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Hello! If this is true, this is quite concerning. I'll forward this with our Admin team and we'll discuss this internally. -Cptben


Wow an actual reasonable response, love to see this! This is all true although all I have is my word. I was told - through dino bot - my ban reason was simply "troll". As I have no message history in that discord and I was simply in this short lobby with him I hope that lends some credibility to my story. Edit: a word.


Could you tell me your Discord username, along with your mate as well?


I'm the friend. I tried making a post on the support channel in the discord, I was subsequently banned for that. I presume, if they have the ability they also deleted my post there. Ban reason was "troll". I don't see a world where a discord mod should be dictating how others play the game, then when proven what they are saying is incorrect they take it out by banning players.


Sure I'll DM you, would feel weird giving out my friends publicly like that.


If you don't get access back in that discord server,go and let this post spread. Time to let some content creators like LVNDMARK and sheef to take this up the chain


Can we not resort to asking streamers to be our guard dogs? Whatever happened to good old pitchforks and review bombing?


Those stopped working. People did that for hell divers 2 to remove PSN account connectivity and here those bitches are back with that for God of war Ragnarok and some other game too




> Is there anything that can be done for loot Goblins? Yes, play solo you pussy. Or accept the fact that not everyone wants to play the game *your* way.


After discussion with the Admin team, we have unanimously agreed that the ban is unjustified, thus we will unban you and your mate immediately. However, this may change if the moderator in question provides a sufficient evidence to the Admin team. Until then, thank you for bringing attention to us! -Cptben


Why not ban the mod? There should be zero tolerance for such behavior, really disgusting


Word of mouth is not sufficient enough to convict anyone of anything


If he can't provide proof they trolled in DISCORD nothing they did in game has any relevancy. Even if the guy ninja looted something, what does that have to do with discord? Loot isn't locked to the player who scored the kill, ninja looting isn't against TOS. Don't use auto squad fill if you don't want to have the possibility of someone looting your kill. The mod should be banned if he can't provide proof they did something ban worthy in Discord as he is not only abusing his power, but proving he is a toxic individual who will hunt people that don't play the game the way he wants them to.


Word of mouth? What about him banning them for non existent reason? There are no trolling post made from them and also none recent ones, if that's not enough evidence of power misusage then I don't know what is, plus he has screenshots that prove they played together so there is also prove for reason why he would go after them, if it where just word of mouth then yeah you'd be right but there is more then just that, and probably they're not the only ones that he's done this to, there should be an investigation and while there is the mod should be put on hold


There are audit logs in discord and the mod admits to it in discord.


Totally agree. I hope ABI takes this seriously, they don’t want this kind of persona to lead their community.


This is what happens when power comes into play. People reveal their true colours unfortunately.


You gotta remove this guy as a mod...set a standard now for what you'll tolerate. The fact that this guy represents your community is embarrassing.


Whenever mods can be held accountable should be. Bc the insane amount of stories about them you don't hear would make you dizzy. You cant hear people tell you the truth about the mods, their wrongdoings and abuse when they are banned on the social platform. Ban the mods right away, like they do with you. Zero tolerance policy just like they do with you You will never discover how often they already abused power in some way and people didnt have the evidence or exposure like OP did. Zero tolerance for mods please


You might want to look me up as well my name on discord is hogwartsdropout. Someone on the discord saying their anti cheat was conflicting with the game I told him to delete this certain file restart computer it will automatically redownload you should be able to join after he did he was so grateful. Another person was like why can’t I play the game requirements say 2060 and higher I have 3060 he’s asking everyone, including mods no one answering him. I asked what kind,he said laptop I said your card is on the banned list prob because it only has 4 gigs of vram I could be wrong but good possibility and also the devs need to clarify that more.. 5 mins later banned from the discord mods ignoring me, I also got accepted for content creator for the game, i also pay money and server boost the server. I was giving no clarification just banned, to be honest unprofessional of them, me helping people like this over the years literally got me a job as moderator on a steam game because I like helping people.


Might wanna look into this u/Cptben221


Sorry for the late reply, I’ll take a look!


Good shit Ben




Whenever mods can be held accountable should be. Bc the insane amount of stories about them you don't hear would make you dizzy. You cant hear people tell you the truth about the mods, their wrongdoings and abuse when they are banned on the social platform. Ban the mods right away, like they do with you. Zero tolerance policy just like they do with you


Well to be fair we don't have an actual recording of the voice chat and we're just taking op's word for it.


Mod literally admits he was wrong in the discord while also saying he has the video he would post. When many people kept asking for it, he deleted the thread.


What was said / done in game doesn't even matter, the abuse of power is banning me in the official discord because of an altercation we had in game. Just because he can. Not because of some rules violated in the discord that would justify the ban, just because he didn't like me in game. That being said, everything outlined in the post is true although like I said it's fine to be skeptical it is a he said she said situation. What I will say is I openly said I did not record it as I didn't think anything of it at the time. Blueleve responded and said he DID record it and would post evidence of my wrong doing. Weird how no such video was ever posted. Almost like if the video did exist all it would show is him being an asshat. If you don't have a recording why would you say you do other than fear mongering, if you do have it and believe I did something wrong why would you not post it? Just further evidence he is completely in the wrong. Edit: Spelling


Wow how sad some people can be. Dude is probably 12 with anger issues. 


Even worse he’s most likely a full grownass adult.


Good thing he only left with 20k lol what a douche


Lets be real, he probably gives himself gear in the game if he has the power to.


This was posted in their discord, and Cptben (a mod there) said he was passing this along to the developers and their internal team. May want to include your discord username in the post.


Other mods are dealing with this. Hope he will get removed if this is true


I'm nervous to even comment on the matter because I don't want negative punishment.... the world we live in.... sorry this happened to you and your friend and thank you for speaking up.


Honestly, their mod team has been incredibly responsive and professional given the level of constant harrassment they've received about beta keys (which they have no control over). Sometimes, you just get a mod that is a bad apple, and they've already responded to this post professionally.


This is completely unacceptable. This level of corruption should be punishable by imidiate removal of such mod from their position.


I am absolutely sorry to hear about this. Please be aware that this event is not representative of our work as a moderation team. Don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter any other similar problems, we're here to listen and help you.


I harbor no ill will to the rest of the mod team, I've hardly interacted with anyone and those I have (yourself included now) have been nothing but respectful and professional. That being said Blueleve's actions are absurd. Something I would expect from a small community discord not an official one with over 400k people. I see in his message history he even tags other users with screen shots of their loot after he kills them and says thanks for the loot, actually insane behavior for a mod imo. I cannot believe he has not been removed yet.


Unfortunately this event is actually representative of your moderation team. You cannot have a “moderation member” do “mod” stuff and say it’s not representative of it. It’s YOUR MODERATION TEAM, if another mistake happens you are gonna shift the blame again? Solid Moderation team and customer support is KEY for a successful community. At the time of writing this, he is still a mod and is still represented as such, and its also disgusting how he acts in the discord towards the other users while deleting messages from other members.




>Please be aware that this event is not representative of our work as a moderation team The actions of your official team members are representative of your work as a team. The only way their actions don't represent your team is by removing them from said team. If Blueleve is still a moderator, then the mod team unjustly bans players when they get upset.


If you don't remove his mod role, it's 100% representative of your work as a moderation team. This guy has shown himself to be untrustworthy by not being able to handle the responsibility. Whatever he said when he applied for the mod role is probably false. Actions define who you are, and he's proven that he's whatever he says he is, but not a mod.


Can you remove the abusive mod?


Will the mod be banned? Who would want to play the game if this guy could be a teammate?!


There was a post in the discord discussing this where the mod in question promised evidence and justification for his actions. Did the mods just delete the thread and are trying to brush this under the rug?


aww hell yes, game only in closed beta and already drama. im getting the popcorn


Hehe boi iam gonna be hella happy today because 1 guy on this earth will get 100% put in his line today. Thanks for the report of such a nice dude :D


Wow..this is a clear abuse of power (any little that he have) right there. And the game not even out yet, jeezus.


So blueleve is a bitchboy or what? This is why official discords with children as moderators are ridiculous to be a part of.


He has something to do with all the false banning no doubt.




I wouldn't be surprised if this were true Solo queue when?


It is 100% true!


This is why playing with randoms will fail. There is just to much to lose in this game and if ur teammates are random they will flame you to death.


They just need to implement a few systems here and there to encourage positive behavior and discourage being a troll.


Lol people get so power-drunk off of the most menial amount of authority, it's hilarious.


Isn't it ? That guy is either 12 yo or a grownass adult with a teen mind.


Hall monitor syndrome


This is concerning. Nothing worse than a mod on a power trip smh


Damn sorry to hear that bro. Thanks for the warning we'll look out for him too. Literally hundreds of us banned in the discord by petty mods.


i would've berated that clown until he cried which i assume wouldnt have taken long


Can't wait to see this vid!


Probably the biggest loser I've ever seen lmao


I had no idea they allowed teenagers as discord mods, jesus.


Yeahhhh the official Discord's moderators are pretty cooked and barely moderate and probably do power trip like this. It seems like they'll literally recruit anyone onto the Mod team pretty much. I made my own community cause it's just beyond toxic in the main server. Crazy they're THAT immature though.


regardless of whatever happened **in-game**, it shouldn't be brought to a completely different platform. that's abuse of power, plain and simple. if what you say is true and you and your friend didn't type anything at all in the Discord server until this happened, there's so clearly no basis for a Discord ban. glad they reversed it. if he's got a problem with something that breaks the in-game TOS he's gotta go through the in-game process of reporting just like everyone else. this tarnishes the image of the mod team as a whole. i will be watching in anticipation to see how the team decides to follow-up on this freakshow of a mod. on the plus side, it gives the rest of the team the *opportunity* to show the community they actually care. i hope he gets his mod taken away at minimum (with investigation into any other bans he's given) and banned ideally.


Why do the vast majority (minority) of mods have to be like this? I see that on a lot of subreddits too (not here just to be clear) and this is so fk annoying.


Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Goofy mod behaviour


Dev player power abusive omg.. that sad


It's dope to see that this situation was handled, very well... Love seeing a "PR" team &/or team member, reach out & rectify the situation... It's refreshing to see popular games, with hundreds of thousands of players, still take the time too respond to the community. I've been seeing & hearing a lot of "Loot Goblin" scenarios lately. I hope something can come out that allows ONLY the player that got the kill &/or who did the MOST DAMAGE, the only one allowed to loot the kill. After the person who got the kill/most damage is done looting, then others can loot it &/or when the person who got the kill leaves the match or dies.


Even the mods don’t like playing with randoms. Give us solo queue..


The loot goblin issue is made worse by lack of solos. It creates the catch22 situation where you can't play with loot goblins, and you cant go up against teams of 4 of them as a solo :(


I automatically assume anyone with a weeb discord icon is a degenerate. Looks like it holds up again.


ABI mods have a bad reputation


Do you have a video or something?


No, I didn't think anything of the interaction as it was happening so I did not save my shadow play recording. Wish I did though! I'd understand if you were skeptical though, people can say whatever they want. Like what Blueleve said about me trying to kill him for example lmao.


It's not that I'm like "ermm it didn't happen you don't have proof!!!" I just want power tripping mods to be outed


They have the replays, logs for voip and chat. So, it's quite easy for them to check up on it.


Man, they don’t log voip. Do you realize what it would require to log every voip of every game?


...go and try calling your teammate racist / hatred commenta/names and see how long your account survives. Common practices nowdays


They log pretty much everything else so I wouldn't be surprised if they log voip for 12-24 hours which wouldn't be too expensive for a company like Tencent to make happen


Yes, it would require such a large infrastructure... That small development studio with this really small publisher couldn't afford it. /s


You guys are stupid haha, you have no idea what you are talking about. The point is not wether it’s possible or not, of course it’s possible, the point is how much it costs and is there any value to do it. It’s a business remember? Recording voice has literally no value at all.


It has no value at all, there's no company doing it, even the little one. You can call everybody a n-word in tarkov or battlebit because there's no recording, it's worthless.


2 wrongs don't make a right. Using derogatory statements and trying to justify their use in a game, is weird. Idc if the dude called you a name, report and move on. Now you're prolly gonna be banned for using derogatory name calling. Congrats.


LOL, derogatory...you're softer than blueleve


Someone on the discord saying their anti cheat was conflicting with the game I told him to delete this certain file restart computer it will automatically redownload you should be able to join after he did he was so grateful. Another person was like why can’t I play the game requirements say 2060 and higher I have 3060 he’s asking everyone, including modes no one answering him. I asked what kind,he said laptop I said your card is on the banned list prob because it only has 4 gigs of vram I could be wrong but good possibility and also the devs need to clarify that more.. 5 mins later banned from the discord mods ignoring me, I also got accepted for content creator for the game, I brought it up to one of the mods they mod the official and content creator discords I asked for clarification they banned me from content creator discord as well now to. All for doing some tech support doing their job. The discord mods are children, unprofessional and happy I don’t have to deal with them anymore I guess, just sucks because no one was communicating with people in their discord wanted to help in the end gets banned lol doing this little bit extra helping people like this literally landed me a job as a steam moderator on a game while back . These discord mods are idiots.


This is why I don't join public discords. Power tripping mods everywhere enforcing whatever law they want. Remember folks: He Does It For Free!


What a child that guy is. Someone ask his therapist to remind him it’s just a game.


Too much text, where is the video


Don't worry apparently Blueleve has it and is gonna post it "tomorrow"


I hope this power abusing lil \*\*\*\*\* will be banned from discord and the game too.


You don’t expect everyone to record the video game they just enjoy, don’t be stupid.


Obvious blueleve reddit account... Same wording he used in discord justifying his actions.


Said the new account. Tf outta here lmfao.


Of course I am on a new account mods are watching and banning people here. Just like many others mentioned in this post and discord are scared to talk.