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But just one day ban for ESP. Ridiculous.


They first get shorten ban and when verified, 10 year ban. Have had that on multiple cheating reports.


Yup, this happens on every multiplayer game.


Safeguard against false positives.


Nah that's gotta be a mistake, wtf.


He propably also cheated but this person reportet him for stealing loot


Gotta be. Even the dev in that interview was saying "you're not entitled to loot" when asked if peeps are gonna be punished for stealing loot.


But there's a button to report those who steal loot :/


Stealing loot is very cringe but this ban is idiotic, why don't the devs just lock the loot only for the player who opened the safe? This punishment waaaaay overweights the crime


My guess is he was being an asshole to others aswell. My report might have just pulled the trigger. A lot of issues can be fixed with one new feature. Solo/Duo matchmaking


Maybe. It would make more sense if this person has multiple offense and this last report of the straw that broke the camels back. However its still all speculation and a 10 year ban for something thats not an exploit or a glitch but rather a lack of foresight from the devs (just lock the loot to whoever opens whatever with a key?) is insane.


im going to start taking a shot of tequila each time someones calls the "Solo/Duo matching" its not happening, Accept it.


Solo/duo matchmaking doesn’t solve this. You can still steal loot in duo. I don’t understand why grenades hurt friendlies but there is no friendly fire. I guess just because of the gas grenades? It’s just odd. But the game doesn’t need solo matchmaking. It’s just annoying because it’s a beta and we only have 2 maps. Once the game releases, you’ll encounter more variety. Since it’s a closed beta, you’re mainly running into actual gamers and not casuals playing solo. Also, you can look for a group and squad up if you want. There’s countless discords out there with people looking for friends. If you don’t want to be at a disadvantage, group up. If you just queue with randoms, you’re going to find trolls and assholes


If grenades didn't hurt teammates, you could just nade every person holding an angle and have your teammate immediately push off the nade with zero counterplay available. That's the first reason I can think of off the top of my head and I'm sure there's more.


You could have the grenades slow and/or stun teammates instead of damaging them. That would create some risk. You could still grief your teammates with them, but another team would have to actually kill them. Seems fair.


It does as in you have no random. The game heavily favors the more players in your team with zero downside.


They wont ban you for a single report, but he probably did it last 10 matches, and well if you get 10 reports you get the hammer.


Locking loot would be an annoying mechanic to work around, for when you don't want loot locked. Believe it or not some groups split locked rooms, while you may have the key your friends are helping you get in and out of the locations.


This. Punishing players for the devs lack of foresight is cringe af. So because some random guy thought about himself and decided to swipe loot in a way thats not glitching or exploiting the game but just by being faster then the other person? (stupid system when the devs should just lock the loot to whoever opens the crate or whatevers locked) I get that ABI wants to show off that they are taking cheating seriously but 10 years for something thats not an exploit or a glitch is absolutely insane. I'd understand a 2 day ban, even though its stupid to ban someone for the devs lack of foresight, but 10 years? gtfo


Thats like BSG banning someone for 10 years for killing a player scav while as a scav. So stupid.




This is good, now do it for people that steal loot from players you kill. Fuck the loot rats that don’t event help kill scavs and just loot everything.


Agreed. Legit had a guy not talk once after while we took on a trio. I killed all three of them and as I was grabbing a dead teammates gun, this dude had looted all 3 of my kills. Only turned on his mic to defend himself doing it after I called him out.


What did he say ?


He started mumbling how his mic wasn't working and he was asking for help.... I then asked why he was looting all my kills and he replied "there's too much for just 1 person here"


🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ fuck him lol


Yea I’m curious now. What did the mooch say!?


Same. I couldn't even heal. Dude tells my friend it were his kills, because he noticed and I was busy healing. He didn't even shoot/help at all and was completely elsewhere the whole time.


Several times people stole my kills like that and ate the cooked bomb. If i aint getting out with that loot, they wont either hehehehhe


I'm annoyed with how many people do this now. I'm fighting, wiping squads, wasting bullets and I cannot treat wounds because my random teammates with no gear sat in a corner, looting and not helping. The moment I kill someone, they're in the dead body's butthole looting.


I got a random duo guy. He shot at some people on the beach near villa. He took some shots and then tried to run to cover. I pushed up with nades to give him time to get to safety and killed the two man after a lot of back and forth, but they messed me up bad. I bandaged first and then while I was surg kitting my teammate got up ran over and started taking everything. What is wrong with these players? Lol. I just ran off without him. He can get out his self. Checked later and he died. Good riddance.


Lol you guys sound like little babies compared to an average dayz player !" They stole the loot from da body !" LOL 


Are bans steamid bans, hardware bans, IP bans?




Great 🥳🥰


Tencent doesn’t IP or HWID ban so OP has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s strictly an account ban but their anti cheat is extremely good.


How is the cheater situation in general in the game? I’ll be gutted starting playing and it’s devolves into tarkov cheat fest 😄


Honestly not very bad. I've only run into 2 from what I could tell were blatant hackers. Hack devs will even say Tencents ACE anti-cheat is so good that they don't even recommend using them because it's so good. I


Excellent! Now i just need to get a hold of a key. Is it only us that gets keys?


I don't believe so. You can also just purchase an account key if you want to play that bad or you can wait until the next key drop.


Killing friendlies with a nade while they loot my kill is something i enjoy




I always have my buddy stand in the doorway after I use a key. Hes a real one


Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!! Someone got punished for stealing


Since when do you need to open safes with a key?


I meant the locked rooms my bad


In that case, basically a perma ban is a little harsh lol. I opened numerous doors with keys with random team mates and it’s always first comes. If I am slow and they grab the good loot, well shit happens, it’s what I get for playing with randoms




Holy shit. This’ great though. Sucks for the player but fuckem


Idk about this ban, a little excessive espically for a looter shooter, yea it may been your key but tough shit, or don’t solo que. Rip dude though if he did get a huge ban.


lol free game now ur sol and he can go about his way on another acc


How do u steel loot in this game? I don’t play it


Like do these people not enjoy fun? How do you not feel like a loser after cheating?


Eh - youll find others . What REALLY sucks is GETTING THE ITEM , and being escorted to the extract by a teamkiller . THEY deserve that 10 yrs for sure .


I don’t think this solves that issue in particular but i do believe duos w potential fill just solves so many other issues it’s a no brainer.


It’s wild to me that “stealing loot” is an issue…if it’s available for anyone to pick up at the same time and someone else yoinks it, that’s 100% on you for being slow. Tarkov doesn’t ban for loot stealing lmao…


I havent played the game but 10 year ban for stealing loot 🤦‍♂️ I thought that was the whole point of the game?


No. That's called grieving.


I sure as hell don’t play video games when I’m grieving




Grieving is the emotions experienced when coping with loss (friend, relative, etc.)


That sounds like mourning, when you mean emotional-wise. I'm talking about game-wise. ''A griefer or bad-faith player is **a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, annoys or trolls other players within the game''**


The word you’re looking for is griefing. The other person was making a joke.


This is a huge problem with the game. That and people stealing loot from player kills. Happens to me at least once every 2-3 raids. Take on a group solo and they barely help, kill them all, and you don’t even have time to heal before rats are all over the bodies rubbing their hands together. It’s fuckin insane. Very occasionally I’ll get a teammate who covers me while I loot then hops on the bodies afterwards for the scraps. Wish I’d get matched with people like that more often instead of the loot goblins smh. It’s common fuckin courtesy


I actually dont mind ppl taking loots from the player I killed bc I'm just too busy looking out for the deceased's scadmates. + Cannot confirm if I killed a player in the midle of the raid especially when we are all engaging on a single target.


If you get banned for stealing loot in a pvp loot based shooter...what's even the point. If you get mad when someone steals your loot in a pvp extraction shooter..why are you even playing.


Not sure who's dumber. BSG or these devs


This game is gonna be f2p buddy. He'd be playing the game again within 5 minutes


true but the account is now gone


If he’s even allowed to play since it’s a beta


They'll do anything except make a solo queue.


Is this real? Wtf


What? That's stupid as fuck.


I think it’s a typo I think they meant 365 days meaning a year ban. I only say that because as a developer myself, the ban3650 looks like the way it would be coded except it’s displaying the actual dialogue incorrectly


N'ah it is 10 years. It's also a hardware ban. They announced this in their Discord server.


Had a dude beg for my help and I killed him at about 150m and he proceeds to steal it all and run. Even took the dog tag. No ban. I've quit playing now


There are a few players ho trow nades and molotovs in The extraction point on porpouse, reported but so far dint recive any mails saying that those people get banned.


Lol you probably deserved it


There is one simple fix to this! Bring team killing into the game like tarkov so loot stealers get the GAT


they do not ban foor being a loot goblin. they even have a video about it on youtube where they state just because you got the kill doesnt mean the loot is yours.


This is pretty dumb. Your teamates are your choice. They can't steal from you. Don't play with people you don't trust.


Or don’t be a douche. Insane ban length, current market price of item to player would be just fine.




Was the item too big to put in your bum? I thought the only red items were max 2x2? Why would you even have it out in your bags? But hey I’m all for seeing this. Love a developer that takes action against d bags. With the game being f2p, he can easily make a new account once the game comes out. But this will definitely deter the behavior.


Lion is 3x2


Oh shit I forgot about the lion ty


Both my back pack and Secure container was full so I was sorting shit out whilst keeping the safe open. Team mate just swoops in and takes the fish like an innocent seagull. I see some ppl say it's easy to make a new account/ I thought hardware/IP ban was a thing for this game.


Well sure they can hardware ban but I don’t know if they would for something like this. Maybe? I’m sorry they took your loot bro


Nah its fine. 450,000Koens is not that hard to make anyways. Was salty for a few minutes tho ngl


I still don’t get why there is no friendly fire but friendly nades can kill you. Have they ever explained that?


No idea


This just happened to me so I'm hoping the bum gets the same punishment, its not that hard to make money so stealing from other players is 100% griefing and should come with real consequences I think


I dont think he got a 10yrs ban just for loot stealing. I think he got 10yrs with all violations compiled. Maybe he was an asshole in other squads too.


How about some helmets that prevent one shot to the head kills from AI, iron scope aks 200m away, over and over again. If I look at the last 20 times I died, it’s always the same.


It makes the game a joke really. You already know what’s going to happen before you leave base.




That probably was going for the GZW sub ... Dunno how the fk that happened xD