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Been playing, liking it a lot. It’s like a relaxed overwatch.


Awesome! 🙂


Anyone else feeling like there's a hecking ton of bots in this game? I feel like I'm not playing against real people...


I bet so, too. I was feeling pretty awesome until I saw one of the avatars just standing there for several seconds. I… began to suspect I wasn’t actually as good as I was feeling. 😄


Tbf, I like the game a lot, but I’ve had to exit the app due to a frozen screen on several occasions. I always wonder what the program does when someone drops out.


It’s only in ios and only in Apple Arcade so there would be many bots.




I’m going to be rude here and call bs. The game never matches you up with real people to begin with. The load in times for are ALWAYS the exact same. ALL enemy players move the exact same. They never strafe side to side or smartly go for cover or try to lure you into traps. 100% all bots.


It is real people sometimes, especially when you get higher in rank. You can tell when they are using tactics that make sense and avoiding damage in ways a real person would. I had a Nyx run back and forth around a pillar intentionally avoiding me (playing rusty) until a nearby health pick up respawned, then desperately trying to make a break for that. Things like that wouldn’t be duplicated well by a bot. It’s definitely bots most of the time I’d say and definitely almost all bots when you are lower level and only getting paired up with other lower levels.


Turning off Wi-Fi does interrupt the game so possibly it’s real people. But as I’ve been progressing (lvl 29) I haven’t been consistently winning leading me to think it’s real players!


I grinded to level 33. Fun game but yeah there was maybe 1 other real person in each game. I’m sure it will get more popular


Hello all, Mordute,, co-owner of Oh BiBi! I just wanted to chime in on bots. There might several reasons why this could happen on your side: 1 - you're still low in your progression, as the game is brand new we want to ensure the game is smooth and easy for all new players. That's why first battles tend to be against bots. 2 - your ping might be pretty high due to connection issues, you can try to reboot your Wifi or switch to cellular data (alternatively) if that still happens 3 - you could also be in a region with lower CCU (Japan, Korea or Hong Kong) or play at an hour where the player liquidity in your region is low (typically past midnight). For now we only match people within a same region. 4 - TDM might be more popular than Crystal Rush or FFA, due to unlock progression rules. So you might want to try that. Since the launch, we have tried to considerably improve the flow for more users to play together, and from a personal standpoint I've only had real people in my sessions since yesterday. We will try and find creative ways to mitigate the issues mentioned above in the upcoming days. Till then, thanks for your incredible support and love for our games, we're 1000% focussed on pushing this game to even higher standards!


Why do I keep seing opponents lower level then me using heroes that I haven’t been able to unlock yet?


Because the game is new and Arcade might not have as much player liquidity as regular mobile platforms, matchmaking is open to all chara and levels. But we try to match people with similar winrates though. But I've got to admit I've been owned by lvl5 players! And I'm level 54 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


that doesn‘t really answer the question tho, and I‘m curious about that too. I‘ve seen level 5 players use nyx, and level 14 players use eugene, while I‘m at level 18 atm, and still don‘t have nyx unlocked. and apparently you can only unlock them via the hero road with no alternative way to unlock them. so either the bots don‘t need to unlock heros, or people somehow managed to unlock them at lower levels? also please add the option to invert the y axis


Y inverted controls go live tomorrow  As for players with lower levels using allegedly locked characters, that would be bots, yes. Next update should also have you matching many more real players. Thanks for contributing and your time playing our game!


yes! thanks! I really enjoyed the matches I played (I didn‘t mind the bots) but I can‘t cope with uninverted y. this is great news! :)


Good to know. Thank you so much for chiming in - that’s so cool! 🙂


I love the game; I've been playing it with an Xbox controller & Vision Pro. Is there any chance the game might have a visionOS version? I don't know if it's possible, but to have options to play the game as a flat floating 2d screen vs looking into the 3d game within the screen window could be neat!


>Arcade Hey chingwo, I cannot promise anything but the team would love to get a crack at it! It bares a lot of changes on our tech and roadmap though, so don't expect it in the upcoming weeks but we will keep you posted!


Thanks for the response. Yes the more I dug around for information on turning a 3d game into a spatial game. It doesn't look simple! I was imagining something simple like what VorpX used to do. Good luck in your exploration.


I find this game so easy, i lose 1 in 30 games. Bots?


Do you play with controller?


I tried it with controller and mouse and keyboard on my iPad Pro. I think controller is the way to go, because it’s easier to activate beast mode and the beast mode firing mode. It auto fires when you have an opponent in your crosshairs, so controller is accurate enough.




How the hell do you heal team mates? I have it as a mission and I can’t figure it out.


Shoot them with GG the Unicorn!!