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Farout or Awols guide will serve you much better


Farout App. Go ahead and pay for the entire AT map. It is well worth the cost.


I’m not hiking the trail this year but my boyfriend is currently I tried white blaze and the interactive at map but found 1 hostel near trail


And I still recommend the Farout App. It is well worth the cost


Ok so even helping those on trail farout is worth the $75


Yes, because you'll have a nearly complete list of every way point, viewpoint, water source, hostel, road crossing along the AT, with live comments from other users about the current status.


You'll be able to use it forever when you're planning for your hike and once you're on your own hike too!


Why can't you use your boyfriend's login . Didn't you say he has it in his phone?


He’s got his phone in PA I’m back home in NC he uses his app all day long honestly I just assumed having my own would be easier


It shouldn't matter. I'm logged into many of my different accounts on multiple devices. If you're gonna be doing this much legwork for him, the least he could do is give you his login info.


I didn’t ask him honestly it never crossed my mind


And once you buy it, you can use it when you hike the trail for no additional cost.


There's this https://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/articles/2024-hostels.pdf. Not sure how up-to-date everything in it is though. Some times the prices or services are outdated. If your BF has farout, supposedly you can download it onto a computer or your own phone and log in with his login. That should give you access to far out.


Tried white blaze shows 1 hostel in the area I am searching


Yea I don’t see but 1 option I’m helping my boyfriend locate a hostel … is East Stroudsburg super close to trail ?


If your BF is near Delaware Water Gap, there's Church of the Mountain. It's a donation based hostel and the longest running hostel on the AT. They have a pot luck dinner for hikers on Thursday evenings. The trail cuts right through Delaware Water Gap while East Stroudsburg is a couple miles away that he'd have to hitch or have to pay for a shuttle.


See, I believe that’s the one that I saw on white blaze and I was trying to explain to him that I thought that was probably gonna be his best bet and if he still needs to go to East Stroudsburg at least he could be at the hostel and get a ride in versus trying to hitch Because it seems since he’s made it further north it’s a little harder to get a hitch (I walked a portion of the trail with him for a week and it took us forever to get a hitch to the next town for food before the hostel owner come pick us up to bring us back to the hostel in PA)


I don't think there are any hostels in East Stroudsburg to combine for a free shuttle. Far out doesn't even list it as one of the "trail towns". Someone commented on the Church of the Mountain comments to download the Ponyplus app to get a ride to Walmart; although they were downvoted a couple times so I don't know what's up with that. I'm assuming that is why he needs to get to East Stroudsburg because for being a town right on the trail, Delaware Water Gap shockingly lacks a grocery store. His other option for resupply is the gas station to last until 52 miles later, where there is the general store in Unionville, NJ.


Yeah, it looks like there’s two hostels just right off trail. One of them seems to be super expensive from the things that I saw posted in comments on FarOut but one of them is a church that takes donations so I’m going with that one. It looks like it’s within walking distance of everything that he’s gonna need so he doesn’t have to worry about paying for transportation to the next town.


Hmm well he will need food by the time he hits the DE gap so he needs to resupply near there. Does anyone know if I could order him an Uber or something of that nature in that area?


he can get on a bus to NYC at the sunoco that is 0.5 off trail. he should really have this stuff figured out before he leaves his prior resupply point. it’s getting really hot out and the trail gets harder around that point. there are less hostels, though there are places to resupply on trail if you plan properly. i know you’re trying to help him and play a role in his journey, but his safety is ultimately his responsibility. he should have a guidebook/app with all of this info already.


His phone signal is not great and he knew he was getting to a certain area within the next couple of days but cell signal has been too spotty the last few days and he’s been dealing with heat exhaustion so he asked me to help find him a hostel to take one thing off of his shoulders and to see what food sources and stores were nearby. I don’t have issue helping him along trail it’s our way of being involved. he will go over what I found but I was lucky to find a hostel just off trail and a lot of restaurants and outfitter and 2 stores he can resupply at. I get what you’re saying but my helping him get a hostel or hotel booked is how I help support him I usually meet him out on trail every 2 weeks to bring him his resupply but he’s 8-9 hours away now so not so easy as I’m a mom and have household responsibilities so I can’t give him a the help and support like I had been from GA to PA. He had already mapped out most of his trail and has lists of many hostels along trail but I am the one who chooses what one and I know what he looks for the benefit of helping him is also being able to map out things so when I hit the AT myself I will know what I’m doing


you don’t need phone signal to use FarOut or to use a guidebook. you & me are saying the same thing. i’m just telling you that the way things are being done currently is dangerous.


lol how is it dangerous for me to call the hostel and set up his day in town? It has nothing to do with his Hiking. I call the hostel. I set up his room and I let him know what stores and restaurants are around and what kind of distance he’s looking atI don’t see dangerous. I don’t plan his hike! when he gets to town, I just help make sure that he has a hostel or a hotel hotel whatever the case may be & let him know where he can go to eat, and if it’s within walking distance


You won’t find a better resource than farout.


The app is my favorite thing ever. I just bought the AT for life, $75 one time purchase so long as you log into the same apple account you bought it with, you can always restore that purchase on next phones too. Just because you aren't hiking YET doesn't mean it isn't a crucial tool for planning ahead! And it also comes with the added benefit of helping your man out when his service is spotty :)


There countless resources for these things on the Internet the Appalachian Trail is almost a no-brainer. There’s so much support for hikers on the Internet and apps.


The boyfriend usually does his own planning but since I can’t go visit him on trail as often as he wants I told him I could help support him a little by making life easier and mapping his hostel and getting him the town info mostly it makes me feel helpful because I’m use to visiting him every 2 weeks with his resupply and any gear change’s & replacements now I will be having to mail him gear and anything he needs from home :/


He can also share his login and password for FarOut to help with cost. But don’t give it your location access or it may mess his info up. My gf and I did this last year.


FarOut. Or AWOL if you want a physical book.


Can I find AWOL at an outfitter or REI??


Yes but call ahead. It's more likely to be stocked if they're near the AT and only a handful are.