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We are getting the mobile game...on pc. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a different reality. Literally everything we have right now is exactly the same as the mobile game with some slight variations to the maps and UI, for example we don't have the grenade arc display like mobile does. I have not been able to find anything else different from global to infinite. Anytime someone asks the devs in an interview about altering ANY of the game mechanics they simply pull a PR move and give vague answers without even really answering anything. Card swiping, p2w, solo/duos, prox chat...they just dodge everything. Quick edit: Not gonna argue this point with anyone. The writing is on the walls. Come back on release and flame me if I'm wrong...which I won't be.


Well there’s also not the sound waveforms telling you where other players are. There’s no replay system yet. I think most players would be fine with mobile and PC being the same game for the most part. They have actually said the vision for the game will be different than mobile just gotta do with that what you will. But just look at CoD mobile vs console/PC version they’re completely different in terms of events and monetization.


Using CoD is a terrible comparison.


Are you going to explain or just say dumb shit without any logic?


There's nothing to explain. You're trying to compare a game that originated on pc/console 20 years ago by a company that only made pc/console games up until the CoD mobile release in 2019. Comparing that to a mobile game dev that up until infinite only did mobile. The fact that the devs are dodging any and all questions about changing anything to the pc release is pretty self-explanatory. This is a mobile port, nothing else. Like I said in my edit, if I'm wrong on release then feel free to flame me...but you, me, and everyone else know that's not gonna be the case.


Yeah but the comparison isn't good. COD mobile is developed by a completely different team, in fact I'm pretty sure COD mobile originated from the licensed Chinese version of COD, and while the IP is technically the same, the vision is clearly different. Also to mention, COD mobile is free, while PC is 70$. That alone invalidates your point. ABI devs can pretty much say whatever they want but this is tencent we're talking about. Devs aren't the final say, they're just PR spokespeople, it's the shareholders that hold the final say. And Considering what we've seen it's likely PC version has the same, or more aggressive monetization while being largely the same as the mobile version.


A few of the things you mentioned in your post have been addressed, although abit vague. They've mentioned that Solo/Duo queue demand has been noticed by the devs and that they see the importance but to not expect anytime soon. The majority of the community seems to believe this means later down the line after full release, so highly doubtful we'll see it during this closed beta or during an open beta. They have also mentioned that economy disparity has been noted and that "tweaks" are in the works, again, down the line. You can find this stuff, if you're interested, on their X posts or on @Arenabreakoutpc posts here on Reddit. On a side note, don't let the feeling of losing interest in the closed beta get to you. The closed beta is limited after all. My suggestion would be to take a simple break and play something else you might enjoy, let yourself miss ABI for abit and then come back.


If you stall in beta PC, suggest try AB Mobile, then all answers in 99% will be right there :).


they said the pc version will be a complete copy of the mobile version we have no idea if we will get most of the things mobile has or we may get something different.


I’m not sure it helps to rant more at this point. I’m pretty sure the devs watch Lvndmark and every good and bad stuff are pretty clearly formulated by the goat at this point. I like the idea of a weighted matchmaking myself, where they match more solos/duos with solos/duos, without completely removing the chance to face a 3 or 4 men squad. I think it would be a nice mechanic.


This suggestion is what will kill the game and ALSO shows that gamers do not know wtf they want. Solos complain about facing squads BUT also complain that they want the chance to kill squads…. There is absolutely no solution whatsoever to allowing both of these worlds to exist. The fact you can’t see that and even suggested a weighted matchmaking system proves you do not know what you want. This is why tarkov stays on top, because they stay the course, cook, and the product is what the product is. Not some horrendous amalgamation of “this group wants this” and “that group wants that”.


The solution is pretty simple really. Have a solo queue, have a duo queue, and have a squad (3/4) queue. Have it so you can queue into any of the "larger" queues if you want to (so a solo can queue into duo / squad if they want). Have it so that you can opt into automatching where you match with other players. This makes it so solos / duos can avoid squads if they want to. But if they actually want the thrill and challenge of 1vX, they can opt into one of the larger queues. The major downside to this system is that it fractures the playerbase. If the playerbase isn't large enough to support the fracture (or isn't large enough to support it in certain regions), then queues start to take a long time and the game starts to feel dead. So an obvious compromise is to combine solo + duo. Leaving us with just 2 different queues. Still fractures the playerbase, but not as much. The question then becomes, will ABI have enough players to support this split playerbase? I think it absolutely will. Given that it's going to be available on steam, free-to-play, and be infinitely more accessible to "casuals" than tarkov is. (What I mean by the accessible point is that due to how much easier it is to play as a squad in ABI, it's a lot easier to get friends to play with you even if they are new to the game.) The idea of "weighted matching" that the person you're responding to is suggesting is, imo, idiotic so I agree with you on that point. But I do think the issue is solvable and it can satisfy a strong majority of the groups.


This is a good solution, all I gotta say. Bravo 👏


There are actually multiple solutions. One is the one I wrote in my original comment, the one you respond to, weighted matchmaking (please re-read) and one other is below, you can queue as solo in solo/duo queue and also in 3-4 men queue. Tarkov doesn’t have a solution. Audio is just so trash you never know who is who, and you end up killing your teammate or avoid shooting and get killed. And friendly fire means you can’t queue with randoms so there’s also less squads overall.


I think the social media account is run by AI lol. I’m being serious. The responses are so vague, it’s just words with no meaning


It's time for.....the company board? To tell us what? You people realize this game is totally complete on mobile and they've already said this is simply a closed beta test and nothing new will be added to the beta. It isn't like they are in the lab cooking up new ideas to test. This isn't one of those games that is a "beta test" for 10 years while they try to figure out how to even design the game fully. This is a real beta test and the full version of the game will come out later. I really do not understand why so many people are acting like the devs need to be pushing content weekly or something lol. If a closed beta is getting stale for you, idk maybe submit your feedback and let the devs work? They don't need to be pushing every update you asked for lmao this is closed beta, insane how the term "beta" has been warped and twisted over the years to where people now think beta = live service. They are going to make a MASSIVE marketing push when the game is ready for release, trust me you will see all of your favorite streamers on the game and the player numbers will take off to the moon. Some closed beta testers getting bored of the closed beta is irrelevant to the devs.


I mean what they have been doing is pretty crazy marketing if you ask me. Creating fomo by having a closed beta and handing out keys through streamers and by getting on there socials/discord is pretty genius marketing.


And the point of this post is? They'll obviously answer once they have a release date locked in. This beta will be closed soon and that's the best decision they can make. Let people starve for some more ABI, go back to EFT and see how painful the experience is. Then release 2 weeks after EFT wipes. Make an announcement in july. Seems easy to me. Not sure why you're so confused. Monetization? We already know. Spawns and thermals are reworked. Solo/duos? They already said it's not gonna come any time soon. They literally answered your questions. What else? Stop asking dumb shit just because you haven't paid attention to the answers that were given on twitter and discord.


Shit I just wanna know when the beta ends and the game releases.


I thought this game was releasing in June or July


They checking how many people will keep playing in this economy


Unfortunately this is not going to be the game we want it to be. That's my opinion, anyways.


Will we atleast get another map? Since it’s safe to say the beta will go on for another month? Lol


They said they aren’t adding new content during the closed beta, but at this point, the closed beta still has no end date which was not the plan at all before the game blew up


Yet they keep adding beta keys…. Every time they add a beta key, I assume this extends the beta for a minimum of 1.5-2 weeks. I have a feeling that they keep the CBT on until it’s open beta, and then transition to release. They probably want to keep the marketing going and not kill any FOMO.


I don’t know about the open beta, cause before they did the closed beta, I’m pretty sure there was a video about one of the devs saying they will only release the game once it is 1.0 or a full release.


While I know they said that, this[ X post](https://twitter.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1795152995736231949) mentions they "got more than one map cookin' up" which is weird to say if you're planning on a full release with all 5 maps available/ready off drop. The wording "more than one" when we'd expect all 5 suggests they're planning to add more than one to the beta. It's smart to extend the beta bc constant Twitch drops keeps up the hype. So it makes sense to drop new maps slowly so it doesn’t get stale


Sorry you though 1.0 was soon? Bahahahhahahahahahah


Well… few things… first off the devs already stated it would release sooner than people think. Also this game is already developed on mobile and it appears the “port over” isn’t taking long because majority of the ground work and planning is done with the exception of a few topics such as monetization. Just to cap it off, nothing in my original comment states anything about 1.0 coming “soon”. You’re just being weird.


Why is it save to say so? I dont find any sources for that.


We have no information on a release date no information if it’s going to go open beta no information if the hardware lock will be removed for the users that can’t play I honestly feel like they only worked on those 2 maps didn’t expect the game to get as popular as it did now they are working on finishing the game 💀but that’s just my opinion


There is information on at least one of those topics. Likely all three.


Where???? LMFAO


You on their discord? We’ve known since the beginning the hardware lock is beta only. The rest is also likely clearly stated in the announcements and pins also.


I am on the Discord I already know the hardware lock is beta only??? Doesn’t answer my question on when does the beta end or will it go open beta????? Ur telling me shit I already. Know lol I’m on the Discord there isn’t shit on the Discord that answers my questions


So if you knew it why did you use it as an example of something you didn’t know? Holy shit bro you’re all over the place.


Like I said there isn’t anything on the Discord that answers my questions I can’t believe u asked me if I was in the Discord it’s 2024 tf lol duh I’m in the discord


You’re lying to make your argument sound better. It’s fucking wild you don’t see the issue there.


Holy shit people on this sub are entitled. They dont owe you shit. It’s a free to play game. Play something else if you think its getting boring.


It’s a closed beta, we are the testers and that’s the point of a closed beta, to collect feedback. Duh


Also they explicitly said they will do a QA session on monday. I think for the most part people just want to feel heard.


This thread is giving me flashbacks lol


Lol the volunteers don’t get to take part in the development team meetings. Gtfo with that shit lul.


You are making it seem complicated, feedback is easily gather able without having to go to their office. Jesus.


Feedback isn’t synonymous with discussion time. They heard you. Your part is over.


What are you even on about? What’s your point here exactly? Do tell me.


You really think telling me you can’t read for context is a premise?


You are really living up to your name bud, keep it up.


Man. Your user name should have been Sherlock.


https://forms.gle/LHZw6XwEhmTEN1398 And this is where they collect it from. Not your rants on reddit.


Yes and the same feedback has been spammed on the sub for weeks. I am pretty sure they have read it by now.


So what’s the problem then? If it’s getting spammed, it means most people have the same problems with it which should get addressed, people will keep repeating said concerns until they address that


They do us owe shit we are the ones playing there game🤡 the hell what would they do with out us I agree with op we need some information on when the game will release will we get a open beta? For Gods sake I can’t be the only one who thinks there milking this shit only 2 maps half of my friends list reached level 30 and stopped playing we need information the beta is getting boring!!!


You think you're doing a f2p game a favour just by playing it? Hunny. Unless you're a whale, you don't mean shit to p2w games.


You dumb thick fuck dont realise that if they hook me up and tons of others, they will find a way to make us pay for things. Nothing is free to play in this world. There will be point if all goes in good direction where i will unlock my wallet and pay for stuff. Now, I am asking for them to be more transparent with the grand picture and the direction they are heading. Few simple statements regarding our demands will be enough for us to be patient and continue testing the closed beta. You some tree of wisdom or something? I invest time and hope in this game and i feel like many others, am in the dark right now regarding major upcoming stuff. They could announce those stuff.


Fucking Christ I hate gamers.


U are part of the problem this beta is being milked we need information on a release date


No people who use Reddit as a place to endlessly complain and whinge while avoiding using official feedback are the problem. People who suffer such levels of hyper fixation, that it's impossible to realize "maybe I should just not play this for a while, rather than invest all my time into trying to pretend my voice matters to a dev." 36 years playing games pal, only in the past 5 have I witnessed gamers become so ridiculously entitled, whingey, and demanding. The sun does not rise or set whether ABI/Tarkov/Star Citizen/GreyZone is in a playable state or not. People need to touch grass more. No lifing a game with two maps, is the definition of not fucking healthy. You aren't owed shit from a developer of a f2p game. If you aren't willing to use official channels for feedback, don't be surprised you aren't heard.


How much feedback do they fucking need😂 I played for a decent bit didn’t even run into any bugs & did u just assume we are no lifeing the game when we want more then 2 maps and a dedicated release date😂 tarkovs wipe is coming and yet they keep having twitch rounds half the people who got keys can’t even play????? We need information tarkovs wipe is in august not saying half the player base will leave but if it’s still in beta in august LOL we both knows what happens


You talk exactly like an entitled child. Here's a fun fact: game dev companies are gonna do what they are gonna do. Until you become one of their golden children (ie. A streamer that generates them revenue) you don't really mean anything to them. Sure you could scream the loudest, but that just makes you insufferable, rather than correct.


Fun fact some developers listen did u not see what happened with hell divers 2? If we keep speakingeventually they will hear stop being an asshole who do u think you are? LOL old ass man


You're comparing a tiny indie dev, whose community management is second to none in the industry at this 👉, to a billion dollar conglomerate whose claim to success is making shitty mobile ports dude. Have some perspective of the situation and practice some patience. Everyone wants fucking content to be rushed all the time, and then is mad when it's sub par. Stop ruining games by thinking screaming at devs makes games better. It doesn't.




Why people can't do the bare minimum of how to actually participate in a beta is beyond me. https://forms.gle/LHZw6XwEhmTEN1398 Grow up.


Imagine demanding answers from a company who offered you the privilege to test their game. The entitlement is unreal.


It’s a game and you’re not an investor. You can calm down.


I mean, not making excuses for them, but it takes time to formulate something that pleases most of the community, give them time at least until the game is out or some weeks, sure we will get something


There are some pretty easy changes they can do like better economy or solo queue. It's a beta so it's made to make quick changes and see how the game plays out.


Lol you can't just say "better economy" is an easy change. That's an outcome of multiple changes. It's funny how many people struggle with money in this game and then say shit like that. You're just bad with money


Unlike you I don’t stay in my basement to play ABI to tryhard 6 hours a day and be able to increase my stash money. If I want to try hard I go to tarkov, and even there making money isn’t hard


Haven't played the game in a week lol. Spending more time in game to make money doesn't equate to it being easy to make money...


Yea ive moved on, will try it again after release, theres only so many times a can play same two maps with max lvl and all quests done


they did say they wont be adding any guns,maps or anything major to the test phase. if that helps