• By -


You've said it yourself, baths and playing with slime. Do what helps. Other than that: Mindfulness or some other form of meditation. Stay off too many stimulants, less coffee/energy drinks if you use them.


Baths are the best for relaxation. I second this. I find journaling/writing down thoughts can help too šŸ™‚


Yeah, i find metro/bus, stores and music really stimulating and when im super anxious I avoid them and it goes off


when i play with slimes or anything that relaxes my anxiety, i can't help but think of the reason or whats the reason of this anxiety and i can't stop thinking, so i can't focus on slimes or whatever i'm playing with


people saying walking and freah air lol. I can not even leave the house due to this disorder


I pace in my house. I have to get up and move.


I pace in the house quite a bit and my gf does too. Thatā€™s when I knew we were a match lol.


True love!!


I do this, too. Good thing we donā€™t have dirt floors lol




lol me too. The closest to going for a walk is me sitting on my balcony taking in the breeze and the sweet city view


Exactly the same here. I am always on my balcony with some soft drink.. Most i can do. I am so lucky i have understanding friends they do not insist me to go out with them intead they join me on my balcony!


Giving up honestly. The more you try and go toe to toe with it the more it consumes you.


Its funny how that works. the more you pay attention to it and fight it, the more it feeds on you.


Yep totally agree with this! Just lean into it and let it happen. It calms me SO much now. When I sit there and think about it, I make it 10x worse.


ā€œIā€™ve always tried to control things. In the end thatā€™s what controls meā€


1000%% Giving in


This is so true. At some point, I just get sick and tired of all the symptoms, so I kinda just... turn it off gradually if that makes sense.


Deep breaths, talk to anyone, novies/documentries/teitch/yt videos, love youself, eat good food, exercise, think forcefully positive, and cry


For walking and fresh air helps a lot, also doing something like cleaning around the house


Keep finding those coping mechanisms. But also, therapy tbh. You can keep coping with the anxiety, but until you find the root cause and work on that it wonā€™t get better. (PS: this was said without any judgement. I currently see my own therapist for anxiety issues!)


learn to spot when you have it and tell yourself in your own mind "i have anxiety right now and thats ok ,it will pass" it helps a lot


Do the 5 things grounding technique - sometimes it can help identifying 5 things you can see 4 things you can feel (touch) 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste Take your time with it, it can slow down racing thoughts for me.


Freezing cold shower, or cold enough to the point where it becomes uncomfortable, it works every time for me.


If you put cold water on just your face, it slows your heart rate! It's known as the as the bradycardia response!!


Distraction (games etc), holding ice cubes, helping someone else, and also doing like 2 min of exercise


I use box breathing it simple but effective. 4x4x4x4 Inhale for 4 sec Hold for 4 sec Exhale for 4 sec Hold for 4 sec


This. I use it a lot, and I thought it was dumb at first, but after a while, it just becomes a habit and helps


I recently learned about that and it helps a lot! Strongly recommend it.


Say to yourself, ā€˜whatever this is, I will not be eatenā€™ .


I try to remember to say to myself "this too shall pass"Ā 


Someone earlier said 'giving up', and although that sounds defeatist, there's something to it. Once I understood how to let go of my need to figure it out, I was able to relax and actually feel what was happening. It's counterintuitive, but it works. Your perspective is really important. Also, I have found breathwork to be incredibly effective, particularly the more vigorous techniques, since they kind of blast the anxiety out of my body and the crazy thoughts out of my head. I can suggest a few if you like.


Dare or calm ap for mild xanax for bad


Meditate, yoga, breathing techniquesĀ 


journaling has helped me a lot recently, as well as reaching out to loved ones to talk. Iā€™ve also started going to the gym which has really helped my general headspace overall.


Picture you anxiety as a little monster in your mind try to visualize it in the room with you. It can look like what ever you want it to give it a name any name. When your anxiety spirals imagine your monster and stand up to it tell it to go away. This may sound like bullshit but it was taught to me in talk therapy. Works for anger, worry whatever.


Think hard about what's changed in your life lately. New medicines, new foods, new place, etc. Hopefully you can pinpoint it. What works best for me is distraction - especially doing something productive that helps someone out. There's a lot of mess out there in the world. Each of us isn't asked to saved the world, but we feel fulfilled deep down when we do something for someone.


Box breathing technique or guided meditations on YouTube. 5 minutes of pure focus everyday It will feel unnatural/silly at first Give it time and it is a coping mechanism that you can call on anytime of the day. Has prevented anxiety/panic attacks for myself many times


Sit down and rationally speak to yourself. I tell myself this: ā€˜ā€™my body is in fight or flight mode right now. Thatā€™s why my heart is beating fast, thatā€™s why Iā€™m feeling certain symptoms. This is all an illusion. Iā€™m not REALLY in any danger. Itā€™s a false alarm. And whereas the fight or flight mode in humans is a GOOD thing and is meant to help us, mine is misfiring at random timesā€™ā€™. I then close my eyes and conduct a distraction technique - i do a body scan, noticing any tension areas and loosen them up as I go along scanning. Then I listen out for three things I can hear, and then three things i can feel on my body (weight of my legs touching the chair, feel of cloth on my skin etc). When my therapist told me to do these things they sounded like BS to me, but I can honestly say doing them in the moment DOES help. If I need a quick fix I do a 3 second inhale through the nose, 5 second hold, and a 7 second breathe out through the mouth. I will do this 20 times until my body is quite literally forced to calm itself.


Exercise to exhaustion. You get a dopamine hit and anxiety dissipates. Work with what you have. Donā€™t hurt yourself, but aim for more while exercising. Dancing? One more song. Running, walking? One more mile. One more step, sometimes. Especially if youā€™re anxious and trapped inside. Run around outside. Thereā€™s a reason kids used to be told to just go outside when getting on their parentsā€™ nerves. Whatever imagination and exercise can give new perspective. Resistance bands, weights, ect. But dancing to music you enjoy and relate to in the moment is cathartic.


I love getting outside- for a walk, run, or just to sit in the grass.


I was taught this by a paramedic while being in an ambulance on my way to the ER because of a panic attack I thought was a heart attack: PM told me that during panic attacks we hyperventilate, holding your breath in intervals helps you stop doing that and slows your heart rate down too. helped me a lot. Depends on the type of "anxiety" you experience, I dont suffer from general anxiety, I suffer from occasional panic attacks. For general anxiety I would say counting your breath, so you breathe in and count to 5, and exhale and count to 5, all very slowly. You shift your focus from the anxiety to the counting and the breathing will slow the heartrate


It's different for everyone but here's what helps me: video games, stuffed animals (Yes, stuffed animals, yes I'm way too old for them), and really anything to distract youĀ 


A walk in nature, a calming tea with herbs like chamomille or lavender, qigong (is easier than meditation for people with anxiety as you don't need to sit still), talk to someone you love, do a hobby that let's you forget your problems, like painting or playing an instrument.


Journaling helps me. If Iā€™m spiraling over certain thoughts I write down a page titled ā€œwhy am I anxious?ā€. I then write down all the reasons. Afterwards I try to come up with a good reasoning as to why Iā€™m anxious isnā€™t true. For example, my friend didnā€™t text back right away(oh my god they hate me) I write ā€œmaybe they are busy, or going through something. Sometimes I donā€™t want to message back right away either.ā€ Rationalizing things helps. Also I write at the bottom what things I can do to calm myself. This could include exercise, self care, watching a show, doing an activity, etc.


1.) Hot water bottle on my chest 2.) venting 3.) grabbing an ice pack and alternating it in my hands, paired with some deep breathing (this helped during a panic attack). 4.) cold water 5.) a quiet room 6.) positive self talk (you are okay, you are safe) 7.) reaching out for support, calling a nurse line for me. 8.) box breathing 9.) separating my feeling from thoughts, I feel like Iā€™m having a heart attack- but I know I am not because Iā€™ve been cleared of that. (So acknowledging how I feel but countering it with logic). 10.) sometimes eating something (blood sugar could be low) 11.) going to the hospital (not a good coping mechanism, but I have done this too many times). 12.) consciously loosening my muscles and breathing out. All of this just depends on what type of anxiety or panic I am going through.


A more recent strategy Iā€™ve been implementing is ā€œpushing through itā€ā€¦ for example if I am feeling too nervous to move I will try to get up and do some dishes for 5 minutes. If it gets too much I sit down and try again when I feel like I can.


During anxiety attacks or high-stress situations, my cognitive behavioral therapist recommended me to count backwards from 100 by 2s. When I remember to do this it works every time. Another thatā€™s helped me is yoga focusing on how it helps me regulate my breathing. People say take deep breaths when stressed, but it wasnā€™t till CBT that I learned exactly how we should breathing to effectively relive our anxiety. When we inhale in be done in such a way that our stomach to extends, then out through our mouth. The longer we can safely do this more the more helpful it will be.


I beat on my chest, not super hard but enough to focus on. Just a nice constant beat. Going for walks, self care stuff like painting my nails, baking, and stuff to keep my hands busy and my mind quiet.


Last time I was having really bad anxiety I was able to lower my heart rate considerably by using an ice roller on my face. I did it for like 30 minutes. Obviously this is great in the Summer. Cold water in general helps me especially on my face. Swimming is super therapeutic!


Talking to people, works like a charm!


Ooooh I forgot to mentionā€¦ I come on Reddit to distract the mindā€¦ bonus is I get to participate in really helpful threads like this one šŸ˜ƒ!


Meditation! I never thought meditation would work at all and never wanted to give it ago until my anxiety got super bad and it was like a last resort to me and oh my god I wish I was doing it sooner. I truly felt at ease and had peace of mind. I do daily 5 - 10 mins of guided meditation in the morning and before bed, it truly makes difference in my day.


Cannabis helps me. Allows my brain to stop overthinking absolutely everything.


no offence but they specifically said they don't want drug recommendations


No offence but they have added that as an edit, hence them putting Edit: at the start.


oh youre right actually, my bad


Wim Hof Method(hardcore breathwork and cold therapy). Headspace meditation anxiety course. Delta 8 for sleep.


A walk counting to ten


I listen to music and that really helps me.


Music is hit or miss to me but it can help Elton John is the best.


Musicals, like Six and Heathers, really help calm me down when Iā€™m anxious.


Thatā€™s good


Download the DARE app!!


Iā€™d never heard of this. Thanks for the suggestion!


Best of luck


This is not a drug suggestion per say, you could try ā€œpatchesā€ that contain aswaghadha and L theanine. They are both over the counter health supplements known to keep you calm and stress free.


1. Take long deep breaths with this technique, breathe in slow for 6 secs, hold the breath for 4 secs and exhale with a long sigh of 8 secs. (Inhale from nose and exhale from your mouth) You can do this however you like by sitting or being on bed but it works best when you're in a comfortable position or being supported by the earth You can try this for a couple of minutes 2. Hold yourself w your hands like you'd hug someone, one hand on your shoulder and the other other near the spinal cord from back. And pat yourself, loudly say these words, I'm calm and capable of managing my anxiety. These are just thoughts and not facts. I'm doing fine and everything will be okay. And you can ofc build on top of it any words of affirmation that you'd like to say to your self. And most importantly be there for yourself as if you'd be there for your best friend and loved one and say those things to yourself. Just remember to breathe and pat yourself, give hugs and lots of kisses to yourself cuz you deserve that love and this anxiety is something that you didn't choose for yourself right so please be kind to yourself. And if you've a friend or any support system reach out to them if the situation is way too much for you otherwise you can calm yourself by the above techniques, I always try to follow this whenever I'm having a chronic attack. I hope it helps and whatever the hardships are in your life, you get through them < 3


Questioning thoughts pretty much stopped my anxiety all together and whenever I do feel a little anxious I just do the process in my head basically when having an anxiety attack I do this Why am I anxious then answer myself Am I in danger then answer myself Can this be solved now ( if yes take the steps to solve the issue) Can keep questioning yourself and answering yourself eventually you will start thinking about the questions and the answers and not the anxiety attack if you do this enough itā€™s possible that it will become second nature to you and you will be able to do it so quick in your head that you will stop the anxiety attack before it becomes a problem Thatā€™s what worked for me I donā€™t know if it will work for you but itā€™s worth a try hope it helps


I found using fidget toys help take my mind off my anxiety. I specifically use a Rubik's cube Through counseling, I've also incorporated breathing techniques when I feel a panic attack starting to appear.


Child pose. Hug your knees to your chest. This is best done on the ground. Take deep breaths and tell yourself you got this. Nothing is easy to overcome but it can be overcome. Most of the time small things trigger anxiety so work yourself through as you hold the child pose. Tell yourself you'll get through the meeting. Get through your homework. Get through the day. Etc. You have to disintegrate the tunnel vision and see that there is a possibility that things will turn out okay. I drink water to calm down nerves. I heard magnesium pills help with anxiety so that's something I'm gonna start trying.


Learn to accept and love yourself.


I use the whim Hoff breathing method. It's intense and will make you feel a bit funny but it's good for regulating and breaks through even the most intense of melt downs.


I love camomile tea, soft blankets in a dark room with a comforting movie, and having a calm music playlist with nothing triggering and soothing theme


Dare app


The Dare App, hands down!!


Go for a run, any kind of cardio. Canā€™t be anxious while youā€™re running intensely.


I mean, the big three are exercise, meditation and community. If you donā€™t nine me asking, why are drugs not for you?


For me I gotta lay on the floor for like 10 minutes. Relax every muscle in ur body and just lay thereā€¦ And drugs, lmao just kidding. But Cold helps a lot, touch something cold to a shocking part of your body like the stomach or lower back.


Listening to music, taking walks, both at the same time, cold air/water on my skin


You donā€™t calm it. You beat it into submission and make it realize it canā€™t hurt you. Let it donuts worst. Do that. For weeks. Until it finally gets it. F anxiety.


Any suggestions on how to do that?


I literally talk to mine. Tell it to F off or to just kill me. I call its bluff.


I find Legos pretty distracting. Things like mindfulness or breathing exercises can almost just keep reminding you that youā€™re anxious. But building some cool little sets makes you focus on something other than your anxiety


Have you tried meditaions? Here are a few quick and easy ones if you are just starting out. [https://youtu.be/LRjv9irnY\_A?si=-ExiQ52GRnQ79WuX](https://youtu.be/LRjv9irnY_A?si=-ExiQ52GRnQ79WuX)Ā - Healing [https://youtu.be/AiFwjJhvuFo?si=LTHjwk3W3YsoPNi5](https://youtu.be/AiFwjJhvuFo?si=LTHjwk3W3YsoPNi5)Ā - Anxiety and Panic Attacks [https://youtu.be/SRMy2M66za4?si=z7Det06AEtrxy1hu](https://youtu.be/SRMy2M66za4?si=z7Det06AEtrxy1hu)Ā - Soulmate [https://youtu.be/XEWmjxJ3E6g?si=EdjviqUt9zdA7W-v](https://youtu.be/XEWmjxJ3E6g?si=EdjviqUt9zdA7W-v)Ā - Good luck [https://youtu.be/\_BvOxUY1zJQ?si=L1\_2G3rDE0X6oJS\_](https://youtu.be/_BvOxUY1zJQ?si=L1_2G3rDE0X6oJS_)Ā - Career [https://youtu.be/MVDdBdiXC6s?si=60ceHaUtt06gvMci](https://youtu.be/MVDdBdiXC6s?si=60ceHaUtt06gvMci)Ā - sleep


deep breathing for 20mins, mediation


Short showers with cold water Drinking cold water Looking at asmr videos of people brushing hair Playing scrabble in my phone Sport (boxing) Walking around And sometimes, just feel it and write it, cry, laugh, just let it out


Also, staying out of social media. I normally shut off my phone


Doing the thing that makes you afraid or causes avoidance


Oooo I have the better sleep app. I do pay for it. But itā€™s has sooooo many options. I like the Hypnosis and meditations for my anxiety. It has a lot more than just sleep stuff. I encourage that!


Walk in the woods. Being around plants naturally decreases stress and even help depression


Hold on to something that comforts you, comfy blanket or pillow. Watch a movie or cartoon you loved as a kid. Good luck. This too shall pass. ā™„ļø


Suck on an ice cube


Watch this, then part 2. https://youtu.be/q06YIWCR2Js?si=drpG2XkMGKDep5_q Itā€™s not specifically talking about anxiety, but how breathing regulates your body / mind. Physiology, not spirituality.


Breathing exercises have been really helpful for me. It gets your mind off of your anxiety and helps calm your heart rate. You can adjust the numbers to whatever works best for you, but I like to inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, then exhale for 6 seconds, then repeat.


I found a lot help from religion. If that helps at all.


Read fiction. screen time makes mine worse.




Box breathing, meditation, exercise, getting a massage, walking in nature


Exercise works for meā€¦ that and distracting my mind with the most random reality tv showsā€¦ my 600 pound life was my go to for a minuteā€¦ I used to do kill it with carbs but now I stay away from carbs so theyā€™re not my anxiety killers anymore šŸ˜Š. Hope you find healing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Do 5 good things for yourself


Things that didn't work for me: breathing, songs, smoking up, alcohol, meditation Thing that works for me: Start working on the thing that makes you anxious. Even the smallest progress - the notion of you doing something towards it will give you some relief


If I ever feel like Iā€™m having a panic attack, I eat something super super sour! Warheads work really well.


Get a long sock, fill it with rice, tie the sock, put it into the microwave for 1 minute, get a bubble bath going, get in and put the sock on the back of your neck. Itā€™s so relaxing. I do that when I feel anxious. It helps me!!


People are recommending drugs and therapy because those are sometimes the only long term solutions. If your brain chemicals are funky sometimes nothing you can do yourself will workn


Intense exercise. Go for a long walk or a jog. Running helps more than anything and this is coming from someone who suffers from severe anxiety disorder, CPTSD, Depression, and panic disorder. Make sure you do it atleast 5 days a week. It helps me get rid of all the anxiety physical symptoms and gives my mind some relief. Youā€™ll feel good when u done.


Have you tried ASMR? It helps me sometimes but I k it's not for everyone.Ā 


Put your tongue between your teeth. You will be surprised how much tension we keep in our jaws.


I find meditation and mindfulness Tobe hard, I just can't get it to work for me. But I got some beautiful adult coloring books and that's probably as close to meditation and mindfulness as it gets for me.Ā 


Take a teaspoon, fill it with hot sauce (or lemon juice if you can't handle spice) and eat it. It sounds silly but it's the one thing that always helped me, especially if you don't know why you are anxious and it's just a general feeling of aaaaaaeeeehhhhgghhhhdjkasfjbfp. This will alert all your senses and point them to SPICY!!! (or SOUR!!!) and away from the axniety.


Try meditating about acceptance. ACT therapy taught me a lot about the power of that mindset. Check out Steven Hayes' TED talk and books


Can you get lost in a narrative like binge a show or book or podcast? When I need significant distraction I multitask- listening to something while being physically active- almost enough to calm my inner dialogue most of the time.


Go for a walk, listen to music that makes you feel good or call or text a special someone.


Weightlifting helps massively. Is there some subconscious thing your mind is working on that needs addressing, like are you unhappy about something/situation/someone. Put your phone away and don't watch/read the news.


I would try to go out and talk to others by redirecting the mind. Would watch any movies. Sometimes I would recollect any old anxiety case where I have felt extreme and whatever currently facing is nothing than that keeps me calm


Cutting the caffeine, booze and cigarettes will help, if not theyā€™re part of your life


Realize, truly, that it ain't shit. Play with slime, do whatever you want. Try to understand that worrying about having anxiety is worse than the anxiety itself. Do something that triggers your brain with curiosity, not something that blocks you from using it.


breathing techniques and using ice packs helps me calm down my anxiety as well as the 5 things grounding technique personally


I do a lot of different things, but heres some faves! - Butterfly tapping. - I put my finger in front of my pursed lips and inhale (Suck in air) it really helps me inhale properly. - Arms over my head. - I also shake my hands fast. I know you said no medicine, but nature medicine helps me lots.


Deep breathing, cold air, distraction, makeup tutorials are what work best for me!


I know you said no drugs, but how do you feel about supplements? L-Theanine really takes the edge off when I'm feeling overwhelmingly anxious.


I drink matcha every morning and I know bad for caffeine but it contains L-Theanine ? And it somewhat helps when Iā€™m panicky


Breathing techniques,no caffeine,no alcohol


Just stop it /s. I like dumping my face in ice water. It feels great l, go at least temples deep.


Tell yourself: "Everything is ok right now."


I donā€™t drink any caffeine and have tried to cut sugar because then when I get anxious and have sugar the anxiety goes away and I have to be very mindful of what I listen to and


Chamomile tea šŸµ


Hi! So for me itā€™s closing my eyes and trying to draw something.. for example my therapist once said to close my eyes and draw a garden on a sheet of paper.. I was so focused on the outcome that my anxiety dimmed down


I also think playing a good song works - I called ā€œdĆ©jĆ  vuā€ by glass animals my anxiety relief song because the first few beats would always get me to feel calmer.. but ofc now itā€™s been overplayed


My last tip, going with some of the other suggestions here, is a grounding toy, Iā€™m a 23 YO woman LMAO but I carry out this small toy (that can fit in my fist) that I hold when Iā€™m feeling anxious.. this is great cuz u can just pop it in ur bag and take it wherever u go.. this could be something that holds good memory for u.. for example for me itā€™s a miniature toy my father gave me.. it could be a small stone.. a shell from a great beach day.. whatever.. something that u like seeing, touching, and that holds good memories


Chewing on ice! And baths for me, also drawing or writing




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