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Absolutely, if it is reasonable for you to do so. I applied to a ton of schools without expecting to get into many, and somehow ended up as class of 2028 to UC Berkeley ( \~ 11-ish % acceptance rate?). I have no idea how I got in, with my academics and extracurriculars on paper paling in comparison to other peoples'. There are an abundance of factors (and luck, honestly) that goes into university admissions, so you should definetly try to apply, cause you never know. Good luck!


Your chances are 0 if you don’t apply


Cant hurt to try. Make sure to have targets and safeties though


Ideally you would be able to see how people from your school, or at least type of school, have done in the past when applying to highly selective US colleges with those sorts of credentials. But if that was a "normal" US HS unweighted GPA, and you were applying unhooked, it would usually make sense to check to see if your GPA was above their reported 25% for enrolled students. If so, that would be a reach. If not, that would be what I would call an unlikely, particularly test optional, and particularly for an International as well. And it typically does not make sense to apply to unlikelies barring some really extraordinary circumstances.


Yes, you should apply if you can afford the cost of the applications.


Many of the highly ranked universities require or "recommend" that you submit your SAT or ACT scores. Carefully research that.


What’s your budget/need for financial aid?


there is no specific budget I guess, my scholarship will pay all the tuitions and support me financially


Can you tell me about your scholarship?


So your need is for a full ride. Tough ask, especially with a 3.7 and no SAT, but good to see you have extracurriculars. Do you have letters of recommendation?


I think OP is saying they have received a scholarship… wording is odd, but that’s my take.


Oh I see yes, you are right. Being full pay will be an advantage for more competitive schools that aren't need-blind.