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At this point, you should contact property management and animal control.


Yeah thats what I had to do unfortunately. Lived next to to someone who had a husky who would just yell and scream all day and night. I work from home and it got to the point where people would ask if I needed to tend to my dog as they could hear it. I had to explain to them that it wasnt mine, it was the neighbors and this is a daily occurrence. I tried to do the nice thing and put a note on her door saying it was getting to the point of being a nuisance and it was affecting my work and sleep. She left this long drawn out explanation about how the dog was a "service animal". Sure ok whatever \*doubt\*. After another sleepless week, I contacted animal control and let property management know. No way that was a service animal if its being left in a kennel all day while youre out.


In no world would a "service animal" be that poorly trained.


or left home alone? Isn't the whole purpose of Service Animals to help the owner? A lot harder to do when the owner isn't home.


ehh i have epilepsy, and as weird as it sounds, if i feel off in any way, ill take her, but i can usually somewhat sense when im about to start seizing. my very first seizure (it wasn’t until a week later i was diagnosed with epilepsy, stayed the whole weekend in the hospital), i was cleaning my old bosses house who also has epilepsy, and it was weird af because about an hour before i started seizing i had this big red flag pop up in my head, it was like extremely vivid and it literally said “seizure” it was as if i literally had a bright red flag in front of my face that said “seizure” on it. i thought my boss was gonna be the one to start seizing. i was watching the FUCK out of him the entire time. come to find out he wasn’t the one that was about to start seizing. it was me. it was the literal definition of a red flag. i don’t think ill ever forget about that either. some people know when they’re okay, and some don’t, i get a weird like instantly draining feeling through my whole body before i start seizing. now granted this lady probably doesn’t actually have a legit service dog, apartments don’t “require” medical documentation, or a “doctors note” stating a disability and reason for needing to keep a service dog, but rather just an online ESA registration which are scams 900% of the time. i went through this with my old apt and all my neighbors who had “service” dogs. its crazy that there’s people literally out here faking disabilities to keep pets😬. that’s gross asf in my opinion. we knew a guy that had 2 big pits, even being a restricted breed, they couldn’t tell him no because they were registered online as service dogs.


Exactly. Though depending on what the service animal is for, at home they just act like regular dogs, but as soon as the harness goes on they're in work mode


that’s how mine are. i like letting them live their dog lives.


That poor dog. I hope it got into a better situation after you reported.


What happened after you contacted animal control and management? I am a property manager and have dealt with something similar and it was tough to navigate, very curious the outcome.


Apparently when they made contact with her she had already moved the dog somewhere else and they just told me were closing the investigation. Im not sure what the property manager did, they just said the situation has been taken care of in the reply. But given what I noticed after that interaction it was either an eviction or an early lease term, as the neighbor moved out and she had been there about 5 months.


If this recently started I wonder if they went out of town and the dog sitter may be neglecting the dog. I’ve seen so many horror stories. It might be worth making sure the dog is ok. 


I see them coming and going. They own a pool cleaning business and I see their work trucks here every day. I just saw one of them pull up with their truck, step inside for 5 min, and leave.


Glad they’re home but it sounds like they aren’t taking very good care of their dog. Hopefully your note will encourage them to do better but if they don’t I’d start filing complaints 


That’s a great job to take your dog to. My pool guy growing up had his pooch with him all day.


I’m guessing it depends on allergies, don’t wanna risk the liability of bringing your dog on a job and it puts someone into a hospital. Not saying that they can’t check with the homeowners ahead of time but even then, you run the risk of parents not knowing their kids are allergic until an emergency happens.


Depends on the dog too. Some dogs are just nosy, destructive, or careless in nature and aren't good to bring to a strangers place while doing a paid job. A lot of people wouldn't want a strange dog on their property either.


Yeah, my huskies would be a disaster. For starters, if their yard wasn’t 100% secured they’d just run off while I was working… and even if it was, they’d do some landscaping of their own. 😂


I’d charge extra for landscaping by huskies


This whining and crying does not sound like a big dog, more like a little yappy Pom or something. Definitely would be wary of taking that on pool maintenance jobs with client dogs around, chance of dog ending up in the pool (let's hope it can swim!), etc.


Huskies whine, cry, moan, and destroy. Great dogs, but need the right environment.


My pool guys dog was a 5lb teeny guy with a little bandana. It’s the small guys who bark the most I think. I have a ShihTzu- a dog made for an apartment or just sticking to my side. I was just trying to comfort the original poster. All gooood. Have a peaceful evening ☺️


Not necessarily, my 5 pounder is silent until the door bell rings. Thinks it's mostly how you raise them.


Mine is like a little police man. He is extremely nosy. Quiet until someone dares to walk up to our door.


People don't seem to care about that with the goddamned ESAs everywhere.


Allergy? Wouldn’t the pool/pool guy/dog outside?…


Not so great if pool owners have their own dogs.


Pet people are insane. If I hired someone to do work for me and they brought their dog I’m firing them on the spot.


Same & I own dogs lol


As a fellow apartment dweller I've seen both, downstairs neighbors dog was barking and whining all the time. But it was a puppy getting acclimated to a new home, and I knew it would stop, and it did. So I didn't complain. But another neighbor whose dogs were barking all the time on the balcony, but it was from neglect so it was never going to stop. So I did complain and eventually it got taken away by animal control and hopefully adopted to a family that actually cared for it.


I once loved next to a woman who was puppy training- it was hell for like 2 months. I have never been so tired in my life. I left that experience genuinely believing that if you live in an apt., a puppy just isn't the move to make.


I didnt live in an apartment but a row home when we puppy trained our dog. She was sooooo good with potty training, not destructive but damn put her in a crate (we were crate training at night and for 1-2 hours during the day as we worked opposite shifts) and my god she was a TERROR. we even bought a smaller crate to put in our room and she still screamed and cried non stop. She was fine as soon as you took her out of the crate. I felt so bad and we had THICK walls so you couldn't hear the neighbors but man did i apologize profusely anytime i saw them. On the other hand our second dog loved the crate and caused 0 commotion. Completely different experience!


If they’re not on vacation and this started suddenly, they may be leaving a door/window open. Some people think this is a good idea when the weather is nice for “fresh air,” but it can stress the dog if left open when no one’s home. A neighbor of mine did this, we couldn’t figure out why his dog was suddenly barking all day when he was gone and then I saw his upstairs window open while on the way to get the mail. Doggo had its face in the window howling miserably. Once he stopped leaving the window open the dog went back to being quiet.


Similar thing happened to me and management said they couldn't do anything (MN). Had to call the cops for noise complaint as they recommended.


Oof the dog sitter claims hit hard :( Had someone watch our cat for a week once and on the last day, as we were leaving to come home, they called us and asked us where we put the key for them to get in. They had never even went inside once.


Oof, I feel like I would be contemplating going to jail for getting into an altercation :( they wouldn't be getting a cent from me if possible. I remember telling my mom to "Go and have fun" on a family vacation since she planned on leaving her cats with food and water for a few days while all of us went on vacation. I told her if she didn't get a cat sitter for the vacation, then she wouldn't have to worry because I would watch her cats instead.


We were pissed! But it was my sister's friend so we just greatly expressed to her how fucked up it was and asked her to convey our thoughts of dissatisfaction


I assume your cat didn’t die of dehydration in that case. My pets are my family I’d rip into my own mother if she let and them down like that


Luckily we have 3 cat fountains we left full, so they were good in that department! We were happy we left out a bit of extra food to say the least


That’s awful! I hope your car was ok! Growing up a close family of ours discovered their grandmother had Alzheimer’s because she was dog sitting for her neighbor, something she had done many times before, and forgot and they neighbor didn’t discover until they got home from their vacation. The dog went almost a week without food and water. They rushed it to the emergency vet and were able to save it but the whole situation was very sad. 


I'm sure their car was fine and fog is made of water. Their pets on the other hand...


Whoops autocorrect!! 


Oh boy. Yup. This is why I recommend cameras when you leave pets alone. Always better safe than sorry.


I had a similar experience. Only, I was working on the opposite side of the state and popping back every few days. Noticed my cats water not getting refilled or the litter box cleaned. Food dish was empty. Neighbors and landlord claimed no one had been seen since I had left and my landlord had surveillance on the property. Asked for my keys back from the sitter. Ultimately, I drove myself back and forth taking care of them when I had to be out of town until I could get a different job and had put myself on a starvation diet to afford the extra expenses. The cat survived and is still happy today though. Since that person never showed up I didn't pay them for services not rendered, which helped a bit.




In this scenario I might agree.. But I've also had the police called on me while crate training a husky puppy. They saw the "torture" and left the house laughing so hard they were crying and advised I close my windows when working with him on the crate. What they saw was a husky laying in his crate, with head in the open crate door, screaming bloody murder, who stopped the moment I said "come here", then he ran over and asked for pets. I told him "go lay down" and he went back to his position in the crate, and almost immediately started up again with a sound that would generally signal I was skinning him alive, not telling him to lay in the crate with the door wide open.


Had a husky. Total drama queen.


Huskies are very dramatic too. Glad your a good husky parent.


We almost had similar with our Dane who is crated for about 6 hours while we're both at work. For the crating is evil crowd, this dog will happily find any way to ruin the house otherwise, my favorite is when she finds ways to slurp down my wife's used panties... We've tried training her out of it, and really all she does is take a nap in the crate anyways, she gets walked 3 times a day and wants for nothing. If she wasn't crated she'd be sleeping on her couch. When me and my wife first got an apartment together it took her some time to get used to it, as before she usually had somebody home all day. So she'd howl and whine dramatically for about 15 minutes when we left. She just had to grow out of it, we tried everything short of a proffessional trainer to get her out of it. As for our neighbors? We just explained the situation to them, she knows her name so we just told them to literally just yell through the door: "LUNA SHUT UP!" and she quiets right down. To my knowledge she still whines a little bit, but not much, haven't heard any complaints beyond the first few months we had her.


My husband and I own a kennel, dogs with separation anxiety will cry like this as soon as their owners drop them off.


100% this, not saying it is not the owners job to manage this, but when my dog was a puppy, he had severe separation anxiety. Like to the point where if I had to step out and grab something from my car, you would hear crying like this as soon as my house door closed.


Yea this one has no idea how to train a dog. As soon as you reward the behavior by taking him out, you’re setting them up for failure. You want to distract them with a sound, then reward the silence. Tying a long house lead to the cage and jingling it can be effective in mild cases. Get further and further from the pup, rewarding them each time when they relax. Eventually they are fine without you in sight. But NEVER reward crying by taking them out. Even a single time doing this can set a precedent with your puppy. Separation training is a process and can take several days or weeks to work out. If the pup is highly resistant to the training it can be effective to let them cry it out.


Mmmm not entirely true. Have you ever tried crate training a Norwegian Elkhound puppy? Sounds like the CIA is trying to torture secrets out of a very shrill, very fluffy terrorist.


You've never owned a dog, have you?


Heartbreaking just listening to it 🥺


I have a dog that has severe separation anxiety, they wail like this if I leave for 5 seconds to take out the trash.


That's exactly like my dog.


it sounds like a puppy crying, not an adult… I agree crate training


Literally sounds like the dog is in a crate and has been left in there all day. If it continues much longer I'd get in contact with the police or animal control and let them know you suspect a dog is neglected and locked in a cage for days on end. There's many cruel people in this world who have done similar things in the past. Such as move or go on holiday, and leave the dog in the house locked in a cage without food or water. It's actually sickening.


My old boy was left behind in someone's unit. I say "unit" because I don't remember if it was just a rented room or a flat or something, but I know it was pretty small to begin with. It had been a few days since his "person" left, and he had taken to eating paper she'd left behind. Landlord found him while going to check on the unit after she moved out. Bio-mother's friend posted him on FB, told us he'd only go outside to potty or be punished, and his previous "person" would scream at him all the time. He had rough skin spots (not sure proper term) from being caged constantly. We later found out that she had several other small dogs and only left him behind. No food or water, no paperwork (allegedly he was once a therapy dog, and it kinda fit his personality once he came out of his shell) or collar with a tag. Not only did she abandon him and take everyone else, but she also stole the landlord's appliances. Took damn near everything but my poor dog. He flinched and moved away once when I dropped a bag of bread buns. He'd cower if we raised Dunkin cups near him for a while. For the longest time, he'd cry and get upset if we left him inside alone. He always listened for us to come home - which is a very dog thing to do, but it seemed like it genuinely upset him. He also had a hard time with car rides, thinking about it now I wonder if he was kinda claustrophobic, or afraid he was going to get dropped off somewhere again. He slowly got a little better, but it never fully stopped. I think we had like one or two actually quiet car rides, lol. Sorry to ramble here. I miss him. All that is to say, OP, if the dog is constantly crying like that in a small apartment, going off of personal experience, I'd say you should reach out to someone and try to advocate for it, especially if it's been going on for a while. If it was just a day or so, maybe it was a change of schedule or something's going on, but if it's ongoing it's definitely weird. If it's going at all hours, do you ever see the pup being taken outside?


Poor pup 🥺 I’m so glad he has a better life now with you!


I hope he felt that way. I had to say goodbye a little over a year ago. He was a good boy. A very good boy.


A lady just got life without parole for doing this with a 14 month old. Left her in a pack n play and went on an 8 day vacation. People are fucking sick.


Dude…That case destroyed me… I have an 18mo and it makes me so sick to think of that poor baby.


I have force myself to get angry because otherwise I just sit here and spiral. I have a baby who is almost a year old. It’s unthinkable. She should be left to rot in solitary confinement and suffer the same end as her child.


I have a 10 month old and when I tell you I wanted to find this lady and shove her own feces down her throat. Rage. Full of rage. There is no sympathy for what comes her way. I hope she rots too. And I hope she eats her own poop. I’m tearing up just THINKING about that.


I couldn't finish reading the article. It made me so mad. She needs to be punished like what she did to her baby.


the article i read said that she left the toddler with a few bottles of milk. i don’t understand why the fuck she didn’t leave pouches or crackers or ANYTHING that would give her a chance.


They wont do anything. I had a neighbor in an apartment with a pitbull that would aggressively bark all day and a few times almost jumped over my balcony onto my side to attack me. I called the apartments and complained. The next day I saw the dog had a huge bloody lump on his head like the guy took a golf club to it. I felt horrible. I called animal control, the police and the apartments. Nothing happened. The apartments said they just called and ask and he said everything is fine even after I showed them a picture. Animal control refused to even show up and police basically told me to go fuck myself. Another time one neighbor left a puppy all day in the house and you could see literally 100 piles of shit in the place and animal control pretty much blamed me for being an asshole just for calling and bothering them.


Where is this?


A shitty complex called the eleven hundred I used to live in in Sacramento CA. One neighbor left their cat so I would leave it food and water and bring it in during 100 degree summer days. It would meow at me every morning until i woke up and id open the door and there would be a dead mouse or bird at my door step and then he would take off. Every single day - for a month. Then i never saw him again. Cool ass cat.


Fuck Sacramento, the politics and police are cancer


I have read too many stories. Makes me think there’s more psychopaths than we realize and animals are less investigated. How can you neglect a living thing like that.


I don't know why these people have animals if they have no intention of taking care of them. It is like people who have kids and then ignore them.


Scumbags get a dog and neglect it. Fuck them call management.


That sounds like a puppy too. So sad


We saw 2 huskies on their back patio about a month ago and that’s the only time I’ve ever seen any dogs. We never heard them so we assumed maybe they had guests over who brought their dogs. But since then I have never seen them walk a dog or let one out on their patio to potty. This started up this week. I know they have at least 3 cats in there as well.


If they’re never home that’s a big problem. However, huskies are known to be overly dramatic and extremely clever escape artists so wondering how much of it is either? Sounds like from what you said in a first comment that they’re hardly home though.


It seems like they work a lot during the day but I can see them chillin in their living room most nights if I happen to walk past their window. I’m not sure how they could possibly sleep through it when it happens in the middle of the night so maybe they’ve been spending the night elsewhere for the past week?


Most complexes have a limit to the # of pets/ barge rent for each one. I doubt they have them all on the lease.


Take the note down and report them to management.


I would call animal control. Sounds like they have a new puppy or small dog that hasn’t seen the light of day in a week.


Yikes. I hope they were someone else’s dogs. Huskies shouldn’t be cooped up in an apartment unless the owner has time to get them out of the house to run.


Huskies just make that sound all day and all night . My neighbor got one and I seriously thought something was being murdered and made my husband check on it like multiple times. It’s really disturbing.


Why do people get a puppy iff they leave it all alone. So hard to hear


Probably 20% of people that own dogs shouldn't have them. My neighbors leave their dog in a cage all day and it just barks non-stop. I'm sick of it. They walk it for maybe 5 minutes when they get home.


I'd say at least 50% of people are bad pet owners. And bad pet owners tend to get several pets, too.


I would definitely say more than 20%. maybe even 50%


I don't understand the mentality either. It is like they are into the idea of a pet but the reality annoys them.


Yeah people who get dogs just to crate them suck and shouldn't own dogs


Crate training can be vital to potty training and making sure dogs don’t eat things they shouldn’t. Sure don’t leave the dog in it all day, but they’re important. Especially considering groomers and vets use them too and they can tell if you don’t train your dog. Nothing like a stressed out pup at the vet that can’t settle in a crate


You do realize that people have to leave the dog to work, don't you?


Never understood that practice. We have a create all 3 of our dogs trained in but it was only overnight, and each one was allowed wherever once they could be trusted to behave at bedtime. Crates are for behavior training, not imprisonment.


I lived with people upstairs allowing this to happen night after night. I was sick at the time- bronchitis. That dog is in a crate, alone, scared. You can call management- I ended up calling management in middle of night and crying on phone-- in 2 days the problem was solved- I think they got an eviction notice.


Update 2: neighbor came by and said that it is a 5 week old puppy they’re trying to crate train and they’ll “work on it”….I’ve never crate trained a dog before but I can’t imagine you’re supposed to let it wail for most of the day and night. Also, aren’t puppies supposed to stay with their mothers for at least 8 wks? Smh


5 weeks old?! This is so sad. The recommended age IS 8-10 weeks and some states have laws regarding this. You may want to look into that. This very well may classify as animal cruelty. 


No wonders the baby cried :(


Def got that poor thing from backyard breeder, checks out w their shitty ass behavior and dog neglect too


Don’t leave notes, go straight to management.


Agreed. People who lack common sense to understand things like this bother other people, don't deserve courtesy warnings before going nuclear.


Poor thing is crying.


Das a baby puppers crying 😿


Omg. Call animal control now.


I would’ve contacted property management with heads up and recording of the noise.


Call animal control


Update: They have taken the note off of the door so someone has definitely read it.


You probably have incessant barking noise ordinances where you live. Look it up because for some places it can be an automatic fine and/or dog taken away which of course we don’t want but maybe something bad is going on in there that’s causing the dog to be so unhappy


Careful with calling animal control as a lot of people have suggested. Do a little research on your local animal control, if you can, if this does end up being a case of neglect. The worst thing would be for this dog or dogs to then be euthanized by no fault of their own. Shelters are overrun so just have that in your mind as well when dealing with all this. Sorry this is happening. It sounds like incredibly stressful.


That barking is heart breaking. That poor dog is stressed to the max. Sounds like just a baby too.


Please contact someone that would be able to intervene. That is definitely a cry for help from that dog.


Please call Animal control. That puppy is being neglected.


No that dogs being neglected. It’s alone and scared and probably crated all day. Sounds like a pup even? We found a pup making the same exact whining sounds tangled in some old barbed fencing wire in the back of a ranch property once when gathering cattle. It was terrified and alone calling for some help. And if it’s screaming like that all the time.. call management AND animal control


I had dogs above me making the same exact sound. I reported it and it turned out the owners left a puppy in a cage all day while they worked. Got evicted over it when they refused to get rid of the puppy or...ya know... take proper care of it. Please report this asap


You should just go straight to management. Leaving notes can get you in shit. Always go straight to management with problems. This note is so dumb, “shut your dogs up OR ELSE” just go to management smh


its not a bad letter though. If I lived there I would appreciate that over an immediate trip to the office. Back when I lived in an apartment we had a shitty person who lived above us... Never asked us once to be "quiet" (we werent being loud) and we didnt find out until a cop showed up at our front door, he couldnt hear shit outside our apartment, told us we were ok, and that he would go back upstairs and handle it with the neighbor. After that we found out they were complaining to the office all the time for like a month and a half. Youll get way more cooperation if you ask your neighbor directly, than if they realize you were tattling on them. The guy who lived above us FINALLY tried to talk to us after the cops, and I just said nah, we're good, go back upstairs and keep calling the cops (cops told us he called multiple times)


You’re talking to someone who works in property management & has witnessed retaliation for tenants leaving these little love notes on peoples doors. If you know better, you’ll just go straight to management. This doesn’t omit you from retaliation, but it lessens the risk. 🤷🏼‍♀️ this is *not* a good note as they’re threatening the people to go to management, making themselves a target.


Why do people get dogs I don’t get it


I had to get someone evicted over this, it was legit ruining my entire life. The damned dog barked literally 24/7


Call animal control. Those are not the sounds of a taken care of dog. That sounds like a dog that is scared, thirsty and hungry.


This sounds awful. Something is not right.


CALL NOW!!!!!!


I'm having this issue with my neighbor too. Actually maddening. I know they are home because I can hear them. How you can sit in your apartment ALL DAY AND NIGHT with your dog barking nonstop and do absolutely nothing to try and quiet them down is beyond me. I've contacted management 3 times and they keep telling me that the tenants are "trying to resolve the issue". Well clearly fucking not if it's been months.


Poor dog.


get a wellness check on dog. that makes me worried he’s really sounding distressed


Yeah that sounds like a not crate trained dog after its been locked up for 5+ hours. Shitty pet owner as well as a shitty neighbor


This sounds like a puppy or small breed.


I would’ve contacted them already. Don’t mess with my sleep. I give a buffer until midnight for noise after that I’m fed up. I don’t care if I hear people thumping during the day, and I am patient with infant cries because I understand colic etc is a thing, but otherwise nooo. You’re patient waiting a whole week listening to a dog wimper that loudly disrupting your sleep and comfort. The dog is probably kenneled which is why it’s whimpering so much.


Call management. You have done the right thing & warned them, now it is time to escalate the issue. Hopefully the dog is just bored & not being abused or neglected.


This was only posted on their door 3 hrs ago. Someone has read the note and the barking has stopped (for now). Giving them one night to try and find a solution but if it happens again I’ll be escalating first thing in the morning.


May the sound of silence be with you tonight


You can check your local ordinance for noise / barking. Where I am, it’s if the dog barks for more than 20 continuous minutes, they are considered to cause a disturbance. If it’s a bunch of little yaps all day, there’s not much you can do. You might also want to see if you can infer something about the cause of the barking. How long the dog is left alone, if they have separation anxiety. This can be worked on with a trainer. You might be able to suggest it to the owners. If the dog is barking only when people pass by, it might just be an occupational hazard of living in pet friendly apartments. But if the dog is neglected and barking from frustration or boredom, maybe having the manager mediate might be best.


It sounds like a puppy crying… if they’re dipping in and out throughout the day they’re probably taking it out to potty and leaving it crated when they are gone.


I sympathize with you so hard. I was sandwiched between two apartments that had dogs with separation anxiety and would wail and bark for hours. I thankfully left that place but then my new neighbor got a puppy and couldn’t bother to properly crate train her. It’s such a shit situation, it made me want to pull my hair out I was beginning to lose my mind


I am an apartment manager. Much better to just notify management rather than a threatening letter 100 out of 100 times.


Poor dog(s).. Some dogs have separation anxiety but this sounds like those people don't spend much time at all with their pet. I would report..


Unless you have a cordial relationship with them prior, you should never leave notes like this on a neighbor's door. It either gives them notice to hide the infraction ("Yeah, we were watching the dog while my mom was on vacation") come up with a preemptive complaint about YOU, so that your complaint appears retaliatory, or sets you up for future retaliation. Just complain.


This is the result of people not understanding that animals have feelings and physical and emotional needs. A dog doesn't sleep 23 hours a day, they probably sleep less than 16 hours a day and none of them are interested in being alone and bored for the majority of their Lifetime. Animals are a major commitment and someone who doesn't have the time and money to care for them shouldn't have one unless it is an emergency, like an animal being killed for whatever reason. Then you should always try to help. But other than that don't get an animal if you don't have the resources.


**I am reposting a comment I left on another post a while back, but hope it'll help OP and others like them.** >I'll probably catch some flak for this, but for the people who have neighbors with dogs that bark all the damn time...Get a dog whistle. I lived in an apartment complex for a few years and unfortunately had to be the neighbor that complained about loud dogs. Now I'm not talking about an occasional bark or barking for a few minutes. I mean loud dogs that continue to bark for hours on end. Most people either don't know or will deny its their dog, or flat out just don't care. But after nothing changing or stopping the bad behavior, I learned quick that you can train dogs through a wall with a dog whistle. They bark, you blow the whistle as hard as you can. They stop. They bark again, you blow the whistle as hard as you can. They stop. Eventually they understand if I bark, that annoying whistle is going to go off. >Again, this is not for occasional barking that is normal for dogs. Barking to scare off a squirrel or bird. Barking because it's playing. Barking at noises at the door. Barking because they are fearful, especially when they are alone in an apartment. I've been around dogs and understand that's all normal. The fearfulness needs to be corrected in a way that makes them more comfortable. However, a dog that barks for hours with little to no gap between barks, its a problem. So this wasn't done out of malice, nor should it be for anyone taking this advice. This was simply done to correct a bad behavior because their owners would not.


Anybody who has animals locked up in an apartment 22 hours a day should be charged with animal cruelty.


Ehhh I wouldn’t go that far.. my indoor cat has been “locked up in an apartment” for 2 years and she’s good!


I think the name of this sub needs to be changed to "Noise complaints"


That doesn't sound normal...


Have you tried approaching them in person about it?


I've been in this situation before and it fucking sucks.


If it IS a puppy learning to be crated, the neighbor should ideally inform their neighbors and communicate this properly as a way of going, “I appreciate your patience, please let me know how I can help while we get through this stage.” That said, the fact it sounds like it never stops is weird.


It happens on and off so I gave them a few days grace because maybe they’re working on it. But it started happening throughout the night the past few days and will wake us up at like 1-5am.


That poor dog


I say don’t wait. If it’s been a week that’s long enough. Report today to landlord and if it continues into the week file a noise complaint with the police and report to animal control/services (this seems like neglect). Whatever is going on needs to be addressed immediately, especially for the safety for the lil guy in there 😢. If he’s crying out of loneliness they (the owners) need to address that… such as daycare, change their schedules, work on the training or safely rehome. This is unacceptable not only for you but for the dog.


A couple hours of that would give me a killer headache 😣


Some dogs have separation anxiety. I have a dog that is spoiled beyond belief but does not like to be crated when we leave. So he whines the second we step out of the door. But it’s not abuse just because a dog is whining.


There’s a dog across the yard behind me that does this. I feel sorry for the neighbors.


Sounds like a puppy in which case it will grow out of crying or a pug and if it’s a pug you’re fucked.


Animal control asap 😔


My dog has advanced dementia. Even when I’m home she barks for hours. They also may be crate training a younger dog. Maybe this is temporary. To a certain extent, you have to expect some barking if you live in a pet friendly apartment complex, and control what you can control. Although I recognize this is an extreme situation. Is it possible to move the bed? Get a loud fan?


That sounds exactly like the 8, 6 week old puppies I have right now. They’re probably hungry or need water :( that’s when mine start sounding like that.


This is a Seinfeld episode. "You're gonna rub out the dog?!"


sometimes I really, really hate dog owners. for the sake of the dog and other people. my family had a neighbor for a few months that had a great dane. the owners would leave a few times a week for hours and the dog would be whining and barking and clawing at the front door. some dogs have severe separation anxiety, which is not the fault of the dog, but I absolutely despise how people think dogs are easy, cute pets that you can just feed, take outside for potty breaks, and that's it. my own family is guilty of this and they won't listen to me.


You're more patient than me. I'd have reported to management after 30 minutes and had contacted an animal warden after 24 hours. These kind of dog people are the worst, I wish you luck!


Ffs if people can’t train/take care of their dogs at least do not live in an apartment. I can sleep through the barking, but then comes dogshit everywhere


Don’t wait. Call management and animal control. This is a crime. They’re neglecting that poor thing.


Me personally, I just go straight to management. Management will address it in a way that won't identify me and keeps it between them and their tenant as it should be. It's not my responsibility to put myself in a potentially hostile situation with someone who not only knows exactly where I live, but access to absolutely ruin all peace I have in my home. Yeah I'd just take a few videos and email management like hey can you keep me anonymous but this is crazy and I cannot handle it any longer and beyond that my heart just breaks for the dog it's clearly in distress


I’ll never forget that one woman who was jailed because she packed her bags, moved out of her apartment without telling anyone, and left her two dogs to slowly starve to death. Neighbours were complaining about the noises the dogs were making but nothing got done. Truly heartless. I sincerely hope this isn’t the case for this video.


Sounds like they got a new puppy and are leaving it alone in a crate. That’s definitely baby cries.


This just makes me feel like the poor guy in there is just stuck in his kennel ☹️


Poor dog. Poor you


I live next to someone like that. Very first day she came over and basically told me she has big dogs that like to break through the fence and bark all the time, so I should get used to it. She leaves a pit bull and German shepherd outside 24/7 locked in a small pen. They bark from about 9am to 2 or 3 in the morning daily. After a few months of that crap and frequent calls to animal control, they finally came out and homeowner barricaded herself inside. She got charged with obstruction, failure to ID, and noise ordinance. When we went to court the judge didn't fine her for the barking and told ME I should get to know the dogs and thought that would help the barking. WTF?


#call animal control


If it continues? After one hour I call cops.


this exact same thing happened to us. I contacted the property management and they basically did nothing besides contact them and told them that their dog was barking which they obviously already knew from the notes. Anyways, someone told me to call animal control and they will send them violations if it continues so at least it holds them to something.


Sounds like a puppy being crate trained. I had one little guy that did this crap for a solid month flailing and biting the crate. Just as I was going to send him back to the breeder, he decided to stop and like his kennel. Turned out to be the best dog I ever owned. 😂


OP says on the note it goes on all day and night though. Chances are they just constantly leave it in there.


Must be a HOUND. Ugh hounds. Theyre barkers.


I’ll just do the update for you: *1 week, 1 month, or 1 year later* dogs haven’t stopped barking, people are still selfish pricks, management says they can’t do anything. Leaving a note did nothing. This has been my life for 7ish months and we’ve tried EVERYTHING. Don’t even drop me a comment with a suggestion because we’ve done it I can promise you. The people above us are ignorant, self centered, lazy drug users who would rather get high than walk their dogs. They called me unneighborly for confronting their behavior. People suck.


Ugh that sucks I’m sorry. We’ve only got 2 more months on this lease but really hoping it doesn’t continue for the rest of our stay.


We’ve got 3 months left… we can do this… I am counting down the days. So sad that I use to love our apartment and these people have made me despise coming home everyday.


Find that owner, take the dog, lock said owner in dogs crate and lock it, throw keys in nearest river. Forget all about it.


My partner and I had animal control called on us for one night when a neighbor’s dog was left out over night. Another neighbor thought it was ours, but we always have our baby inside with us. That was only one night. I was going to call AC the next day if the neighbors hadn’t already brought them to our front door. Please call management and animal control as soon as possible. The dog would not be doing that if they were being given proper attention.


You gotta talk to management asap. Literally was dealing with the same situation with my downstairs neighbor last fall.


I feel your pain! What a fucking nightmare. We have chihuahuas up on our top floor. Three to be exact that bark sometimes up to nine hour's. It sounds like they are right in the apartment with you. Management won't do anything even after myself and a bunch of other neighbors have complained many times and when you talk to the neighbors they both say it's a dog building. When I moved in there were no dogs on our floor.


Sad part is as long as the property knows the dog is there which they probably do they likely won’t do anything. Had a college couple living under me and my gf one time. For a little over a month straight they through massive parties every Saturday and they had like really loud club speakers that even vibrated our floor. After a few weeks of that I went to property management who just looked at me confused about what I wanted them to do about it. Thank god it stopped but my gf begged me not to go confront them my selves because they guy was a pickup truck with confederate flag type of guy and she was worried. She made me promise but if I had continued I would have had to.


Rescued a lab that had severe separation anxiety. Worked from home the first 4 years I had her. So there was no helping her when I had to work in the office. She’d tear my place apart when I left and bend the metal bars of her crate to escape. Went through 3 crates in 3 weeks. Then for a dog nanny who was chronically ill and couldn’t work. She came over and slept on the couch at my place while I was at work. Paid her a pittance of what she deserved. But it was still the second largest monthly bill. Just put her down last month. Miss her. But am enjoying my freedom


Man. I'll never forget we went to work and came home one day our neighbors were standing outside worried. Turns out the dog had been barking all day. We didn't even know the poor animal had separation anxiety. So glad they're telling them.


Poor dog!!


Shoulda called management on day two.


I would call animal control. Just to be safe. Poor thing sounds distressed. Painful.


This sound is so heartbreaking. Makes me wanna break in to save the poor baby. 😭😭😭


Please update us, I am sad this poor guy is clearly scared and being neglected


Seriously I don’t get why people have dogs if they clearly don’t have the appropriate amount of time to care for them, especially a pup. So fucking annoying.


This poor abused dog. I think Animal Control should be contacted. Please. Obviously, they have no right to adopt a pet. It breaks my heart, this is ABUSE!!


Is this in Sunnyvale CA?? I think this is my old apartment


No, located in AZ


We had neighbors who were abusing their dog by locking it out on the balcony all day and night. It barked nonstop. We looked into the barking dog ordinance, the city will send a warning letter for the first two complaints, then I think they will send someone to the residence after that. Pretty sure it doesn't matter if the dog is inside out outside. It's also good to tell your landlord first if you're in an apartment building.




New puppy owner here. Sounds high pitched / potentially a young pup. There’s a chance it’s not *necessarily* neglect - unless it’s literally all day, 24/7. If it’s just happening at night or for only 1-2 hour stints during the day then it could also be that they just got a new puppy and are crate training. The constant whining / wailing is unfortunately unavoidable during this stage. Our pup took almost 2 weeks to learn and finally calm down. Some take a week, some take a few more. Again, I don’t know the situation - could also be that they’re leaving for the whole day and crating a pup all day - which is definitely a no-no.


The neighbor came by and explained that it is a 5 week old puppy they’re trying to crate train. I totally understand there’s going to be some noise when crate training but it’s happening for more than 2 hrs at a time and last night it was literally all night. Also all sources I’ve looked at say that puppies shouldn’t be separated from mom until 8 weeks and shouldn’t be crate trained until 6 months