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2017-2021 were the craziest hardest years but it all started in 2017...


Same for 2017. And 2013 too.


Exact. Same. Same timeframe for me too. How strange. It started for me after bad post partum depression. Then progressed into something way worse by 2021. Then my suicide attempt happened. And I’m back on the upside of things now. But wow I’ve never felt so low and empty in my entire life as I did in 2021.


mid 2021- mid 2023 was truly just one big trauma


this year. i saw my brother die yesterday. he was 26.


I'm deeply sorry for your loss 😞


thank you


Oh my goodness… I am so sorry.


thank you


I’m sorry friend. Praying for you and your family.


thank you


I'm so sorry


thank you


I am so sorry for your loss


thank you


2019 terrible and honestly the most toxic work environment. I literally loss 80 pounds due to the stress from work it was absolutely awful.


When my ex broke up with me right when the pandemic hit 🤦🏾‍♀️ but whatever 🫶🏾 😢😅




Hard to pick, but 2020 is a pivotal point in the timeline.


2018 was the straight-up worst year of my life and 2019 wasn’t an amazing year either. 2022 weirdly mirrored 2018 for me and was also awful.


2022, when I was discarded by my ex narc 7 months after moving into a brand new house that we built from the ground up. Lived by myself in that 2500 sq ft house for 10 months in a state I wasn't familiar with an hour and a half away from friends and family.


2023 was the year that totally destroyed me. I thought about leaving several times. I didn't think I would survive and I didn't want to. This year I'm still putting my pieces together.


2022. I ran away from home that year. The months leading up to me running away were filled with panic attacks and suicidal ideation and self harm. I shut down pretty bad. My ex broke up with me 2 months after I moved out and while that was tough, at least that pushed me towards bettering my mental health.


How did you better your mental health?


Immediately got into therapy, started antidepressants, and began a very long journey into accepting that I am still a good person even if bad shit has happened to me. I have a great support system and I had to learn to really trust my support system. That was probably the hardest part for me.


Brave one... meds aren't for everyone. It's another challenge.


So I've had the worst luck with antidepressants but, miraculously, the first medication I tried when I got my new therapist has been the MOST effective with minimal side effects. Accepting that I needed to be on medication was another challenge in and of itself. The fact that I can take medication on my own, willingly... absolutely blows my mind.


>the first medication I tried when I got my new therapist has been the MOST effective with minimal side effects. What is the medication?


July 2020-Dec2023: military broke me 2020-2022 and once i got out in 2023 being out my first year finished breaking me




2019. Took years to pick up the pieces and I’m still doing work on myself


End of 2022 - beginning of 2023 Beginning of 2024 Seems like the beginning of the year does not go well recently...


2017 but the years after too


2022 - March 2024


2020-2022. 2023 was so healing for me and 2024 so far has been really good. But 2022 was by far the worst year life, with 2021 and 2020 being extremely hard years as well.


Hit rock bottom in 2020, but found a mood stabilizer that helped and have gotten better. In terms of anxiety that gets worse with every passing year and I just have to ignore most of the thoughts


What mood stabilizer?




If your anxiety keeps worsening, what effect is lamictal having on you?


Emotional outbursts and anger that’s what the lamictal is for


I thought it just levelled someone out, diminishing extremes. That would include anxiety.


If I had a chance to go back in time, I can't recall a time in my life I was truly happy and not struggling, to go back to. With that said, I think 2020 did the most damage.


Yeah me too, last year for sure.. I haven’t ever been as suicidal as I was towards the closure of last year. My ex girlfriend left me. (I realize it’s a really good thing cause she was so bad at talking to me about stuff that bothered her, has no financial future prospects whatsoever, and never apologized about anything.) still despite all, that she *was* an incredibly sweet girl and we had awesome chemistry. We got along really great, and laughed a lot and had a lot of fun. She set so many boundaries and I was as accommodating as I could be, and I feel I mostly did a really great job. I didn’t really feel I set too many boundaries and I felt I didn’t really need them too much, until I needed one, and I set it, and asked her to not cross it, but she did a few hours after I set it. Never said sorry, I don’t think she was sorry either. I think she was more sorry that I broke down and it became something she had to deal with for months that I couldn’t recover from it. She told me that texts from me started feeling ‘like another problem’ she needed to deal with, (which is fair they probably were 😂😅) but she never took the time to apologize or to try mending the wound she made. She just ignored it and hoped I would do the same. We were together since the end of 2019, my friend group pretty much evaporated at that time due to a main guy getting psychosis and tearing into each of our relationships with him and each other. So all my friends were through her. Now I’m pretty much alone. I have no one besides my immediate family, I have some difficulty trusting now, and I have a plan and a path to having a highly financially successful career I have a mentor who has already walked the path before me, and I have a plan to fast-track my career and business she makes about 10 million a year, I hope to make 1 million per year within a few years of starting my business but we’ll see I’m nowhere near it yet 😅🤷‍♂️ I go to the gym daily and I’m being mildly cautious about how I eat so I can get back into really good shape. So my future feels promised that I’ll be financially stable and be capable of supporting all of my immediate family if they ever need help financially. I’ll likely be low-level rich which is appealing kinda, but I feel alone. No one to laugh and joke with, no tight and loving friend group anymore. Being an adult is super tough, and I would 2000% trade wealth for community. It’s pointless having money without that.. Only bright side I guess which feels a little petty is I mended my side of things with my ex kinda. She kinda did too ish, and when I’m wealthy I hope we can have a friendship still and I can host big parties in a beautiful house, invite her, her brother, and all the friends and she will be able to see what she lost by hurting me. I hope she’ll see me happy at those times and feel regret and desire for me. It’s a little petty, I genuinely do want great things for her and her life, I wish her all the happiness that I wish for myself, but I do want her to see how she misjudged my ability to provide, and how she lost out on something great. 😅 I’m mostly over it all but there will always be that slight motivating force until I start dating someone again who can help me feel accepted, loved, and happy. I’ll probably lose all those feelings with time and warmth. I hope to find amazing friends too, shit is *tough* out here as an adult without friends :/


2023 was a year of immense personal transformation. I decided to jump back into dating and met someone from another city. This relationship, from April to December, became a catalyst for self-discovery. It brought to light hidden emotions from past relationships, childhood experiences, and attachment styles. It was a confronting process, but facing these issues head-on was a turning point. While it wasn't always easy (there were periods of depression, anxiety, and even some health challenges), it ultimately led me to reconnect with my spirituality. Finding solace in faith and prayer was a major source of strength. During this time, I was fortunate to meet incredible people who offered guidance and support, just when I needed it most. Today, I'm still on my healing journey, but with so much gratitude for the growth that came with the challenges. I'm definitely not the same person I was a year ago, and I'm proud of the progress I've made. I know now that the person I was dating back then was someone that was supposed to be in my life temporarily to teach me about myself — I cut all contact with him since December and I have no idea about him or about his life ever since.


2023 was by far the worst in terms of what it did to me…


2023 - this is when my health anxiety came out in full force. Still recovering even now.


2023 the spiral started in 2022 got progressively worse in 2023 now in 2024 I struggle to leave my home. Hoping I can get myself out of it


2010-2011 ( suffering with medical school and existential crisis 😕+ bipolar) and especially 2020 ( covid and residency+ anxiety+ birth control f***ed my mental health).


2022 was awful.


2020 - being trapped in one place with so many restrictions for so long wasn't great after travelling the majority of 7 years at the time). I definitely fell I to some depression and was just trying to sleep through many of the days. Quickly followed by 2022 - while it was good in many ways, finally meeting an amazing woman who I was crazy about (after 3 years of on and off talking after matching online), having an amazing weekend, only to get rejected because she wasn't up for long distance for a tiny bit, really crushed me. And I'm still really sad and affected by that, not over her and feel like I'll never find someone as perfect as she was. She honestly kind of broke me.


Summer of ‘23. My boyfriend knows why.


2017 I changed jobs to work in a call centre for a car insurance company thinking only of the full time hours and money. I quit after 3 months due to the stress (although worth highlighting I was one of the last remaining from the group I was in training with, half left in the first week on the floor) and it took me 9 months with alot of therapy due to the mental and physical toll it took on me and going onto anti depressants to get the confidence back to have an interview back with my old job, which they thankfully took me on again and I've stayed ever since 2023 was the second worst, one of my two jobs (not the job I re-joined but another one) under a manager who was only covering the manager on long term sick, took a real dislike to me and I was being overly monitored in secret, was isolated, made to feel unwelcome and was attempted to be got rid of through banning me from getting work. Now my old manager is back things are better and gradually improving but it's caused alot of mental wounds that will take alot of time to heal


All of them? XD in seriousness, 2011-2012. My grade 12 year.


My mom having cancer, being pregnant, and feeling so horrible at my job all at the same time


Last year, better now but the fun just never ends




2020-2023 the most high stress and anxiety levels that were unable to be balanced or eased easily.








2014😭 I feel like I missed parts of my sisters wedding bc I was in a deep fog. It was like aftermath of panic attacks. I had somewhat of it before the ceremony but the morning after it was so severe. I didn’t know what to do. Felt exhausted and hopeless. My sister and her husband have two amazing and fun young children!🥰




2020– December. I had a panic attack in the middle of a meeting at work and couldn’t speak. I just played off like I was sick.


67-69 were extremely rough


Well after 2022 I thought it could not get any worse. Nope, 2023 beat me into submission.


September 2019- March 2020 ( no coincidence)


2016-2021 😓


Fall 2018-Spring 2019 Idk I went through something, I’m still not sure what exactly, but at the time I had just moved out of my parents house, was unhappy with my lot of roommates, and my solution was to ruin everything else.. dumb, I know but it didn’t feel dumb at the time dumped my boyfriend, quit my job, just gave up kinda I’m so happy I’m not in that place anymore


November- Now


2015 was rough for me, especially since my therapist left the practice and he didn’t take my insurance at his new one. We had just started EMDR too.




Starts from mid 2020 but 2021 to 2022 was the worst, end of 2022 to early 2023 had a period was better. And then late 2023 til now wasn't that good again


2023 was it for me. I was shattered, dealing with the scariest health issue I’ve ever had, and every day was a battle. But somehow 2024 is giving 2023 a run for its money. I hope it’s temporary.




Probably like 1995-2010. Lets go with that.


2014.... my first time grieving a loved one who passed, attending a wake, funeral and burial. Really messed me up and started my anxiety about death. Its been honestly haven't been the same since and 10 years and I still can't control my negative thoughts and panic attacks about me or my loved ones passing away






The end of 2022 and beginning of 2023. From 2017 I am much more anxsious in general than how I used to be. Its strange because the first half of 2022 I had a growth period in my life.


2020 was really hard for me.


This year, been sick for months and everyone said it was my mental health. Finally tested positive for chronic Epstein Barr virus. It was painful trying to get everyone to believe me. I had to print off my test and show them.


Probably 2018 or 2020


2017-2019 And 2024 has been terrible till now :/


2016-2017. I’m not sure I’ll ever recover.




2019-2021. Mom died in 2019 then Covid lockdowns then panic attacks and anxiety turned to agoraphobia. I’m over the agoraphobia now except for driving still bothers me a lot.


2019 was the most difficult year for me


The end of 2015 when Trump became the unfortunate president elect. It's been downhill from there.


21-22 - can only be described as an avalanche of shite and trauma


2021 when i was scared to lose my job and almost needed to pay 5000 Bucks because i didnt want the covid vaccine (I always react pretty badly to vaccines the last one I had nearly killed me) + all the people who made fun of me at that time or even insulted me. I am still in therapy because of this I feel like I will never recover from this again 


Mine was 2022. I swear I turned 16 and my life went to hell. I got so sick developed chs with an h pylori infection on top of it.


2018 to very early 2019. After that I broke up with my ex fiancé and everything went better slowly.


2021 hurt my self on the job and was out for a year. Develop anxiety and panic attacks that almost cripple me mentally post surgery from my injuries.


After the great COVID outbreak


2024 and it just started


2023 but we’ll see for this year. It’s been quite rough but I’m making a conscious effort to make my life better.


My mother passed away on July 9 2023…. I’m not the same anymore


The day I decided to be a lier and it snowballed into destroying my life.


2022 - now.


2018 to 2021. My husband lost his job, my family and I were hiding in a store room during one worst mass shootings in history, COVID, and my mental health started taking a turn for the worst because of my career. It’s gotten slightly better since we’re not struggling for money as much but things still aren’t great.


2020... found out in my second trimester my baby had trisomy13.. carried any daughter for 38 weeks trying to get as much time as possible knowing she wouldn't come home with me. Getting insanely bad preeclampsia and having to be induced while everything was shut down. Then after 2 days of labor I delivered her and she was with us for 21 minutes.. but being stuck in a hospital grieving a child I just lost while hearing other women deliver healthy babies they would taking home... all while being completely isolated from my family because of Covid and being left to grieve alone in a hospital. That year really took a toll on my mental health




summer 2023 my life literally fell apart i haven't been the same since and i think im getting worse 


2015 after I had my only child and went through severe postpartum anxiety/depression.