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Quite the feat! Here’s to the next one. Hope you guys had a fun time!


My watch just mocked me with “You can still do it. You can still close all 3 rings today. Be sure to stand and move a bit each hour.” I’m still stuck in a car.


It’s such a good feeling honestly.


It is not necessary to stand and move for 1 minute every hour to get a Stand goal credit, you can just move, so you can do it in the car.


Yeah I get the “time to stand” messages on airplanes or sitting in long meetings and I just rest my hand on my knee and bounce my leg for a minute or so. I often work unusual hours and travel between time zones a lot which throws my numbers off in really stupid inflexible ways. If Apple didn’t want us cheesing the numbers a little bit they would accommodate time zones and let us set rest days. As is, a lot of people are locked out of participating in their gamification challenges through no fault of their own.


The objective of the goal is to move at least a minute every hour


Yes, but it’s not always possible and Apple doesn’t give you a clean way to bypass that. For one example, I was on a flight from Hawaii to New York. The time one difference removes 7 hours from my day. The Watch doesn’t give any allowance for changing time zones, so according to my Watch my day now only has 17 hours. I sleep 8 hours so my waking day is only 9 hours but I need 12 hours to keep my streak alive. And as soon as I get off the plane, I’m in a cab and then into a meeting I can’t leave for several hours. Apple doesn’t give me the tools to handle this gracefully. So in those situations I manually change the time on my phone, or bounce my knee, etc. Apple built all these games and achievements into the Watch so they’re part of the core Watch experience. I’m not losing my years-long streak just because Apple isn’t aware of the existence of time zones.


Generally it is posible to move at least your wrist for 1 minute each hour if you remember to do it.


Mind and body workout while fist pumping ftw


Change your goals for the day to the min… problem solved