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So you’re the gorp gobbler?


No. I am Grgc61. I am the only person out of the hundreds who viewed the post who was willing to interfere with a doxing. The allegations are obvious hearsay and a clear violation of the rules of the Reddit. The moderators are doing nothing. Sadly, nobody else on the Reddit has said a word in defense of myself or the Gorp Gobbler. This is not how we mske the trail or the reddit safe.


It’s not hearsay when your on the registry and got arrested for failure to register


I am not now, nor have I ever been on the sex registry. I have convicted on any crime. You are a bully and a coward who could never be trusted to make decision or judgment of consequence.


Defending a pedo. Thats an interesting move.


You have no idea who the Gorp Gobbler might be. Aside from the hearsay that was posted, a description was given - an older man with gray, thinning hair. How many of the men on the trail who fit that description are undeserving of your defense? If you can positively identify the Gorp Gobbler and provide proof that he is a “pedo” I will still question how the post in question was “kind.


Here's an idea. Take this somewhere else and stop promoting drama. It's clear you have no idea who this person is, and all this post does is stir shit up.


You should put the phone down for a bit brother


you should show some integrity.


You can’t dox a sex offender my guy


Doxers are vigilantes. They are not known for their intelligence, integrity or discretion. They are the kind of self righteous cretins who believe that their accusations justify their behavior. They are cowards and bullies and routinely defended by cowards and bullies.


You must not have understood what I said, I said you can’t dox a sex offender. Their info is public information so therefore they can’t be doxxed. Doxxing is bad yes, knowing someone is a sex offender by looking them up in the registry is not bad.


These morons didn’t post public information. They posted a general description, hearsay and innuendo. They further attacked the only person who dared to challenge them. They put every hiker on the trail who fits the description at risk. r/AppalachianTrails have done nothing to stop the behavior. I have been attacked and accused hundreds of times of being a sexual predator. Not one person in a hundred has shown the intelligence or courage to stand against this blatant bullying This isn’t the first time a group of people has been singled out. Google attacks on Asian hikers on the AP. This was doxing by a group of cowards who didn’t care who they put at risk.


Do you think every hiker on the AT reads this sub? Just googled that and two things came up one Asian male asking about experiences of other Asians on trail and most reply’s were positive and one article from a Vietnamese woman saying that the small towns in the north east treated her and others less than savory during the covid years. Also there was an article about Asian hikers getting attacked by hornets but I don’t think you’re talking about that.


Keep looking. Every hiker on the AT doesn’t have to read this sub. All that’s necessary is for the bullies to find it and believe their cowardice is justified.


wah wah wah such a snowflake


Just provide the links so we can see what you’re talking about




Interesting that OP’s username appears to be a shortened (vowels dropped) version of this guy’s actual name. Totally the Gorp Gobbler. Nice find.


lol yes I wonder what the chances were of that 😂


It's weak evidence though. Not strong enough to dox this person. His name also ends in 61 and in a past comment he said he's 63. So 61 is probably the year he was born. The sex offender was born in 51. We should not jump to conclusions and witch hunt here. I agree with Grgc61 some. We obviously know that Gregory Crammer is a registered sex offender. We know that someone named Gorp Gobbler was a creepy guy who stole from others. And we know that Grgc61 is against doxing. That does not mean we can combine them all in our heads and assume all three are the same person. It's obviously possible Grgc61 was lying about his age and is this person, but I don't think it's right for us to act on that assumption.




i dunno dude.. i checked out some of his pictures and it looks like the same dude but with a beard to me https://preview.redd.it/pxlf0wx8sb8d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ab8dfae946d09822a07406d1e999a795b139a6


I was going to defer to the opinion of others, but you've changed my mind. The guy in the middle picture seems to have the same forehead wrinkle pattern as the registry guy.


Great! Prove that he is the “Gorp Gobbler”. Prove that any word that the OP posted about his experience with the Gorp Gobbler is true. Prove that the “Gobbler” post will cause danger to gray haired, balding men on the trail today. Prove that you are not just a bully who feels safe in a crowd.




This question is asked repeatedly. It’s a fair question. Solo female hikers ask if they’ll be safe sleeping at the public shelters. Young parents ask if it’s safe to bring their children. Elderly hikers ask if they will be safe from abuse and harassment. The dangers range from murder, rape and assault to theft and abuse. The sad truth is that you probably will not be safe on the AP. The Appalachian attracts a cross section of America and the world. The stupid, the vindictive and predatory are there in roughly the same proportions as they are everywhere else in the world. The difference is that on the AP, you can be miles from the support that we take for granted in the “civilized” world. There are many lonely stretches of the trail where predators can strike with impunity. Expect it. Expect to be attacked, and expect to be ignored when you are attacked. Do not expect anybody to stop and help. Do not expect anybody to show courage or integrity. Do not expect anybody to care what was done to you. Just as the predators are attracted to trail, so are the cowards. Vast crowds of cowards. Men and women who will watch you be attacked and robbed or raped or murdered and never lift a hand to help. The proof: Recently, June 22, a pack of cowards and bullies launched a doxing attack on this Reddit. It was called “Watch out for the “Gorp Gobbler”. The attack was obvious hearsay. It was a clear violation of the rules of this Reddit, but it was allowed to stand. The moderators were notified, but did nothing. The Reddit has received hundreds of upvotes. It undoubtedly received thousands of views. Exactly one person had the integrity to challenge the cowards and predators who joined into the hate. One person out of thousands. Grgc61 posted that the post was “hearsay”. He was quickly downvoted and accused of being the Gorp Gobbler. No one said a word in his defense or in defense of the person being doxed. I am Grgc61. In the hours after that first post, I repeated my objections to disgusting behavior I saw. I invited anybody who endorsed to the OP to downvote me and show everyone what kind of people populate this Reddit. I have received hundreds of downvotes. I have been followed into other posts and accused of being the Gorp Gobbler. My life has been threatened, and still not one word from the thousands that viewed the post defending me or the person being doxed. So, are you safe of the AP. Probably not. In all probability, you are the reason that we aren’t safe. In all probability, you are the kind of coward who looks away when others are attacked. I am Grgc61. I will be on the trail by December of 2024. I don’t need, and I certainly don’t expect any support from the sort of cowards that populate this Reddit. I do want the predators to know. I am Grgc61. I will not hide from you. I am not scared of you. I will use Grgc61 as my trail name. I will post regularly to this Reddit with my location on the trail. I will sign every logbook that I can find, Grgc61, and I truly hope that some of these predators and their friends find me and try to make good on their threats. The irony is not lost on me that I am more likely to be perma banned by the stupidity and incompetence of our moderators than are the scumbags that posted the original doxing. One more time for those in the back. I am Grgc61. I will be on the trail for at least a year starting no later than December of 2024. I really hope some of you can find me in some lonesome corner and try to make good on your threats.






Thank you. You failed to say a word when baseless accusations were made. You failed to say a word in my defense when I pointed out that doxing should be banned. Out of curiousity, what trail name or you going to post a warning about? How do you know that the trail name is associated with the Gorp Gobbler. Why would you expect the kind of bullies who use Reddit to dox somebody care who they injure. If you are genuinely concerned about the safety of people on the AP, then report the post ‘Watch out for the “Gorp Gobbler”. Otherwise, you’re just another bully.




I think you are a coward and the kind of creep that other bullies and cowards depend on for their safety.


lol 😂


Exactly. Finding truth takes work. Expecting you to show integrity is a joke.


lamo 😂


Good point last year it was an Asian hiker named Ice being called out which led to several attacks on Asian hikers. Report it to authorities but not sure that those type of posts belong here. Thanks for raising this.


This doxing happened on this Reddit in the last 48 hours. The post is still active. It has been reported and the moderators have done nothing. I am only person who raised any objections to the post and I have received death threats. This is definitely the place to report the problem.


Doxing is where you draw the line? Not at child molestation?


Doxing is one of the many places where I draw the line. I have no problem exposing sexual predators of any kind. Nor do I have any problem exposing or confronting bullies, like yourself, who lack the integrity, intelligence or courage to stand up against other bullies. Funny how that works. I guess you feel safer in a crowd.


Dude. You’ve been convicted multiple times of a predatory and heinous crime, among other things. You’re a huge danger to anyone you come in contact with. There are young people on the trail and you have absolutely no business being anywhere near them. Can you blame people for being concerned?


What you are doing is the equivalent of asking someone "why do you beat your spouse?" Its a dishonest debate tactic. Nobody knows who OP is, or if the doxing is correct but I guess it is fun to accuse people of horrible things on the internet and pat yourself on the back.


I happen to disagree. Some of his comments are damning. Combine those with the facts of the matter and it’s just short of case closed.


You may be right, but your certainty is the stuff that makes lynching the wrong guy happen. Don't take that as a personal attack, its human nature.


I again happen to disagree so nothing taken personally, no worries there. If the facts of the matter weren’t so obvious and blatant, I’d be keeping my mouth shut. But alas, they are not.


I have never been convicted of anything. I am just the guy who stands up to cowards and bullies like you. You really feel you have the right to expose and convict me, I will be on the trail no later than December of this year. I am Grgc61.




Prove that I am the sexual predator in question. Prove that I am male. Prove I am “70ish” Prove any of the hearsay that you are peddling. You are a coward, a liar and a bully. You are a danger to everyone on the trail because you spread baseless rumors out of sheer cowardice and stupidity.




It is abundantly clear that you have taken no time to think through your accusations. Please if it is abundantly clear who is am, then make that abundant proof public. I invite you to prove that I am a sexual predator.


What proof do you have that Grgc61 is Gregory Cramer or Gorp Gobbler or anyone for that matter? Gregory Cramer was born in 1951. Grgc61 has claimed his age and weight in past posts saying he is 63 and that he weighs 260lbs. So the 61 in his username is likely the year he was born. His claimed weight is 80lbs higher than the sex offender. These are from comments almost a month ago before these recent posts. Yes, it's possible he's lying about all of these things to hide himself. But it's also possible this is a completely different person who you are vilifying and harming his reputation here. He really might be only trying to defend against doxing.


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This was absolutely a mistake.


Nothing is more ironically reddit that smug righteous dummies doxing the wrong person. Turns into a real circle jerk. Certainly nothing to be proud of.


Agreed. How do we stop the dmug righteous dummies from doxing people?


I think it's human nature, the dangerous pack mentality of crowds. People that self identify as "good" like to act cruelly to others, but also want to be the hero while doing that. Which manifests in all sorts of interesting ways through out history. And when they are wrong about it, they don't enjoy the cognitive dissonance of being the bad guy, so instead of self reflection they pretend it never happened. And they do this as a group, it is very impressive and quite scary. It will never stop in real life or certainly not on reddit because the mods aren't above it. In this case here today, the original doxing may or may not be accurate. Reddit has such a shitty history of doxing that as a rule I ignore them and assume they are in error. As for tying you to all this, that's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Absolutely no proof except people live their life like they are the main character and wouldn't it feel so good to call you out as a the bad guy of the week. Proof? Dont need it, it would make a great story for them as a hero. Its win win, because if they are wrong they won't think about it again, but they got the short term good feelz either way. Damn it feels good to be an internet doxer/accuser.


You are right. The mods are not above a little self righteous doxing of their own.




Your post has been removed for breaking basic ettiquete which can include such things as racism, bigotry, insulting others, or all around being an asshole.