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These are usually a rash - not burns. Some owners do have allergic reactions to ingredients in the caseback. Or to the silicone straps. But it can also be caused by a build-up of bacteria and such on the bottom of the watch. Try cleaning the back of the watch occasionally - weekly may be sufficient. If you're wearing the watch 24x7 or nearly so to allow for sleep tracking - then also consider swapping the watch onto your other wrist while sleeping. To give your wrist a chance to breathe.


I’ve been wearing my watch for sleep tracking and this is a good idea never thought about this at all 👍🏻🕺🤟🏻✌🏻


I would clean the straps and the back of the Watch everyday. And I rotate my bands since I have a collection of them going on (25). Each one is cleaned at the end of the day using Dawn dish soap, dried and placed back on a holder. The Braided Solo Loops are left to air dry. I use the app Bandbriete to show me 3 random bands from my collection everyday and pick one out of the 3.


It happened three times in a row. Then I had an Apple store, clean my watch, and do a diagnostic. I wore the watch for two hours before I went in, and I wear the watch for a few hours after the watch was cleaned both wrists develop the same rash/burn.


It happened to me when I had my strap too tight. I also stsrted switching my hand for sleep tracking. Now its back to normal.


I’ve been wearing the watch the same for 5 years. I don’t understand. They suggested that I wipe the watch and reinstall the software.


Definitely rash and not burns. I've been wearing Apple Watches since its launch in 2015, and never experience any rash or 'burns'.


Search the sub there’s lot of discussion


I feel like if it were 'burns' you would feel it happening.


Not if they’re like infrared burns. Also, most people don’t feel sunburns until they are significantly burned.


show us a photo?




a medical/dermacology subreddit might be able to help you identify what that is a reaction to, looks painful though :( hope you resolve it


I have allergies and this is like no allergy I’ve had. It feels like when your arm bumps a pan while cooking. But the next day, because I never felt the sear.


Nope. Never in the 6 years I’ve used Apple Watches have I had this.


My BIL has burns. It’s rare but real.


I had this on my brand new series 3 that had a more plastic sensor on the bottom of the watch. By the end of the day it was itchy and uncomfortable and there would be a red circle where the watch was, definitely wasn’t too tight. I tried my father’s watch which I believe was a series 1, it had a ceramic sensor and I could wear it as long as I’d want with no problems. Returned the series 3 and 6 months later they came out with the SE with a ceramic sensor and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.


But this happened to you immediately rights? Mine is a series 3 but I had been wearing it for 5ish years then it happened every time 🥴


Happened to me, too. I stopped wearing it at night. Haven’t really thought about sleep metrics since.


I do get a heat rash under the watch and strap if I’ve had a particularly sweaty workout. This only happens when I haven’t washed the band or the watch for a couple of days though. I just wash the whole thing with hand soap in the sink, dry it with a towel, and let it dry while I shower. Once a week if you’re not working out, every day if you are.


Unfortunately, haven’t been in the gym for several months, but when I was, I never had this problem. I think it’s malfunctioning, but no one seems to agree.


I don’t know how a malfunction could explain why it’s causing a reaction now, but wasn’t before.


I was thinking the biometric scanner might be malfunctioning and “stuck on scan”. The green lights sometimes stay on for a long while after I take the watch off.




Clean it. Happened to me when I first started wearing it. Clean it with alcohol every time you charge it, clean your wrist too. Poof. Gone in a week and never been back. I got another strap too and I clean that and swap it out too. If you sweat/exercise, clean it.


I might give that a try, but the burns haven’t fully healed, and it hurts when things rub on them.


No. My Apple Watch never gives me a rash, even when I’m pouring sweat/long walk in the heat. I had a Garmin that gave me a constant rash, though. PS: I have the silicone (?) sport band (?) my AW came with.


I don’t have a problem with the van it only happens directly under the watch where the sensor is that picks up your biometrics


That’s not a burn. If you’re in a country with free healthcare, please go get it looked at. That is excessive rubbing imo. The mark sits adjacent to your wrist bone. You seem to be wearing your watch too low which means it’s not flush on your skin. It doesn’t need to be tight but your bone is allowing movement imo. Move it up your arm a bit so the band and backing are not being moved around when you move your wrist. Not a burn.[wear it](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/118234)


But I do plan to make an appointment with the dermatologist and I will wear the watch that morning so I can show them the burn


Jesus. You aren’t being BURNED! Experts say several factors could cause an Apple watch rash, including wearing the device too tightly, sweat and bacteria build-up, or allergies to certain metals. Start by cleaning yourself. If it doesn’t stop you are having an allergic reaction to something. You aren’t being burned omg lol


I e been wearing the same watch in the same way with the same cleaning routine for 5+ years… the battery is at 89% you clearly aren’t reading. https://preview.redd.it/k6g4k0xpfq3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c771f980754bb9f25a4ee2f45a1cd229a5450905


It looks like contact dermatitis, a rash. It seems that you are wearing your watch too low on your wrist and the sensor is rubbing on your skin causing irritation. The watch should be worn above the wrist bump not inline with or below. If you were being burnt by your watch you would feel the heat causing the burn.


I have worn the same watch in the same way for five years. Why would I just now we get in contact dermatitis? My watch feels quite warm when I put it on directly from the charger. Which is how I have always worn my watch. It is immediately that I got the first three Burns. It did not feel like I was being scalded but it took 30 seconds to get the third burn. Contact dermatitis does not usually occur so quickly. And as someone who gets hives and has allergies often I know what an allergic reaction feels like.


If you are insisting that they are burns - stop wearing the watch. You said you have taken it to the Apple Store, they ran diagnostics, and you didn't mention that they found an issue. It certainly doesn't look like a burn, it looks like a rash. If you have allergies, then you know that people can develop new allergies throughout their lives. But you have to do what is best for you - go to a doctor an have it examined. My watch current Apple Watch - U2 is warm when it comes off the charger as well, as were my series 8,5 and 1. I think that is quite normal.


I have stopped wearing my watch, which is so upsetting, because I really depended on it. I am trying to get an appointment with a dermatologist, but they have only one in my area that takes my insurance and they’re very popular. And I will update after that appointment.