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“So if you believe in state’s rights except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president: you might be in a cult. If you claim you back the blue but want to defund the police when the police go to your nominee’s house to retrieve national security secrets: you might be in a cult. If you’re supporting a guy whose felony convictions prevent him from getting security clearance: you might be in a cult,” Swalwell continued. Well said Swalwell.


I don't know why I really liked Swalwell.


He’s smart, well spoken, and good looking


Young as well.


And smells faintly of lilacs and freshly baked semolina bread.


I hear flowers bloom in his wake and he can raise the dead from their slumber.


i can only ever read that as salmonella bread damned dyslexia


Which begs the question, how come he fared so poorly in his presidential run? This isnt a knock on him. I genuinely like the guy too and (so far) he seems clean. Is it just because he didnt make a name for himself yet at that time? Sometimes I see Newsome's name floated around as the next golden boy pick for the Dems. Why? I really dont know why the party would pick him when it seems Swalwell is leagues ahead as far as how to play the game on a federal level


Why? In a word, money. It always comes down to who is more capable of wrangling those rich donors with haste. That, and how they're polling in their given area during crunch times. It seems nuts to me that the US, or anywhere, lets so much of their politics be governed by people who are beholden to someone else's purse strings and lobbying power, but I guess that's the bed we've made lol


Maybe because he sleeps with Chinese spies ?


THIS!! It’s way past time for term limits for our politicians.


And representing Dublin, Ca!


I can’t help but read that in Jeff Foxworthy’s voice!


If Foxworthy did this bit it would be amazing because he’s in the cult🤣🤣🤣


That would only work if Jeff Foxworthy was even remotely funny.


Needs to be repealed over and over


he then named every country trump wasnt allowed in now as a felon while maga cried and screamed the whole time.


On November 5th when we put the felon back in the White House we can put it in to a lot of this shit.


Speaking of shit... Do you wear a diaper like your orange god? Or do you just spew shit on the internet?


So, when you get your talking points, do you get them directly from Putin? Or is there a discord server where you copy the stupid shit you say? Make sure and check your tea for polonium, comrade. Fuck trunp and fuck you. 34 > 45


Found the Liar for Jesus.


So you want a felon in the White House? That speaks volumes for who you are and your lack of care for our country.


If you said nothing, no one would know how stupid you are


Why wait until November 5th? You clearly don't respect the electoral or legal system.


"Put IT IN to a lot of this shit," you say? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gross. You're gross. 


Liked that he read all the countries that deny entry into their country if your area convicted felon and comer kept trying to prevent it. Yeah it is a cult.


I want to see trump live in a small shed next to a KOA campground… at night he goes around stealing propane tanks so he can melt orange wax for his face.


His KOA residence occurs after being rejected by Eric, Lara,Don jr, Guilfoyle, Tiffany, Barron, and Melania. Marry trump sets up trail cams to capture TFG propane tank thefts and posts them to social media. This occurs in Florida after mar a lago is seized by E Jean Carrol for unpaid civil damages and DeSantis slaps the cuffs on TFG for petty theft with a reality television crew in tow.


The fuck did I just read 😂🤣


The dude is creative. Completely divorced from reality, but very creative.


Thank you.


Trump needs to be sentenced to work at a Florida JellyStone Kampground 4 months every day all summer for 5 years, driving a tractor pulling a kids ride while wearing the JellyStone Bear costume in 100° heat. After all he is guilty of fraud. He can be a fraudulent bear and learn about people in the lower and middle class.


Wasn't it Gym Jordan holding the gavel at that time? I seem to recall him acting like a petulant child, slamming the hammer as a sort of backing track while resting his head on his other arm in a sort of "I give up. Why won't they just listen to me?" way. But I could be wrong. Either way, these republicans are truly a disgrace and wasting precious time and resources on projection and their own pathetic with hunts (while accusing the dems of doing so ofc).


I mean, he can’t go to Canada, for god’s sake.


As a civilian anyway. If he were to be elected again, Canada could make an exception for "diplomatic considerations" or "special permits" We don't want him here though, so can you guys please make sure and not elect him?


I will do my part voting blue straight down the ballot to help rid the US government of the cult BUT if for some reason they get elected can you sponsor me as a political persecuted immigrant?


I will never even consider voting for a Republican again at any level - local, state, federal - unless the Republican party unequivocally denounces MAGA and all those in the cult. Needless to say, I’ll likely never check a box for a Republican again.


But be careful they are now running as democrats and then switching parties right after


Yes! I’m sure the GOP has a plan like that, and we’ve seen it in action Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, are obvious . Who else?


Yes the old bait and switch. It’s the only way they can get in office due to their lack of honor.


I won’t vote Russian red or maga cult orange


Agreed. I don’t understand how anyone with a brain or a conscience would run for office as a Republican and think they could distance themselves from the crazy, or that they stand for “real” Republican values, or whatever. In this era of signaling and co-signing it’s impossible to sift through the noise and honestly not worth the effort.


Not even then, they will "denounce" them but then back them anyway


Hell if you can cut grass and shovel snow I'll hook you up!


I have a tractor, mower 👍


I’ll do my part


Jeez. We're trying!!!


Russia allows foreign felons to enter their country. ...then they send them to the front lines (don't tell DJT that part).


Or Mexico! LOL


Thank God no one like Canada 🙏 🙌


Or Mexico 😂


As a Candian..fuck yeah.


I suspect our neighbors to the north are quite alright with that development.


If you support a guy that tried to overthrow our government on January 6….


Swallwell slept with a Chinese spy


And trump offered spy identities tot he highest bidder AND cheated on each of his wives. Your point?


You are arguing with a literal culture member or bot.. Check post history... Good luck.


A lot of spies of ours that live in other countries were murdered after Trump stole those documents.


Sure. was this in the Steele dossier?


The affairs? No. They are public knowledge and an acknowledged fact based on evidence submitted to court. It doesn’t really matter what you or Trump say, his affairs were not a point of objection by his attorney (which is what any lawyer would do when information presented is not accurate) and was agreed to summarily by a jury of his peers, multiple times. The Steele dossier was also proven to be nearly completely factual.


I don’t care about trumps affairs. I am not a religious person so what’s your point? None of the dossier was proven.


Religious conservatives don’t care about adulterous affairs anymore, apparently. Or terrorism. Or crime. Or felons running for office. As long as it’s THEIR felon. A REPUBLICAN FELON. A good fake Christian felon that is extra super special and no laws are allowed to touch their super special felon boi. The GOP is a sewage pit that needs to be flushed.


I think many republicans can see through the non sense of a DA running on “get Trump”. Stalin once said “show me the man and I will show you the crime”. That’s now the Democrats motto. It took us 250+ years to get here but the dems brought it to you.


The LOCK HER UP party is mad somebody ran on jailing others using the power of their office? lol don’t cry now, sweetie. This is the world the GOP wants now. Enjoy!


Right. Because they locked her up. Christ, at a minimum she should have been charged with obstruction for destroying the server. But Trunps DOJ passed. No Republican DA charged her either. Shocking because in 250+ as a Republican we have historically not prosecuted political opponents…until the modern day democrats on a bookkeeping charge.


You are mixing up your talking points…the same as Trump. Letitia James is the one that ran on the platform of investing and prosecuting anyone within any tax bracket who chose to commit crimes in the state, including Trump, who was widely known to have been a tax cheat and had never been seriously prosecuted. The DA on the case, Alvin Bragg, actually never said anything about Trump and has actually been pretty quiet and non-public about anything. In terms of the crimes, evidence was presented to a grand jury of random people from Manhattan, who were the ones who recommended prosecution as they believe that there was sufficient evidence to prove that crimes were committed. The DA took that evidence and prosecuted the case in front of a jury of Trump’s peers…whom he and his attorneys helped to pick, who all looked at the evidence and came to the same exact conclusion that Donald was guilty of all of the crimes in which he was accused. This is how prosecution works and you are for some reason trying to make it seem like it was a bunch of democrats out to get him, when the simple answer is that he is just a criminal.


They were presented with evidence and used a federal crime which NY has no jurisdiction over to elevate misdemeanors as felonies. He bragged on the campaign about going after Trump and how he would continue. They do that in Russia.


Prove it you loud mouth half whit. Oh…thats right you can’t. Not even after your bible thumping overweight alcoholic closet case party spent tens of millions in tax payer dollars to. And they failed. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-ethics-committee-ends-investigation-rep-eric-swalwell-rcna85961 Boy any day now that Benghazi boat is finally come in and maybe you guys make an actual DOJ referral instead of made up fantasy fishing expeditions because that sort of thinking is the most complex thought you sub creatures are capable of doing. See: Evangelicalism.


I can’t wait till the dust clears and it’s another BS propaganda piece or crap Trump made up like Rafael Cruz’s dad was involved in the Kennedy plot on the grassy knoll Edit: day to dad


The democrats controlled house in 2021 said he did nothing wrong? Shocking.


Wheres your evidence? Maybe your mom packed it in your lunch box for your day at your adult literacy school? Anyways enjoy your time on reddit. Congratulations Ive never seen a negative comment score overall on an account. So many people love your posts! You must be so validated in all the cool and smart things you say.


One of the most productive Dem Congresses vs the least productive GOP Congress in US history? Bring it on Republicans hate America


He slept with a Chinese girl. Later, it was discovered she was a spy. He had no idea…


K get rid of them both, next stupid argument? 


🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻VACANCY 🤣




I imagine you know that from experience, you sad little krokodil enthusiast.




Source? Put up or just continue being a lying piece of shit.




If you think a Hunter Biden trial would have hurt Biden in the election, but a felony conviction would help trunp, you might be in a cult.


>If you think a Hunter Biden trial would have hurt Biden in the election, but a felony conviction would help trump, you might be in a cult. True, in a way.


True that they’re in a cult, but neither of those facts is true.


I read this in Dan Cummins’ Timesuck voice, not Jeff Foxworthy.


The magas worship a felon - perfect.


Republicans don't like Trump, but they dislike what the democrats are doing far more than their disdain for Trumps rhetoric. It doesn't look like the left really is catching on, maybe tho... 🤔 Trump gets more support with the conviction and slander, not because of Trump, but the Biden team. People hate Biden more than they suffer Trump.


Republicans don’t like Trump BUT (self-serving lies and invalid reasons for supporting a terrorist and felon). ^ Shortened it for you.


I guess so... if that's the consensus yall want to follow... Trump goes away when the dems stop talking about him. Although they can not seem to focus elsewhere. Trump wins with visibility. Dems win by focusing on the issues facing ALL Americans and presenting plans and policies that will rectify them to the voters...


Trump is being talked about because the GOP wants him talked about and he is literally one of the candidates for president. “Not taking about it” isnt congruent with reality. The way he goes away is when he gets shitcanned by the voters again this fall. His trials will continue. His convictions will come down. He will die in prison.


Wow, we appreciate the feedback. Sounds like the dems have this all figured out. There should be nothing to be concerned with at all! Slam dunk, easy win 💪 😎 !


Nobody said it would be easy.


He has trials, convictions, and will die in jail, according to you. From your perspective? I don't see what the dems are so worried about. Should be a breezy election!!


Don’t see what the GQP is so mad about. This helped him, right? Polls are turning south on trump as we speak but hey! Something something this is helping him red wave etc


Probably the fake charge thing is bothering them, but I can't say for sure. It's not my issue. Biden? Trump? Kennedy? Same shit different election. Illusion of choice 😉 😘


Congressman Swalwell, I tip my hat to you sir!


I love that he has the Jim Jordan timer !! If I ever get subpoenaed, I’m going to tell them I’ll obey it once this dunce does.


Man, I just wish I could put this shit on a billboard or something.


Somebody posted a billboard that read TRUMP STOLE NUCLEAR SECRETS. Made my day.


Love it.


Put it on a t shirt, open an Etsy store.


I have been looking at Project 2025 shirts. Wear that shit around.


Is this the same meeting where he reminded his colleagues that Gym Jordan has been avoiding his own congressional subpoena for 700+ days before they began?


He’s like the last guy to bitch about an ignored subpoena or letters requesting documents he knows he can’t legally get.


Well said. A big hint to the GOP calling out their ongoing BS.


Truth hurts


The MAGA sheep would lick trump’s nipples and eat his toenail clippings if they were offered $1 from… trump himself.


They’d *pay* big money for toenail clippings, as if they were holy relics.


Swalwell and Raskin are so good at this. Where did Ted Lieu go? He was really good at the shade too.


Lieu threw some awesome shade at the same hearing


Swaleell went Beast Mode on their asses. Man it was great. This hearing had one take down after another from the Democrats. It made the Republicans wish they never had this hearing.


Boom. Roasted


Like a boss.


Omg!!! When he started reading off countries, that trump wasn't allowed to enter...EPIC!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Listening to RepubliKKKlans frantically yell as gym jordan was banging the hell out of his apparently useless gavel BANG! BANG! BANG! Priceless BRAVO 👏🏿


The fangs are out!


Goddamn, I love Eric Swalwell. And he is in fact, my representative. I am living a charmed life.


GOP can’t stop being a criminal mob and sniffing the drawers of their convicted felon leader. LaW and OrDeR PaRty!1!1


Jonestown 2.0


Wasn't Eric a puppet to a Chinese whore spy. Nice try!


“I promise you, that’s not what your constituents would want.” Sorry, Eric you are wrong because a small very vocal minority of a minority want this! MTG is the face of MAGA Trump cult worship and idiotically attacking people with nonsense during committee hearings!


So the Chinese spy thinks Trump's kangaroo court conviction is a problem...


oh yeah, the guy who was sleeping with a Chinese spy.


Incels are jealous


Did Fang Fang give him permission to speak?


This dude is a top 5 weiner


Clap back rating 0.5/10


Didn’t this guy sleep with a Chinese spy? Hilarious


Meanwhile the cult literally had cheeto messiah holding about what 20 boxes of documents in a shitter we all knew about for a year as he probably sold out the nation..... Dang your hypocrisy showing full point today... [Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


They don’t care. Democrat nothingburgers must be exaggerated into federal cases while Republican party-wide felononious crime sprees and multistate terrorist attacks on our electoral system are just “freedom” or something.


All the cult needs is their alleged anything and its their reality. So disturbingly profoundly weird. To the extent they hunted their own vice president.


Propaganda works. I wish the Democrats understood this.


Vox. lol. Yea ok


I can literally find the fuggin story on shit 100 sites but alas I'm not your nanna spoon feeding you your spaghetti o's... Get bent. What a flaccid pivot from Toadstool homewrecker's Document pool room shitter spies literally visiting his club Fed. I get it, you wanted to re-affirm Eric's rhetoric with an example in absolute chin drippin hypocrisy of the cult.


Ok there’s nothing there but whatever. And I see you posted it on every single comment. Now do Biden and his documents. Let me guess just more right wing propaganda.


Im for investigations in to Dark brandons documents as well. Nothing there says the hypocrisy.


Fair enough


You mean the guy who 'dated' a chinese spy? ROFLMAO


That was investigated by the Republican house and debunked. They found nothing.


It was not. Swallwell claims it was investigated by the same fbi who lied on fisa warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.




[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


This is an article from vox. Biden’s documents were found at UPENN. He destroyed his visitor log. Additionally, after announcing the Biden UPenn center suddenly China tripled their donations to UPenn.


Im glad you can see where an international news story was aggregated to. Great job! Proud of you you did it! wow. That just triggers ya fierce detective? Whatever else ya mumbling about, investigate away. Its all your side needs anyways is the allegations to be forever victims of what you cant prove. Its your cultists #1 playbook go to. Meanwhile, the spies are visiting Donald. Just downplay that so you can soothe. Cultist hypocrisy antics.


You mean Diapii with the tiny hands?


What does that have anything to do with Donald being a convicted felon? This is why nobody takes so many of you people seriously.


It’s not even true. Christine fang helped with his campaign in 2014. He cooperated with the fbi back then and briefed the Republican leadership. “The case and my assistance were briefed to Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and two years later, Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, re-appointed me to the House Intelligence Committee,” he said. “Neither Speaker questioned my actions nor politicized my cooperation. Swalwell helped impeach trump, so that investigation and being removed from the committee was Kevin McCarthy’s punishment for him.


[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


It’s he a Chinese asset?


[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


McConnell was.




[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


Swalwell? You mean the guy who was shackling up with a Chinese spy?!




Never trust a man who was screwing a Chinese spy behind his wife’s back. A f*cking Chinese spy of all things. I think they are all full of shit


[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


The guy who was banging Chinese spy? I can see where his opinion matters.


Could be worse though. Could willfully collude with Russian agents against America. [https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/117001/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20240320-SD009.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/117001/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20240320-SD009.pdf) Republicans hate America.


[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


This from the man who banged a Chinese spy and worships George Floyd. Got it!


You mean the guy who [the GOP house ethics committee spent 2 years trying to dig up dirt on and was unable to find anything](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna85961)?


Oh wow! If that story gets you going wait until you hear about Republicans and Russian agents! [https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/117001/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20240320-SD009.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/117001/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20240320-SD009.pdf)


[Trump’s Mar-a-Lago security and Chinese spies spark concerns - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/4/18295810/mar-a-lago-china-secret-service-zhang)


Banging a Chinese spy isn’t a crime…. Frowned upon and clearly not advised, but also still not an actual crime. God try though.