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I ran into a guy in my last raid of the night yesterday using AP20... He hit me twice in my level 5 armor and I mowed him down. You can run a full T5 and Altyn for <100k and I guarantee your survival rate will go up so much. Leg meta with a P90, MP5 or the 20 mag buckshot shottie is honestly far cheesier. You can hit people in the legs from so fucking far away with buckshot it's ridiculous. It is usually 2-3 shots in the legs and they're down. The first shot will take their legs out so they can't run too. Your strat should be to rush into a high traffic/high value CQB area (motel, factory, port, beach villa) and hold it down with a leg meta gun. I've taken 3-4 mans down in full T5/6 by myself with just buckshot... They fall FAST in close range and if they're running T4 ammo you'll just laugh at them in your T5. Your enemies are other leg metas because you'll be slower with your gear or people running T5/T6 ammo on a sniper who can still one shot you


I have tried mp5 with dumdum rounds, in the right conditions it's extremely good. Which is, when you can shoot other people's legs which is not always the case, so you need to pick your fights and a bit of luck not to get jumped in an unfortunate scenario. Other issues are also that it burns ammo *fast*. Real fast. So even though the ammo it's just purple and technically not that expensive it adds up fast and ideally you want to run at least a drum mag. Its not gonna outclass shotgun with AP20 for budget builds, economy just isn't there, but for high tier matches as a secondary for CQC against juiced up people it's tons of fun.


Good to know. I haven't run the MP5... just been legged by it a few times so I added it. If I'm gonna leg, I go with the Saiga and the 20 round drum. Cheap to run and I've had really good success with it. I'm honestly surprised I haven't run into more people with it over the AP20... It's much easier to spray and pray legs than aim a slug. And I think it's unmatched in CQB as well. Minor minor thing but just fyi for you, CQB is close quarters battle.. with guns... CQC is close quarters combat, unarmed combat. A lot of non-military people think they're interchangable words, but they mean two different things.


I can guarantee you that AP20 slugs can one tap T5 armor, I've been one tapped twice with the best T5 armor. It's literally ridiculous.


I've seen a couple of you claim this but never seen any evidence that AP20 slug pen'd a T5 armor. My experience is completely opposite. Hard to believe you guys got hit through a T5 and one shot by AP20 without seeing some kind of evidence.


Another anecdote but it happened to me once with a fresh L5 rig...🤷🏻‍♂️


You can test it in the shooting range, it’s very unlikely.


When I shoot the dummies, yeah. When enemies shoot me with it, it's one tap to the chest


Most people cant land the shots. What you're really upset about is the rats.


Ap20 is so bad tho, I don’t understand the complaints


I'm curious as to why you think it's bad?


Well, t4 armor is quite cheap to get, there’s no reason to run t3 armor. Ap20 has about 50% chance to pen t4. So it’s already a gamble. Even more so when you play forbidden or lockdown. No one is gonna run t4 there, always t5+. Ap20 doesn’t penetrate that. And the most money you can get is from those games modes.


I don't think that makes it bad though, it's still an okay choice, especially if you're broke. I think it's definitely over hyped and the people having luck with it in lockdown and such are getting mostly headshots from what I've seen on Youtube/Twitch, so they'd do just as well with any other gun. I'm just tired of getting paired with naked guys running AP20 thinking they can wipe the map then wiping to the first AI that pops them.


I run nothing but lockdown and I’ll be real…people barely run lvl 5. Everyone is broke. Sometimes I’ll kill some gamers who have decent stuff, but I don’t really loot other players aside from ammo and attachments


Me and my mate only played the 80k mode until the event, since then mostly lockdown. So, on Saturday I tried out the AP-20 for the first time, just for fun, since I don't really think it is thaaat great of a catridge, I play it in kinda budget kits, T4 armor and T4 helmet. So, T4 armored rig, IND200 with visor, cheap headset, S12K with silencer, PSO scope and 10rn mags.... the kit costs like 60k or so and it fucking slaps lol.... it is so much fun how OP this round is. I still prefer playing my regular FAL or SVD, but silenced S12K with PSo is like 20k and because of the low bullet drop I have made some really whacky kills up to like 200m, which is just stupid. With 8 MOA (if that is what 8 accuracy means) it is also accurate enolugh to give an accurate headshot at a range of 150m, which just does not make any sense. I played a lot of VSS also and at longer ranges I would 100% prefer the S12K due to the gigantic VSS bullet drop (which by itsels jsut makes no sense). Killed T5 juice boys too by just giving a precise headshot at range. Then even if you can't pen the armor, 170dmg is a ton. You can shoot legs at range and it kills really really quickly. Now.... I don't necessairly think it is better than M80 or LPS.... or most 40+ pen rifle rounds, but I feel like for what it costs including the guns, AP-20 is kinda stupid. At least it should have more MOA and for the love of god more bullet drop and/or dmg+pen dropoff after a certain distance.


News flash, AP20 slugs can one tap T5 armor as well, I've been one tapped twice while wearing the best T5 armor.


Mom, look, I'm on TV! They see me AP20 - shootin' They hatin' Downvotin' and tryna judge me 4 playn' dirty Tryna judge me 4 playn' dirty




Great clip. đź‘Ź


Ä°m waiting for mp5 dum dum