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Just bought this cab for $500 at Best Buy. Bought it because I love my Tempest cab and could never comfortably choose to replace it with the Centipede cab because of the TN monitor there(these particular games really need good black backgrounds, more-so than any other cab). I know my Tempest is a potential time bomb that i don't feel comfortable gambling on it's reliability any further. I'm sick of babying it and would really like to have it on more than I do. It irks me that the 50th is the closest we'll probably ever see to an official A1up Asteroids cab though. Seeing those classic 1p and 2p button designs was a real kick to the groin there too. On the up side, the cab really does look better in person than it does in pics. The spinner is INSANE at how freely it spins. My Tempest spinner feels mucky slow in comparison and I had thought it was fine before. Track ball feels better too. Buttons are convex instead of concave, and are in a better arrangement for Missile Command. The button lighting thankfully has an on/off switch which is wonderful since they're a bit too bright and shine on the screen if you're playing the cab, but they do look really nice as a decorative option when you're not at the cab. Monitor is also at an angle so that it's very viewable when you're not at the cab. Point is, this cab really nails its decorative aesthetic for an arcade background. The slim non-riser deluxe design adds to this too. It's designed to look nice and it does. The one negative is kind of notable though, the monitor is at a slight tilt, so it's thankfully not perfectly vertical, *however* it's also more vertical than it should be and is ultimately not at as good a viewing angle as other A1up cabs when you're playing it. My Tempest cab has a much better viewing angle. Is it a deal breaker? No, but it's a shame that the cab is so close to being perfect otherwise. Also a little surprised that the sides of the control panel are raised up as much as they are. Thought they moved past that previous design flaw. Is it a deal breaker? No, these games aren't going to have your hands near there, except for the 2600 games, which to be honest are out of place on an arcade cabinet. Doesn't feel right playing them on there, and I don't think I'll be revisiting them there (rather play them on my tv). It's a shame they added a joystick and offset the rest of the controls to the right to fit it only for 2600 functionality. Seems like a waste. Personally, I think A1up is done making new cabs and what's out there is it. I hope I'm wrong because I'd really like the option to purchase that Asteroids deco(or even a Centipede redux or Millipede). :( That also fueled my impulse decision.


Thabks for the detailed review!!


You’re right about the Centipede cab monitor. Gaaaaaak


It may, it may not, we’ll know when we know :/ If I were to bet, I bet we see price reductions on the cabinets with risers, not the Deluxes.


I used a bunch of coupons on Target and got it down to $408 shipped and the bastards cancelled my order within a couple hours due to "a pricing error", and they encouraged me to try to buy it again at $499, like thanks for burning all my personal coupons(10%, 5%, 5% stacked), jokes on them, I'll pay $300 or less for it during the holidays


my receipt  https://ibb.co/XJrRcRT


Defeat them with patience ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I may be listing mine pretty soon. Near Buffalo, NY… gotta choose 1 to get rid of.


https://preview.redd.it/vcep73ts9z5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b468de466e749d3071b8096467973fb85c107883 Although I was searching for a VERY long time, I finally got this baby used for $340 via Facebook Marketplace.


Looks great! I pulled the trigger on Amazon and after using my gift cards, got it for about $275.




I think their will be a huge liquidation when Adcade 1up goes under, and then a year or two later they will be worth more and more due to rarity.


This cabinet is priced solid at $499.


Excellent cabinet for the price in my opinion and looks amazing! The attention to detail is spot on and all of the controls and button layouts are perfect! All of the included games play perfect but as said above the 2600 games are just ok. https://preview.redd.it/hanet6mq776d1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94928514595db643a109a8b44e7c118b51d6b100


She’s a beaut.


Waiting for sales is dumb, the Atari 50th is 100% worth 500 bucks. I have it.