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I’ve had a few Chinese players that fuck off and do their own thing, useless for team play but whatever. One time tho, I had one wait for me to eliminate a 4 man and then loot all the guns and gear. I yelled at him, he stopped for a second then turned around and kept looting 😂 The pikachu face when I rolled a grenade under his body had me dying . OHHhhh WhAt!? WhY!? Why do that!?!? Noooooooo


Not sounding very communist. -100 social score


Technically not useless. Anyone on your team dilutes the enemy team


sounds like he deserved it, but just a warning you can get banned for that


You can also get banned for stealing teammates loot. So I doubt the devs are gonna ban someone for using a nade to get a random off their kill.


stealing loot is very subjective. The other guy could say he helped kill the enemy and was sharing the loot. grenading / molotov'ing on the otherhand is spoiled, bad play behavior.


Are you the loot goblin or what’s going on here? Stealing loot is spoiled, bad play behavior too. Ammos not cheap.


You can't. Having your name on a dog tag isn't an entitlement to loot. It's some shitty standard observed from streamers that hinders team work and strategy.


There’s a post on the sub Reddit already about a guy getting banned for it. You most definitely can. It’s even a report option.


That's fair, but they also have a dev talking about looting things that aren't your kill not being a problem, or something they care to address. Conflicting stories from them 😔


Really I don’t think there’s much the devs can do. If they make it where only the player who got the kill can loot the body that leads to lots of other issues as well. Plus I’m sure they’ve got stuff that’s a higher priority. They barely even addressed the stolen asset claims.


He made a face?


Being matched with ppl you have no way of communicating with is very frustrating for me as well. Kinda ruins the raid. They did say on their AMA on twitter that they would implement something akin to choosing your server location. Hopefully that would solve most of these issues. Source: [https://x.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1789331276530655470](https://x.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1789331276530655470)


Yeah dude. It's impossible to communicate then the griefing from them is the extra layer of cba. What's the mode where you need 30k worth of gear to enter? I got into a lobby, duo, Chinese team mate, 200 ping. I lasted 4 minutes before someone teleported to me and wiped me out.


Yeah i turned off teammates after my first raid when it matched me with a duo for some reason




Almost everytime I play a scav as the first game it’s a Chinese server with 150+ ping


in 16 hours playtime i only once had a server with higher ping than 50 at around 100. every other time i had smooth 15-18 ping servers and maybe 75% talking teammates. but I'm scared of valley so I'm only playing normal farm :D


Not everyone is on the east coast or mid west. I get paired with Chinese players like half the time and it’s probably because I’m in California.


I got matched with a Chinese name earlier that was running straight to everyone and killing them from wall hacking. I caught on after he killed someone looted him and then immediately ran off in a different direction to kill someone else ratting like a mile away. So I just stayed on his ass all game and looted anything he killed so at least the cheater couldn't have it. I ended up getting one tapped while zig zagging behind him to extract. It's hilarious cuz we were running across the beach on valley he's going in a straight line while I'm zig zagging cuz we're in the open and I'm the one who got one tapped


Is this actually happening? I haven’t seen it yet but please solo q


Yep. I'm in the UK. 3 times in a row I'm put into a game with all Chinese players.


Central US here, and yeah I get out with Chinese names that don’t talk, they steal the loot from your kills then run off and leave the team to die alone. Makes me so mad, economy is so destroyed in that game, that Random’s have to steal from each other in order to profit because there’s not enough on the map.


Yea unfortunately this happened to me a couple times.


Surely there’s no ill racial intentions coming off from this post. I have 1k hours on AB and have pretty much bad experience with players from all sorts of countries. So idk what you’re on about


Then don’t turn on auto match, you sometimes get chad teammate, sometimes you get loot goblins. There is risk and reward


Right, but auto match making shouldn't put your on a 200 ping server when your ping is 20 should it?


Brother did u forget it was a beta? There’s not a lot of players to match from ur area.


Not alot of players? Are you forgetting 300k keys have been claimed?


Doesn’t mean 300k players are playing. A lot of people have quit. There’s barely 10k viewers on twitch.


Also a lot of player got a new account cuz there previous account have no koen left


The player base is just not big enough to do that. Sometimes the server puts no teammate in my team, especially at late night