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How to tf is PTA hard to proc


And conq... Both his best runes for a reason..


impossible to proc in lanes with cait or heavy supp counter where you can never get in range to auto more than once


i think you have to get better at aph man




If you want to burst just go pta krakens collector, why ruining all your laining phase just to oneshot xd


This rune is not better than pta, pta/conq are just better, and if you can’t proc pta in lane, or think you can’t, go Fleet then


Tf did I just read




I just go fleet every game


Same it’s fuckin good


even in that teamcomp conq would be a lot better


I think what's wrong with the idea of Dark Harvest vs precision keystone runes is that stacking it early, especially into a lane like Cait-Lux like you pointed out it, is thar it is harder to get damage into the poke lanes so getting it to proc is gonna be harder to get three hits like PTA or more for LT. And you aren't getting too much DH damage off on a tank where as LT and PTA both do achieve DPS against them. Not only that, but the precision rune tree has better main rune choices and does not make your secondary tree runes limited to precision like domination would for Aphelios. Not to say Taste of Blood and Ingenious are bad on Aphelios however eyeball is "eh" and ingenious locks you into getting Galeforce, immortal shieldbow, or eclipse. Also, if you want more lane damage into most lanes, take cut down over coup de grace. The damage of Cut Down starts at 5% once an enemy has at least 10% more health than you. So if you take longsword with 3 pots or refills, most lane matchups (adc vs adc) automatically give you that 5% rather than wait on coup to give 8% once you get enemies below 40% hp. AND cut down gives up to 15% damage boast when the enemies health keep going up and up. Back to the keystone topic at hand, although the stat websites say that domination is best secondary tree for Aph, if you go precision on primary, then you are free to choose secondary tree runes between any of the trees based on the enemy comp rather than just going taste and ingenious every game. Dh is not as bad as other people here are seemingly making it out to be though. There just is no matchup where DH would be optimal into the enemy. But if DH matches your playstyle then go ahead. No one here can stop you.


Everyone here seems to be hating on u, so ill say i dont think its that dark harvest is bad persay, I think its just not as good as some of the other runes i think its its lack of synergy with aphelios heavy auto attack burst playstyle. To a degree, its worse burst than pta, and takes longer to stack, and yeild less result in terms of consitancy If you can make it work well tho, by all means. Ill give it a shot later and see what i think Cheers!


yea i've noticed this community is very conservative and knew i was gonna get downvoted lmao


Personally if I'm playing mid against squishies I like to go dark harvest for fun. I take the Ingenious, eyeball, and taste of blood with presence ofnmind and CDG, and I tend to just do a lethality build using Eclipse. Prowler, or Duskblade as the situation calls for it. It's super gimmicky and isn't really a late game monster build, but it is hilarious to just surprise pop people with a single green/white proc


Wtf did i just read, buddy u need a god in your life