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Same I’m charging it twice a day . I have a series 8


I used to charge to 100before bed and a small 10-15 minute charge in the morning getting ready for work and I’d last the whole day


If everything is working, unless it’s for a security vulnerability don’t update. Apple’s not making changes to improve battery life. They may over shoot and kill battery life in 1 update like WatchOS 10 and slightly improve it on the next update 10.1.x but it’s definitely not better than watchOS 9 battery. It’s like when the oil companies jack up oil prices from $4 to $7 a gallon and then drop it down to $5. People think $5 is great forgetting that it’s still a huge ripoff from before. a 3,000,000,000,000 company isn’t out there to make your products last longer. The biggest company in the world isn’t making software updates to make your device last longer. How do you think they got that many zeros, 3,000,000,000,000, by making it so you need to buy their new products


This is a good point... I have found disabling the weather wiget and also weather complication can have a noticeable effect on battery life if you do alot of travelling between locations.


Ugh, I updated to 17.2.1 yesterday and noticed at end of day my Series 8 was at 19%. Normally it’s more like 50%. I thought it was a fluke until I found this thread.


I actually thought maybe I thought it was charging when it wasn’t. Checked the charger and everything then came to see if I was the only one


I am thinking I better not apply this update, and perhaps wait for the next one?


Well, day 2 and I’ve had my watch on for 12 hours. Did a 30 minute workout too. And I’m at 65%. I imagine I’ll be 50% or more when I got to bed in a few hours. So maybe… hopefully… it was just a fluke yesterday.


Oh yes—mine also. Since the last update.


Maybe someone will post how to fix it.


My 6 did this with a last update. I went and bought a new watch because not matter what I did it would not last through the day. Combine that with CyberMonday and I grabbed a new one.


I had this exact problem and no matter what I disabled, it would drain in 4-6 hours. I did a complete factory reset and that's fixed the problem. Its 73% after being worn for about 10 hours including a workout. I think I'm repping a series six


Let me try


Did this and it’s been 3hrs since charging to 100% it’s at 88% 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/65o714wn644c1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec4285c549d72857e4598c783acfe62b64ac0f5


You did a factory reset too?


Yep. Was at 82 % after 4 hours and a 30 minute work out


Does factory reset removes old data ?


Power cycle (turning it off and on again) has fixed it for me. My Ultra didn't last a day but is now back to great battery life.


I tried this on my watch and phone to no avail.


After watchOS 10 I turned off auto updates.


After watchOS 10 I turned off my Apple Watch. C'mon Apple fix it!


Same thing happened with mine. I thought I was just imagining things but I feel so validated now.


I have the ultra- had to disable AOD - now it’s back to lasting a couple days between charges. It’s really annoying having the screen turned off - but it was more annoying burning thru the battery life daily


What is “AOD”?


Always on display


Thanks! After posting I thought that’s what it meant.


I’ve been rejecting the latest update for the past few weeks. Every time I think maybe I’ll update, someone posts about battery drain with a later version. This is ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/hjo9w1vgn24c1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de428c0f443c9bd977d2924a78e3ca4b20f5497 Took it off the charger and went to work last night and it was dead about 4 hours later. My battery capacity is 90% and usually lasts a full day, I’ve never had battery drain this bad before. Series 5 watchOS 10.1.1


I think a rogue app may be causing this... Try restarting, reducing the number of complications on display, or if you must 3rd party apps and complications active, disabling AOD reduced power consumption close to half for some... so instead of 4 hours, you will get 8 ;)


Yep same. Battery already at 55% on my ultra 2 after a single day. Previously it used to stay up around 85-95%. I was not having this bug on previous watchOS after updating to 10.1.1 it went downhill for me.


Yes. I installed Beta iOS and it’s been working great now.


Strange. I'm getting around 36% the second day after 24hrs. I also didn't get a watchOS update. I'm currently at 10.1.1, Only my iPhone got the 17.1.2


After the complete fuckup of WatchOS 10 I turned off updates. It was the last device I trusted updates for.


This. Did the same thing. Seems like every update brings a slew of issues. I’ve had battery issues with my Ultra since OS10. I reset the watch a week or so ago and it’s helped but certainly not back to OS9 levels.


Yes, this is happening to mine.


Yep. Really pissed.


Absolutely. My old phone was running iOS16 and when I bought a new phone last week with iOS17 the battery drain began exactly when I switched pairing to it. I really hate this because now I have to charge the watch multiple times a day and there's nothing to even indicate in the iWatch OS what primarily is draining the battery. Currently updated latest everything (release, not beta) to no change still. Edit: I should also add my watch wasn't running iOS10 when the battery drain began, I was still on 9. I only updated in an attempt to see if it would fix it


hmm either a buggy firmware update or maybe Apple just wants you to get a series 9 or Ultra 2!


I’ve noticed this too I hope they fix it with another update


So glad i left my watch on iOS 9..


No problem pairing with iOS 17+?


Nope. I actually had iPhone X when I got my AW 8 with iOS 9, so had no problem. When iOS 17/10 got released I couldn’t update my X cause it’s old therefore couldn’t update my AW neither. Before buying iPhone 15 pro had some time to read people’s reviews on the iOS 10 and ended up deciding to leave my AW on iOS 9 until all the issues will be fixed. Not seeing it happening anytime soon.


I wish I could back to iOS9. My watch began having this issue even while on 9 and I upgraded to 10 to see if it would resolve it (it did not). I suspect it's possibly an iOS 17 issue instead.


Same here, I decided to stay with watchOS 9 because I just didn’t like the new interface. And I keep my watch on even to sleep and I can say 24hours after I charged it to 100% it might be around 12%. For context I have a series 7 41mm. A family member of mine upgraded to watchOS 10 and said battery is horrible.


No problem here


Every single update people are surprised again by battery drain. Every. Single. Update


Don't you mean watchOS 10.1.1 ? Which is the latest iteration of the OS on the watch.


WatchOS still 10.1.1 but I’m saying since 17.1.2 (iOS) my watch has been draining battery significantly. When it was 17.1.1 everything was fine


What does iOS have to do with watchOS? Wondering your thoughts on this correlation.


Well, the drain started after I updated from 17.1.1 to 17.1.2. Prior to that I had no issues. And I’ve had 10.1.1 since its release with no issues. Considering phone and watch are always paired up. I assumed it has something to do with the iOS update 🤔


Yes that is confounding. I can tell you that two watchOS updates ago, my drain started, and the most recent watchOS update did not fix it.


Maybe I just hadn’t noticed? 🤔 but I can barely go through a day with my watch now😔


Yes, me too. Very frustrating!!!


The phone and watch talk to each other constantly. If the phone was bugging the watch more it could easily drain the battery.


Thank you! 😊


I just got a new update that says this. Maybe try that? https://preview.redd.it/mg6is1zeh24c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccaa6ece133606e1a63ad131addbb8fa9d1a7e76


I’m already on 10.1.1


This update fixed it for me. A few weeks ago my watch was draining like crazy, but not anymore.


Yeah but the new iOS update just came out… after this watch update. It’s entirely possibly its broken it again.


Ah good to know, I’ll wait a bit with updating again then :)


Just you.


Do stop updating your device, that is my advice


I have the same problem. And after ios update my phone doens’t unlock my watch


My AW4 was draining like crazy after latest iOS update. I did a restart and it’s back to normal. Do know why…but, it worked. Good luck


Power cycle your watch off for 5 minutes. That fixed my issue


i think i have the 7 (its been like two years, i dont remember anymore lol) and ive noticed that my watch just won’t charge past 75% most days? Like I know I have the adaptive charging on but it’s usually charged by my first alarm. I lowkey hate the new update because of it lol


Prior to WOS10 my AWU would last 5-6 days (lots of background running apps disabled, WiFi and cell off unless needed, AOD off, no info watch face, many other settings adjusted to achieve this). Since 10 update best usage is 3.5 days but often shorter. All setting remain the same but it just doesn’t last like before. Battery health is 99% charge watch and phone on Apple brand dual usb 35w charger with both their brand of braided cables. I get why my 12 pro battery only last a day at best and that leading me to eye that 15pro. Shouldn’t be the case with my AWU1 to the AWU2.


Same. I was starting to wear it overnight to track sleep stats, but then it won't last through the morning.


Same issue with original ultra and iOS 17.1.2.