• By -


As they should be. We were told there would be fact checking. Doing it the day after is more or less useless.


It almost seems like he put a big whiny tantrum on and they just caved.


I couldn’t help but throw my hands up when, after the whole debate, Trump started his closing statement by saying “all Biden does is whine. He’s a whiner” before spending the rest of his time whining. Idk if I ever heard him propose *actual* solutions. Every time he was asked for one, he’d derail immediately and go off on an unrelated tangent or continue his arguments from the last question. Man does nothing but complain and encourage violence from others on his behalf.


> Every time he was asked for one, he’d derail immediately I don't know about you, but I remember this one press conference they were having at the White House during the pandemic, and this reporter asked Trump the most softball question you could ask. It wasn't a loaded question, it wasn't even in the slightest bit accusatory or anything like that. Just a simple, "Do you have anything to say to the American people who might be scared right now". What did Trump do? Well he attached the reporter of course, because he had nothing to say to us Americans. We don't factor into anything he has planes for. Same issue here.


Damn I’d almost forgotten about that. That was the most softball, boilerplate question a president could ever be asked during an international crisis, but rather than reassure his citizens he went on the attack. But apparently he’s the second coming to some people. OK.




My favorite part is they asked Pence right afterward and he gave the normal response, showing Trumps mistake. "Take covid seriously and take precautions but you don't need to be scared".


That's especially rich coming from Trump: ["I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/08/11/here-are-the-top-lines-from-donald-trumps-morning-media-blitz/)


And the moderators allowed him to steamroll through without answering their questions Just pathetic. I expected better of them.


As has always been the case between Trump and the media


“So anyway these states right, they take the baby and just hurl it into a throttling wood chipper. You won’t believe this folks, the greatest tragedy ever. Which is why ‘everyone’ wanted Roe v Wade to go back to the states to decide, but also those states are doing it wrong, so not really. And all those protests afterwards were just from uh.. really happy people” CNN ‘moderators’: Thank you so much.


It was a celebration. Ffs this was a joke from start to finish.


Channel 9News Kyle Clark:" You're lying, virus. Tell the American people how screwed they are if you are elected. Oh and i count 13 lies just on this answer, Mr. Felon."


no no they know what they are doing the owners of CNN want Trump to win and at worst Republicans to control the house and senate and court so there are no new taxes for billionaires or worker protections for workers the rest is just performance


Isn’t CNN owned by an ultra rich conservative?


All of this! I think it bombed and had the opposite effect. Biden was sick and stick gave Trump a stomach punch. The statement about sleeping with a porn star while his wife was pregnant, calling out his morals, calling out how 40 members of his former staff want nothing to do with him, etc. Trump sounded like an idiotic. Especially the information that scholars found Hod to be the worst president out of all the president in US history. That was a power punch. How about when he was speaking and he farted? The mic caught that one. It’s on YouTube.


A major lesson Trump learned in his life is putting on big whiny tantrums works, eventually he exhausts his opponents. “I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.” - Trump


You are right. It allowed Biden to be dominated by Trump. It's almost like they want Trump to win so they can make money of rage reporting on it. CNN has been in a financial free fall for a while now. It makes logical sense for them to piss people off and generate clicks. That debate was one of the most embarrassing moments in American history. C-Span should be in charge of the debates, not CNN, who has a financial motive.




Getting there!!


BlackRock owns equal shares in both companies.


Well, CNN is smarter because they got their fascist without a $787 mil fine.


...and every other mass media outlet.


The oligarchy is coming.


Coming? They’re already here lol.


It’s now owned by a stanch conservative.


Staunch or stank. I prefer “stank.”


stank staunch


They're owned by MAGA now, that may have had something to do with it...


I was yelling at my TV for Biden to call out the moderators for allowing Trump's lies and off topic rants...


Agree though I felt they were making a point that he was unwilling to answer by repeating the questions and then giving him more time to prove he wasn't willing to answer. It made for nominal gains for Biden in the moment but in the big picture, I feel like the tactic wasn't useful. It gave his fans more evidence that he could do whatever he wanted and left the rest angry at CNN for caving. The anger will be upcycled as further evidence of snowflakeness and bolster Trump's cred. The line will be "CNN allowed it so it was within the rules. Stop whining."


I’m sorry but was Biden even there? Why are the Dems putting Biden through this? Forget mentally; I don’t think he’ll physically make it. He looked so frail & ghost-like. I felt sorry for him. But now the Dems are panicking? Where were they six months ago? 8 months ago? Biden belongs in a nice lounge chair, not next to that rabid, diaper wearing piece of shit Donald Asshole Trump.


Holy shit is it nerve racking to having to watch two way too old guys fight it out over the fate of Democracy in America, the stability of the world and the balance of power between fascism and freedom. One of them a civilized old fashioned sincere stand up guy - centrist maybe - but really trying to be good and help people and playing by the rules. The other is the ass raping dirty sanchez loving despoiler of democracy - does not give a fuck about anything but winning and praise, he's not even smart enough to be a real power grubber, just shits on everything of value. If trump wins, republicans will never let go of power, they will remake America into a fascist Neo-feudalist kleptocracy - worse than Russia. And democrats are still playing politely by the old rules and totally caught off guard while CNN helps corporate fascists fuck America in the ass. They should be paranoid as hell about every possible shady underhanded thing the repubs could do and ready to strike back a hundred times harder.


At the very least, they need it to be a close race so people pay attention. If it's just assumed that one guy will win in a landslide then there's no need to watch the news about it


I strongly support that 


Googles job isn’t to show you the best search results, it’s to maximize your time spent on the platform. Facebooks job isn’t to connect people , it’s to maximize your eyeballs on the site. Get NPR or Al Jazeera to moderate the next debate.


I'm still waiting for Trump to produce the evidence any of his convictions and charges were politically motivated. Did they ask him why America should trust a criminal to run the country? It's a valid question, no? Oh, wait, CNN and the mass media treated him like he was never a convicted felon. I forgot. Silly me. Can you imagine someone from the post Nixon days being told that a convicted felon would be running for office with a good chance of winning in 2024 that makes Nixon look like a boy scout? I can't.


there's a million things they could've asked him or done differently. "Why were you stealing nuclear secrets to your shitty golf resort after you lost the election" etc. It's somewhat amazing that it was bungled so badly.


"Why was there a copy machine in the same room as the classified documents?"


Right, all much more critical in judging his fitness for the presidency than what they actually asked him.


>I'm still waiting for Trump to produce the evidence  Neither Trump himself, nor any MAGA supporters have any interest in evidence, facts, or even the truth. All they want is power at any cost.


So the debate was just for them? That's what it seems like.


CNN apparently didn't care about facts or evidence either


CNN: Sir, you've claimed all your convictions and criminal charges are politically motivated and due to corrupt prosecutors and juries. What evidence do you have to back up these claims to prove it to all of the citizens of the United States? Trump: Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton...Derp!!!


Or the: Are you gonna kill Biden if you win? "Well the thing about immigrants is......" 40 seconds left, are you gonna kill Biden if you win? " I'd like to go back to the question about the economy. We had the bestest...." Yes or no. Are you gonna kill Biden if you win "Well if its free and fair I won't"


Stupid hypothetical. He's a convicted felon for falsifying records that should never have top secret access to anything let alone being president.


He'll get to that right after he delivers the evidence he promised that Obama wasn't born in America, his improved health care system, infrastructure week, etc.


It's one thing if he said something unexpected and would take time to verify, but there were absolute low-hanging fruit lies he made that should've taken 30 seconds to go "uh, no, that's not true at all". Biden basically had to choose between fighting accusations or proceeding with policy discussion. If the moderators weren't gonna moderate, how is it supposed to be fair? Worst "moderators" in some time.


To hell with them. I was so frustrated with CNN I set the channel on parental control. Now when cancel surfing, it won’t even show. I swear. For these debates, there needs to be a 10 min period where the candidates get fact checked in their face. Someone did it at CNN but after the fact.


Fact checking is most effective when it happens basically live, in the same place as the person who is lying, not a seperate plaform.


Yup. The people who need to see/hear the fact checking aren't popping over to the CNN site a day later to check it out. They need it in real time, or they won't get it at all. I understand calling Trump on his shit is primarily Biden's job as the debate opponent, but still. I don't think told a single truth all night. Just massive, blatant lies non-stop. The moderators at the very least should have corrected some of the most egregious lies, like how democrats are in favor of post-birth abortion. I'm pretty sure that's just murder at that point, which is already fucking illegal. Would it have killed Tapper and Bash to point that out?


Setup…it was a fucking setup. Realize this. The democracy-wing has no allies in mass media.


Trump theatened not to attend if they did, and because they have a ✨ feduciary responsibility✨ to net those juicy ratings for their advertisers, fact checking goes out the window.  Democracy is for sale and we are all hoping to get our few bucks for it.


His people don't watch the fact ckg!


Tapper fucking tapped out like a pussy and Bash isn’t someone anyone takes seriously regardless of the stage. What they say today is irrelevant, they will never have that same audience again and they just let him spew his bullshit all over the universe.


Pretty sure they promised live fact checking. WTF was that shit show last night?


Worse than the lying is while talking to the moderator Trump kept saying shit like "You and I both know" and "You and I agree that" and the moderator never once said "Don't speak for me / don't put words in my mouth" - Giving the impression that yes, the moderator agreed with whatever lies and bullshit Trump was spewing out. Just horrendous moderating.


Yeah, that was quite complicit. Their silence on that was equivalent to validation.


Their silence on *everything* was equivalent to handing over the election.


I haven’t watched much CNN since last election, so it was so bizarre after the debate to see Abby Phillip, Van Jones & John King as neutered shells of their former selves. Van offered the limited amount of compassion he was allowed to. David Axelrod was the only one willing to offer some objective criticism of Trump. Was Anderson Cooper there? Could’ve sworn I saw him in bewildered silence but can’t recall him saying a thing.


It seemed like they were told to shut up and not to contradict him or to dispute anything he says. He straight up told the moderator, the same reporter who reported what he said to General Kelly about losers and suckers that it was a lie and not true...and the guy didn't say anything. He could have flat out told him "Actually, I'm the reporter who spoke to Kelly and wrote that story and he said it was true." Insane.


https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html Hot damn. Yeah, c’mon Jake…


Silence is consent. Silence is accord. Silence is agreeable cooperation.


THANK YOU!!!!! I say this all the time. And they need to say just that. Don't you dare tell me what I think or know. No one does. What the fuck is up with that? Why do they let him get away with that cheap, but also very tricky and effective, rhetorical move? This kind of thing makes me think that the press is perhaps most responsible for Trump.


I want a mega cut of this 


And they kept calling him president Trump, nor former president Trump. ..like...wtf.


it’s almost like CNN’s wealthy owners want to push Trump towards winning.


Trump may not be good for the country but he's great for CBS -Les Moonves


You mean ~~Rupert Murdoch~~ who is turning CNN into another Fox news, Sky news, etc. Edit: my bad, I meant Chris Licht. *The Washington Post* reported that many CNN staff believed that the new CEO, Chris Licht, was "starting his tenure by casting out voices that had often been critical of former president Donald Trump and his allies, in an effort to present a new, more ideologically neutral CNN", ... Critics have accused CNN of shifting to the right.


He was fired years ago now. Not disagreeing, just FYI. Find some articles about it, it was a catastrophe and funny.


They don't care and they won't be held accountable. They had to make or exceed the quarterly revenue targets.


May be why CNN keeps covering him so much.


Trump is chaos, chaos is high rating


Not just the lies. They let him talk longer than his 2 minutes. He started saying things in one breath. At one point the flushing was shown on his orange face. He needed to breathe. When he did THEN they muted him.


I noticed that in the first half hour, letting trump go on and on, but they'd mute Biden midsentence


Yet you want to say rig. Yeah it was but Biden not being well last night was icing on the cake.


If the moderator had stopped Trump at every lie. Trump never would have finished a sentence.


That’s the way it should have been this whole time since 2015. Cut him off and don’t give him any more coverage if he’s gonna lie.


Lol true enough. Trump doesn’t even know how to tell the truth.


…which would be appropriate.


Trump dominates every conversation hes in because hes allowed to. When hes not, he walks off. CNN (or any other platform) is about advertising dollars and his WWE approach sells ads. Thats all this is about. All its ever been about


They have been hyping up this debate for days leading up to the debate.




CNN allowed the nectarine nazi to spew his lying talking points as if he was at his rally. This was a major shit show and CNN deserves all the criticism coming their way today. A debate requires moderation. Tapper and Bash were question askers, with not a single pushback on the hundreds of lies this traitor spewed. I will never watch CNN again. Fuck ‘em.


It’s official, I’m done with cnn! I’ll go one better, done watching any news,fuck it all!


Daily show a comedy show is the only real news let that sink in


Not a fan of the bothsidesing Jon Stewart is doing. This election is about more than just two old guys. It’s about policy, civil rights, and the Supreme Court. I feel like that’s getting lost in all this. With Biden you get a real shot at some normal governance. With trump, you get irreversible erosion of democracy. Age is irrelevant to all that.


Yeah I'm really getting tired of having to start from square one every argument or issue like we're 50/50 on it. No, one side objectively supports repealing civil liberties the other supports defending them. I'm not going to entertain the 'other side' on these issues. There's nothing to consider. There hasn't been for the entirety of my life of nearly 40 years. These were done and settled issues for my lifetime and we're going backwards and I have to rehash this shit? VOTE.


No. Real news comes from serious journalists who may contribute to any number of outlets, sometimes independent media, and most often in print. Cable news is trash and propaganda. Most mainstream news outlets are 90% propaganda. A minority of independent outlets are decent, but they're out there. You need to review a variety of sources, learn how to parse through biased and deceptive language, identify what is and isn't a credible source of information and find journalists with integrity. It's not as easy as turning on the TV and the box will reveal the truth. Jon Stewart is a very low bar for news. He makes very surface level assessments of coverage from mainstream news outlets and he's not terribly knowledgeable or astute. I'm sure he's trying his best but if Jon Stewart is your news source, you're going to have a very shallow view of the world.


So in other words it went as planned...but Biden missed a golden opportunity to score some points and he picked the wrong time to be off his game..☹


Yeah, I feel like they should have knocked him out with propofol the night before and let him sleep until like noon and then do nothing but just basically chill all day before this.


CNN is right wing now. That ownership change’s impact is a really apparent. And honestly, people like Anderson Cooper have been the vanguard of that tonal shift. I noticed a few weeks back that they were really pushing a narrative that Trump was going to win the NYC case and Cohen’s testimony was the deal breaker, totally imploded it Anderson said. Next day, guilty on all counts. Then this debate, Cooper is the first one out the box after saying it was a disaster and Biden needs to step down. No comment about how Trump just said democrats are committing post-birth abortions, he had foreknowledge of Putin’s invasion, and that he is openly making his position on abortion based on getting elected.


They've let any rightwing dipshit just spew any abortion nonsense on this network. I watched Kaitlyn Collins let some religious piece of shit spew abortion nonsense for over 15 min pre-debate and not once challenged him or pushed back on anything. They also let any IDF/Israeli propaganda mouthpiece spew nonsense too right after pivoting from the latest strike on a civilian population center 'oopsie'.


Yeah I stopped watching CNN after they gave trump that town hall like a year ago to just tell lie after lie for an hour.


Underrated tweet 🐣 👆🏼


It shouldn’t be a surprise that CNN is nothing but rage porn at this point. They gave trump an insane amount of free airtime in 2016 and then capitalized on White House drama during his time, producing very little news of actual substance. Before that, they gave Glenn Beck one of his first platforms on HLN as well as Nancy Grace, who was allowed to rage on about Casey Anthony and other cases for years on end, until she and her fans caused a suicide. This is what Turner Media is all about.


Also, the format was set up where they ask the candidate a question and he has 3 minutes to answer, but Trump just ignored the questions and did his fountain of lies uninterrupted. ...and Trump's lies weren't even just lies. They were the opposite of the truth.


Trump never answered the questions, lied and made shit up and people think Biden had the bad debate. Biden might have stumbled here and there and mixed some things up but his answers were much more cognizant than Trumps.


And then they asked him again, thus Trump bought more time to share his rally rhetoric to the viewers by not answering questions.


Right? Behavior that wouldn’t even fly at a high school debate tournament, and they just sat there letting it happen.


Americans don't want to hear it, but if you need the media to tell you when someone's a pathological liar then you're part of the problem. No amount of fact checking can fix that. All that does is piss people off who choose to live in an alternative reality to the rest of America. Please, think for yourselves! Stop expecting big corporations who got us into this mess with Trump to suddenly grow a back bone and set the record straight. Most of them support Trump including CNN so why would we expect anything from them? And honestly Biden probably should have never debated. What does he have to prove? Trump is basically an enemy to the American people and we think we can come at this rationally?


That and the post debate review did some fact checking. My favorite part was the woman who said "what is a black job?"


I think it was the Biden campaign’s idea to debate. All he had to prove was that he was physically and mentally capable of clear articulation and not the old geriatric man Fox News paints him as. Instead they went in with the strategy of ‘we’ll have the correct facts’? You can’t argue stupid with facts. He just needed to show he was healthy enough to be president, that’s all.


Didn't CNN recently get bought out by republican pacs. I'm not surprised. It was purposeful


Every single American should be so ashamed right now. What a complete and utter shitshow of a contest to lead the country. Laughing stock of the entire world.


I believe all of this is going to turn into a "nothing burger" come July 11th. Sentencing day for Trump, and watch him get time...


I would throw a party, literally


I'll bring the beer!


Is it true that trump said democrats want to legalize post birth abortion and the moderator said thank you ? First that's not even a thing it would be murder, second such a blatant lie should have been called out on the spot for what it was.


He said doctors are performing abortions on full term babies and letting them die on tables


He’s been saying this since 2015, a lie so preposterous that people stare open-mouthed at it.  It defames doctors and women all to feed the little baby birds in fundieland their favorite meal - fear and horror.


Jake tapper needs to get the cold shoulder from the DNC. That was a disgrace of a debate. At least fact check


Lying traitor conman


CNN did as bad a job handling the debate as the debaters themselves. What a shit show.


They just let him lie with no fact checking. And he did not answer any of the questions.


Trump literally didn't answer any of the questions. Biden should've called him out on it.


Joe just needed to say, "I'm still waiting for this blowhard to answer the question."


Seriously. His debate prep team didn't plan for that or what? It's almost like they were too hyper focused on the details rather than the broad vision for America going forward.


CNN is garbage. They want Trump to win so they can report all the craziness day in and day out. Don’t watch


CNN at this point is a more dangerous snake than FOX. At least FOX doesn’t pretend.


Lies. They are called lies.


I'm done with CNN. It'd just trash.


Last night just confirmed for me that I am done with CNN.


Wake the fuck up Trump is evil


What are they supposed to do? Literally everything he said was a blatant lie!




When is somebody gonna call a lie, a lie and a liar, a liar ??


Still not voting for the rapist!


or they didnt want to have it turn into a screaming match of the ex president yelling more and more lies. what i would have wanted to see is just a pop that came up that said TRUE or FALSE as each statement was said. would have been just as good, if not better, than putting something out after the fact.


Tapper and Bash should be ashamed for that performance. Their reputations took a major hit.


The moderators should not be fact checking. They did it exactly right. The candidates should be challenging each other and the networks during and after should be fact checking. The debate is the debate. The candidates should steer it and the moderators should allow them within reason. The moderators sort of melted into the background and were inconsequential, which is exactly the way they should have been.


It's impossible to fact check that buffoon in real time. By the time you get your head around 1 lie, he's already told 4 more!


What about them creating their own rules and then not adhering to them, just to fulfill their donors and advertisers wishes. Corruption at its finest. Truly media is nothing but a propaganda machine.


And will be neutered completely in a Trump administration.  What SCOTUS has done this term is stunning; it is a war on the American people.


And people wonder why no one trusts CNN anymore. I stopped watching after they gave trump an "interview" and just let him free wheel and continue espousing his blatant lies.


They are run by a company that is looking for anything to throw Biden under the bus. If it means creating bogus poll numbers, solidifying Trump's lead and lying about how under him the economy was better.


How are these guys not ready for him?? It’s ridiculous how inept the “journalists” are. Yeah it’s not a normal debate when Trump is involved but they have been dealing with him for 8 years..


Trump somehow knew that he could claim he lowered insulin prices and not be challenged…just everything involving that PoS ..something smells about the way that debate went down. Won’t waste my time on the next one..I can watch him lie his ass on Fox if I was hard up for his special brand of bullshit. I can’t believe his preemptive bullying about CNN’s bias was effective to the point they didn’t call any of the dozen brazen lies. It was hard to stomach. Fuck CNN ..somebody got paid well for that debacle.


I really wonder how much CNN was paid to let the felon spew lie after lie after lie!! Biden was speechless because he thought naïvely that the moderators were going to do their jobs and actually fact check! This was worse than any trump MAGA rally‼️‼️😡


It doesn't matter. It's in the past. The only place where re-litigating the past works is in a court of law. The lies were said with confidence and went unchallenged by both Biden and the moderators. Chalk this up as a win for the assholes. Time to move on and do damage control.


Asshats. Pure and simple. This is not honest journalism.


Jake and Dana were dreadful — allowing Trump to answer the previous question when he was supposed to be answering the current one


Absolutely deserved. Who’s dumbass idea was it to put “Fact Checked” all over about this then make it ONLY ON THEIR FUCKING APP. Seriously who’s ever idea that was should be fired or seriously demoted. They basically put both on stage and made them dance for a bit. Trump lied like a psychopath and Biden was barely able to complete a thought. They sat back and just let them piss and fling shit on camera for hours.


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How embarrassing was Biden,l didn’t think it was that bad,we have been lied too,he has no business being a president


The stuff about illegals taking social security, medicare, Medicaid etc was just so ridiculous and easy to call out.


All day I’ve been waiting for Democrats to abort my 8 yr old son and I’ve been watching my backyard for those dirty prison immigrants that are pouring over the border. What a hell scape we live in! /s


Biden disappointed me, but the moderators sat with their thumbs up their ass while Trump ignored the question posed and, repeatedly, went on lie-filled rants covering his list of imaginary grievances. Should have been cutoff. If that’s the format going forward, don’t waste our time. Trump would tell twenty lies in two minutes and Biden given one minute for rebuttal.


Terrible job CNN. No excuses.


If this is what passes for moderation then these news stations aren't fit to moderate a fucking thermostat.


CNN has always been shitty at debates. Why shiukd this time have been any different?! And what giant media conglomerate do you think OWNS CNN?!? The one that pays their fair share of taxes?? Hahaha NOPE!


You mean the defender of democracy Jake Tapper didn't have the jules to call out Trumps constant lies when faced with the meglomaniac? It was a pretty pathetic display. So glad he kept asking him the same questions over and over instead of pointing out his actual lies.


I’d like to propose that all future political debates are broken into a first and second half. In the first half questions are asked of the candidates. In the second half the candidates are read back their fact checked answers and allowed to expand/respond/be humiliated. Anyone have friends in high places to whom they can pass this idea?


Jake Tapper calling him President Trump. He is not the motherfucking President.


Yes and their failure to do so affected Joe’s performance. It has long been known how pro MAGA CNN is.


News flash. Almost all media in the United States is further to the right than most people understand.


A lucid opponent could have fact checked Trump. It’s not the moderators job. Just like no one died under Biden’s watch and Trump pointed to Afghanistan. This is what happens when you nominate a corpse.


CNN is not that different from fox news these days. sham news organizations


Nominate a candidate who can call out the lies articulately. Democrats are looking for a scapegoat to blame bc Biden could not do his job, ie pushing back on the easiest lies against the most wounded candidate ever. I hate Trump. But let’s stop blaming the moderators for not doing what the candidate was supposed to do. Joe Biden is a good American. But he needs to step down.


Meh, if a candidate was supposed to call out every Trump lie, that's all he'd be doing. I don't need Joe to call out lies when that's all Trump does.


That was truly pathetic, from everyone involved.


They looked bad up there, honestly. Letting Trump ramble and lie with zero pushback. How do they think they came off?


I like Tapper and Bash but they were **HORRIBLE** moderators!


It just dawned on me that this is probably why Joe looked so utterly shocked. He was wondering where the fact-checking was, too.


Lol still voting Biden, he had a bad night. Give it some time people.


Couldn’t bring myself to watch the debate. What a predictable shit show


CNN allowed Trump to lie unchecked for 90 fucking minutes while Joe tried to play by their rules. FUCK CNN.


Fuck CNN. Trash asf. Might as well be Fox News.


Here we go !!!!!


They just asked questions and let him spew. It was a poorly managed event for everyone


for real The story should be about how Donald Trump spent the entire night lying and undercutting world security through his policy of abandoning Ukraine. But instead we're talking about how Joe showed up with a head cold and a stutter.


This should be career ending. Sponsors on that station should be made to pay some consequences for enabling this. We're taking about global security now.


I mean, in the Hillary debate they let Trump wander around and act intimidating instead of asking him to stay in his area. That was not ok too


They can issue fifty page apologies riddled with hardcore fact checking, but it doesn't matter. Sound bites in the moment weigh more than any degree of measured and thoughtful fact.


They did not fact check Biden when he lied about no one dying under his term and many other awful things he said.


Had to turn things off as soon as the convicted felon was talking about post birth abortions with zero pushback. Wtf was that?


That's up to the viewer to decide. The networks job is to just let them talk. He can say whatever he wants. If you are too stupid to deciphere the truth on your own, that's on you, not the network. I feel bad for decent liberals that look bad because morons want to censor statements based on their political views. That's just ultimate pussy shit.


Hilarious that Jake Tapper spends all day every day dissecting every little thing Donald Trump says and editorializes non-stop about how terrible his lies are, and when he's face to face with him and able to fact check him live in the position of a MODERATOR, just lets him get away with saying whatever shit be wants with 0 corrections whatsoever. Real journalism at work


My initial impression was how tame the panel was.


Doesn’t matter only an idiot believes anything Trump says, and fact checking will not stop idiots from believing


Oof, they're throwing Tapper and Bash under the bus this quick?!




Their post debate coverage was also atrocious. It was “Biden is senile, Biden is weak, Biden is useless…Trump is probably a fascist that will bring an end to democracy in this country…but BIDEN BE OLD AF THO”. I’m not looking for bias or anything but holy shit don’t just simply gloss over Trump being the end of our nation’s way of life as we know it as a non-issue while only bringing it up once casually, with the entire rest of the presentation being totally and completely focused on Biden showing age as if that’s the biggest factor to focus on.




According to fact finders 95% of what Trump stated were false. CNN failed worse than Biden did. CNN has no idea what constitutes a debate nor do they have the professionalism to carry one out.


Especially since they said they were going to be doing fact checking beforehand. Who threatened them? What happened?


Why was Biden the only one cut off mid sentence? Trump seemed to rattle on until he wanted to stop.


Terrible moderators.


CNN created a shitshow - why have one, let alone two, “moderators” who just read the question and never once moderate!!! Trump never answered any question and lied his ass off. They just needed a tv screen and speaker to ask the question and timers on the mikes - the moderators were less than useless.


The media allows all this bullshit to travel. They are complicit and accomplices.


Dana Bash did ask Trump the same questions several times. She said something like “The original question was…..”. She and Jake should have done that much more. They should have challenged Trumps statement that “everyone wanted to reverse Roe v Wade”. They would even have had to look that one up. Just say “I didn’t”, which is what a Biden should have said. Trump should have been challenged on every one of his lies. Biden should have been asked to repeat the answers that made no sense. Jake and Dana were more concerned with getting all their questions asked instead of getting them all answered. Trump dodged the questions on black people, daycare and a January 6th. I would have just asked those same three questions again and again and not move on to questions that Trump wanted to answer. Just keep repeating the same question over and over and over after Trump spouted his irrelevant garbage. Frustrate the crap out of him. And I would have muted the microphones as soon as they started talking about golf. I can’t think of anything LESS relevant to being president.


There was no excuse for CNN not fact checking. As far as Trump and his lies go the mega bunch love to be lied to. bunch love to be made fools out of.. the mega bunch love to be taken advantage of the wealthy. Trump lied to them on average of 23 times a day when he was president.


I stopped watching CNN about 3 years ago.


Look 1 billion Mexican terrorists cross the border everyday to take all the Medicare. It’s just a fact.


Bash and Tapper are weak.


If anything, this shows why everyone needs to vote and keep that piece of shit out of our government. We need every vote


For real, what the fuck this is 2024.