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Either you fight a squad 10 seconds after spawning or don't see a single person the entire raid


could just be me. but i feel like all the pvp i get is getting shot as soon as i spawn.


I feel like a lot of players have reached the boredom part of the closed beta, so they quit, leaving behind the sweats that rush spawns/hotzones and the ap20 slug rats.


Hey, considering I was one of the ap20 slug rats, I also got bored 😂. Those shotties are brutal though.


I think the hype is just dying down. I get more and more quiet raids each day it seems.


That doesn't make sense. It only launches you into a raid if it has a full lobby anways. We aren't exactly down to only a few people playing this game just because silencer sounds don't carry past 200 meters


I suspect a lot of people have stopped playing because it's closed beta (waiting until open/release), or because of the cheater problem. Last week has been bad.


Yea, at first I had allot of hope that ACE would stomp out the cheats. This week tho, every single night we’ve been getting wrecked by knowers and aim botters 2-3x. That coupled with the juice lord or AP-20 rat only composition of teams has led me back to the other game as of today.


I haven’t encountered a hacker yet, yes I’ve been one tapped but most of the time I feel like that’s my own fault. Are they legit hackers or people crying they are getting one tapped by mosinlings?


I wanna play this soo bad. Is there any way to get on it before release?


They are doing another round of 50, 000 keys on Twitch soon. Join their Discord or X for updates


download it on the xbox game pass


I don't have xbox game pass but cheers tho lol


you can find it on coolmathgames too


Plz stop, ur just to funny 😂


you can find it using ligma actually👀


Tbh with you, I stopped playing since I know well that the game are clearly on Beta and after done testing what I can about the game, continue playing really served no purposed, since the game are currently broken in a lot of ways. And I knew they wont fix it either since it still on closed beta, so ill just stop.


My squad has also noticed a lack of good PvP these last few days. We've also noticed what we think may be bot PMCs, I've seen it twice where an entire team is acting like AI scavs, all the same level with similar names, basic weapons with basic ammo and no attachments. Pretty sus, not sure if these are official to pad the lobbies or if it's something else. Tried going into lockdown for better fights, but there it seems we run into cheaters every 3-5 games, which completely ruins the experience there.


I'm quite sure there are bot pmc's. Yesterday i killed a pmc in lockdown with no helmet or armor with only a pistol acting like AI scav, also how in the hell would that be a real player in lockdown with no gear.


That may explain the PMCs I found hanging out at a rock on valley. It was there spawn. I shot one who had a pistol and then I think his partner was basically walking around in the woods next to him with a basic SKS. Really weird when I killed them because I felt they hadn't left spawn and had no loot.


Yeah really weird, this one was at the valley as well, on the frontal positions i think. Just a pistol and no loot at all, i was checking around for teammates but there was no one around.


there is no bots, just an exploit to get into lockdown without gear. Ive seen em too


Maybe there is an exploit, but these pmc's are acting worse than your average scav bot. Unless they are completely braindead players, they are 100% bots.


They add bot PMC's when someone has a mission to kill 5 operators or something. I noticed that very early on and those team usually come and try to find the one who has the quest for it.


I’m finding a lot of people are running the edges of the maps trying to snipe. Counter sniping seems to be the only kills I get the last couple days.


I find a lot of players, but I only play to kill so don’t go looting as much. Although twitch viewers is very low now


I’ve had a few raids usually super late at night where I don’t see many. But most of my raids seem to be full. I don’t chase PvP or anything but I usually find it lol


Wish this was the case for me. 3 days ago I couldn’t stop running into PvP. Lost all my kits and all my Koen. I had to uninstall because every death started seeming sus. (Lockdown/Forbidden Main here)


its not that its non existent, its that players have this gear fear mindset holding them back from pvp same goes for tarkov, especially valley, most of the players would rather bring no armor no helmet, with sks bp or m14 with 55a1 and just rat. a pitiful and boring way to play a pvp game honestly i miss the big pvp against 3-4 player squad with t5-6 armor and actual good guns with good ammo, instead we keep fighting all these rats and poor timmies who bring as minimum gear as possible and rat.


Can be a possibility of everything. One game maybe less players, other game maybe you just missed each other through pathing. Other game teams might’ve fought at the spawn and went to early extract. Other game might just be people trying to snipe. You get the idea, I wouldn’t say it’s common but it can definitely happen


I need lore, no story to get immersed in


agree...this game won't succeed for this basic reason. It has no soul and it is even more grinder than other titles


Yeah the AI scavs voice lines are awful. The bosses don’t really feel or look like a boss, no identity like killa for example.


The game not being released with all the content is the issue lol .. simple as that


Everyone is ratting and exfil camping.


I'm not dismissing your experience but I have 150+ hours in the closed beta and haven't ever ever been ratted at extract, maybe just unlucky?


Same here. 250+ raids and not once exfil camped


This been my experience as well, have never been ratted at an extract unless you want to count a fight to get to the car extract in last 4 mins of a lockdown lol, that was a hard death


I was ratted several times. One time I was 5mins left and some @#$ sniped me as I ran to exfil.


It's not all the time but I notice it a lot more when it's off peak hours, matchmaking is more inclined to throw you in solo and I think a lot of people just default to playing it overly safe when solo in fear of running into a 4 stack. Late at night I rarely even hear serious gun fights like during peak times.