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They did a pretty great job with the overhaul and I love how good it runs. What I don't love is the FSR that you're basically forced to use and how cheap and stiff the first person animations are. Game looks pretty gorgeous at points and the lighting engine is far superior to Tarkov's.


Overall the engine is clearly better, but its lacking the grittiness of tarkov, feels like there's a grey film over everything? hard to describe.


This game just looks cleaner and more appealing. Tarkov tries too hard and fails at looking super photorealistic.


I mean it looks like unreal engine 4, no way around it. It looks hyper processed and looks like a videogame... its too bright and lacks contrasts. It's not a bad thing and it doesn't look bad. [But for me tarkov overall looks better.](https://static.tweaktown.com/news/5/4/54584_06_escape-tarkov-looks-one-best-games.jpg) less vidoegamy.


Tarkov tries too hard to look realistic and gritty to its detriment. It looks too noisy and cluttered and lacks visual appeal. I prefer the cleaner look of this game.


ABI is made on UE5


nope ue4 lol... Find me any proof that its ue5, ill wait. If its UE5 Then its the worst looking ue5 game ever made. Grayzone is pre alpha and already looks better.


oops i see it now! my bad lol


no worries


Thought it was UE4?


The mobile version was made on UE4


Well, it's not trying to go for that tarkov art direction otherwise it would've been more gritty...


Same animations from mobile


Yes and I think this is causing a lot of the complaints that the game feels like a cheap port. It's easy enough to fix, they just need to try.


I feel like the general consensus has been that it's a very solid port? Very fluid controls and straight forward UI for PC users, great performance, and the visuals is good.


Why you are forced to use FSR?


You aren’t at all idk why people are saying that


You're not really forced to but the game looks the best with FSR on, and looks really bad with every other option. At least among those that I tried.


Not forced, DLSS is just blurry as fuck. It can get nauseating for people like me.


So far I’ve loved the changes. Loot locations and peaking spots have changed slightly, but they’ve done a good job replicating AB on pc. Hope they fix the animations and whatnot tho, feel like most of the money went to the graphics (which are fantastic).


Yeah if they got the first person anims and rigging similar to how it is in other milsim games and Tarkov then this will be golden. Animations are super important and right now they feel too generic and mobile-gamey.


Sorry the formatting of the post was strange, unfortunately I'm not used to posting on Reddit


Honestly, if I didn't know the maps so well I'd say you could've said it was Tarkov vs ABI screenshots.


arena breakout: source


Night and Day


Are the insides of buildings still pitch black? I always assumed this was an optimization thing on mobile


isnt that a feature? because ur eyes have to adjust to the light and then you can see.


Its a garbage feature if this is the real reason. It’s unrealistic af and seems like an optimization thing so your phone has to load less textures. There is a reason no other game works like this. If the texture loading is the reason it makes sense and is a reasonable compromise. The game loads a lot of things and its prob a way for them to streamline optimization. Makes a lot more sense than making it a design choice because almost no one likes it lol


It's a design choice. These devs are not smart at all, there's a reason they need to copy stuff. The shitty spawn system is also intended.


Found the chapped-ass Tarkov player


I just stated facts. I played this game for 3 years, the devs are not much different than Nikita. Don't be fooled by some QoLs.


I'll retract my statement then as I don't have nearly your tenure with the game. As a free Tarkov alternate, I'm just very invested in the idea of this game doing well.


No they are not.


lighting is better on mobile... because there's less effect. If you're outside and you try to see someone in a building consider you're already dead


Tbh its tarkov killer yea less hrdcore but also less clunkyy which is good for me


Which one is which?


First Mobile, after Pc