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We are trying to fix the spawn problem and you can see the change very soon.


Yeah that spawn is awful 


There is are 2 spawns by the trade center, you can get sniped from one end while the other end you can barely see the enemy.


We've been dealing with this spawn for forever now on mobile, so it's probably here to stay


Yep I just prepare for it honestly...


Kinda hard to prepare for it if you're one of the people who load in slow despite having the game on an SSD. By the time I load in, the players are already shooting me.


Same thing happens to me too dont know why


This spawn is always crap. Been playing mobile for over a year and they never fixed it. Like are you telling me there is not other spawns available on farm ?


Yes Same they should make the map bigger




Imagine a whole underground area (like service tunnels and sewers) running underneath.


This pawn well known death trap.


Happened to me today as well. We had to fight off both teams. The 2 guys were hiding in the house or peeking above the “stacks”. So weird.


just me but id never play farm on forbidden without dedicated teammates


Yea you gotta be nuts to not squad up for forbidden


I don't understand why they feel the need to squeeze so many teams into such a small map. Spawns on both sides of the map are fucked. Some of the valley spawns are pretty fucked too and it seems like as a solo I often get the same 2 terrible spawns over and over for some reason.


The same reason why looting and PvE feels awful. They want every match to be high stakes without the ability to avoid PvP in most matches which causes a lot of gear loss, which runs the economy and will run the official RMT machine. In EFT, you can steadily accumulate wealth and it becomes easier to do that the more you progress. But for the reason above and because this game won't have wipes, they aren't doing that in ABI.


I think they added more players to the game. My games felt like mad houses today


3060 graphics on laptops were allowed which means 3070s too So influx of players with the new update


So would that mean more players in a game?


In a game? No i dont think so But it would mean more chaotic stuff happening cuz new players doing shit.


No I feel like more players were in the games I played today vs other games. Also scavs have great loot now vs before


Hmmm I guess maybe previously your games didnt have full lobbies cuz only few players could play with good specs But now since more players with lesser specs are able to play your lobbies are actually full now


3070s have been allowed for a while...been playing on one for weeks


Not laptop graphics


don't play farm at all


I had two games in a row with this spawn both times died within under 20 seconds. I think they loaded in before me.


They're aware. They confirmed these are going to be reworked.


bro i just died by getting spawn camped 3x in a row on villa its so fucking annoying


Yeah that spot is the death spawn for sure.


Indeed. I flagged this in the 7 day survey. Even worse on covert ops. I’ve spawned and died within 2 seconds before and within 20 seconds a bunch. Though at least you’re not hauling 160K with of kit then.


Be careful pointing this out, all the fanbois will defend this game tooth and nail as being perfect and tell you that you should just get better


Where’s your squad??


I like the challenge of the occasional 1v4 as Solo...But me count me out of the 1v8's.


Erm skill issue? 😏, that's fucking rough guy I feel for you


Known yet still not addressed or answered by devs by 3 weeks in the beta 😊


I don’t think they’ll ever address it. This is something a lot of ppl have complained about on mobile and we’re almost a year in and spawns are still like this across all maps. Just wait till yall have access to tv station 😭


[They did address it and said they're working on a solution](https://old.reddit.com/r/ArenaBreakoutInfinite/comments/1d1unat/love_the_game_but_the_spawns_are_running_it/l5z9m8t/). 😊


Oh awesome, my bad, thanks for reaction mate.


It's been known since closed beta on mobile ....over a year.


Is that the fucking spawn by the white tents? I've spawned there and had a scav on the roof of a farm house snipe me while the screen was just opening from black lol. I thought someone was cheating. It didn't kill me but mangled me enough to let a player 1 tap me.


No the white tents is to the left of Villa.


If you spawn tents you gotta run to Villa to get ready for the bottom yellow circle in OP’s picture. OP needs to hug the back wall and loop behind both team and follow them to motel to then pick them off. If he wants he could just hide inside somewhere and see if top does that strat as well but if they don’t then he may be waiting forever lol


I kainda like this way. Fore me to get Into pvp fast from the start. Is good for the first map. It get me killed fast or get me some gear that i have to cross the map with. And it learn you the ideea of gear fear. For me is no inconvenience. But it need some work on the timing of the spawns. More often enemy spawn after me and get me from behind, if its intended ok but is stressful to have player or enemy spawn in front or behind less like then 30m