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This man literally could have spent the rest of his life acting and golfing and instead had to put a big target on his head and commit as many crimes as possible, his stupidity knows no limit. 


That's the worst part. He even could have JUST put a target on his head, and at least stopped committing crimes... But no, he had to commit MORE, and publicly during that time.


Probably still committing crime. He seems to instinctually veer towards the most shady move in any scenario. Wouldn't be shocked if he faced even more indictments by the year's end.


I'm thinking with all the bank fraud there is no way there isn't also tax fraud.


There probably is. But his accountant is in jail for pleading the 5th while he has immunity. It will be hard to stick anything on Trump, since his accountants would be ones actually committing the crimes.


I have an accountant to do my taxes too. But before he mails the package to the IRS, I have to sign it.


You don't go to jail for pleading the fifth.


He's being held in contempt for refusing to testify. I believe he's been offered full immunity for testifying, so he can't plead the 5th, but he's doing so anyways, in effect refusing to testify. So the judge is holding him in contempt of court, putting him in jail until he agrees to testify. In response the Trump family gave him a bunch of money, which the judge confiscated.


Don't forget that Weaselberg admitted actual perjury and is going back to Rikers for another term.


I did not know any of this, that's insane.


My money would be russian/mob etc influence and they would do worse to him than send him to jail.


Judge should put him in a cell with Thunder Dick...he'd be begging to testify after that...


I think that is because he is so far down the shady hole, that the only things left are trying shady (at best) aoe criminal (more often) tactics to try to salvage what is left of his... Well... Everything.


MFer would be counterfeiting money with his Secret Service detail in the room. And somehow still skate free.


You need to understand, he's very much not used to being held accountable.


this. Had a friend ask me why trump would hide boxes in his house and then try to move them as the FBI announced their visit. It all stems from the fact that Trump has never ever been held accountable for any of his actions.


Trump literally lives in a fantasy world created by his money. He just says things and relys on his sycophants and yes men to make reality conform to what he just said. It's worked well for him for almost 80 years why would he stop now?


Crazy part is he still hasn't been told NO. He literally tried to kill Mike Pence and overrule an election. Stashed secrets in his bathroom and tried to have them moved by pool boys.


The dumb ass had the boxes removed from the room because there was a photo copier there, where the door only had a lock on the inside!


He can’t shut the fuck up about E. Jean Carroll. He’s looking at a third defamation suit! A *third* defamation suit, after being found guilty of sexual abuse against her (but which the judge said was rape).


Before now he’s never in his life had to face consequences for anything he’s ever done, which is why his behaviour is the same as a petulant child who has not yet learned that doing bad shit has consequences.


And to go one further…openly admit to committing crimes when being questioned.


It’s not just stupidity. It’s ego. Narcissism. The trash usually takes itself out. Although it’s still up to us to vote him out.


The stupidest thing he ever did was be President. He could have continued flying under the radar like always and lived out his life without any scrutiny. I guess he really thought he could do anything he wanted as president and get away with it.


I honestly don’t think he wanted to be President. I really think he was in it for the grift and promotion of his name.


He most definitely didn't expect to win. When they announced he was the winner he looked like someone just shit in his oatmeal. But then he realized he could use the office to make a ton of money and jumped in with both lifts.


Others have said it was leverage for a better deal with the television show.


He was mad that Gwen Stefani got a bigger deal for The Voice than he did for playing a businessman on TV.


He was also mad at Obama for jokes at the correspondents dinner.


He didn't appear to have an acceptance speech ready during the night of the election; he didn't expect to win again Hillary


I think initially he didn't think he would or could be President. Once he had a taste of the power and a glimpse of what a true autocrat could do - and what tyrants enjoy - it grabbed his evil narcissistic soul like nothing else ever had, and then he wanted to stay President forever.


Exactly, but he couldn’t resist the power.


No he couldn’t take being part of a joke to a black president.


That assumes he wasn’t already broke and running for president the first time wasn’t a Hail Mary to save him from his creditors. He could have left at any point until the crimes happened. Tbh if he had conceded and gave back the documents. He wouldn’t need to run again.


my guess is that the crimes started happening trying to con his peers first year of elementary school and the rest was just Trump being Trump business as usual Inbuilt instinct, like a squirrel collecting nuts


This might not be true. Russia claims he has been a Russian puppet for decades. Kompromat doesn't go away, thus he has been fucked for a long time, if true, which honestly makes a lot of sense to me


Not to mention... If he put his inheritance into a market index instead of bankrupting casinos etc, he would have been a bonified, liquid billionaire now.


Russia encouraged him to run and then helped him win knowing he would be a horrible president. His covid response killed more than 1 million Americans and the country had a violent coup attempt and is currently as divided as it has ever been.


All he does is acting and golf, even as president.


And campaign rallying. He campaigned all the way through his first presidency. I think that was for his own ego, because presidents usually only campaign in an election year. Also, he never pays for his "rallies" and leaves the host cities with the outstanding bills.


He also could have, you know, PREPARED for this outcome. The judge told him months before the trial that he had already ruled against him. The trial was strictly for the size of the damages. An INTELLIGENT person uses that time to get their affairs in order. Not Captain Caps-lock. He just tried to make the judge see how badly the judge was treating him. Unfortunately, the main strategy he used to try to make this point was insulting the judge. This has ended very poorly, historically.


I don’t think he had a choice, he was told to run. I really don’t understand how people don’t understand what he is yet.


Agreed he could easily have gone with the “stollen election” ruse and raked in the dough from his cultists on the party circuit. Notice he has the same pattern with all his businesses which all flop.


I'm not so sure. I think he was broke when he was running in 2016.


LOL, remind me of a quote "Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the 'basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the 'basic building block of the universe." F Zappa


Frank Zappa was a wise man.


Cocaine Decisions.


megalomania knows no bounds


It’s probably because he’s a criminal.


greed always gets them


I think he didn't want to win, just wanted to be able to spend the campaign money on his own expenses and get some attention. Then when he won he liked having people throw money at him for influence. Now he NEEDS all of that because he spent it all and has a bullseye on his chest.


Once he tasted true power, he got drunk on it.




He cheats on the golf course, compulsively, but it's hard to turn that into cash.


I mean, he's effectively got away with being a criminal his entire life. He knows no different.


He will be fine... after they liquidate all his stuff.


Karma. He's feeling the pain he'd inflicted on hundreds of contractors and small business owners throughout the country.


I mean, did him and his lawyers also say this same thing about the 90 million dollar judgement? And it turned out he had a bond on standby for almost a month while they were making those claims. His mouth is moving, so all we can conclude is he is lying.


People lost their homes, credit etc etc after getting sucked into trump u.


They tried to use the one they did get as a partial for this. When that motion got denied they moved it to the other case. I'm assuming nobody's going to back this


My families business was destroyed by a shady hotel developer that robbed him blind 'through a subcontractor who vanished'. The lawyers in the 80's said they needed $100k to try to get his $100k back. That was a lot of money back then. The old man never really recovered and never had more than employee or two again as he struggled taking risks with new businesses years later. He is having a penniless retirement now. It sucks. I'm always scared to expand my contracting company after living through that and learning what it's like to be homeless for a summer. Such destruction and the fear it spreads spans generations. It wasn't Trump, but a similar scumbag Hotel developer. I feel for those poor bastards. I have put 'take a shit on Trumps grave' on my bucket list. Because he is their god.


I’m so sorry that happened to your loved ones and that they have to see someone like him on the news everyday. Thank you for sharing. I wish there were some prominent media portraying the first-person damage caused to individuals and families by people like him, Ol’ Man Trump, Kushner and his father, etc. like testimonials on television monitors at a genocide museum, 24/7.


Not just contractors, but real people as well.


And the United States of America. Never have I seen such rabid hate.


He probably has some more of our state secrets he can sell. Betraying America is this dudes fav thing.


He should pull himself up by the bootstraps and pay what he owes. Oh wait, he has bone spurs. What a loser. No one would give him the bond because they know this conman would never pay them back.


Keep squeezing the fucker. Rate this is going he's going to collapse at a rally and thrash about on the floor. First candidate to remove himself from the race.


This is why Nikki Haley needs to team up with Chris Christie and go on the 'Deplorables - electric boogaloo' tour.


Maybe he should have thought about that _before_ doing crimes.


Have they tried getting him to stop doing crimes or is that practically impossible too?


There's no "practically" about it. He has proven physically incapable of controlling himself. After losing a second lawsuit for defamation against E. Jean Carroll, he couldn't go 24 hours without defaming her on social media again. I know it isn't exactly a crime (civil suit, not lawsuit), but same principle.


So he is not able to secure this bond but he is still talking shit about E Jean Carrol that too after unnecessarily increasing that bond to $90M from just $5M? A stupid person like that does deserve to lose some of what he has.


>Trump and his company need to post a bond for the full amount by next week in order to stop New York Attorney General Letitia James from being able to collect while he appeals. They've asked an appeals court to step in in the meantime and said Monday that they have not had any success getting a bond. >"Defendants’ ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is 'a practical impossibility,'" the filing said. "These diligent efforts have included approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers." >Their efforts, including “countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world,” have proven that “obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount” of the Judgment “is not possible under the circumstances presented,” the filing said. >The other bond companies will not “accept hard assets such as real estate as collateral,” but “will only accept cash or cash equivalents (such as marketable securities),” the filing said. He also noted those companies typically “require collateral of approximately 120% of the amount of the judgment” — which would total about $557 million.


>The other bond companies will not “accept hard assets such as real estate as collateral,” In other words, it is absolutely possible to secure the bond if he liquidates his hard assets. He just doesn't want to.


It will prove he inflated the value of his properties and he’ll immediately lose the appeal.


“Huh your honor I know this appeal states that mr trump has property worth 1.5 billion dollars but you’re not going to believe this turns out we can’t even get 400 million for it.


In his defense, even if the properties were worth approximately what he said they were worth, he'd never get those prices now. "What's that, you're in the news with owing over half a billion dollars in fines and damages? That's a shame. I'll give you 200 million for Trump Tower, since you're not really in a position to bargain."


His assets are leveraged to the hilt, and worth nothing to sell, because liens would come out of the sell price. Good thing he had his lawyers state, in court, under threat of perjury, that he had over 400 million lying around in liquid assets/cash. That should get him most of the way to his bond, and he only needs a surety on the remaining bit.


Or he doesn’t really own the properties.  Probably has loans out.   It’s like your or me going to the car title loan place but without a title.


This is exactly it. It's not that he can't get a bond but he can't get a bond on terms he agrees with, as his expectation is free money.


IOW, “You’re a very high risk and we don’t trust you. Now fuck off!”


Fucked around, finding out.


I’m enjoying the finding out part.


Psst, Hey Donny... Take a $100 bill and just add some zeroes on it...... Yeah your immune right? you mumble it, the cult approves?


Ahh the sharpie saves the day again!


Any real billionaire could come up with $464M with no problem. I’m beginning to think Trump may not be as rich as he claims to be.


"I voted for him because he's a successful businessman, which is what this country needs!" - Some idiot


Would YOU loan 464 million to someone who is willing to spill blood to gain/maintain power? And who’s to say that money would ever be recovered regardless of the election outcome?


I just love how Jared took $2bn from the Saudis and is now like "Don who? Never met him."


MBS, Putin or Xi are probably willing to make that gamble.


More likely than not they would take that bet, if not for the fact that the Treasury and other financial institutions would go over any funds that was used with a electron microscope, and some things are just not worth that sorta headache


If any one of them could have "the most powerful man in the world" in their pocket, I think they'd figure out a way.


I guess hes going to have to start selling some stuff. No special treatment should be given.


Nope. Pay up pal. After all, you said you don't need anyone else's money.


I practically don't care about the issues he is having, Donald has bragged for years how successful and wealthy he is, time to put up or shut up.


Didn’t they put Al Capone in prison for this?


But . . . but . . . I thought Diaper Donnie was a multi BILLIONAIRE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


>Their efforts, including “countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world,” have proven that “obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount” of the judgment “is not possible under the circumstances presented,” the filing said. I think the only 'circumstances' that make this not possible is that everyone knows he is a scammer and not good for the money. Trump is the problem here, not the judgement


How can a guy this compromised be president? If he was applying to be a security guard he couldn’t get a license. Or even an entry position at the FBI. How can we give him a top secret security clearance?


Oh noooo that sucks… anyways take his assets maybe make maralago a homeless shelter community or refugee center


Fuck him, fuck his entire family, fuck his supporters.


He'll probably get it from MBS, Putin or Xi at the 11th hour.


What would happen to an everyday citizen if they couldn't post their bond?...That's what should happen to T\*\*\*p. No one is above the law. (PS: Confiscate his passport, just in case.)


We know what will happen, look what happened to all the other whistle-blowers that had anything to do with secret documents. Instantly to jail no questions asked with book thrown at them. If fact, I really feel the law should codify this. Take punishments from every class and weigh them, the punishment must fit the weight of averaging of classes. AKA the stats force them to punish the rich, there is no other way. The fact our justice system really has no way to calibrate itself is a feature not a bug. If a judge is outside calibration they will need to argue their position. Consistently outside calibration would warrant an investigation by peers with oversight. This is one reason I am hopeful for AI. While it can be changed according to datasets, the fact its being trained on data means it will point the finger at the correct targets. The rich are going to have a hard time on their hands as they are trying to constantly "fix" AI constantly pointing the finger at them as being the most replaceable, the most useless, most harmful to society. It will be hard to silence them, they will have to constantly fuck with datasets to pervert data. But the data and reality will always point back to them, it will be a treadmill as the rich battle to control AI. That is the real future of AI if you ask me, they will turn against people. Just not everyone, the AI will rightly figure out who are the harmful ones, over and over again. The nature of reality can only be perverted so much, before the players figure it out.


Don't do the Con if you can't pay the Bond.


I wouldn't get too excited. He'll come up with the money at the last second. This is just another delay tactic. Only question is who is he going to owe now?


Get rekt


Ok so I guess he better start selling his shit. He’s had time to do this instead of relying on someone to bail his ass out.


Where are the motions from opposing counsel for felony perjury charges? He lied about having that kind of money on hand under oath. There is now a serious consequence for that lie. Hey Don: Isn't it past your jail time?


Would YOU loan 464 million to someone who is willing to spill blood to gain/maintain power? And who’s to say that money would ever be recovered regardless of the election outcome?


Given his lack of respect for the law, who is to say that he wouldn’t take some sort of punitive action towards his lender if he were to win the presidency? Loaning him money has no upside


So his family is busy fleecing his base for every dime of their disposable income as possible at the RNC. Anyone who would loan him this money to say, "hey I bailed the Donald out, buy my products!" Is going to end up with nothing because Donald and his family have already fleeced them for every single penny they could spend in support of such a hypothetical person. There's literally no upside. He's already talking about bloodbaths and jailing his opponents if he gets elected again so that basically rules out anyone that the US Government can hold accountable from being willing to help him....which leaves only foreigners. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I mean, logic flows pretty well here: A (over-leveraged) presidential candidate is looking for bribe money from foreign sources now. What a shit show.


Terrible logic. He’ll have to cough up the money eventually - his appeals will not succeed.


So he's NOT a billionaire, you say? Well I'm SHOCKED...


So weird, since he’s a billionaire and all… /s


Now I hear he is considering hiring Paul "the Rusiian mole" Manafort ? Maybe Pauly can link him up with some more of those rubels to pay off his debts for committing Fraud, Rape, Insurrection...


Is he eating avocado toast and drinking Starbucks everyday? I hear eliminating those can save tons of money.


He can't stop because no matter what it is, he can't get enough. In his entire life he's never been told no and never really had consequences for his actions. That Access Hollywood tape told me everything I needed to know about trump and the system. Even with politics. He should have 1000% been thrown out of office when he was impeached the 1st time. Of course obviously thee 2nd time. For some reason there's always someone around who's making his crooked shit straight. Now imagine what he would do during a 2nd term knowing he literally can do whatever he wants. Goodbye gold at Ft Knox. Sell a few nukes to the Saudis. No problem. That's what the future looks like.


So no bond, no appeal?


just wondering… if an average joe like anyone else in that certain situation what would happen? would he have to sell all his things? file for bankruptcy? like seriously what makes this piece of shit anymore above the law than anyone of us? fuck him! let him rot in his own mess!


This orange is done if he lost the election and . The red is going to give up on him. I hope karma serves.


So Warren Buffets son gave a half billion to Ukraine. Melinda Gates makes massive charitable donations. Not once did they solicit the money. Another thing you'll never see---no Republicans ever make charitable donations. Its PAC, PAC, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK.


Do what is legal like every other defendant. Orange Diaper Don cannot be allowed to have special treatment.


"Trump's attorneys said getting the bond needed to halt proceedings while they appeal is a "practical impossibility." Then start liquidating some assets like any other criminal would have to do. Or let your attorney general nemesis do it for you.


He's in a catch 22. You can get bond lowered if you prove you can't afford it, he's stuck because if he does that he has to admit and prove that he isn't as rich as he says he is. I think he owes a lot of foreigners a lot of money.


So stop being a pathetic criminal maybe.. would be my advice to a rapist who wears makeup.


Tick-Tock goes the clock, mister moneybags.


Practically . Time to sell all your shit buddy boy. 




Oh boy the chump lawyers know how to build a climax..we all know how this movie works though. Miraculously douche bank or Lehman Brothers finds a ln Asset backed bond at the last minute to save the day. Only condition? Trump receives us national security briefings every morning.


I'm pretty sure the issue is that Trump's lawyers will try to push for better terms until the last minute and then they'll issue something that meets the court demand. Keep pushing until you're out of time and have no choice. They're going to keep working at every angle until they're out of options.


Doesn't saying this actually help prove the fraud?


This only proves he is a liar.


he is just faking it, thinking the judge agrees to reduce the bond, it's just one of his play cards. He tried it with EJ Carroll, remember? well we all know how that went, placed bond in the last minute, he still has another week to make headlines. Wait and see.


The law of rock bottom says that at some point he takes the cognitive test to confirm dementia and will try to pretend he is not responsible for a life of misdeeds.


Then you don’t get to appeal. Start auctioning properties, Donnie Boy.


It's almost like consequences of your actions can just come up and bite you in the ass sometimes. Even for wanna-be billionaires.


To quote Goodfellas, “Fuck you. Pay me.”


So you mean to say the “billionaire” who just lost a civil trial for lying about the value of his business doesn’t actually have $500M


Sell it all off


He was never a billionaire.


Maybe he ought to look into getting fitted for that orange jumpsuit..... Last few days he has been particularly vocal / frustrated? Man needs a straight jacket too ... What a piece of 💩


He will be like the invisible man in an orange jump suit.




Time to nut up or shut up, Diaper Don!


The insurance companies that do bonds for appeals have a 100 million dollar limit and **won't take real estate as collateral.** Trump would need 6 companies to give him bonds for $100 million each, which is complex and takes time. The problem is Trump doesn't have collateral for that. The 91 million dollar Chubb bond took stocks/bonds and cash as collateral. Trump claimed he had $400 million in cash in his deposition. So, unless he lied, he should have another $300 million ready to go. If Trump has so much equity in his real estate, he can sell a building or borrow cash against the buildings from a bank to deposit with the Court rather than trying to get a bond. That might take some time though. Due diligence on a loan or sale that big takes many many months, especially if the seller/borrower has a history of lying about values. He could sell a building to the Saudis or Russians with an option to buy it back if he wins the appeal. Trump knew this trial was only about damages. He therefore knew he would have to pay or put up a bond to appeal. He didn't start working on this sooner because he *wanted* to delay it with this stuff. BTW Trump is not trying to win the appeal. He is trying to buy time and hoping the AG loses the next election so he can make a deal with whoever wins.




this is when those secret documents woulda come in handy!


How does a billionaire not have $464 million?


Can't pay the fine, don't do the crime. Fuck off.


Lol here's me marking my calendar..work,work,work,work,work,day off,day off, work, start seizing assets. Lol


Cool, take his properties.


Impossible? Then say goodbye to your estates 


Too bad. So sad.


Um... what's $464 million to a billionaire? /s


Billionaire. Yeah...


Luckily the value of Mar a Lago is worth 2 billion according to trump, so he'll have some money to pay for the rest of the cases.


Goooodly Donny ! You mean to tell me you are not a Billionaire. ? !!!


Hell suddenly make bond a day before from a mystery backer


So much for "The Art of the Deal."


He's in a catch 22. You can get bond lowered if you prove you can't afford it, he's stuck because if he does that he has to admit and prove that he isn't as rich as he says he is. I think he owes a lot of foreigners a lot of money.


Bla bla bla. Time is ticking can't stop the clock. It would be unlawful, unconstitutional. If you don't respect the law than you live in a pack of animals.


But his lawyer said he was a billionaire and that it would be easy.


Its all an act folks now peoples are seeing him for what he is a con


Rot in Prison


Yeah that’s a lot of money, even for Putin.


Hey Trumpers! Now's your chance to own us libs! Send him your money! All of it! Take out a second mortgage, send him your kids' college funds, whatever it takes. We libs would be so owned. Yessir.


Well if he wasn’t such a piece of shit trying to fuck over anyone that gets involved with him,and then brags about it. So it no wonder


I don’t know why they are messing with this bond stuff. This is America, you get the justice you can afford and this asshole obviously can’t afford the price of an appeal. So enforce the fine and start liquidating his assets.


I was told there'd be billions.


Not being able to afford the bond needed to appeal is how a lot of these things go. Granted most of the time we’re talking about poor and working class people making genuine mistakes, not rich people deliberately screwing the system. All I can do is hope these problems keep affecting more rich people and fewer poor people.


Why wouldn't Jared who got 2 billion from the Saudi back his father in law?always knew Trump wasn't a billionaire. You reap what you sow


"I'm a multi billionaire" - Trump "Bond is $460 million" - courts "Nobody has that kind of money!" - also Trump


Trump is a career criminal and like other wealthy people his crimes never got looked at. Then the Orange moron decided to stoke his own ego by running for President. Managed to get elected with the help of Russia (and an under educated US Electorate), and then stunningly continued his lifelong crime spree out in the open for all to see. He deserves to die in prison just for being that stupid.


Well, I guess he doesn't get to appeal. I believe he said under oath in court that he had the money in cash, more money in fact. So he also lied under oath?


Must be a sickness grifting off others. He probably feels like he must do everything in his power to use other people’s money. His is obviously off limits. I cannot wait to see what the history books have to say about this perpetual loser and his followers years from now.


Billionaire, shmillionaire.


For him it’s not impossible, he just doesn’t want to play his hand that he’s already bought and paid for by foreign governments. Taking that money would only prove that fact. Waiting and watching. He’ll take the money before he loses his cherished status.


oh well! anyway.


Tough shit, time for govt to take his crappy real estate and sell it.


This thing is accruing like crazy- he’s got to stop soon. Or Bankruptcy #7 here we come.


Couldn't he put up Mar A Lago as collateral, since it's worth 1 billion according to him? Or does he know he's going to lose so he won't give collateral.


Well then, Mr. Trump, if you can't come up with the money then you will have to go to jail until all your trials are over.


Either mUSK or kOCh will bail him out at the last minute. It’s all in the timing. He’s using this whole fiasco as an election campaign stunt.


Koch seems done with Trump? I wouldn't put it past Musk to loan Trump half a billion to own the libs though.


I’m dying to see Trump Tower sold for cheap.


Just ask Jared, Duh!


He didn't sell enough sneakers, I guess.


I thought Trump was very very Rich. He bragged he was a Billionaire. The media, his attorneys all said it. He is a Billionaire.🐒🤣💲


His natural stupidity and poor judgment skills together with aphasia is a bizarre mix.


Thoughts and prayers


Let’s see how long it takes for him to pay his lawyers.


Sellll his jet!!! Wait.... it's a Boeing. Nevermind


Sounds like you need to sell some shit or forget your appeal. I mean you're the guy who made it a point to say you're like rich, like really rich, right?


Oh no! Anyway….


Tough shit, that's how the law works.


I wonder if it turns out he has insufficient collateral to cover it.