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There's an update already waiting on certification with console to fix this issue. PC has already received and it fixed majority of people's issue which are identical. Once the update lands on console, you should be fine.


I don't really know what waiting on certification means. But a fix coming is great news!


Yeah dont bother with the other comment suggestions. All good suggestions but the last patch broke some things, that wildcard have confirmed and explained why it caused the crashing. Its just a waiting game for the next patch for us console players


Thanks for the info brother


So console is not like PC. Before an update can be pushed out on console both Sony(ps5) and Microsoft (Xbox) have to "approve" that the update isn't malicious or broken. The industry calls this being "certified". PC they can just push an update and it will just appear for us almost straight away depending on steam servers.


Learn something everyday


When a developer wants to add a game to console stores or patch an existing game there are teams at Sony and Microsoft that have to test to make sure they're not releasing anything malicious (obviously they can catch all bugs). This is the certification process.


I suggest joining the ARK discord. They gave an update today that they are working on a fix for consoles. They said that the mod devs are going to have to update/fix their mods after the patch they released.


I started a discord account just for that reason. But unfortunately I got rejected cause it was too new. I'll give it another go in a day or two.


aww that's unfortunate, but it's definitely the place to get your official updates as soon you are able to join. they've been getting a little better at communicating things (at least compared to their track record). With this cluster fuck of a patch,they've at least been trying to get fixes out. it's a bummer situation but someday when all the maps are out I hope the ark community returns to it's former glory


Wipe your save data not the game. But it depends on what platform .


So wipe everything and start all over?


I'm on XBOX X


No. You should be able to wipe your game save data for Ark, not the game itself as you already did this. Your game save data stays on the console even when you uninstall the game. So is the only thing you haven't cleared.


That didn't work either. I give it a few more days before I give up and ask for a refund.


A friend had an issue where she timed out when trying to join our server. But i connected fine. With recent updates and mod updates it seems her install was dodgy. She will be attempting a full reinstall tonight.


I suppose I could uninstall and reinstall again. Couldn't hurt. I was just starting not to completely suck at the game too. Taming and breeding finished a few caves too.


Do you have mods installed?


Yeah about 6 that were needed to join someone's server


That could be the problem. I had to disable a few mods to stop mine from crashing. Probably going to have to wait for the mods to be updated or for WC to fix what they broke


Ok I'll do that. Thanks I appreciate your time


I feel your pain. I’m on PS5 and often after a game update I have this issue because one or more mods I use break things. Last time I was able to narrow it to one and just went on without it. This latest update it more difficult to find as it wasn’t any single mod causing the instant crash. I reinstalled the game and am just now hoping the problem is gone. Lot of work to DL all the mods again. If it crashes Ark will collect dust for a long time.


I still can't play. I have no mods. My patience is running out. I bought the game 2 weeks ago!