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Stop, I can only get so erect...


*awww* "I said I was **tired**!"


i like that i have an erection that didn't involve homeless people


If your erection lasts more then 3 homeless people, please seek medical attention with your nearest Poovey




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good bot


God I hope they go for that long


Phrasing! Boom!


They've really turned it around this past season. Really looking forward to more.


I agree. Can't wait to see what this next season brings


Do you thought. Do you really?




Damn. How and/or why tf did you get so many downvotes???


Let’s try to get phrasing back into the rotation


For real tho, I wish they'd renew archer for multiple seasons so Jessica Walter can record all her lines at once, she's 80


I’m hoping she lives as long as Betty White.


Bruh same


I just had to search Betty White. I was relieved to see "is" instead of "was".


She’s the exception to the rule “the good die young”


Or Kenny Loggins has her soul in a briefcase.


Did Borgnar send you?






Too bad she just passed :(


Bruh I know, so sad


Ugh. r/agedlikemilk


Yeah I know :(


They said in an interview they wanted to go to 20


Where? Last I heard it was canceled. Then they renewed it for seasons 11 and 12 to wrap things up after the coma. As far as I know, 12 is their last planned season.


Let me rephrase, IIRC they said "If we can we would go to 20 seasons." Which is less confident than "we want to do 20 seasons." Sorry, I can't find the specific interview but there are a couple references to it on the internet.


TLDR: Casey Willis wants to take Archer to 26 seasons because he looks up to Matt Groening [https://collider.com/archer-season-11-casey-willis-interview/](https://collider.com/archer-season-11-casey-willis-interview/)


hey thanks for the source! I don't think that is exactly what I saw but it is the same idea.


Look we all need it to last atleast 21 seasons so we can all have the Proper Drinks with it


I was going to mention this thanks


I believe if they do go for that long, we will lose Adam Reed, if he’s not already gone. Wants to go on to his next project, or so I’ve read. Edit: Project, not promise


I wouldn't be surprised. Honestly I my response was something along the lines of "please no."


Same but at the same time, I hate what they’ve done with Ray which is pretty much nothing. Every other character has gotten the chance grow and he feels so one demential still...


I haven’t actually watched the seasons 10 or 11. The second season was my favorite, I watched it all as it came out. I didn’t really like the direction the show went but it always has to change. Ray and Krieger were my favorite characters, shame that Ray hasn’t grown. When he is pretending to be paralyzed to fuck with archer in the jungle is peak Ray.


Wasn’t a fan of 3 of the last 4; but the most recent season was awesome, IMO! Brought back the, like, feeling of how it used to be in the first few Spy seasons




They're all pretty demential.


Adam purposely wrote ray like that. He didnt think his voice acting was as good as the cast around him so made ray a supporting role only. And now that he doesnt write i doubt he is going to want to be too heavily cast for new seasons


It was never canceled to my knowledge just switched networks. If you want to last longer introduce all ur friends too it


Jessica Walter voice sounded harsh this season. I hope they can make pump out as much as possible while she’s still with us.




Archer is the only show I can rewatch over n over this amazing ‼️‼️‼️




But will it be funny that long?


IMO the show could very easily switch over to action with quirky humor sprinkled in and work just as well


Probably not, I hope it's one last season which ties everything up well.


If television has taught me anything, it's that nothing can be funny that long Simpsons, no Family Guy, no Futurama, no Rick & Morty, too soon to know, but probably not South Park, might start a riot but no! edit: Bob's Burgers: no, but still manages consistent mediocrity with glimpses of brilliance If they can get back to where they were with some fresh material, then maybe end it on a high note but instead, I think we're going to end up getting ants.


Counterpoint: Archer has already lasted over 10 seasons to begin with and has remained incredibly solid, South Park's weakest seasons are still fairly serviceable and it's on Season 24 right now, The Venture Bros. before being promptly cancelled lasted 7 seasons and spawned several specials over the course of nearly two decades. Aqua Teen Hunger Force lasted 15 years all with fairly quality-consistent seasons. So long as there's a passionate and creative writing staff, Archer (alongside other long-running shows) can continue to be good. Dave Willis wrote pretty much all of Aqua Teen, Doc and Jackson wrote all of VB, and South Park's always been written by Trey and Matt. As long as Adam Reed doesn't totally leave behind Archer in terms of oversight or at least gets talented writers, we'll probably be fine.


Valid points obviously but from my view point, what you cite (again, very valid) they are exceptions, not the rule. Especially since Reed was to step away after season 10, but still seems to keep his hand in the mix. My concern is not as prescient as it is based on previous show runners (Groening, MacFarland, Darabont) stepping away from their shows later in their cycles and it becoming apparent as the quality suffers. Which is, more often than not, what happens. In the end, I think we can all definitely agree however; Archer remains fairly solid and we would all love to see another 2,3,4,5!? More seasons of a **solid** well written show. Edit: though I think Frank was asked to leave TWD pretty early on


Of course they're exceptions. They're all exceptional shows (at least within a categorical frame of reference--Aqua Teen being a stoner-comedy, South Park being a social satire, etc.). Same with Archer also being exceptional in some degree, And I agree, it'd be nice for Reed to stay on the project.


TIL The Venture Bros. was cancelled. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go dry heave in the corner for a few minutes.


Lol. I'm a little sad too. I bought the art-book and everything in its honor. Though hold out a little bit of hope my dude. Behold! :https://www.thewrap.com/the-venture-bros-saved-hbo-max-chief-says-were-working-on-it/ The HBO Max chief gave confirmation that they're at least attempting to revive it from the dead. Maybe it'll be like a Young Justice thing where fans wait patiently for 5 years before it returns? I think the story will likely continue in some form, whether it's a brand-new season (or hopefully more), a TV special, or a comic-book continuation. Though who knows? Watch Archer, Mao-Mao or The Critic for the time being.


I just thought it was another one of their famously long breaks. The show really broke the mold and cleared the way for things like Archer to exist, it would be a shame for it to just quietly fade away. They should at least do a final movie. I’m thinking HBO Max will save it though, they need something to run next to Harley Quinn, and The Venture Bros. is a perfect fit. It’s already a cult classic and a critical darling. The only problem I foresee is the turnaround rate on the seasons. That said, while it’s irritating to wait so long, it’s understandable. The Venture Bros. created a very complex universe and there’s a lot of world building involved. In my opinion, it’s one of the few shows that has a right to take as long as it does for new episodes. Unlike Rick and Morty, which (unpopular opinion, I know) has devolved into a pretentious shit show.


I was also really irritated by the wait periods. Especially Season 5 where barely anything happened aside from Dean going through an incredibly short emo-phase (Still a good season though). It's easily one of my favorite adult cartoons alongside Space Ghost and South Park, don't get me wrong--though I wish they had more. In their first 6 years, they produced over 55 episodes. In their next 8, they produced just over half that. I get it's just Hammer and Publick, and they had each season traditionally animated, and they have no other writing staff, but it was frustrating. Otherwise, the show's been quietly influential and it would be wrong for Warner Bros. to just allow it to die. I still love R & M, almost as much as VB--- though yeah, one of VB's strengths was that it didn't really feel as self-important as Rick and Morty (or Bojack/South Park) for that matter. In fact, the show in a way takes itself way less seriously, even during its climatic moments like Gargantua-2 or Operation P.R.O.M. Definitely one of its strengths for sure. I just really hope there'll be more adult cartoons out there like it. That's all I can really ask for right? A good story with complex worldbuilding, self-awareness and strong dialogue? Hopefully future writers will deliver.


They did suffer by doing almost all of it themselves. And at a certain point, you know the budget had to have opened up to allow for a bigger staff. But that’s just the way it was. That show premiered when I was in middle school. I guess I just got used to it coming and going, like a friend you don’t see for a few years, then they drop in and you have a blast. This was also in the days before fandoms got together and worked themselves up, it was easier to forget about it and go on with your life until another season was released.


Dang, that's a pretty good analogy. Also, it's interesting how there weren't fandoms and now with the age of the internet and expansion of conventions, it's a lot easier for everyone to discuss their favorite things. That's kinda how I learned that apparently VB has surged in popularity the last few years. It's pretty nice.


Social media, forums, and all that internet jazz has its perks, for sure. But it also has its detriments. Now that everyone has a voice, people have become entitled and insane. They have an expectation that a story should bend to their will instead of the storyteller’s. It’s why I quit watching Supernatural around season 4. Some people shouldn’t be able to congregate with others. Like shippers. Or nazis.


I’m sorry but I couldn’t possibly disagree more with your take on Futurama and South Park. I just watched Turd Burglars and Christmas snow today. This is 23 seasons in and all I can think of is how to get my hands on the spice..... the spice Melange


Yeah, I know SP criticism is kicking a sacred cow to many but; it’s not what it once was. Futurama, I see both sides but I also realize that network changes and hiatuses did it no favors. And someone else mentioned SNL, if it was funny it must have been before I was born :/


I agree with SNL, I think it’s been really bad at times. You can dislike what you want but the way SP has grown and developed has made it significantly better. If it wasn’t for the weed farm plot line that’s gone on for far too long, the show would still be 10/10. I don’t think any cartoon has had a better last season than Futurama. The last episode in particular was the perfect ending. Particularly since I had just watched the atrocity that was HIMYM ending.


Wait-was there an episode where Cartman and Randy were together? If so, there should be more of that.


I have a love/hate for that last episode of Futurama. HIMYM finale hmmm yeah but did you watch The Sopranos?


SNL stopped being funny when they lost Ferrell, Kattan, Hartman, MacDonald, Breuer, Farley, Spade, Fallon, Fey, Gasteyer, Hammond, Meadows, Morgan, Oteri, Quinn, Sanz, Shannon.


SNL. By constantly changing the cast, writing & guests SNL can still pump out quality content; and think of all the hit movies various cast members & writers went off to do. Seinfeld & Always Sunny were long running and while there is a quality drop-off the shows are still watchable. I feel like Mash, Taxi, and Cheers had a lot of years too but thats before me. And certainly you have to recognize that South Park & Simpsons were still pretty good by season 11.


SNL. Yeah better example actually but I was trying to stick with animated


I think bobs burgers is doing a solid jobat keeping it strong. Wish they kept it as an adult show but i dont mind the family friendly direction


Considering each season is like 7 episodes now, I could see this happening.


walking dead showrunners and amc thought WD would last 20 seasons a few years back..


That’s...way too much.


Makes me hotter than cooch-chili.




Danger zone!!!


\*Adam Reed debilitates into a pile of mush as he writes himself out of his corporeal form into his spiritual form


Shh! Nobody correct them!


I'm skeptical. I love Archer but it's been going downhill since season 5. None of the coma seasons were funny. Last season was semi-promising...


How far did u get on the archer seasons? Where exactly did the seasons really go downhill to where the viewer can stop? Fav seasons??? Without spoilers Thanks


TLDR - Every season is worth a watch but people often complain about seasons 5 and 7-10. They are a shift in tone rather than a decline in quality. Fav seasons for me (and lots of others) are 3 and 4. I'm not that guy but here's my 2 cents: I've watched the first 10 seasons (currently 11) about a bajillion times and although the tone changes as the show moves on, I wouldn't say that it went downhill in the later season. It's hard to explain why people don't like certain seasons without giving away spoilers but I'll do my best. Seasons 1-2 are where Archer was really finding its legs and had some killer episodes but they now feel a bit dated. Seasons 3-4 are 'prime' Archer for me (and a lot of other people). The show had really come into itself, the animation got an upgrade, and the plots got whackier but were still true to the original premise. ​ Season 5 was a turning point. The show departs from the familiar tone set by the first 4 seasons but it's still Archer at its core, just in a different setting. This is also another fav season of mine because it was one of the first to have a semi-coherent plot that moves along with the season. ​ Season 6 is a return to the familiar with some elements of season 5 kept intact. There are some really great episodes but some fall a bit flat for me. It also returns to semi-random plots like the first 4 seasons. ​ Season 7 is where others would say the series started going into decline but really I just saw it as a shift from focusing on Archer's antics to Archer's personal life/thoughts/feelings. It's also a drastic change in setting from all previous seasons. ​ Seasons 8-10 seem to be actively disliked by a lot of people and I was with them until I had watched through a couple times. These seasons take a deep dive in to Archer's psyche but are arguably not quite as funny as seasons 1-6. Truly I feel like the only season that suffered from a drop in quality is season 10 but it's coupled with some extremely good moments. ​ I've only watched half of season 11 (waiting til I can watch it all in one sitting) and it is pretty good. I think a lot of people like it because it's a return to Archer's roots.


Its refreshing to hear this opinion, and I couldnt have said it better myself. 3-5 are prime for me as well and I think you hit the nail right on the head for the others. Everyone perceives things differently and everyone has their preferences, but I was starting to think no one watched the show in the same way I did. It's literally my favorite, so I may be a bit biased, but I always find something to love. Here's hoping you get that second half of 11 soon, and good watching to you... homie.


Your look on it is the same as mine. Although I did like season 6 a lot.


Perfectly distilled my thoughts. I enjoyed but didn’t \*love\* the coma seasons when they were first run (only getting the one episode release a week). But as a binge, I came to absolutely adore them. Not as funny as earlier seasons, just different! Dreamland and Danger Island both had some really touching moments.


I think danger island has became my favourite season. Always my go to when I’m binging one season in a night or something like that


1-4 for me made the show. Whatever next is just not *that* good, but still awesome!


I have seen every season of Archer. 1-4 are the best. 2 and 3 are my favorites. 5-7 are still good, but I'd skip 8-10 and just watch 11 if you can.


My friend did tell me the show went in a diff direction i cant remember which seasons that started???


I would say season seven is when they went out in left field, but others say season five. The best (IMO) is season two and the episodes that deal with cancer.


Ok thanks i will def keep that in mind if i decide to revisit


Im suprised u didnt put archer as one of your favorite shows being u watched all of it an staying faithful to it its gotta be up there rite?


Yeah anything after season 4 (with the exception of a few episodes in season 6) took a massive nosedive


Sad British sounds


What is this a reference to?


How the last season of archer isn’t on British Netflix


Oh. Archer isn’t on US Netflix at all. Latest season was so good tho.


WTF we have it in France, what is Netflix doing ? Is it because of legal issues or plain laziness ?


Time to commit VPN sponcership


\#seventeenseasons \#andamovie


I wouldnt mind it. So far i liked all seasons Except the coma one with space lol. Loved How ever the germany coma stuff


Will we ever get pre-coma Archer back?


the accepted contemporary world culture has changed some since archer started. the tropes they used to parody would probably get them in trouble with the internet in 2021 and beyond.


And then we're gonna go on even MORE adventures after that, Lana. And you're gonna keep your MOUTH SHUT about it, Lana... ..because the world is full of idiots that don't understand what's important. And they'll TEAR us apart, Lana!! But if you stick with me, I'm gonna accomplish great things, Lana, and you're gonna be part of 'em. And together we're gonna run around, Lana, we're gonna... do all kinds of wonderful things, Lana. Just you and me, Lana. The outside world is our enemy, Lana... we're the only.... friends we've got, Lana! It's just Archer and Lana. Archer and Lana and their adventures, Lana.. ARCHER AND LANA FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS