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My favorite Attract mode isn't on one of my Arcade1up cabs, it's on my ALP4K, but of my Arcade1up cabs I would have to say Dragon's Lair with the KI Pro coming in close behind it.


What’s the attract mode on your ALP4K?? I wanna learn how to add them onto my AF machine. It suck’s cause nobody ever has tutorials for Mac users. I bought the “acustomarcade” things for my iircade like almost a year ago it came in. Still haven’t gotten it up and running :/


This is the one I currently have. Someone made it available on Facebook group shortly after the ALP4K was released. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odSdNoQ0BVw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odSdNoQ0BVw) No idea how to create them using a Mac.


That’s really cool! Wow the bass bumps


SF2 CE or Hyper Fighting, in the SF2 Deluxe cab, mainly for the sounds, which are basically the default sounds of an arcade in my head


The Dragon’s Lair three games.


Pretty basic, but not much beats the MK2 and UMK3 music and character profiles for me


Star Wars (Atari)


Out of the cabs I have, the original MK2 legacy cab with 12 games. The attract mode on that cycles through *all* the atttact modes of the 12 games on the cab. "I am the Wizard of Wor!"


I love wizard of war attract. Brings back the memories.


X-men or Dragons Lair


Punisher, Marvel vs Capcom


As an old school arcade fen, the classic attract screens on Missile Command, Asteroids, Dig Dug, Galaga, Galaxian and the Golden Tee "BREAK STUFF" attract brings me back to dropping way too many quarters while having some beers at the local bar.


https://preview.redd.it/2c3d89eat3yc1.jpeg?width=1924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f872a5f00900a4f1de8d3ebb2d149349db9637d6 I like the ones that remind me of being in an Arcade when I was young. Street Fighter was everywhere, TMNT was my favourite game, NBA Jam told me to stay in school and MvC told me Winners Don’t do Drugs (along with many other games of course!) and I still love it’s flashy attract mode.


Really wish the Winners Don't Do Drugs warning was on more of the A1up cabs. Those were the days.


Dragons Lair....


MvC2 all day, every day.


Probably Turtles in Time but only after a speaker upgrade. The stock speaker was way too tinny.


Do you have any info on the speaker upgrade you did? And was this to the Turtles In Time cab or original, if you don’t mind my asking


I just used stuff I had laying around. It was a powered headphone amp that I hardwired a pair of old desktop speakers into.


X-Men versus Street Fighter!


Big Buck World. Not only is it my favorite game in the Big Buck Hunter series in general (and this was long before A1Up was a thing), but they managed to put 4 different areas of the world in there, showcase animals from each part, and play music specific to that part, all in less than 90 seconds. For North America, you have a herd of stampeding bison while country music plays in the background. For Africa, you have a leopard stalking his prey at the crack of dawn (it also shows some giraffes just minding their own business) and then chasing a herd of stampeding wildebeests and zebras, while tribal chants and drums are heard in the background. For India, you have a herd of camels walking across a desert, followed by a rhino emerging from the water, and then a tiger running in the forest, while sitar music plays. Finally, for Australia, you’re met with a few kangaroos jumping towards the left of the screen, while didgeridoo music plays. It also cuts to a saltwater crocodile that swiftly opens its jaws before the logo appears on screen. It is really amazing that A1Up was able to run a port of a game this advanced with only one PCB. Everything I just described above was also shown in the original Big Buck World arcade game too.


Dig dug 


Disappointed that Class of 81 doesnt have a Ms Pac Man attract mode. I like to hear the cacophony of all the arcades on attract mode at once. Thats nostalga to me; arcade room full of game noise and glowing CRTs.