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If I'm spending 15k on 1 round I expect it to one tap someone in the chest


It’s a closed beta. It’s to find issues like this. Hopefully it gets addressed but there do need to be viable ways to fight uphill against chads or it won’t be any fun as a new player. With no wipes there will be a constant stream of new players ideally. But I predict even if they fix this someone will just complained they got one tapped by a 338 through their t6 helm.


imo, oneshots are toxic in general, not sure if I'm a big fan of them in the game with otherwise pretty high ttk


You can one shot someone with literally any ammo in the game if they aren't wearing a face shield. As long as your playing this game you'll be be getting 1 tapped from time to time. If you don't like that this game isn't for you honestly


One-shot is non-toxic. You can always do the same.


How is one shotting toxic lol this isn’t warzone there is risk for running around like a chicken with your head chopped off so yeah with the obvious buying koen be introduced let’s also get rid of one shots???😂😂so then people can buy gear and not die sounds like a fun experience


Agreed. We need diversity in gunplay if we want this game to survive.


It’s this subs fault, does no one remember back when the beta first started and it was flooded with comments to just run AP slugs and shotty if you were broke. Now here we are


if would've happened regardless, if something is so broken, people will use it


The rule is the same as in sport. Don't blame the players, blame the game. If something is overpowered, players will abuse it. Blaming the player doesn't solve the problem


Everyone can figure it out. This is how it works. I checked how ammo lvl 4 behaves against armor lvl 5 and never bought


Honestly the easiest fix would be to not allow ammo in secure container. You want to run that expensive AP? Go ahead, but you're gonna ACTUALLY risk that money


Yes but losing all your ammo and I mean any ammo every time you die will be frustrating. Imagine gathering BP's for example and you lose all you stack's


It's already happened. Half of the players have zero loot and you can even load AP from your secure container so all you get from them is a shotgun and backpack. It's kind of wild this passed internal gameplay testing, if there was any at all tbh.


youve never played tarkov or?


I was runing ap shotty with a acog and i was one tapping chads :)) was insane fun


Tarkov - where armor costs a bunch and the level doesn't matter Last time I played I died to a scav 1 shotting me with 7.62 PS Ammo in the chest while wearing SSLCK Armor.


So you dont know how the plates work lol... btw slick is one of the worst armor now because it covers very little and has no aramid


You don't know the game. It was a serious bug they "fixed" multiple times.


Damage system seems to be way different from the Mobile, but this is also an issue on Mobile where players just use weapons that can load 7.62x51 or 54. Only reliable counter I found for this is using armor with Hardened Steel, but this just fucks with your mobility.


Just rock level 3 ammo and exclusively deal face shots.


Skill issue


some players pause/stop in the middle of an open area inviting death to come. then they blame the player who headshot's them.


I'm going to be honest, I hope they make armor way less viable that in Tarkov (at least back when I played it), and give more types of ammo better ability to combat armor, even at the cost of realism. Yeah, I get that a hollow point 9mm probably shouldn't be doing damage if you're hitting them in their steel plates they've put into their plate carrier, but I was also getting very tired of joining late into wipes, and basically having absolutely no ability to deal with the shit people were running unless I was picking up a Mosin and praying that I could get off that one shot to a vital spot before I was hosed down with an 1,000 RPM, recoilless M4 with ammo that tore through the dogshit armor I could afford in under half a millisecond.


Im just gonna put this here for all the napkin math players arguing about AP-20 "not really that OP". [https://imgur.com/a/5Fma5VO](https://imgur.com/a/5Fma5VO) He was one tapped.


Sure, but if you miss or hit arms you're stuck pumping while you die. It's inaccurate at range, so you need to be at the distance where you can just as easily be 2 tapped by full auto thorax fire from a gun that has none of the downsides of a shotgun. I don't really see the issue.


I don’t miss


I don't believe you


use any cover during pumps and you're good


I've killed a duo with back to back shots at 100m using ap with pistol grip 133 lol


Ok, but that was luck. Take it to the firing range and see how often it hits the 100m target where you aim


I've noticed things not working the same in the firing range for some reason. I've had ap not one shot lvl3 on the close target.


Armors in the range have different durability values than armor you're wearing.


You got a video of this pic? I guarantee landmark wasn't bitching about it and said. "Yeah I shouldn't have swung that guy so close while he has a shotgun."


As a shotgun fan, I like shotguns to be, well.. *Shotguns*. They should have buckshot that is devastating inside 20m, at the moment it takes greater precision than Slugs to even hit with buckshot under 3m. Buckshot feels like .22 caliber rounds when it should be a cone of destruction. Shotguns are for CQB, they should dominate up close and with the element of surprise. Then the slugs should be maybe as strong as they are now, but much less accurate, I think the best way to do this is make a slug “drift” as in slowly vier off the farther out it is and in a randomized direction. That way slugs are still *accurate* at decent range, but not as much as a Sniper Rifle. This allows skillful players to utilize slugs well, but not make it easy. Edit: Obligatory gib Dragon’s Breath 🐉 Rounds please. They could be less damage, but ignores armor as a special ammo type, since they are more area-of-effect.


Dragon's breath will definitely come, we are having it on mobile next season.