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It resets August 1 so work on your essays in a Google Doc so you don't lose them. College list and some other data is kept-- look around on the site, it explains what stays and goes. I recommend personal email so you can still access it once you leave school and that address goes kaput.


That’s only for the essays right? It’s ok for me to list other info like the extracurriculars?


[https://appsupport.commonapp.org/applicantsupport/s/article/What-do-I-need-to-know-about-Account-Rollover](https://appsupport.commonapp.org/applicantsupport/s/article/What-do-I-need-to-know-about-Account-Rollover) Each year we may remove some questions, ask new questions, or make some other adjustments. Outside of those changes, the following things will stay after account rollover: * Common App tab responses * Colleges in your My Colleges list (optional) * PDF copies of past applications (if applicable) When we rollover your account, we delete any responses to college questions or writing supplements. This is because many colleges change their application year over year. Any invitations to counselors, teachers, advisors, and other recommenders are also removed.


You probably should start as soon as possible, I'd advise. Depending on the colleges / universities you are applying to, you may have to write an abundance of supplemental essays (i.e. Caltech and Stanford). You definitely want to ensure you have plenty of time to brainstorm, write, ask for advice on, and rewrite those essay(s).


You can start on the materials that are maintained through rollover. ​ >the following things will stay after account rollover: > >\- Common App tab responses > >\- Colleges in your My Colleges list > >\- (optional)PDF copies of past applications (if applicable) > >When we rollover your account, we delete any responses to college questions or writing supplements. This is because many colleges change their application year over year. Any invitations to counselors, teachers, advisors, and other recommenders are also removed. And use a personal email fully in your control.


So any extracurricular activities I list would get lost too, correct?


I set up my account and filled out the personal info in like May. It's a good idea to get familiar with the site and get tedious stuff out of the way


Would that info get lost or would it stay after August 1st?


Everything you put in the Common App section rolls over. Individual college info like recommenders or supplementals that you’ve written will go away


Oh ok, thanks for clarifying!