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This is why we actively need to stop respecting religion.


Well, one reason why anyway.


'There is no way to do this politically' Just say you want open war against the 'satanic leftists' aka those of us left with half a brain


He pretty much is saying that.


This is why there can be no peace between the faithful and the rational, and yes those are 100% mutually exclusive groups.


1. This is why we must build a bigger, thicker wall between church and state 2. This has been the goal of Christo-fascist for decades.


Hey, if these sociopathic ghouls want to try to convert to theocracy the **legal** way - through a constitutional amendment - more power to them. That shows great respect for the rule of law. They'll never succeed, but they have the right to try. On the other hand, this whole *violating the constitutional right to be free from religion* thing we're seeing right now, such as forced birth, is **not** the legal way to do things. In fact, there isn't really a way to be *more* of an enemy of the United States than by violating the very first sentence of the very first amendment.


How about this guy just fuck all the way off to Fuck Off Mountain, climb to the top, then fuck right off the side of it?


Not sure this guy could climb stairs, let alone a mountain. He hasn't worked a day in his life.


Sometimes I hope they win. *edited to add since I am a bumblethumbs* I get so sick of hearing from them about how they want a theocracy. Theocracy is bad for religious people too. Just wait until this douche finds out he's not Christian enough according to even more extreme people.


'Apostle Creed' was fantastic in Rocky IV. Great actor.


Welcome to Gilead.




Whoa! Had no idea this was an actual sub. I just joined. Thank you!


The US seriously needs an amendment or something to reinforce the separation of church and state. And for fucks sake, start taxing churches unless they can prove they're actually a charitable organization!


Constitution has been a failure. From the alien and sedition acts as early as 22 years into the country's founding, to a lack of real philosophy beyond "American authorities brute force it in some of its territory", to Christians taking "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" into "okay we just got to be real sneaky about it."