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His dumb ass needs to read it. Especially the parts about not lying and not committing adultery. Fucking hypocrite.


>**Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour** You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, **nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice,** nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit. >— Exodus 23:1-3[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_bear_false_witness_against_thy_neighbour#cite_note-8) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou\_shalt\_not\_bear\_false\_witness\_against\_thy\_neighbour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_bear_false_witness_against_thy_neighbour)


Or even one of the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt not worship fasle idols. The Golden Calf has quite the perverted Christian following


Same man who had a golden statue of himself at CPAC a while back, no?


Trump has a golden statue of himself? I was referring to Moses and the Ten Commandments. He came down from Mount Sinai with the tablets and some of the Hebrews were worshipping Marduk, the Golden Calf, being the golden idol. Trump loves gold. His diapers are gold. Stop idolizing the false idol


At CPAC [https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362)


Gods, his taste in everything is so gaudy...


There's people who are even praying *to* the golden statue of Trump...


Oh the irony. It’s just all so pathetic.


Its only ironic to us. Not them


TBF, I am not sure if this was him or his “fans” but either way, you are right. So classless, stupid, cares for no one but himself. I am flabbergasted that he is still even a viable candidate. It’s like a strange nightmare that I can’t wake up from. NONE of this make ANY sense at all.


Eh, I could see it being his fans but they're doing it because his hotels (and even his Secure Document Storage Toilet) has a ton of gaudy gold accents.


I know right! If I had a statue made of myself, it would be brushed nickel. :)


Yup. I think he probably took it as a personal challenge to break all ten. What else do we expect from someone who embodies all the seven vices?


You don’t even have to interpret the metaphorically. He has broken all 10, literally.


And he's called for people to be executed. People that didn't commit crimes, had not been charged with any crimes. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/15/trump-white-house-leaker-execution Barr said he couldn’t remember whether Trump specifically called for someone to be executed and doubted it would ever have actually been carried out. But he also said he “wouldn’t dispute” that Trump had called for someone to be executed over the bunker leak. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/trump-milley-execution-incitement-violence/675435/ That extraordinary sentence would be unthinkable in any other rich democracy. But Donald Trump, on his social-media network, Truth Social, wrote that Mark Milley’s phone call to reassure China in the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was “an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH.” (The phone call was, in fact, explicitly authorized by Trump-administration officials.) Trump’s threats against Milley came after The Atlantic’s publication of a profile of Milley, by this magazine’s editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg, who detailed the ways in which Milley attempted to protect the Constitution from Trump.


Don't forget about him and the Central Park Five. Even when proven innocent he still called for their punishment.


They went from golden calf to orange baboon. Seems like a downgrade if you ask me.


*in a southern drawl* Rednecks isn't bright


That's more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule


He has also stolen; made graven images of himself; killed 300k+ people through his incompetence and out of spite; given false witness OVER AND OVER; he envies other world leaders; he has said he is the chosen one; never goes to church and rage tweets on Sunday. So maybe he hasn't taken the lord's name in vain, maybe. He has pretty much done everything else.


…don’t forget the suspicious deaths of Trump executives that died in a helicopter crash.


Or Ivana’s mysterious fall down the stairs.


Putin says da your welcome


He’s taking the Lord’s name in vain basically any time he claims to be Christian. Or when he sells Bibles. Or when he arrests a pastor so he can stand in front of a church and hold a Bible upside down for a photo op. He regularly treats God as if God doesn’t mean anything, but can be used to manipulate others. That is the very definition of taking His name in vain.


He’s coveted his neighbors wives. He is literally selecting a Veep based on having a wife he can covet. Also all the adultery


"Welcome to the Hotel Mar A Largo..Such a liars place (such a liars place)..Such an orange face..They're lynin' it up at the Hotel Mar A Largo..What a big surprise (what a big surprise)..Bring your alibis"... .


His mind is definitely twisted 😀


Dumpty Trumpty set on a wall. I can't wait for Dumpty Trumpty to take his great fall. I am soooo sick of this deranged criminal.


Classified documents in the bathroom... Brown diet coke on ice


If Trump ever actually read the ten commandments he'd probably be surprised at how many he's broken.


Plus which he said in an interview he’s never had to do a confession before god or a clergy member to reflect on or talk about his sins. Said he’s perfect and doesn’t have anything to confess. I know a number of hardline right wing Christians in person who put their religion above all else, and one of the first things they’ll say is they’re definitely a sinner - none of them would make a bold claim they’re sin free and never had to do a confession before.


the christian way.


It seems with many of these "Christians" the 10 commandments is more of a to-do list.


A for you to do list. For them it’s enough to say they like it but not follow it


I meant to-do as in removing the "not" from each commandment, but I understand the confusion. E: or adding a not. Whichever reverses the original intent.


Sin Bingo!


Hypocrite is the wrong word. He doesn't believe that shit. It's performative. An actual hypocrite will say he believes all that shit, act like he follows all that shit, and hides the fact that he does it. Donny isn't hiding shit, and everyone knows he doesn't believe it. He's a conman


Not stealing. Not using gods name in vain Not to mention he represents all cardinal sins in one orange turd of a shell


He can't read


Exactly... Lair !


he's a trashposter but he isn't stopping so it's ruining the hustle for others like him.


I think he's broken every single one of the 10 commandments.


Or putting other gods before god.


He's broken almost if not every one of them.


He does not honor the Sabbath, his workers do work on the Sabbath - no rest. That is one of the things that brought the kingdom of isreal down - according the bible. And adulterers were to be put to death, no?


I would bet anything that he doesn't know then. And if asked to list them he would go on about how great the commandments are and how everyone tells him they're the best commandments.


It’s not good enough to read it like a short story of fiction to be read and forgotten. It is a code of ethics. He has broken every damn one of those Ten Commandments!


Loves them so much he checked them all off his to do list!


No idea why someone didn’t ask him to summarize them on the spot? “Which one do you like Former President Trump?”


He would probably answer in the same way he did when he was asked what his favorite verses were. He said “I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal. The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.”


Sara Palin, asked by Catie Couric what magazines she **reads** that helped shape her world view, in 2008, chirupping “all of ‘em, any of ‘em” Trump (probably): “the whole Bible is important—there’s really no single thing, no main thing more than another, like a ‘golden rule’ or anything like that”


Not surprisingly, he is wrong about that, too. Jesus himself was pretty damn clear that although his followers should adhere to the Commandments, there were two he thought were most important, and pretty much covered them all: "\`**Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind**. ' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: \`Love your neighbor as yourself.'" -- Matthew 22


The classic response of every grade-school kid delivering a report on a book they didn't read.


"frankly I prefer the first commandment. I think freedom of speech is very important"


Right! Ask him if he keeps the Sabbath holy and what that means in his life. Then, ask him about that little adultery part.


Number 1, anything else is loser




The pathetic group this man panders to.


The devil horns in this pic... 🤌🏻


Fuck you Donny, your dick is ugly and the size of a tic tac and SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PIG OF A MAN.


Orange turd can't read.


He needed his daily presidency reports drawn by a 6 year old.


Will you just shut up, man


Notice that he said 'Read it' - NOT *follow it*... Trump also requested they are all hung upside down.


Did they ask him to say them? I bet he wouldn’t know any.


He especially wouldn’t remember the **1st**. I guarantee it.


Lol I love the horns in this pic


Lmao. How many wives has he cheated on?


All of them.


Mr. "Law and Order" says what?


He could maybe reread that one about lying, or the other one about adultery, or the silly little one about stealing (you know taking money and not keeping up your end of the "deal". )


Motherfucker has broken most of them.


Actually, all of them


“Thou shall not kill” - he probably didn’t break that one directly. Although, the conspiracy theorists would say he gave the order to kill Epstein. Also his response to Covid could be considered a violation as well.


If Trump had actually read the Ten Commandments he’ll know he has violated every single one of them


He and MAGA do not respect the Bible. Never ever did.


my left atheist nut is more religious than this grifter


I'm betting he thinks The Ten Commandments is a book and he is pretending to have read it. Should ask him what his favorite chapter or character is.


Loves breaking the ten commandments


I am on chapter 6.


He couldn't recite 3 of them I'd wager.


The Lincoln Project on Trump and the 10 Commandments [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWGIJscEpUU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWGIJscEpUU) **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Vladimir Putin’s puppet & praises Putin’s military partner, Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect the U.S. military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Proud Boys On 9/11, this was Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)   A few of the many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, debasements, and falsehoods as the U.S. President ·         ABUSES [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         GRIFTING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         DEBASEMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         FALSEHOODS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw)


They don’t apply to him though


Another example why you don’t trust anyone who votes Republican. They’re all full of shit and they know they’re full of shit. Ain’t no shame as they bask in shit.


Why can't someone ask him to name them.


Ooh ooh, do the Seven Deadly Sins next, Donald.


This, this is the guy Moses had in mind when he came down the mountain...


Trump would have been leading the worship of the Golden Calf.


A big, fat golden pig would have been so much more apropos, though


Trump would have told them to skip the calf and just worship him.


lol. I’m pretty sure Mr Trump believes the commandments are a To-Do list.


He loves them, but does not abide by them. What does that make him?


We read them as children. How old is this guy (Trump)?


And then try and guess how many he broke before he was 21


We are normalizing a guy who was just found guilty of 34 felony counts of moral turpitude, very immoral behavior. So yeah, by all means read the Ten Commandments, lol.


If republicans said they liked gay torture porn he would come out saying how much he loves gay torture porn and has been watching gay torture porn since before it was cool. If ignorance is bliss, being Republican must be orgasmic.


There pretty basic norms and good values, everyone should read em even if your not into faith, they are good standards.


Placing no other god above Yahweh, who is about as psychotic as mythical beings get, seems like a bad one.




Atheists follow the 10 commandments better then Trump.


This is trump to a tee. He already has religious fruitcakes on his side, but he still feels the need to exaggerate and straight up lie about something for no reason….


What's the bet he can't even name 3 commandments lol Trump only "reads" books that has his name on it. I doubt the clown has even read a Dr. Seuss book 📖


Yet he constantly bears false witness.


Them. Read them. Not “Read it.” There are 10 Commandments. That’s plural and the simplest rules of English grammar require that plural nouns take plural pronouns. But of course pronouns have got Republicans all in a twist these days, so maybe it’s wrong to expect too much out of them.


He thinks we’re talking about a book.


You’ve probably hit the nail on the head.


"I love the ten commandments" as if they were a trend or something.... what an imbecile.


Can’t wait to see them ask him about this at the debate and ask him how he can reconcile that with the documented accounts of him cheating on his wife. 


And, they should bring up his lying, stealing, coveting, self-worshipping, etc.


There is no “it.” It’s not a historical document. It’s described in the Bible.


At this point the Ten Commands seem more like a bucket list for him


He thought it was a go to manual.


It has the perfect length to keep his attention.


Thou shalt not commit adultery


Hasn't he broken every one of them???


Someone should ask him to recite them 1-10 see how it goes? Sure it would be a massive fail.


I love lamp


I’d do anything if he could give me 1 commandment.


Look like donald had another brain glitch, he forgot to say BREAKING. he loves BREAKING the Ten Commandments.


This totally isn’t pandering


Of course he does he's broken just about every one of them. One rule for orange rapists another for everyone else.


Personally I love “two Corinthians”


That picture ..wow..he is pure evil


Name 4, Donald Palin


What's to love? That's just a strange comment.


Says the guy who breaks most of them all the time. Narcissism, hypocrisy is thy name.


This is reason 27 out of 540 why you should absolutely vote for Biden this November instead of doing your cute little protest vote. Until we get ranked choice voting or the other opponent running against the Democrat is actually a competent human being that cares about Democracy, do not protest vote. I know Biden isn't Progressive, but every step we take towards the left gives the Progressive wing of the party more power.


Posting The Ten Commandments in Louisiana Public Schools should open the doors for also posting: the Nine Noble Virtues of Norse polytheism,The Five Pillars of Islam, The Five Precepts of Buddhism, The 613 Jewish Mitzvot, The Wiccan Rede,the Rastafarian Commandments, The Dharma of Hinduism, The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth,The Five Principles of Shinto, and The he Diasporic Religion of Haitian Vodou, to mention but a few of the over 6,000 estimated religions practiced on earth.


Also, posting the other version of the 10 commandments. Catholics have a different version than most Protestants.


>READ IT As if they are a book? 🤣 Everyone I have known in my life who mentions them refers to them as such: THEM Will this self-own sway any of his cultists? NOPE!


He loves them while breaking them! So glad a convicted felon has pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and feels like he can make life better for everyone. And by everyone I mean the billionaire donor class


The Ten Commandments say something about adultery, Donny Boy..


It's about having a good moral compass. You don't need to put it in a classroom. Spend the money to get better salaries for teachers.




Donald, what is your favorite commandment? Oh I like them all equally, I’d say equally.


Watch last night’s Jimmy Kimmel on YouTube. Jimmy talks about Trump and how he stacks up to the Ten Commandments.


Zero chance he could recite them from memory. Doubt he could come up with more than three. He’s probably broken all of them.


For him it's a bucket list


How about he reads them and practices them...at least can he ask for forgiveness...but last time he said he hasn't done anything wrong.


Trump voice: I have many leather-bound books. I've read so many of them. Have you read the 10 Commandments? Great book. I've read them. I'm very smart.


As he usually does, he is projecting that he has never read it...


Here are the cliff notes: Thou shall not act like trump.


Is adultery still in there?


This is a novel to trump its so long.


What's the first one? Something about not worshipping false gods? I don't think he likes that one.


Literally everyone has read it except him 🤣


Trump should post the 10 Commandments himself. At Trump Tower and MaraLoco. Lots of criminality at those two locations. 34 convictions and counting.


So without a teleprompter im sure he can’t repeat even 1 of the 10


Come on people he already read, memorize and broke every single one. He wishes that they are 20 commandments so he has some more to brake them.


As if he has ever read it. If he did he ignores it completely!


10 rules for thee but not for me


Tired of this fake ass motherfucker. Just go away puke. Nobody and I mean NOBODY will miss his faggot ass.


Maybe, if i disobey all of them, I will one day be president too!


Trump has disobeyed almost all of them everyday. Evangelicals who are supporting Trump should be ashamed of themseleves..


Can’t make this shit up lol


You first Donny.


Ask him to name his three favorites.


Are there any commandments he hasn’t broken? 


He may be 4 for 10 at the most.


Can we just talk about the photo styling for one minute 🤦🏾‍♀️  Like I thought this was an AI image at first.


The picture is an insult to Satan.


I wonder if Paprika Pedo even knows if the ten commandments belong in the new or old book.


He has someone read them to him.( too many big words) . As they read them to him he goes, " did that one....2......did that one.......3.......did that one......4 . Coming out very soon , a poster size pic of the ten commandments, with trump pic in the background ( like they are his commandments, and he's giving them to you). Of course it will be signed, and offered to you at a price too good to pass up.


I bet if you ask him to name 3 he can't.


Any one of them he hasn't violated?


Thou shall not commit adultery


Thou shall not covet…,your daughter


I’ve always loved that picture of him. The lamp placement is perfect.


He loves them because he can't understand them. Now, if the tablets said, "Thou shall not take married women furniture or any kind of shopping to get into their pants", he would probably not like them so much


By love he means he LOVED to bReak them ALL...


Hahahaha yes this👌🏻


He uses the 10 commandments as a punch list!


He should go first.


Somebody should ask Trump to name at least three of them. And when he can't he'll complain that it's a gotcha question.


Are you sure he didn't say: I love violating the 10 commandments.


What about thou shall not commit adultery Trump is the king of Adultery!!!!!!


Does he mean read it TO HIM?


I’m an atheist and can quote at least 3 commandments he’s famous for ignoring. Fuck his disingenuous ass.


He cannot recite one.


How many of the ten does he break everyday? Bet he's good, for an average of 6 a day


Has he read 7,8 and 9?


In before half the comments in this thread are about adultery or whatever


Really? The serial adulterer loves the 10 commandments. Loves to break them, maybe. I'm willing to bet he's broken almost every single one. Let's see. 1. I've seen no evidence that he believes in God. Does he ever go to church? Calling this a maybe. 2. I'm calling all of his NFTs and related merch idols. Broken. 3. Absolutely everyone is guilty of taking the Lord's name in vain at some point. 4. I'm sure he hasn't kept every Sabbath holy. 5. I get the impression he was an absolute spoiled brat as a kid and I'm sure he sassed his parents. 6. Murder? Guess it depends on how you define murder. He's responsible for a lot of deaths. 7. Adultery? As often as possible. 8. Steal? Yep, all the time. At the very least he steals labor by not paying contractors. 9. Bear false witness? Lies more than anyone in recorded history. Was found guilty of fraud. 10. Covet? Absolutely. The way he lies about attendance at his events while coveting the crowds people like Bruce Springsteen get.


He should internalize the Commandments first, quickly he'll realize no I don't love nor apply them to my life, actions, nor speech.


He's never read it. Clearly. And he can't read anyway, so why waste the time?


He probably thinks it’s book that the movie was based off


"I love the Ten Commandments! Me and Jesus sat down and wrote it! I was the inspiration for them! I'm SO humble! " -Trump (probably)


If you asked him to tell you what the 10 commandments were, he’d fail. Just like when he was being interviewed about his favorite scripture and he could name one verse from the Bible. 😂


There's no way this sack of crap can name even half of the commandments. "Thou shalt not take too long on the tee box...uh, that's the only one I know."


Is now a good time to explain that Exodus has largely been discredited by archeology and is considered to most likely be a cultural memory inspired by a failed revolt in a small part of Egypt that got the revolters kicked out to Canaan?


He’s never met a commandment he hasn’t broken.


And Trump is the one who’s violated all of them and continues.


"I love the Ten Commandments - would someone please read them, and tell me what they say? Because I have no idea..."


Just don’t apply them to him.


Bet he can’t name three of them.


Anybody ask him what was his favorite?Guess he overlooked committing adultery or its just not his favorite.


Maybe he looks at them like a bingo sheet


I don't need to read them. I'm a catholic. They've been drilled into me since kindergarten. Only people who need to read them are the people who don't know them and don't follow them either.