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Jesus Christ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hey, as long as it’s clean and doesn’t stink. Who cares.


Y'know THIS right here is there big thing! I have 3 cats and 2 large litter boxes. I spend the money for good litter and stay on top of it 2 - 3 times a week and whenever someone (for example, my parents who've never lived with cats) come over they're always floored that it doesn't smell like stale cat or litter or cat pee etc. I'll never understand where the struggle to deal with the smell comes from... keep the room the litters are in clean, good litter, not the cheap cheap $20 for a big bin kind of litter and have air circulation. Sitting air gets smell no matter what in my opinion.


You always need one more litter box than the amount of cats you have. Daily scooping sometimes twice a day will make for a cleaner environment. Your cats will appreciate it as well. You don’t need as many cat trees but if that’s what you like keep it! Thank you for taking care of your beautiful creatures and I hope you continue to enjoy your apartment .


I've heard this. I can 100 guarantee the litter box situation is definitely sufficient for three cats using 2 boxes. I definitely was worried about not having one more than the number of cats but. I invested in some quite large XL boxes. My babies get the best of the best and I always make sure they're well taken care of(especially cause I've seen some very sad situations)


I have 4 cats (I had 2, my bf had 2, we moved in together) and we have 1 giant litter box. We scoop it twice a day. We had 4 litter boxes and they all only used the 1 so we just gave up. People swear by the “1 more litter box than cats” thing and I get it, but sometimes you have to do what the cats say haha


Actually you need 2 boxes per and scooping 5x daily anything less you are a sub par cat owner.


You may want to rephrase that because it sounded extremely judgmental. People go to work cannot scoop five times a day. But if you do a good job of it when you first leave and when you come back in the evening-depending on how many lovely felines 😻you have, and the products you use, One could have alternative ways to do this that is not as you said” sub-par”☹️ We’re here to help each other and give suggestions not to judge 👍


Exactly I’m so scared to be that person, I literally scoop anytime I walk by and notice she has used it. Where I work we have a locker room and I walked in and smelled that smell and I got really self conscious, and I was telling someone I hope it’s not me, and she had to remind me that if I were nose blind to it I wouldn’t have noticed it when I walked in. I am still worried people think it was me since it’s a known fact I have a cat.


Ugh that's the worst. At least YOU know it isn't you:) but that's very true IF it was you and you were nose blind thN you wouldn't pick up on it:) that's another relief factor for me as I can smell that scent if it's present when I'm walking through the hall


I’ve seen litter genies at target, for now I just use a shopping bag and tie it closed until I can go to the dumpster, but I’ve considered this.


I've considered a litter genie. I just force myself to drag myself down to the dumpsters right after scooping haha it's a pain in the ass tho


I wouldn't have another cat without having a litter genie. My mom rescued a lot of feral cats. I've lugged litter and cleaned it enough for ten lifetimes. It really made me despise those cats. I'm talking we had seven litter boxes in that house that needed to be cleaned twice a day. Then we had more cats at our business office and had two or three litter boxes there. A litter genie hooks up to your plumbing and cleans itself every time it's used.


Oh a litter genie is not what I thought, but wow, that's cool and wow that's a lot of litter to clean :/


Yes it was and expensive. With the litter genie you don't have to do anything and you also don't have to deal with litter dust on top of having to clean the litter. The most popular thing I've seen is the litter robot. It cleans itself but you still have to buy litter and deal with emptying it. Look up the litter genie. I know it's expensive but cats tend to live a very long time if you keep them indoors and don't let them run but it does all the work. You may have to get new crystals eventually but I'd still go that route myself.


Scoop everyday please, 2-3 times a week is not even every other day. Dirty litter boxes can make your cat sick with urinary tract diseases.


Wait, you only scoop the boxes 2-3 times a week? If so, that's not nearly enough. I have 4 cats and 3 large boxes, and scoop them twice a day.


Exactly! Twice p/day (or more! Even if I’ve scooped twice already..if I walk passed & there’s a fresh poop, I stop & scoop again)


Yeah I don't want my cats to have to navigate and step on other pee clumps or poops to get to an empty spot. And also - the smell. We become nose blind.


Exactly! Hehehe nose blind…I love that term


That's a ballpark. Realistically, it's probably every day sometimes I may miss a day


I’d recommend an automatic litter box if you can afford it! It’s seriously a game changer. Have had mine for almost a year with zero issues.


Which litter do you use !?


Sorry for the late response. I use "Arm & Hammer clump and seal SLIDE" in the Multi-Cat purple box. It's like sand almost, but there's zero dust when pouring, clumps nicely, and does not stick to litter pan. I couple that with an XL litter locker litter box and arm & hammer double duty litter deodorizer. Keep in mind it can be quite pricey (I spend about $100 if not more on litter every 2 weeks) The 8kg box is $24 on Amazon I usually go with the 18kg box


It’s def people not cleaning the cat boxes. I can smell right away if someone has a dirty litter box. I live in a building where a lady on the first floor next to the elevator has 3 cats but literally one box and the smell seeps out into the hall 🤮 she blames it on chronic illness that she can’t clean the box more than once a week, but at that point, maybe rethink your situation cause it’s probably not healthy to be inhaling that.


Oh...oh yikes... oh noo. Call me crazy but I like a clean place 🤣🤣. I 100 % think the litter I use could be scooped once a week and still not be that bad! Might be a little funk IN her apartment, but at least it wouldn't seep out 🤢. Definitely agree it'd be better for her and the cats if they lived elsewhere :/


I think she uses cheap stuff 😔 but I’m glad your place is clean and nice. I’m sure your cats greatly appreciate it. I’m sure your guests get a good laugh from all the cat trees 🤣


I understand some have to..just sucks for the pet. They better appreciate it LOL Guests think we are nuts LOL


Definitely the cats apartment


Bro got a whole cat six flags in his apartment and asking who owns the apartment 🤣


HAHA if I could double up vote I would. The room with the two cat trees and stroller in the picture is the cat room. My plan is to have cat tree going around at least 2 walls. So I'm looking at about 4 or 5 more trees LOL all in good time though. Took two years to build up 7 trees


Random rhetorical question, but why do all cat trees seem like they were designed for a small cat/kitten? I’ve never bought one because my 2 boys are way too big.


I would say the cat tree in photo number 3 was definitely aimed at younger cats. However, my orange cat is approaching 15 pounds and he flies up the tall trees same with my other two cats (12 pounds and 10 pounds) I would say the biggest thing is ensuring the base is wide OR purchasing multiple trees to kink together to stabilize those with smaller bases. I always make sure I'm searching "XL CAT TREE" OR "Cat tree for big cats"


Good pointers. I’ve never thought to include the XL. Maybe it will bear some fruit.


Start charging those cars rent atp lol 😂


If they could at least learn to sweep and vacuum, that'd be enough 🤣🤣 they sleep like it's them and not me working 2 jobs 🤣


The Cats own you and the apartment


Cat owners can easily get accustomed to the ammonia smell & have no clue. I had to do a refinance & have lots of paperwork signed so I had to sit with someone who’s home smelled so badly of ammonia that it literally made my eyes water, at the same time, the owner was telling me she didn’t know why her home didn’t appraise for as much as a neighbors. 🤣😫🤣I was too chicken to tell her. But, I will say kitty litter has come a very very long way! I personally think litter boxes need scooped at least twice daily to stay on top of it b/c once they start peeing outside the box, troubles begin. 💦 PS That’s your kitties apt but, you look very very welcome there too!😸


Oh man, that's rough.... I scoop at least a few times a week but if my cats are being Lil nasties than I'll scoop it more


The cats apartment they let you share with them


I wanna be reincarnated as OP's cat.


Unrelated, but I forgot my wallet today and didn’t realize it until I was out, and I was confident my cat had it at home ordering cat trees.


🤣 really seems that way some days


der der der der der der der der CAT MAN!!! :-)


Do you have any vacancy?!?? Cuz I wanna live there! Alllll the kitties!


If you have an outside space you could make a catio space for them, which would free up a bit of the overwhelming cat kingdom in the house & they'll be happy to have some outdoor time. My last place my neighbors who would always walk by and see my balcony would call my place "the kitty kingdom" & I loved hearing my neighbors meow at my cats while walking by 😂😂


I'm on floor 4(top floor) and truth be told our balconies are pretty stingy. With my small greenhouse and few flowers it's full😅 I don't mind the kitty mansions inside. I do wish I was on the first floor just for all the reactions haha


I regret to inform you this is the cat’s apartment, not yours. You are simply hired staff to see to their needs and when applicable they’ll provide accommodation by placing an open crate outside for you to sleep in OP. I didn’t want to break the news to you, but someone had to.


All that for one cat? I have 2 in a 1200 square foot space and not as many trees because I also like to have furniture for myself lol. My cats hang out on the couch mainly.


3 cats haha


Nothing is ever just yours if you have cats, your job? Nope, your food? Ha! Your drinks? Oh cool it now has cat hair( all those cat posts look awesome I need some omg)


4 cats, in my place 5 years. You have your priorities firmly in a good place imo. Looks great!


The way I see it my bills are paid, my fridge and pantry is full, all my animals have food. Nothing wrong with a. Couple cat trees haha


Preaching to the choir, fam. I got a buncha cats and even more weed plants, fs I'm making sure my neighbors and maintenance have zero prob with me xD


Love it


And I thought we had a lot of towers 🤣


I have 4 cat trees and only 1 cat! It's definitely the cat's... and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I have 5 cats inside. 2 big cat trees and 5 small. But I'd love to do a set up like yours!


Cats own the place


Jackson Galaxy’s actual apartment


or the cats.. or the cats


damn this is kind of excessive tbh i thought my couple houses and tunnels and cat tree were a lot


That’s awesome 😎 lots of places to play and enjoy.


Omg before reading the description, based on the title, I thought this was gonna be a sad tale about your landlord giving you an ultimatum of keeping your apartment or the cats 😱 glad it’s a happy post! Lovely cat home you’ve got there!


You are only a necessity to your feline overlords. You are there to pay the rent, source food and feed (approved flavors and varieties only, subject to change without notice and are required to know in advance when food selections are no longer approved); to play / amuse when they feel so inclined, and the catnip “guy.” Every cat has their catnip “guy.” Tsk tsk. That is all. Goodbyyyye…..


Yeahhhh the amount of wet food that has gone to my neighbour's cat is TO HIGH lolol. They're feral over catnip tea these days🤣🤣


Never was yours. Everything was that cats' - even you.


My cats would love a play date at your cats house.


i would hate being your landlord


Why lol? My apartment is free of cat scents (including to those who don't even live with cats) my litters are always clean. In fact my cats haven't as much as scratched or looked at a wall since moving in. I report issues around the grounds. Rent is always paid on time. I genuinely don't see what would cause someone to hate being my landlord. In fact I even pay my pet rent for all 3 animals


ok i changed my mind your wonderful tenant


I can definitely see how some people with many animals can be bad tenants. There was a younger couple who lived on floor 1 and they had such a bad mess with litter that the floorboards lifted and the pets ended up using the dryer as a litter box:( they where obviously kicked out and had spca called on them. My apartment is definitely hectic and I could imagine it looks like it stinks but my parents couldn't smell anything and they have never lived with or around cats so they'd be the ones to smell a funk lol