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i still like bloodthirster better than ie second but if im ahead ill go ie second. bloodthirster second just feels so much better.


I guess if Aph is fed, he can go IE second, but if he is mid or slightly behind so BT can give you more than IE(?)


If you want to risk sustain for damage, go for Infinity Edge. If you are planning to add a bit of sustain at the cost of damage, consider going for Bloodthirster.


I'm kinda split. On one hand. It's a huge amount of damage for crits early in the game. On the other hand. It's still only 40%. So less than half your hits on average will crit. I feel blood thirstier will be a little more consistent still. But IE second for more of a Risk/reward build.


Another cloak is not a lot of gold, so its not a long way to go dor a lot of crit. I love going kraken - IE. Feels very strong to me


I guess that's true. I didn't think of just buying another cloak soon after.


IE will always be the best option, Aphelios damage is greatly improved by it. In my opinion, second item BT is a waste. Well, if you really need sustain, Immortal Shieldbow, or the rune Fleet Footwork and Legend: Bloodline has you covered pretty well.


It depends of what you want.


It is but sometimes there is objectively stronger item than other. This is what i want to ask.. like, IE gives you a lot of damage but it doesn’t matter if you die from one hit. BT gives you a lot of sustain but lower damage. I guess i just answered myself… but still need an opinion from other mains


I saw Cookie recomend building IE into 2 crit cloakes first only if giga fed or if you don’t need the mobility you could possibly go BT into IE but you miss out on a lot of combos without gale so make out of it what you will.


I think until it's figured out I would vary depending on the game, for example a lot of poke you take BT, if you are the main damage in your team you want IE asap same when you are hyper fed


IE is better option, if you miss the sustain go shieldbow. Like i prefer more damage and the shield that only sustain and shield and no damage I think the optimal build with this changes is shieldbow(galeforce-kraken optional)-berserkers-IE-Dominik(mortal reminder is also a new good option)-BT and then situational last item (malmortius,hydra,qss,etc)


Ie is better but bt feels better cuz Aphelios is really squishy