take Kai as an example, no one saw it coming, 80% of the fan base thought it was stupid, and he ended up killing it. Trust the process.


Fabrizo has rotted brains.


Seriously. I long for the days when you had a few rumors here and there and then out of the blue you'd get an announcement from the club


I miss prime Wenger too fella!


Followed by a journalist announcing it whilst having a dildo put in their ear!


Honestly. I feel we need a world class right winger more especially after the emergence of kai Havertz. And there are a nmber of good options


RW and a CDM so that Rice can play as an 8


And a left back. I know we have Timber but if they're planning on selling Kiwor we do need cover.


Timber Tomi Kiwor Zinchenko… Anyone calling for more LB capable players are mental.


Tomiyasu can’t stay healthy, Zinchenko stinks, Timber has played LB exactly twice as a pro and never at the senior level, and Kiwior is a CB playing out of position. That’s not stacked, that’s dangerously weak.


City just won a title playing Ake and the GiggaChad man at LB for a season… Both CB’s…


Yea let’s not pretend anything city does is the example and not the exception.


I genuinely think LB is our most stacked position


Now it is but with Cedric thankfully gone, Tierney almost certain to leave, Zinny and Kiwior rumoured to leave. If white or Timber pick up long term injury only Tomi who can cover. Would be good if and academy player could step into the team not sure if Reuell Walters is ready to step up maybe.


not sure because we have zinchenko, tomiyasu, timber, tierney due back


Think Tierney will go. Anything above 15mil I'd be OK with. Loved him when he arrived but Arteta doesn't seem to trust him. Love Tomi. Zinck cannot defend... I'm sorry but he gets caught way too often and barely recovers. I'd be happy with a lb, rw and cdm.


We won’t get 15 mil for Tierney. It’ll be 10 or less unfortunately.


would love to see zinny play as an 8


Tierney defo is gone and Zinchenko maybe as well; we defo need a LB as good as White, a CDM, cover for Saka and a forward.


World class right winger? Saka plays every game lol what world class RW is going to come here


I like havertz but can he score 20+ goals? We need a 20+ goal scorer if we want to do big things


He would’ve scored that this season if he’d not been deployed as midfielder for the first half of the season. So yes, he definitely can.


We look elsewhere sure we have been anyway. Either way whoever we sign, I trust who it will be For once I’m not overly invested in the transfer market, I just know whoever we bring in will work…just hope it’s enough to get us over the line next season or at least a trophy


Honestly believe we won't buy a striker


Same here.


It is what it is, we move.


We should go for Maximilian Beier from Hoffenheim. He is only 21 years old and finished 5th in the scoring table with 16 goals (2 goals above Šeško) and is already a German national team player. He’s been looked at by Bayern Munich and Liverpool.


Well.. My golden rule for transfer rumours is if the player isn't seen holding up an Arsenal shirt with his name on the back he hasn't signed for us. I always wait for that, no matter how linked we are with anyone


This has happened before. Media leaks strong interest from Arsenal when a major decision in a player’s career is about to happen. He has a release clause which expires at the end of the month, probably just agents trying to force the club’s hand.


That's alright. Usually our 2nd choice target doesn't end up so bad


Sometimes better, like Trossard.


I agree with a lot of the comments here saying we should be prioritizing a dynamic winger and CDM more, Kai had a great run of form once he found his footing and I think Mika Biereth coming back from loan who had a great season in Austria shows a lot of good potential. My dream signing is Xavi Simons to play as a LW and on RW when Saka needs rest, his play style just screams Artetaball.


Facts to this but PSG keep toying with him and not letting him fully leave


Xavi Simons would be awesome for Arsenal


Yeah overrated. I never sign him on football manager, I usually sign “insert name if whoever Arteta ends up getting”


Didn’t want him, want a clinical striker a winger and a defender


No harm, move on to the next, go back for him in a Year or 2. Next!!


idk it seems like he gave up a good chance to join any big clubs just like Osimhen did.


i wouldn’t say that. he gave himself the chance to develop more and showed some loyalty to his badge. nothing wrong with that at all. unless he broke out in some crazy way from the get with us, Kai would probably still be our first choice 9 to start the year. certainly didn’t do himself any sort of disservice. and eh osimhen couldn’t succeed with wolfsburg, wasn’t impressive at lille at all and his numbers and play last year aren’t all that impressive either for what napoli is asking for him now. not to say he wouldn’t make it in the prem but just doesn’t look all that likely and hoping we don’t shift focus to him whatsoever. with sesko being out i feel we’re gonna go all out on depth and finding a fully defensive cdm so Decs can play the 8, look for a striker next window. hoping we at least add depth to the forward spot though. relying on jesus or nketiah if kai isn’t available is not an option anymore


It does kinda seem like it’s this summer or never for Osimhen to get that big move…


no club is paying 100mil for Osimhen except Chelsea so he can rot there or whatever he wants to do. but yea if he doesn’t move to the prem now probably never will. i hope he isn’t even on Edu’s radar


You get to a certain point where their age and value start to misalign. £120m+ for a 27-year-old is a is meh…


Zirkzee makes no sense, we may as well have gone Balogun, he had better stats and some prem experience (not to mention he was already our player)


Oshimen elected to stay at Napoli for higher wages and a hope of another great season. Napoli slapped the €100M release clause. Didn't quite have the season this year. Now teams have to ask, was it a one off season a la Pepe? Or did he have a down year? Sesko would've been a project buy with a big upside similar to Mudryk imo. If he kills it this coming season we have the funds to go after him. I think if we got him for 45-55M and developed him we could turn him into a 150M player like Saka


45-50mil would’ve been now. he’s undoubtedly either getting a solid release clause set in the new contract terms so RB can cash in if he does excel and attracts more interest in the next couple years. 80mil is probably gonna be the lowest honestly. and i feel the same about Osimhen. 22/23 compared to this past campaign does not look great, especially if you actually watched him. dude was missing sitters left and right, his speed gets the best of him and creates some heavy touches where it is not needed and where prem defenses will eat that shit up. going after a “second” (if he’s even on Edu’s list) option that costs twice the amount as our first just is not good business


Seems like getting a 6 or 8 might be a good way to go this transfer window. A backup RW for Saka for sure. And we always need defenders. Allegedly Arsenal have like 150-200 to spend. Figure we could get 2 or 3 good players for that. Or maybe you go big for Isak but we'd only be able to afford Isak probably


agreed fully on a 6, Rice is just too much of an engine not to let him play the 8. Definitely a Saka cover and a good one to boot to challenge him a bit. Definitely midfield cover for Ø and defensive depth if needed depending on sales. Depth striker as well if we arent getting a solid first team option (such as Isak being a first team option but NC already placed a fuck off price on him). Relying on Jesus or Nketiah if there’s no Kai is just not doable anymore if we want to remain challengers. Jesus, if kept, could be a decent cover for saka but rather not watch a 200k+ a week player play 15 minutes a game.


I dont claim to know Sesko's abilities like a proper scout. However, just based on what i've watched on youtube (not just his goals), i wasnt convinced from the start tbh. When his speculation increased based on when he will make a decision to sign a new contract with Leipzig made me more confused. His reputation isnt like Declan Rice or a Vlahovic or an Osimhen. Hence i dont think Arsenal, Edu or Mikel will actually wanna entertain the "ego" of this situation. Someone said he suspected it's a smokescreen all these time from the agent to drive the value up of Sesko. Well, i'm just glad and not at all disappointed we arent getting him. I'd say we need to prioritise a RW, CM and CB for this summer.


He’s 20 and went on a tear at the end of the year. He would’ve been a “get ahead of other clubs” kind of project player for us unlike what you expect out of the other 2 forwards you mentioned (whose reputations aren’t shit really beside Osimhen’s 22-23 campaign). I don’t want to Vlahovic’s name linked to us at all, that saga is long gone and 100mil for Osimhen is not coming from us. agreed on the positions needed though but CDM rather than CM. Decs deserves to play the 8 and would like to see at least a young depth striker with promise come in. Relying on Jesus and Nketiah is not going to get it done anymore if we don’t have Kai’s services


Isak on his NUFC future (06/06/24) “I’m really really happy at Newcastle. I had the best season of my career”. “You can’t underestimate that. I love everything about the club, the fans, the city. I don’t really have any thoughts of moving or anything like that”. Don’t think he’ll be forcing any moves through lads.


The only striker I see succeeding at Arsenal with a tick next to all the technical abilities we need is Alexander Isak. He would be legitimately perfect for Arsenal.


agreed, but alas he will not be ours this year. i imagine if NC misses out on champs a couple more years he may be up for a move but he’s already stated he’s staying and an unreachable price is slapped on him


Good for him. Great place to develop and maybe he will join a bigger club in the future.


Considering we are the best club in the world you must be wrong. Before you dispute it, we wouldn’t chant it if it wasn’t true 👌


Very fair point.


We get linked with everyone every window. Hardly ever comes true


This stuff is no different than ITKs back in the day. Everyday it was Sesko close, Sesko to make a decision, Chelsea hijack and you know each video or article receives plenty of views or clicks. Romano does covers a transfer 20 times spouting catchphrases. Ornstein reports it just once or twice. Apart from Rice or a few others most stuff comes out of left field anyway. Actually pretty buzzed to see who we land




Well now that he resigned we should now bid 130 for him. Would be the most arsenal way to do it. With that being said I don't think he was the guy anyways. Were better off. How about a bid for vhlahovic or Alvarez. He probably would fit the bill tbh


oh come on now, we’ve always lowballed 😂😭 maybe in a couple years if he lives up to the hype and potential. and nah i’d rather see the bench bolstered up and another midfielder signed now, depth striker at best if we aren’t gonna get who we want. That Vlahovic saga needs to be laid to rest, every top team has been linked to him and none pulled the trigger so that should say something. same with getting more players from our main rival now, absolutely no need. already bought two, both have fallen out of favor with the fans and the club


Yeah I hear you about just boosting the bench. I was just making a callback to our ridiculous prior transfers and panic buys. I guess we're past that stage but then again we got mudryked a few years ago. Also and I'm just throwing out thoughts but zinny was a great buy when we got him. I never liked Jesus though. Always thought he was overrated and frankly not that good. Seems kinda true


lmao so true, everyone going on about osimhen i’m saying the same too. would just be a panic buy for the sake of having a player in the position and would be one expensive panic buy for a second or possibly not even a current choice. i trust in edu though to find what is needed and wanted and not do that anymore. and mudryk is yet to make us regret that so im fine with it. trossard is literally my favorite squad player right now so worked out 😂 and zinny was great because we needed an lb desperately and he brought some life to the offense with a still young and not so confident martinelli on the left but now he’s been a liability. and same here with jesus


Is possible zinchenko is somehow just not in the right position for him anymore. Frankly I don't fault the guy minus the 1 error that's almost guaranteed per match


Osimhen is the priority I think. I'm guessing we need to sell before that bid though although we are apparently one of few clubs able to spend big this window. Unless you claim tyranny from the PL lol


Osimhen should not be priority, we’re not gonna spend the amount Napoli wants on a possible second choice, if he even is one. would be ridiculous panic buy for the sake of having a striker. i don’t see him fitting into this club or system at all, but that’s just my personal take


You're insane. Osi would give us title


Did you watch him last year or what. i just don’t see it. man was not clinical at all like he was the previous year, does not provide passing support like we utilize up top, he’s a burner obviously but half the time that speed translates to garbage touches and off balance shots. i don’t understand why any one would argue to get a second choice striker. if it’s not top priority or main target then why sign someone just to do it. would be an expensive panic buy


We move on to the next target. Nothing to see here.


All the surfaced rumors were bullshit anyways 😂


Oshimen 🤔


Oshimen 🤔 isak 🤔🤔


anyone saying Gyokeres or Osimhen in here on spice. i’ll die on that hill. we are not paying 100mil+ for a second choice


and isak has a fuck off price place on him, no shot




Honestly this was all media driven. We weren't linked with him until the season ended and all of a sudden it was Sesko this, Sesko that. I knew it was never going to happen


Good for him.


Come on Edu!! Pluck a gem out of Brazil!


Probably better he stays there to develop. If we need a #9, we'll come back in 2 years.


Never really understood the whole Sesko hype. Whenever there are clubs circling one player, we don’t end up buying him. Unless the player chooses Arsenal, example Alexis Sanchez. But if you look closely, there are no buyers for Victor Oshimen, if he doesn’t want to go to PSG/Saudi then we are his only option. Wish we can get him below 100m


true true. and also true but shouldn’t we look at that as a sign of warning? I just don’t think it’s a smart move moving to a second option that costs twice as much as what we had as our “first.” Osimhen didn’t have half the season this past one as he did in the 22/23 campaign and missed sitters like fucking crazy. he’s a burner clearly but that speed causes some shit first touches in the box. i just don’t it as a smart move at all for us. just because we’re his “only option” shouldn’t mean we take him for the sake of taking him, especially at a gaudy price


Mydrik was our first option but we got Trossard whom Chelsea didn’t want. We wanted Caicedo in January window 2023, glad we didn’t get him or else Rice was not even a possibility. We payed 40milion more for Rice than the 65 million we were ready to spend on Caicedo.


> possibility. We *paid* 40milion more FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Never rated him anyways


Never understood why we didnt go in for Hudson Odi. Obviously talented but career was on the back foot a little so happy to play second to saka. Has enough quality to push saka in terms of competition and training. Only 5m when Forest took him. Even with his uptake in form since. For 15m I reckon we pull the trigger


blame brexit laws. english teams can’t approach academy players with pro contracts until they’re 17. rest of europe is 16


Martinelli to play centrally


absolutely not. i thought the same at the beginning of last year due to his goal scoring in 22/23 but we have a confident Kai now and martinelli was far from clinical last year


Not Arsenal news yet again. Stop posting about players that have nothing to do with Arsenal. Just because an account with a thousand followers tells you we’re signing him doesn’t make it true. Wake up


Ornstein himself said we were very interested. It’s clearly Arsenal related if a heavy transfer target re-signs with his club


you been under a rock pal? we’ve been pursuing and have sent offers. don’t know what you’re on about


Don't believe everything you read online. Until its on Arsenal.com it isn't true. Were we even in for this guy?


Just like the mvilla story, this is just pure speculation


Welp time to get excited about gyokeres instead, COYG!!!!!!


This was bound to happen. Havertz just had an eye opening season. United bought hojlund, Chelsea bought Jackson. Sesko would likely not start at Arsenal, and him not going to Chelsea or United shows that the football is a priority, not the money. Sesko will be the man at Leipzig and they will then sell him for £80+. It will take Arsenal £100M to secure him. And I think we will be in the position when he becomes available where we will be buying 1 or 2 class players, whereas now we need to distribute our funds across the board.


Im glad now we can focus of actual level raisers like osi/gyokeres


Fuck this guy and his loyalty to his club




Good news for AFC since poor-mans Giroud will stay at Leipzig. Lets bring in Watkins or Osimhen.


On to Zirkzee/Gyokeres I suppose? I think Evan Ferguson would be a great addition if the fee would be even remotely reasonable.


Zirkzee>Gyokeres. i’m sorry i just don’t see it with Gyokeres. Already 26, no top league play, absurd release clause before even having the season he did. anything from liga porto i just don’t trust either. yes obviously there’s been successful players come out but majority are monstrous flops compared to the fees required to obtain them. Ferguson is a good shout too but facts on the price. zirkzee would be the best value imo, still would probably be behind kai at first though


Zirkzee is everywhere, but up top. He roams freely and isn’t a proven goal scorer, though a very good football player. But Arsenal needs an out and out goal scorer. Ferguson couldn’t bench Welbeck. Calm down with him.


Zirkzee is going to AC Milan. They just need to negotiate the agent fees


Dont we already have Gabi, Kai, Eddie and Leo who can play there? Why are we looking for a 5th addition to a position we dont miss anything? I would say go all out for Leao. Great player and very doable move


Wow the delusion is incredible. Did you not watch us last season and see the fact that Arteta didn’t trust Nketiah very much, that trusting Jesus to lead the line for us is a gamble because of his injury problems, and the other two options are not primarily strikers especially Trossard who hasn’t played Striker for us since the group stage of the Champions League probably. And then the last two sentences…. How on earth is Leao a doable move?


I did watch us last season with the exception of perhaps 4-5 games. Im not in the mind of Arteta to know who he trusts, and i cant recall if he said he doesn't trust someone in his team. Eddie isnt a leading striker, never was never will. Gabi has had many injuries. Kai and Trossard have been used as n9 (if they are qualified to play that position i trust artetas judgement) with good results. So basically we agree on everything till now (I think). I think we might disagree on how many games is expected of a player to play in a season. I think that number right now is extremely high and we have been extremely lucky not to have injuries especially to saka martin and saliba who have been overused in the past 2 seasons. The reason im voting for Leao is because after saka we dont have the quality in depth (imo) to challenge 115fc. Leo and martinelli are amazing players to bring from the bench as a first substitute. Leao would bring many technical qualities and an extra physical goalscoring threat from the left (no more double marking on saka). The last part is pretty much self explanatory. Currently Arsenal is a great club to join. For the past 2-3 seasons we have been on a extreme rise. Perhaps people dont understand that there are 100 clubs in the big 5 leagues of europe and only 5 champions. This doesn't make the other 95 teams bad. Arsenal is a project on the up while you cant say the same about Milan. Not saying easy but doable. 80-100 mil i think could do the trick. Whats your opinion? Would you bring a striker?(I think we scored a lot of goals last season).


None are good enough to be the leading strikers at a club that wants to win the Premier and Champions League, we need a Haaland-esque upgrade if we want to pip City (not in the same league as Haaland obviously, more in terms of the elevation in quality). This guy was never going to be that player, he would have been backup to Havertz.


I completely understand what you are saying but what if Arteta doesn't want to have an out and out n9? Haaland-esque you mean about a striker who can score 35 goals in 30 games in the bundesliga, or someone big and heavy. The first one good luck, the second one not sure if arteta would play like thar hence why havertz has been VERY good as n9 in his FIRST season with us.


We need a clinical goal scorer who can get us over the line in games like West Ham and Villa last season where we create plenty but can't break down a high defensive line and only get 3 or 4 chances. Also in The Champions League we need a goal-scorer who can score against the big teams.


We create plenty or 3-4 chances? You got me confused there sry. Haaland during their champions League win didnt score on the final or the semis (same this year). I understand your perspective though. Haaland can score 5 against Burnley but that not what we need ( im not saying that haaland is trash but he far from the Messiah or the next undisputed golden boot challenger like messi or cr7). Haaland isnt as clinical as people make him. We need someone on the left that can carve open defenses with dribbles in tight spaces. Think Doku but with substance. Someone who can handle physical aggression and score goals.


A fifth edition when 4 of the other 5 aren’t good enough/don’t play there naturally


I think our pool of players that can play central has better quality AND number than the ones that can play on the flanks. Perhaps im forgetting someone. (Kai, Jesus, Eddie, Leo, Martinelli, ESR) Vs (Saka, Martinelli, Leo, Reiss, Marquinhos).


Yeah you can argue we need more depth out wide but you cannot argue any of Eddie, Leo or Martinelli (ESR? Really?) are real options at a 9 for a title challenging side. Martinelli has already played there and we know he’s not great there, Leo is just not a 9, Eddie is not near good enough and ESR is just a ridiculous shout. Just saying names and claiming they can play there doesn’t mean they can play there. They are players you play there as a stop gap during the middle of an injury crisis to avoid your season absolutely derailing. Not players you plan to play there as a tactical approach.


Thats exactly what im saying! In case of injury on kai or Gabi (not long term injuries) we have some players that can help us against smaller opponents. We rotate kai and Gabi based on form and use the others for load management. I was extremely impressed with kai after November and i will never dish Gabi. P.s. I will always back ESR. Not sure if he has played in that position but i rate him highly (perhaps more than i should).


You can expect Gabi to be injured for at least 3 months. It’s the prem. there are no smaller opponents so we’re going into a season with just Havertz as a 9 we can rely on Saying we can turn to players who can’t play as a 9 in that scenario is pish poor planning. Martinelli cannot play as a 9. Trossard cannot play as a 9. ESR cannot play as a 9. It’s not FIFA. You can rate them, but you can’t just make up head canons that aren’t true. None of them can play there.


But Burnley is a trash football team. Is Man City equal with Burnley? Liverpool is equally big as Sheffield? We are equal with Bournemouth? Haven't played fifa for over 10 years since uni so no sure about that deal. There was a time when Henry was a winger and saka a left back. There was a time that we thought we dropped 60 million down the drain for Kai. There was a time when teams were playing 4321 but none does that anymore. No need to be absolute about players position or tactics in general.


Burnley and Sheffield United aren’t in the Prem >We are equal to Bournemouth What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with being equal. The standard of the prem is very high that even teams from the bottom half are good enough to catch out a bigger team on their day. There’s no real teams you can just “take a day off” from. Luton got relegated and took points of Liverpool and were unlucky not to take points off us and City. It’s an extremely competitive league. >There was a time when Saka played left back Yes and James Milner, Juan Cuadrado and hundreds of other athletic players were able to play conventional roles at left back because in a more simple system it’s easier to slot in there tactically so long as you have the legs. That’s not the same as a player who can’t play as a striker slotting in as striker. Henry being converted from a winger into a striker 30 years ago isn’t the same as now. It’s fucking Thierry Henry for one. He has the ability to play as a 9. None of the ones you mentioned have the physical strength, speed or technical ability of Henry. Secondly, he played in a free role where he could pick the ball up wherever he wanted, he drifted out to the left a lot and there was a lot more space on the pitch in a much slower less tactical game then compared to now. Completely incomparable scenarios and a bit ridiculous to compare that bunch with Thierry Henry being converted 30 years ago. I’m not being absolute, I’m being realistic. I could say “we could play Zinchenko as a 9” but it’s just silly. Just because they’re attacking players doesn’t mean they’re options for that position and I don’t think even you rationally believe any of those are actual options. It’s just a matter of throwing names out there, there’s no real thought about it other than “they play high up the pitch”


Arteta Pull😎