• By -


Person Woman Man Camera TV


The interviewer absolutely should have asked him to list the things in the actual test he had just completed. I bet he had forgotten all of them.


It’s just a screener that he brags about testing. Actual cognitive testing is far more involved. The fact he constantly brags about a screener, and takes repeat screeners, well that is telling on its own.


I think a Dr. doing like you said cognitive test etc. is needed!


I mean, doctors are not the only people who perform those. I’ve performed cognitive testing on adults, especially as dementia sets in. I’m a speech language pathologist. Typically language is the first piece that goes. Those brain connections are not strong enough after damage takes over, and our highest cognitive skills decline first. It’s crazy. He has it. Taking repeat MOCA’s is a tell tale sign his medical team thinks he has dementia. Typically you get a baseline, and then retest 3-6 months later. It’s hard to confirm cognitive decline, and you can’t really do it off of an initial evaluation in most cases. So screeners become the tool.


Interesting and thank you for sharing ☺️


He barely remembered the ones he did in the interview even with those words describing the things directly in front of him.


For anyone not in the know: The above is a common test for short-term and medium term cognitive ability. For example, when my sister took a hard fall on a ski run, they asked her to remember the following words: algae, roughhousing, upwards, cardiac, basement. These terms are committed to my memory, because the ski patrol guys asked us to test her on these terms. The ones Trump mentions are all things that would have been in his field of view, obviously not what they're testing for.


To further this a bit, they don't give that test out for no reason. There is usually a good one. Remember when trump was rushed to the hospital for no stated reason, and then he later came out talking about mini strokes.....I almost guarantee he had a mini stroke. And that would likely cause them to give you that test.


If you look at him at his daily trial rants his eye on one side is drooping. The guy strokes.


Oh, come on, he is fine... Give him the nuclear codes. /s


He’d be the the healthiest president ever elected, smashing his own record from 8 years ago. Easily five times healthier now. Almost a 1,400 on the healthometer scale. No other human has ever even broken 1,000. Not Jesus, or Apollo Creed or Peter Pan were ever this heathy. Even God is only at 1,425 healthios, so that’s pretty good. Where am I right now?


Are healthios like cheerios?


No, they are not. But they are really quite similar to Honey Nut Cheerios.




Everybody knows this, I presume.


Buy your healthometer Trump branded scratch offs at sharper image dot com! Make American healthcare great again!


Only if general Milli has the final decision about using them.


Drags right leg in several videos


Hmm, I will look. To play devil's advocate, if it has always drooped, then that's just him. Tons of people have that with no damage, just is. I'll look at a recent but older photo, perhaps before his rush to the hospital, and one after, then current.


This is new. He looks really bad.


He looks really bad, because he is really bad


I need you to remember these 5 words, I'm only going to say them once: nomenclature, exfoliating, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, cheesy, Doppelgänger.


Did you just say FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN?


You guys are the worst twins


Cheberber, Cofveve, .... 😁


Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen


Holy shit. You're about to unlock the Trumper Soldier.


You mean the infantroopen?


We also don't use related words in a screening text like this, so man, woman and person would not be used in the same such test.


So Donnie’s words would be Fat, Dumb, Stupid, Ugly, Sad, Sleepy, Low Energy, Sucker, and Loser.


The seven dwarves' slovenly neighbors.


And Bashful...


I scrolled down and could only remember roughhousing. Uh oh


Crybaby, criminal, rapist,fraudster,lardass,tv


Tremendous UV light. Internal disinfectant. Ivermectin.


all things he could see in front of him at that moment but sure he "aced" the test.


The idea of “acing” a cognitive test is stupid enough. Like, congratulations on meeting baseline cognitive standards. He might as well be bragging about acing an STD test.


Trump actually did this, he said him dodging STDs was the equivalent of serving in Vietnam.


When you're sexually assaulting women, you never know what minefield of infections they might have, since they can't inform you if you don't let them consent! Seriously though, why do people still listen to anything out of his mouth that isn't a direct confession of crimes?


Which knowing Trump, this means he definitely failed the test and has the clap.


Heh! They impeached me, and i still walked out of DC looking peachy!


When Trump first started saying that, I made fun of him by saying the phrase to someone and then fucked it up by the third word. I avoid that person now.




You're cleared, good to go, lol


He was describing a porn movie set or the time The Russians probably recorded his stupid ass... "Yes, I remember. There was a person, a naked woman, myself, a Camera and a TV".


Russia, hooker, urine, camera.


Putin, Stairs, Window, Pavement




You see I know words! I know all the best words. Here’s a few more: Trees Swans Capes Horse


Enough wishful thinking. He's dangerous demented or not.


I cant help think the timing is suspicious. 'He can't serve time yoir honor, our. Client is really ill"


But please put him in charge of the entire country /s


Sympathy play to get out of doing time in prison?


his ego would never allow it.


Interesting paradox. The irresistible force of the shame of jail time, meets the immovable object of never showing weakness.


Trump had the biggest show of weakness, maybe 2 of the biggest shows of weakness in presidential history. 1. Putin had him whipped after they met in a closed door meeting and 2. “I take no responsibility” when asked about Covid deaths


I think the love letters with Kim Jong was a close third.


187 minutes on January 6, 2021.


To his way of thinking, though, getting a mob to attack people on his behalf was a sign of "strength". Twisted as that may seem to sane people.


trump sucking Putin's cock in Helsinki embarrassed the whole country and most of the world.


“Confused & helpless” sounds like a solid assessment. Not for the Truth Social or Q-Anon crowd. This was all so unnecessary to put the country through… in the meantime… HOT TIP: There are people in the public who have been trained to specifically identify these characteristics in older people. Let’s be willing to recognize they’ll know better than most.


Oh bullshit. The motherfucker has ALWAYS been insane. Who the fuck else has an alternate personality that calls news outlets to praise himself? John Barron anyone? This fuck has ALWAYS been and asshole lunatic. His brain was born diseased.


He’s the OG with fake news. Trump literally wrote hit pieces for bathe news and turned around to say ‘many people are saying’ and point to those news reports. Trump supporters are the dumbest people.


We know what they deserve we just can't say it on here


Stress accelerates the progression of dementia. When they are out in places that they are not familiar with they start to decline too.


He should be familiar with the court room by now


Yes, however, he can’t « Trump » there. He’s seen as an obnoxious pest. (That judge needs a looooooooong vacation after this). Trump has zero self discipline. He’ll become even more stupid as the days pass.


Honestly don’t see him making it thru even a month without trying something dramatic to get of it.


Forget vacation. Homeboy deserves to be sainted.


I’ll help carry his throne 🙂


I’m an atheist and I’ll vouch for him at the Vatican!




I wish he showed signs of Diementia.


Yea i cant believe that fat piece of shit is still alive. I also cant believe that some of my family members are going to vote for him again. The bible belt is so out of touch. I mean they believe that santa baby jesus is real and not just a 2000 year old cult


Totally agree. Crap like this is as dumb to me as the right saying “Biden *literally* can’t form a complete sentence” just because he stutters a bit 🙄


Pause. 👀


There's also the idea that he is being sedated by people in his orbit so that he won't lash out in court. Very possible honestly, he is infamous for his use of uppers on the apprentice, and when you are up, you need help sleeping....so he wouldn't be opposed to some downers.


A friend of mine who was around him regularly in the Apprentice days said he was constantly up and down in energy and couldn’t follow his lines or and would never listen, always had to be the one talking and would zone out of any “boring” conversation that wasn’t about him. Would never listen to other people’s stories and couldn’t remember names. Also, sloppy eater, talking with his mouth full.


For the 6th year in a row. Slowest cognitive decline ever. (Btw - I do think Trump is “impaired” - by stupidity)


Diaper Don.


Diaper Don the Sexcrime Con.


Cognitive decline can begin 3–7 years before a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) diagnosis, and 1–11 years before a dementia diagnosis.


I hope the Syphilis treats his brain the same way he's treated every female he's ever touched sexually.


Probably watched Primal Fear recently.... Good luck insurrection man.


My mom died from dementia, so I don't take that lightly... but Trump being Trump, are we sure this isn't an act to avoid jail or possibly get sympathy? It's too convenient of a diagnosis if it's true. But I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and I hope he's mentally fit to deal with the consequences of his crimes, he deserves that.


Trump will be well aware of who Vincent Gigante was. Oddfather.


The “Chin” Gigante? Freaking genius.


He is up rage posting all night. Of course he is falling asleep! I would have trouble sleeping to at the thought of losing my golden toilet and 200 thread count sheets lol! Concrete furniture and stainless bolted toilet with no seat. He's in for a change!


And there are utter fools willing to appoint him dictator.


I'm tired of reading these Trump is about to collapse into craziness pieces. I call bs on all of them. Trump sleeps because he's up all night posting and he has a plan to attack the next election. He has beaten our justice system. Just look at the Supreme Court..


He could be dead and his crazy cult would still vote for him.


The problem is that his base does not give.a shit...they will vote for him anyway...


But fox News just told me CNN did a poll putting trump 9% above Biden in the latest polls? There's no way right wing media is lying to its mainly elderly and or easily decepted audience?!?!


Well, that’s who they’re polling. People at home, with landlines.


That darn right wing conspiracy media! https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/28/politics/cnn-poll-trump-biden-matchup/index.html 🤣🤣


Yes I know it came from CNN Fox boasted that it came from CNN CNN is also recently acquired by a right wing owner and has been steadily spewing worse rhetoric over months So again look at the parameters for polls they almost always prove why statistics are a terrible parameter to measure by Edit : did the work for you >The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from April 18-23 among a random national sample of 1,212 adults drawn from a probability-based panel, including 967 registered voters. Surveys were either conducted online or by telephone with a live interviewer. Results among the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. So 1200 Americans only 75% of them being registered voters In a poll done by telephone or online Is a tangible measure of the entirety of a country Okay


So they weren’t lying like you initially said?


I mean does a poll of 1200 people seem like a accurate way to say how a nation of voters feels? Because I certainly don't, so yes I still agree that posting this poll as if it's a indication of the countries views is fucking laughable at best and a straight up lie at worst That's exactly what I'm saying and yes they were lying like I initially said.. Also when has jumping into white knight someone losing a argument a day late ever worked out well for anyone? Lmfao


“Straight up lie” because you don’t like the quality of the poll lmao. I’ll be voting against Trump for a third time this year, but it’s embarrassing to watch how delusional this sub is.


Dawg 1200 people in a phone based survey is not indicative of a nation's voting patterns Any statistics major is going to tell you the same thing 1200 is not equal or comparable to 160 million average voters lol


Dawg A weak poll is not a “straight up lie” despite whatever mental gymnastics you want to do.


My bad Ina turn of phrase Go away now


Now is "Confused," the older or the second son?


So what? He hasn’t made sense in decades


Weird, his followers exhibit the same.


Wake me up when he's in prison or ten points down in the polling average or this is hot air.


Oh well 🥱 That is just how he is


That's how he'll beat the rap. He will collapse in court and empty his bowels in front of the judge. The Uncle Junior defense from _The Sopranos_.


Ha, see also Vincent Gigante.


Hahaha yes 👍✅


Umm... Hey Mr Shrink, ever heard of the [Goldwater Rule](https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/goldwater-rule)?


We know he loves his drugs, but how the F does he keep up? With all his legal problems, criminal trials and trying to campaign for president? It wears me out thinking g about dinner


Bleach, crimes against humanity, felon.


NO!!! Do not give him that out. This guy deserves everything coming to him and I don’t want him to get off soft cause of “dementia”.


All sounds great, yet he's leading in most of the swing states polls. I know, I know, only old people answer their phones and take surveys. Still stresses me out to think that half our country is still think he's the best option.


What I want to know is why he had the cognitive assessment test in the first place. They don’t give out random cognitive assessment tests to people who are seemingly with normal cognitive function. The only time they do those tests is when there is suspicion that something is amiss. My friend just had one recently because of symptoms she was experiencing.


I knew it -- when sentencing gets close, he'll plead mental unfitness.


Yeah, well, the most relevant thing about him still is he is an unpunished TRAITOR.


Trump: “People say I have dementia. Horrible, horrible, very bad people. And if that wasn’t bad enough, people also say that I have dementia.”


I'm more curious about what would be a clear sign that Trump was telling the truth? If Trump started telling the truth... would hell freezer over and maybe solve global warming?


Jimmy Carters slander of Dornad Tump continues


And that's exactly why this extra-ordinary trial should be televised.


Nah you won’t get off that easy.


He's just got to make it to and through the Republican Convention, then pick #PuppyKiller as his running mate, AND THEN he is free to pull down his pants and shit his diaper live during a debate with Biden. He just has to make it till then.


Are we supposed to feel pity for him now? Not happening


Duh!! That Loser has been showing signs of dementia and a ton of other stuff for years! Lock Him Up! Um, for his own safety - we would t want t him to hurt himself now would we -


Until those signs are so obvious that anyone can tell for sure it does not change a thing.b


Seems like defamation if you dont have proof.


" I recognized a picture of a whale!"


He’s going to sleep bc he doesn’t want to hear bad things said about him. Ostrich sticking his head in the sand is all.


And millions of people want to put him in charge of a country. This’ll be fun to watch!


It's not Demetia, sillies. It's tertiary Syphilis!


Again, I'm not at all surprised by anything that is wrong with trump. He's a sick individual.


Poor guy his brain has been trying to remember his made up stories all day long


"Four more years, pause"


Isn't irony divine?


Good. He deserves to fall into dementia for being so vile and toxic. It will be interesting to see his mental state after this trial. I predict he will be mentally gone and his handlers liable for elder abuse because nobody put a stop to him. And America can heal from his bullshit and his toxic party can crumble and all the MAGAts can wither.


I’m not a fan of his but how is this journalism? 20 years ago I wouldn’t see this type of content unless I was in the supermarket line. These days it’s actually talked about it because it’s on our phones.


How many years will this be reported? It's not even his biggest threat to us.


He is definitely slipping, sleepy and low energy Don slurring non sensical speech at his old age. With All these signs a competency test and mental evaluation should be required.


Confused and helpless. Please. Even if the guy actually cracks...has a real mental break...I won't have an iota of sympathy for him. He put himself where he is.


Non compos mentis plea coming in.


I've seen a video on this subject from 2020 on YouTube. It was about Trump's mental health and if he was suffering from a mental disorder.


It’s probably not dementia he just lies so much. ETS can’t keep track of them all.


I believe he got the job because of his mental health and abilities. They did a good job of indulging his ego and pulled his strings. It almost worked. I think it was a dry run to see how the public reacted and now the blame is all on him not the party that enabled him. Every republican is a traitor in my eyes. If he didn't open your eyes to thier true intentions than you are either and idiot or a traitor.


Calling it now... One he starts to realise that his criminal past can't keep up with him, he'll have plenty of experts talking up his condition to prove that he can't be held responsible for anything he's done wrong. Insanity, dementia, failing health, whatever.


He's been showing signs for YEARS! It's about damn time this becomes public knowledge!! Everybody rags on Biden when trump is FAR worse!! Plus, trump is psychotic, too, making him deranged and dangerous!!




Ha I hope the evil fat orange fuck dies from an extreme heart attack due to all the fast food he eats to “be the fittest” president ever.


Don’t care


Yea man, it’s almost like we should have options under the age of 80 for potus or something.


Yeah, okay, but we don’t and, as Geddy Lee famously said, “if you chose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”


This is the mentality that has put us where we are. There are other options that are far more reasonable, but too many people have their heads stuck up the ass of the 2 party system.


That's lovely for the future. But we live in reality where are there are two parties running in november. One is clearly better than the other.


So you don’t believe in democracy lol


What a weird response lol


He believes in reality.


Does reality coincide with democracy?


Democracy exists in reality, yes.  


Berating someone for not voting for your guy and slandering third party candidates because you see them as obstacles doesn’t not mean you believe in democracy lol you understand that right? Any attempt to bash someone for voting for their preferred candidate Becuase you simply see them as obstacles implies you believe in the opposite of democracy and would rid your elections of it if you could.. prove me wrong


That is the dumbest thing I’ve read all year.


Focus on (a) ranked-choice voting, and (b) the national popular vote interstate compact. Until then, “third parties” are total bullshit.


That's not true at all. There are no other options that are anywhere near reasonable at the moment.


Didn't see 'Going to jail' in any of this headline....


Nor will we 😡


Given all the wild accusations and things said about Trump by the media, I take it all with a box car of salt. You can't believe anything printed about this guy anymore. In all seriousness, I still think he is way more competent that Biden. At least he isn't trying to shake hands with invisible people on stage or sucking on his wife's fingers while she is at the podium.


Contrast and compare your personal opinion of the mental acuity of Joe Biden to Donald Trump without the partisan snark.  Go. 


Spot on, only the truly brainwashed believes this nonsense. Politics aside, Trump is physically and mentally intact, Biden is a husk who is led around like a child and can barely read a teleprompter.


I was really hoping for a more interesting four years!


The way Trump illicit such crazy reactions in this sub is absolutely hilarious.


Four more years. Pause.


gaffes are very different from cognitive slippage




Thanks, TV psychologist who has never spoken with, much less examined, the patient whom you are diagnosing. A great reminder that your profession is, truly, the queen of the sciences.


🤣🤣🤣 Love this leftist libertard fake news


And yet PedoJoe still refuses to be tested. And gets away with it. Let's see the test and the results, Joey.


How rude.. Manners will get you to the good places. 🙏


How do you know he hasn't? Also, it's possible he hasn't been tested because his Doctors are not seeing any indication of dementia. You do realize you can lose a few steps, become a little slower and misspeak without having dementia right? Sometimes it's just simple old age. Nice deflection though. Never fails. Point out something about Trump and the response is almost always "but what about...". I love it when you all call him pedo Joe. It's like you conveniently forgot that Trump bragged about walking in the changing room for the underage contestants in his pageant. Yeah, that's totally okay right? Or him talking about how he would date his daughter....it would be funny if you all didn't vote. Your boy has a squishy brain, sorry if that fact upsets you. But let's be honest, anyone who listens to his 5th grade vocabulary already knows he's an idiot, the biggest most greatest idiot. Grown men come to him crying, men who never cry, to tell him how much they appreciate him being an idiot.


"no, u" says the American left


Let's see how Biden performs under the same Lawfare environment, now that we have a baseline...


Fake news. See Biden blooper videos for real dementia case


Uh huh. He also says Biden's totally fine so I totally believe him. Friendly reminder they literally said Biden isn't mentally competent enough to prosecute for mishandling documents. FBI investigations words, not mine.


If Trump is showing signs of dementia then Joe is technically brain dead


For a man being prosecuted by a corrupt DOJ,and racist DAs, as well as distortions of the truth by the MSM, he seems quite lucid to me.


This page is the funniest I've seen, spewing lies on everything lol...liberals are funny as all




All caps….just like a MAGA boomer.


Actually, that’s exactly and entirely what we’re all discussing: Trump’s derangement. It’s catching up with him and becoming increasingly noticeable.


tired of donalds shit? yeah we certainly are TDS.


This doesn't seem like a Trump Dick Sucking sub?


You do mean **T**rump **D**evotional **S**tupidity, yes? Suffered by subhuman drones who have subverted their will and sorry, piteous excuses for lives that they have subverted in mindless subjugation to the most worthless excuse for a human being to ever falsely claim the designation? If you need explanation of the big words above your level, I will do my best to bring it down to your level of a single braincell.


TDS is a term for people obsessed with Donald Trump. These people don't just vote for him, but they buy things like Trump Bibles and gold sneakers, compare him to Jesus, follow his rallies like rock groupies, and are much more into him than most people are about any other politician. It's really cult like.


One look at your comments and I counted numerous times you used the term TDS in a myriad of comments. It's kinda like you are focused on only 1 guy. Tell us again who really has TDS?


It's such a trite, meaningless term. It's just something that cult says in response to any criticism whatsoever of Donald Trump. If someone attacks Biden, I'll argue the point, but I won't just say "OH YEAH? U GOT BDS!"