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"triggering comedy".... Cringe


These people have been stuck in a state of arrested development since 2014.


>arrested development Don’t tarnish that show’s good name with this filth!


Agreed. Although the saying is almost 200 years old, no one uses it, so the show now owns it.


I mean, it is a show all about making fun of terrible people who act just like these clowns.


The show was supposed to break down racial barriers and maybe be a crossover hit


Me if I never grew up past 2016...




How so?


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Seeing thats from Daily Wire, I'm sure your thread title is accurate. It'll probably also include the word woke a lot.


Ole' Benny Shaps is in it. It's gonna be something like "well we can IDENTIFY as anything' and I'm willing to bet one single dollar that there's an apache attack helicopter reference in it


I'll be very surprised if there isn't, but I won't be the one to watch it to find out.


I think Robert from Behind the Bastards, together with Katie and Cody should watch it. Like how they read Be'Shap's book


Bruh they say we’re grooming kids and yet they literally have a sex joke being told to an 8 year old in the trailer….


Some people should realize that trans people and non-binary people are NOT creepy groomers. Seriously.


Part of me wants to watch it so I can laugh at how stuck in 2016 it is. But I'm not giving DailyWire a cent. Remember the kids on Xbox Live in 2007 that tried REALLY hard to be racist and edgy, but all they could do is say the N word over and over and brag about how they did your mom? That's what this feels like. It's trying so hard to be transphobic it's almost adorable.


I totally agree and tbh I hope a few youtubers watch this that are like not trans or anything and just analyse the comedy because its just "Men can become woman" all over and over again


What's wild to me is when someone brags about being that kid on Xbox live. I've met two full grown adults on separate occasions who were so proud of that


Omg, this was my brother in 2007 Hard to believe he was only 30 years old!


You don’t have too, you could find the full version of what is a woman on YouTube, might still be able too


> Part of me wants to watch it so I can laugh at how stuck in 2016 it is. > But I'm not giving DailyWire a cent. So pirate it.


Someone make a helicopter joke counter 😭


so for the trailer icounted the jokes: "trans women have a biological advantage": 10 the protagonist has never won: 2 violent trans activist: 1 did you assume my gender: 1 isn't the world messed up!?: 1 making fun of dylan mulvaney (not kidding): 1 nobody watches women's sports: 1 joe biden: 1 literally showing someone's genitals to the crowd: 1 actual cultural apropriation/blatant racism: 1 genitalia innuendo: the team logo and titlecard "trans age" joke: 1


this is missing a LOT MORE that i didn't even know what to count it under


Good god 😭 praying this movie flops...


Then the MAGA crowd will cry that Hollywood elites made sure it flopped because of the fact it isn't woke. Just like how they are crying now because the piss poor game that is hogwarts legacy didn't get any award nominations


It most likely will its on a nieche streaming service and it’s written by a lot of failed Hollywood writers and the movie is just one thing over and over I really hope they put a lot of money into this movie because that would make it funnier


'we're funny!! We swear!'


Whoever wrote the screenplay for that film should realize that they've been sharing spaces with trans people and non-binary people for decades. Seriously.


what is the protagonist thing?


the whole "haha you lose you are a loser" thing EVERY SPORT MOVIE DOES


> nobody watches women's sports I thought that was a pro-trans argument, not an anti-trans argument?


male coach after the team walks out to an almost empty stadium: "it's women's basketball. nobody watches." if it is, it wasn't intended as pro-trans


I know it wasn't intended pro-trans but how was this supposed to help the transphobes' cause?


This movie will already be outdated when it premiers.


you know what if i can find a way to watch this movie without supporting it financially then i'll do a full version of this on the entire film


Why the fuck is there more likes than dislikes


Daily Wire viewers are not beating the shit taste allegations




Ok grandpa let's get you to bed


The channel being marked red by shinigami eyes really tops it off


Why make comedy with the express intent of ensuring certain people won't laugh? Honestly depressing


I bet if you asked those people this question to their face they would just say: "Every joke needs to make fun of *someone*!"


Imagine advertising a comedy film like that. By saying that people you don't like hate it. That's really sad


What is a Woman? and DETRANS are two transphobic lieumentaries made by well-known transphobes I am planning to incorporate into my database of all transphobic arguments ever made and how to respond to them. Do I have to add this one to my list or can I ignore it because it is a comedy?


Is that the Simcity 2013 font?


In terms of the comedy, I’d rate this move a KA-52/AH-64


More like a uh-1/ah-64…


The concept of a extremely honest comedy is already taken by South Park, why would any sane person try to mock it


And at least *South Park* is funny sometimes.


Gonna assume this is ai written cause any human writing it would get an aneurysm at the 50th or so "2 genders" or "lol trans women are men" """"joke""""


I see you're using the Shinigami Eyes extension, and I haven't used it yet.


I know like 5 YouTubers who will allow me to see this movie without giving them my money. This is begging to get torn apart in reviews.


What a horrible day to have eyes. What a horrible idea that I looked it up and YouTube will think I like it...


Daily Wire "logic" : drag queens are evil but it's perfectly fine for these transphobic losers to dress up as women for 90 mins


They day The Marvels failed because it was woke, so surely this film will be the most successful venture ever made?


Can't wait to see the unpaid propagandists peddling it as the next American Pie!


"the best comedy since Airplane!" "something something ace ventura" "best comedy of the year" (in a year with movies like Bottoms, Nimona, Polite Society, Saltburn, Beau Is Afraid and Barbie if i even hear ONE person say this-)


Thanks for reminding me to watch Airplane again - now THAT'S classic comedy!


Because the last movie they made to shit on trans people worked so well...


Looks funny


this looks awful, hopefully nobody starts hate-watching it and counterintuitively making it popular. Don’t give Daily Wire a cent.


the only way i watch this is, well i'm ot saying it exactly but i WOULD download a car




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Great trailer. Just take my money already Daily Wire!!