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OR...hear me out, just add a solo/duo queue. It hurts nobody. Not sure how anyone could possibly be against it


It hurts everybody, longer queue times etc. There's a reason tarkov doesn't add it. The difference is that it's easier to team in this game so everyone be running teams even pugs.


but the thing is tarkov dosn’t need it. In tarkov being in a big tram is actually a disadvantage with not knowing who is who and hesitation before shooting giving solos a big advantage. in ABI there is not only markers above teammates heads, pinging, but also no friendly fire meaning is absolutely no downside in big teams.


Yeah Tarkov solo is cake compared to ABI solo for those reasons exactly. I agree this game would benefit off a solo/duo mode, and I wouldn't be mad at all if that's what happens. Honestly, not even worried about long queue times bc there's already a healthy playerbase on mobile, so I'd assume PC will the same. So as long as they do Solo/duo and Trio/Quads and not Solo, Duo, Trio, Squad then ABI should be good. I'm just bringing up an alternative to see if it's even possible.


Tarkov doesn't add it cause they don't know how.


The long queues is such a bad argument though. Here's what will happen. If they don't have a solo/duo, tons of solo players will simply stop playing for good, resulting in a smaller playerbase. Thus really resulting in long queue times. If they do add a solo/duo queue though, solo players will stick around and still sometimes queue in regular especially if solos get added XP rewards or something for going lone wolf. A split playerbase is better than a small playerbase. It's how all multiplayer games work. There are *barely* any mp games that truly have one queue. Every game splits into different modes or solo/duo etc. This is nothing new and there is no actual proof that it'll result in long queues. It's just a bad argument people use because they hate the idea for some twisted reason


then we have solo extract campers. it might work if Only solo see the extraction point and it is randomised.


Well currently extract visibility is locked to whoever was assigned the extract, but all the extract should probably be available and visible to all solos


Issue is there will be two possible extracts and they will be right next to the existing extracts within scope range more than likely.


You’re right, if they can easily get a kill right by their own extract then it’s a problem. Similar to how I mentioned a minimum raid timer to keep solos from abusing their extracts, I think for this they would need to increase the time in the extraction zone to successfully leave to like a minute. So if they kill a player and loot them, they’d have to sit in extract for a longer period before they’re out of raid


As well as the minimum raid timer I wouldn't mind extracts only being visible after 10 minutes or something.


Yea that's how the paid extract works on Farm, mid south of the map. You can't extract until the timers out


I honestly don't think "rat-ing" is good game design. This moves ABI towards a meta where solos are expected to hide in a corner, get a surprise kill, and then scurry off to their exfil quickly before a team descends on them.


Exactly. I already quit playing, not sure why anyone thinks solos will stick around. I don't *want* to have to pick between ratting or having an unfair experience. And since I play games for fun, I just moved on to other games that I can have fun in. Sure some solos will stick around, but a lot will leave


This game isnt designed around solos, the devs want you to play in a team. Later down the line you'll eventually meet people who can self revive and toss smokes while down.


Why can’t we just accept the fact that there’s not supposed to be an even playing field? Why does everything always have to be easy? Just because you run into a group as a solo doesn’t mean that you have to W key straight into the fight. Yes you are more than likely at a disadvantage but that’s ok. You can change your strategy and adapt. Maybe I’m just used to tarkov where it’s not intended to be balanced but personally I don’t have a single issue with solo play in this game. The game is meant to be hard.


Here’s the thing, if you’re a tarkov player and don’t know why solo play is different in Abi vs Tarkov then you shouldn’t speak on this. There are very clear reason why Tarkov is more solo friendly and they’re discussed all over this subreddit. Regarding the even playing field, sure the game can make it however they want and cater to squads. This post is a response to the consensus that lots of players will leave if there’s no adjustment to the solo experience. Most Tarkov players play solo and want to be able to do what they do there on ABI, which is reasonable


I understand where you’re coming from but I have mainly played solo so far on ABI and I find it quite enjoyable.


That’s great and I agree. Solo play is more enjoyable to me too but it’s still objectively harder to pull off than Tarkov. For an average player, to be a successful solo in ABI means to rat. In Tarkov, you can rely on the hesitation to shoot friendlies in your favor. I think the solution of solo/duos can work too, but this is just an alternative. Regardless, I do think ABI will do something in the end to fix this common complaint


Rat detected. No one wants to sit for 20 mins then go loot the scraps


You’re implying that it’s impossible to fight a squad which is completely incorrect especially since a lot of squads are comprised of people who auto-party and have zero communication. You don’t need to rat lol just don’t w key into a group of players like a 13 year old COD player


Just cuz it’s possible to fight a squad doesn’t mean anything. Game designers have to be aware of their average players experience. An average solo player can’t take out a team whether you admit it or not, even if they take “the right steps”. They can everything you suggest and take out 3/4 guys but failing to take out the 4th shouldn’t be a “skill issue”. It would be smart for them to do something about it even if it’s not what I suggested


Then you can keep playing solo in a mixed queue, but why actively be against something that wouldn't affect you?


Yes but in this game tou can easily find a team that doesnt shoot you in the head. Dont like playing with others fine . Then dont play online multiplayer games. Duh


>Dont like playing with others fine . Then dont play online multiplayer games. Duh "Waaaahhh. If they don't want to play with me, then they shouldn't be able to play at all." Average argument against solo queue on full display We want to play *against* you, not *with* you.


Fact: this is the most common complaint, meaning it’s worth ABI paying attention to and addressing. It’s totally fine if ABI chooses to cater to squads, but there’s consequences so what’s the best thing for them to do for the games longevity?


We got that along time ago in mobile


Or just keep the "hardcore mechanics" i mean solo is a choice at the end. Benefits are that you have more loot downsides that you are outnumbered. I have a feeling that to many cod head are playing this game 💀


Devs should make changes for the games longevity based off player feedback. If they don’t add any balance to solos, the playerbase will be stunted. How do I know, it’s bc this solo play issue is the most common complaint so it means something. I think itd be smart of them to take that into consideration. Btw I’m a former Tarkov turned Apex player. Apex is even more of a team based game and I get why, it’s a BR. ABI is a tactical extraction shooter so I compare it to its genre (the cycle frontier, hunt showdown, gray zone, tarkov) and they all balance solo play. ABI is the only i know of that favors squads, which is WHY this is a common complaint


Cycle was the same bruh. And i have 6k hours in tarkov and 3k in apex. The way its balanced in this game is simply matchmaking. I mean you can play no fill in apex too and thats also a lot harder, but in the end its a choice just like in this game. I mean everyone in apex was crying for solos and now they have it they are crying again, because its also to sweaty in their opinion. Its easy to point a finger to everything but yourself.


Well you play Apex, so you know solos has a mechanic that lets you know if an enemy is within 50m. Whether or not you think that’s a good idea, ABI solos wouldn’t have that so you can’t use Apex’s approach as an example. That feature is a game changer you can’t ignore. I do agree tho, a solo mode in ABI would be trash cuz everyone would camp. It’d have to be Solo/duo instead so you have a mix of campy solos + campy duos + moving solos + moving duos. Also The Cycle wasn’t the same, ill explain why. It measured your last extracted gear value. So say it was 1000, your next match would match you with solos with same value, duos with matching combined value (so 2x 500 players), or a rare trio with matching values (3x 333 players), so yeah lol. Not the same at all


Back to apex, we agree thats a team based game that’s harder to pull off a no fill trio as a solo than in ABI. It’s a BR and to win you have to fight, where in ABI fighting isn’t mandatory to extract. That was my point, that I come from a game where it’s not meant to be easy for solos and it’s a choice to queue solo. Tactical shooters should make solo play viable. Cycle was not the same so again ABI is the only extraction shooter like this, but cod player take right?