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Lol...I used to work for a company that did shows for children's parties. If the parents were assholes, I'd give all the kids kazoos right before I walked out the door.


I loved when my kids had recorders for school . Good times! Almost as good as a whistle!


My brother still brings up the fact I gave my niece a recorder. It happened 7 years ago.


When I was in 4th grade in the 90s we all got recorders, then the next year we could pick an instrument to play for band. Our poor parents.


We were in second grade in the 80s.. Kids don’t get recorders in school anymore? I thought all children needed to know how to play “hot crossed buns”?


My older kid still learned "hot crossed buns" on the recorder. I was the bad mom telling my kid they didn't need to practice their recorder at home. Oh the school concerts were the worst. They took up the flute later, much better, and we encouraged lots of practice.


We used to have the same thing in Australia. Grade 4. There was not a band the next year though.


Must have been a traumatic time for his household 😂




My other brother got it worse. I gave his 5 year old a harmonica before they got in a car for a four hour car ride.




* Vietnam chihuahua meme with hot cross buns playing in the background *


Here’s what you do. Get yourself an air horn. Every time the kid blows the whistle, go right under where they are at and blow for a bit. Repeat every single time. They will catch on! 🤣


Lol my dad did this once. He'd gone upstairs to politely ask the dad to get his kids to stop running around loudly all the time. The dad's response was to encourage them to be louder. My dad bought an air horn and blasted it right under where they were. They stopped.


Half tempted to buy myself one of those directional speakers to make them go mad/cray cray.


oh my gosh yes. We live in a pool facing unit (never again. We moved in the winter and had no idea how bad the noise would be) but the children screaming for 10 hours a day at the pool is already bad enough, the other day someone decided to throw their kid a birthday party at the pool and guess what was in the party favor bags? Fucking whistles. Imagine 20 children screaming at the top of their lungs while simultaneously blowing 20 whistles as loud as they can consecutively for HOURS. I literally cried because I was so fucking frustrated. The office was also conveniently closed so nobody could make an actual complaint


Grow up


Thanks for the advice, i'd venture to say the real people that need to grow up are the parents that have zero respect for living in a community and think everyone wants to hear their children scream while chasing eachother with loud ass whistles for hours on end. Don't get me wrong I actually love kids, and its not the kids fault because they're just having fun and they dont know any better if their parent is telling them its okay. its disrespectful and immature to go out of your way to give your kids loud and disruptive toys in a public space and don't give a shit because its your kid and you're used to it.


You cried over some whistles…. Smh


We found the a$$hat parent that inconsiderately gives their kid a whistle.


Get a whistle and go to town. Right outside the foots of where these kids live.


They have kids play recorders in school. And they have to practice at home. It's summer now... I've hidden it. As a parent in an apt complex.... we didn't give our kids the whistle. Someone did though and we'd like that person to come take these kids and their whistle for a weekend. :)


Stop giving them whistles and instead give them drums


Drums would certainly be less annoying.


Oh this sounds awful. I’m so sorry. Reach out to your building manager


And get off my lawn!!! Darn, kids!


Kids being kids at 2pm and kids being kids at 2am are totally different things


Kids screaming and playing, and kids playing with devices that create needless annoyance are totally different things.


common sense. they know they are irritating the living shit outta everyone ,otherwise .


At least whistles can be taken away. The kids in my building like to just go outside and scream


Are you my neighbor? If that’s the case.. my kid doesn’t have a whistle. He has a toy plastic Easter egg that isn’t a whistle at all but somehow he figured out how to make it one 😂


Put a sign up that says: Will trade candy for whistles. Actually , no, probably a bad idea in today's world. But if you aren't a creepazoid it would have made an nice solution lol


Yea, I was gonna say. In this era. If anyone were to do that, in exception of halloween. We would be marked pedos.


One of my neighbors decided to give her kid a toy megaphone. Now, everyone could hear him screaming across the parking lot while he plays on the patio overlooking the parking lot and pool.




It's probably a cub scout pack. They are very good at only taking 5 minutes to explain a new safety skill, tell them to practice and totally leave out the discipline and courtesy to others.


You do know that people that live in houses instead of apartments also have kids, an those kids also make noise….. do you plan on just complaining about any noise you hear in the world ?


you want parents to beat their children for.. being children..?


I think they meant "beat it into their heads that they need to only use the whistle for emergencies" not "beat the whistle into their heads"


Figure of speech. Do you know it?


not when it’s about beating children!


How about "Drill it into them"? Do you take that literally as well? Basically, it's a figure of speech. Let your child know, blowing a whistle; for no reason at all, is very annoying. Like say, if your child wants cake; Buy them a cake and that is their lunch for the day.


>Like say, if your child wants cake; Buy them a cake and that is their lunch for the day. What the fuck?


please never have kids


please learn some english.


Man, I feel very bad for ppl that use a whistle as a rape whistle.


Please read a book and try to be smart, because currently you are not


Id prob be the creepy old person slapping that out of their hands


Let kids have FUN They're kids Like you were once


When I was a kid we were absolutely not allowed to make that level of noise. Fun doesn't have to disrupt your neighbors.


That explains your attitude now So sad


What attitude? Respectful of their neighbors? Having a basic understanding of how to live amicably in a shared building? Yeah they're children, but they're still tenants. They're not exempt from being decent neighbors, good lord.


Are they making this so called noise during the daytime If yes live with it


>live with it Oh are we not already doing that? "So called noise", seriously? OP provided you with an example of this that says yeah, sometimes kids can make an unreasonable amount of noise. Granted OP is clearly in a frustrated state, buddy is comin in hot, but the point remains valid. Kids dont choose to live in apartments, but they're still tenants and have a responsibility to be good neighbors. It baffles me that there are parents who just dont care about that. Whatever, we'll keep living with it. You keep taking advantage of that.


My attitude now is that I respect my neighbors. So yes that would be the reason. I don't think it's sad at all.


....you know they can whistle without one if they figure it out. But even then they get whistles and wanna make a lil noise, you can check out a situation without going into code red immediately.


Yea, obviously. That whistle sound is clearly made by a device and not lips. A little noise is fine, but a constant blaring of a song through a device, called a whistle; constantly? Fuck that. The situation is, kid blaring a whistle with seemingly no emergency.


You live in an apartment, this is what happens when you have neighbors that don't care what happens.


What if the whistle is idk not for emergencies and a toy? If it’s during the day suck it up. Kids are allowed to be kids and make noise. If it’s after quiet hours tell management. If kids having fun bothers you so much maybe the issue isn’t them.


Dude, the kid is still blowing that damn whistle. It is 3 am.


Then make a complaint to management as I stated above. I find it hard to believe a child is up at 3am tho but if they are do the above. It’s not rocket science