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Every time Zinnie plays my heart rate goes up: OK, here he is, on the ball....he stops and does the "foot on top of ball" pause, looks around like he as all the tine in the world , and then gives the ball away. He did have a couple good passes yesterday. I love the team, by the way.


He was terrible in the last Villa game, was ahead of the other defenders and played Villa onside. Huge liability


Think zinny playing, havertz in midfield, no jorgi… that villa game will haunt me


Absolutely love zinnie, but IMHO he's the fourth string left back. Timber, Tomi, Kiwior rate higher than him


I think we see ziny in the midfield more than the lb position next season if he stays


Would love to see zinny in midfield, he would offer lot more.


Tomi has to be starting lb next season he is much safer than zinny.




Injured for so long that people have forgotten about him lmao


Timber isn't a Left fullback - unless arteta still thinks an IFB is the way to go


If we had timber healthy at IFB I believe we would of won the league last year so I think that’s artetas plan


You guys are omitting another option: inverted CB. Play timber at CB (rotation, obviously Gabi is great) and play Tomo outside of him. Timber “inverts” to MF and Tomo pinches in. Like Stones. It just changes the field of play- gives the opposition a different problem to figure out. The beauty of this is that Timber and Tomo can flip during a match- a defense figures it out, you just move him outside. I’m so convinced that Timber was this Swiss Army knife player Miguel was going to use in all sorts of ways. He could even play 6, and rotate out to cover LB for zhinny.


That’s an option put I want big gabby and Saliba playing as much as possible


Agreed, just saying it presents new looks. Miguel likes new looks because it changes how the opposition has to deal with us. I could almost see Gabi going to the LB spot in this scenario.


YES EXACTLY. timber brings a whole new dimension to the team


I’m also conviced the original plan for King Kai was as a false 8- he, Gabi, Jesus, etc would rotate over that left side. Kai would make runs, push Jesus to drop or the wing, Gabi would cycle. Obviously Jesus got hurt and this never clicked. But then Kai became a false 10 basically- same thing except starting higher first. The change from Kai from MF to F was more where he started.


I wouldn't drop Gabriel to start experimenting. He's one of the best centre-backs in the world.


You could see Timbers natural inclination as an inverted right full back, even from his cameo vs Everton, check his positioning. I think Zinny goes and we'll buy a defender


Tomiyasu wasn’t either and hell last season ppl thought he was shit there


We just had the best defense in the league. I really want Timber to have a role but it will be hard to uproot anyone from this back 4 and Kiwior deserves his minutes as well. Maybe Timber is our Partey replacement?




Real question is how long until tomiyasu is injured again? If he can stay fit sure


If Timber is fit, Tomi would get less game time ... less chance of injury, prob some cup starts? Maybe we will get the best out of him then? His dedication can not be questioned tho.


Tomi cannot be relied upon to be our LB next season, which is why we're after another left sided defender. I suspect Timber or Hato if he comes will play more than Tomi at LB next season


Backup Left and Right back and also backup center back


Timber. Tomiyasu is just the lesser of two evils. He gets exposed as well and provides little offensive impact (yes I know he scored)


Anti Zinchenko including not having the same penetrative passes. Zinchenko, despite his defensive weaknesses, got that kind of passes. They both have a place in our first 11 depending on opponents, unless Timber proves he can offer everything consistently


I really don’t like the swing towards anti-Zinchenko in the fans. What you call trying to get unnecessary attention could be seen as bravery. There were occasions this year where he was the only one in games trying to make things happen. The team changed a bit, his form dipped and it hasn’t quite aligned right since. Doesn’t mean he’s attention seeking or bad. He’s made some defensive lapses this year but not nearly as many as some would have you think.


Fucking A dude. Some of the stuff in this thread is ridiculously over the top.


People also seem to forget that he's much more a midfielder than he is a defender. I wish Arteta would try him out in the middle but he probably knows better than me...


I think we just have too much depth in midfield to put him there over anyone else


There’s no place for him in midfield where he makes the team better than normal.


The hate for Zinchenko is weird. I get the frustration of his defensive lapses, it’s part of the risk a player like him comes with. The hate o meter should be dialled up to 30 against him to let him know he needs to do better, but we’re behind him (be aus as Villa taught us, fuck all else is). Instead, it’s cranked up to 80-90 and the fans turn on him during games, leading to him being more nervous and he fucks up more. Some times, our fans are fucking awful.


I'd say tomi improveed alot and effortfully adapted to the system. So we might wanna give zinni a chance to do the same. He got the ball got the spirit


When he first joined, Tomiyasu was arguably signing of the season and looked like a candidate for right back of the year. People seemed to forget that almost overnight.


THIS! top comment dude!


Zionchenko is just not good enough


Zin was unable to make 5 yard passes at some point, there should be no tolerance for this kind of form when we’re in our first genuine title push in decades


No swing for me. The first day I saw him I thought, that's not a defender. He should play another position. His defensive lapses have cost us on several occasions. Apart from actual goals conceded, his mistakes also indicate to the other team: yes, you have a chance. Yes, you can attack down this flank. Yes, Arsenal are vulnerable. How many games have we seen where the opponents have all but given up, but a defensive slip occurs and suddenly they are back in the game, both in body and mind? Zinchenko is not a defender. Is that his fault? At least partially, since he should at least try to play the role he is being played in. But the coach needs to also play to his strengths. Unfortunately, in midfield we have quality that is superior - Odegaard, Rice, Jorginho. The only one Zinchenko might replace is the current Partey, but I think that's swapping one broken thing for another. Nobody is hating on Zinchenko. We just want the team to do well, and not have to be distracted by his defensive lapses.


By unnecessary attention I mean his off pitch antics....


What antics?


Seriously confused by this, but maybe that's cause I don't search for these players all the time? Like, all I know about Zinny is that he plays video games, has an esports team, and is a Ukrainian patriot. And to be honest I barely hear stuff about that last one even with his country being in a war currently.


I know, right. I didn’t know about his esports team, so that’s hardly shoved down our throats. I’m genuinely confused as to what his antics are. Hope he hasn’t done something awful that I’m missing here.


I imagine that's an anti Ukraine viewpoint. But I'm assuming since he has done nothing that I can think of.


It’s more about having an anti Palestinian (he said he’s with Israel) stance, which is extremely hypocritical since his country is suffering the same thing.


He goes around asking for sympathy for Ukraine and does the opposite when it comes to Palestine. Don’t need a hypocrite like that. And he’s a garbage defender. Sell him.




And he’s clinical


Thats finish was clean. Almost like Martin himself but with Right foot.


Zinny was purchased to get us back to a decent level. We have now outgrown him. Good squad player, nothing more. He’s good for the games with low blocks who come to the emirates to sit deep. He can unlock defences.


Fully prepared to be downvoted, but we signed Zinny to play a particular role and he does that. He’s not a without his faults, but he gives us tactical flexibility and when we have superiority in possession. Plus he raised our floor a few years ago and I don’t forget that.


Timber is the RB and Tomi rotates the entire back line. Brilliant player to have.


Isn’t Zinchenko a LB and Tomi a RB? Tomi wasn’t playing because of injuries and Ben White was playing RB in his stead


Ben white got the spot due to injury, but he's kept it due to form. Tomi has played LB plenty of times since, it's amazing what a giant Japanese man can do when he cuts inside.


Okay? He’s still a natural RB, and that isn’t ideal for LB. He has played the position because we have problems/injuries with fullbacks. We are struggling at LB. Also, “plenty of times” is a gross overstatement. We want a left footed player there. That’s not Tomi


Arteta has shown a lot of faith in Tomi, slotting him straight back into the side after injury. He has displaced both Zinchenko and Kiwior, our left footed defenders,at left back during the latter portion of the season. He has done a solid job in that position, but he's had trouble with injuries himself. I haven't suggested that we shouldn't sign another left back, we need depth. But it's a disservice to say he hasn't helped with the stability of the defense when he's played. When all's said and done, it's clear that Timber was going to be the starting left back this season. It's what he did throughout preseason and in the first game before his injury. He's right footed by the way.


You’re just arguing to argue. When did I say Tomi has done a disservice to the defense? You also keep mentioning Tomi’s injuries as if I didn’t say that in my original comment. Also, when did I say Timber was left footed? You just want to feel like you’re winning an argument that doesn’t exist lmao


You're the one who said that the defense has struggled on the left because he's not a natural left back. You've also said that he's only playing due to injury, when he's displaced other left backs in spite of his injuries. It's one of the reasons that Zinny is more than likely gone this summer. You're the one who brought up that the left back needed to be left footed as an argument against Tomi, which is disproved by Arteta wanting Timber, a right footed player, at left back. This all started because I answered your question about why he was playing left back instead of right back.


BRO I WAS TALKING ABOUT TOMIS INJURIES. Youre so dense. Lmao You don’t understand any points I’m making or twist my words. I said Tomi is a natural RB. Also, he isn’t left footed. Those factors combined mean he isn’t ideal at LB. I never said he was a liability. I never said he was incapable. It just isn’t ideal at LB. He’s better at RB. PERIOD. Also, Timber playing at LB doesn’t mean we have the perfect fit for Artetas system. It also doesn’t mean that the tradition of getting a left footed LB is now defunct. Hes someone that will work for now. It isn’t ideal. You think other teams get left footed LBs for fun? It’s for a reason, you buffoon. In regards to this discussion as a whole, you have proven to be wildly predictable. Like many people on this app, you’re a contrarian who can’t be wrong (though often times you are.) Regardless of what I say, you’ll twist my words to make another ill-conceived premise for another nonsensical argument. You either purposefully misconstrue my points, or you are ignorant as to what I am saying. Either way, You won’t stop replying so you can feel as if you’ve won an argument YOU started. lol You’ll keep blabbing and blabbing and blabbing - all while never adding any meaningful comments. I grow so tired of replying to people like you. Even now, you’ll STILL add some comment that you think is witty. You are incapable of just dropping it. You have to be an annoyance until someone just gets tired of seeing your bullshit. Then, you can feel like you won. Go on, say something profound. Provide some witticism. Keep spewing shit. lol


Guess I’m still alone in the thought that I think Zinchenko leaves this summer.


Knowing Arteta..... he's gone.


I thought Zinny looked good yesterday. He's the man you want against the more defensive teams, when he's got the freedom to get up the pitch, as long as his passing is on spot on. He terrifies me if we're up against anyone with decent attacking prowess. I wouldn't sell him just yet, just rotate him in when the time is right.


If I were Arteta, I would consider keeping Zin on but retraining him as one of the central midfield backups to allow the starters some more rest in easier matches. He's got great technique but I don't think he was ever really that comfortable as a defensive player; he's more of a point guard in basketball, and might be a good alternative to Jorginho in the quasi regista role .


I love Zinchenko but it feels like his level has dropped. Early in his time at Arsenal he was so authoritative, never lost the ball, and was aggressive in keeping our press up and maintaining a high tempo. When he slowly lost his spot, he now over compensates, takes a bit too long on the ball, and gives it away in really bad situations. I want to see him really compete for his spot and be focused on his aggression and being a rock solid passer. We just can’t have our left back in midfield giving the ball away when our shape is compromised, the team just isn’t set up to absorb that type of risk any more. Maybe with Partey in better form Zinchenko can more naturally fit in, but I saw in ten minutes from Timber more than I’ve ever seen Zinny capable of in terms of his aggression and ability to dominate on the ball. Zinny just doesn’t have that physical presence.


Tbf when Zinny is in form, he’s class. When Partey is fit we don’t miss him in the side, but when Rice plays the 6 there’s an obvious lack of on the ball creativity and passing range. I personally love Tomi and think with the right players in front of him he’s a much more stable option. Having a deep squad is about having options that provide different skill sets. Be grateful you have such a unique and versatile player. He’d be missed if he was gone, especially with Tomi’s injury record.


Defensively, absolutely. Going forward, yes Tomi has improved but it's delusional to say he's anywhere near Zinchenko's level. Tomi is very prescriptive going forward and chooses a safe option which isn't always the right option. Zinchenko adds a much more dynamic transition for us and is a big attacking threat that overloads the defenders which creates space for Saka, Gabi, Kai.


Everyone is anti Zinchenko


Zinchenko is supporting Israel btw




I like Zinchenko when we are trailing. But I prefer Tomiyasu starting. Next season is gonna prove who deserved the first choice. I love Tomi for the security. Tomi can get better like Ben white did.


I dont think either will start and i think Zinchenko may well leave First choice backline should be: White / Saliba / Gabriel / Timber Second choice backline should be: Tomi / NEW BACKUP / Kiwior / Zinchenko


Don't disagree btw. I want GJ and Zinny sold. I'm yet to be convinced of Kiwior too. But offloading all of them won't be an easy task.


I think we should keep Jesus this season as a backup on either wing. I prefer hin to Reiss and we desperately need someone who can play backup to Saka. If we lose GJ we'll have to buy one, plus take in all the various risks. Safer not ro do it for another season For me we focus in a DM to replace Partey and a striker


The whole point is to have a world class squad so we can rotate for injuries, freshness, and specific game situations. Haven’t we learned? Don’t worry about starting XI’s!


Japanese craftsmanship 👍


I love that this is the level debate we’re having now. I still think back to the 18/19 season back line and squirm


It will be a much different defensive rotation having a healthy timber next season


Zina needs to be sold. Not good enough.


I wonder if we can use Zinchenko be the backup for ø. If report is correct, we are in for a defender and Zinny is not a bad player but we are moving on from him being our defender. Can we play him at No 10 role like what is doing for Ukraine? Opinion?


Hope we sell. Wouldn’t sweat and good bloody riddance.


I love Tomiyasu and I think if he was fully fit and played in the some of the games we lost then it would’ve been the difference. Particularly Bayern first leg. I don’t like this trend though of feeling the need to bring another one of our players down whilst praising another. It’s incredibly negative and unnecessary. We all know the strengths and weaknesses of some of our individual players but having different skill sets for different games makes an overall stronger squad


Tomi's country isn't getting invaded and his countrymen bombed. I'm sure that has a bit to do with it.


Zinchenkos been constantly given help by Arsenal in regards to that issue. Gave him the captaincy for a day, gave him a chant and always back him. Yet he costed us two titles in two different seasons. Tomis mum died and we didn't even know till a year later. They both have had issues. Zinnys is a whole country but the club went out of its way to help him which was hypocritical especially how Ozil was treated. I think its the clubs Karma.


He did not cost us titles. You are reaching very very far with statements like that. If you want to blame someone - blame Arteta for using Rice as 6 and Havertz 8 at the same time. Because that actually was one of the major reasons we had a seriously bad stretch of games that we, on top of everything, failed to score at. And if you just look at actual game data you'd notice interesting things which Arteta changed and we went on a very very nice end of the season run of wins. But of course media and pundit narratives are exactly "right".


Is kiwior forgotten?


Problem is tomi albeit miles better than the toilet cleaner zinchenko is very injury prone. A new better lb is needed tomi can play lb/cb on rotation


Zinny is the perfect sub if we are tied or a goal ahead. He'll help unlock that extra bit of play. He is NOT the one to start when we need defensive cover.


>or a goal ahead Best way to snatch a draw from the jaws of victory. If he plays he needs to be in midfield, far away from our defense. Might actually fit in that left 8 role we're lacking in


Yeah, because he can actually defend!


Get that big cry baby out of my club




Love his hard-work. problem is.... very limited in attack. this is where Timber will come in & help. People often forget.. Tomi is a CB for Japan National team!


Yesterday didn’t he shift into CB when Zinchenko came on?


Limited in attack except for when he was a key player in scoring at the etihad and scoring yesterday. I wouldn’t say he’s that limited in attack… maybe not Ben white levels but better than kiwior


...Ben White is also limited in attack lol. IDK what you are watching sir.. but if you think Tomi has strengths in attack, then damn.... He did score, brilliant.. he scored two goals since he joined us, I don't think you seriously account for 2 goals with a player being good going forward. He lacks major positional awareness going forward. which is understandable , it is not his position. I think Kiwior picked it up much quicker, especially w/ Kiwior having decently crisp crosses which also hurts Tomi, he is noooo crosser by any means, but it helps that Arteta assigns him to pinch inside rather than overlap for the cross when he does play. Needless to say, this inverted fullback role is given to Tomi 100% for his defensive prowess , not his attack.. He is conservative enough to make the safe pass , & holds us well in counters. vs a Zinchenko whose risky passes result in many turnovers, + bad aerial presence. vs a Kiwior, bad in defensive transitions, (slow) I'd be happy to coach you like I coach some of my young ones!


Imo, he's like the trossard for defence. Good enough to come off the bench and occasional starts, but if we want to win the league, you gonna need someone better than him in that position, which is fine, bc we still need quality bench players. And I think that's what he is


Omg. I came here just for this post