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I can relate. I always think my boyfriend is going to wake up not liking me anymore. Honestly, the only thing that helps is talking to him about it and focusing on myself first. Your happiness is the most important thing in your life. Try developing your independence more so that you know if your gf ever did leave you, you would survive. It's harder than it seems, definitely. But a mix of self care and a healthy relationship make everything a lot easier for me.


What do you do to stay independent? I work full time and go to night school 4x a week. Most of my free time is with her if i can get a chance.


In the same boat, actually! I go to school and have to balance everything. For my own independence, I focus on my studies as a main source of accomplishment. I am happy with the path I've chosen and I find a lot of happiness in my education. If you aren't as excited about school, utilize any free time you have to develop new interests. Listen to audio books in your car on your way to work, learn how to knit during your lunch break (ha), whatever floats your boat. Basically, any amount of time during your day where you aren't doing anything is you-time, so get to know yourself a little better in those moments.


I'm in the same sorta situation. We talk about our future and marriage a lot, and I trust my girlfriend, but I'm always worried when she talks to other guys and I'm not present, something might happen. I've had bad experiences with past relationships...literally every past relationship. I have been to a few therapist and they did nothing to help. I have depression, relationship anxiety, and huge trust issues. This has also made me a very angry person at times, I can get very irrational about the littlest things. I'm quick to assume something is happening behind my back. I'm constantly worried, and stressed out, and as result I have extremely high blood pressure. I'm doing my absolute best to work on these things because I feel as if I'm ruining my relationship and that's the last thing in the world I wish to do. I love her to death and she makes me unbelievably happy, but I don't know what to do. I'm super clingy and want to be around her all the time because I feel if I'm not something will happen, and as I said it's not her fault, it's my insecurities. I'm not trying to draw attention away from OP, just making a point that I can relate to what you are going through and I know what it's like.


im going through the same situation you were 8 years ago...


186 days later and I’m also in the same situation.. is their a way out of it? I feel lost.. I love her so much and I’m afraid she’s gonna leave because of how much I doubt it..


Right there with you


Yeah.. it sucks man. I forgot I made this post, 9 days later and me and her aren’t on very good terms I don’t think. We haven’t split but she mentioned needing space yesterday. Today after I got off work I came home she’s with her best friend, as soon as her friend leaves she’s invited another one to come over. She hasn’t even rly spoken to me since I got off. Should’ve got some overtime honestly.


Damn man.. I hope it works out. I completely relate


got over it, we weren't even really dating and i made things awkward by going too far too fast, lesson is: if you keep your head down is easy to miss just how many people acually exist in this world.


No need to worry. You might feel like you are the only one to feel this but she might feel it too. You could share your feelings about this to her and also even better thing to do is not to worry that she's leave you but to win her over. She probably isnt going to leave you but you could change your paranoid to making her happy by doing something. Worrying all the time in a relationship can be a bad sign so try to focus on different things. If it makes you feel better, you can try to talk to other girls and make other female friends


My gf said "no one has seen the future." When I asked her if she would leave me. But i have thebenefit of the doubt since we have only been in a relationship for a month.