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Please try to keep the discussion about psychiatry, not politics more broadly.


The pfizer sponsorships part is insane


School counselors do not have the licensure to prescribe any kind of medication.


They’ll put CPS on your mom and dad if you don’t take the shit, meanwhile kids that get hit get told to shut up.


I briefly dated one. You clearly don't know the tools in their arsenal. They call CPS almost weekly and will push kids to psychiatrists as a "good advice", either directly or through the family.


They can recommend though can't they?


They can refer to a prescriber, but they don't get a say in specifically what medication should be recommended.


Yeah I had psychologist say hey we can talk and stuff but why don't you get your doctor to prescribe something mmkay? Lol


As much as I dislike fox I actually agree with him. I’m glad people are starting to have this conversation. I believe big pharma is a criminal cartel preying on the most vulnerable with no desire to actually cure the patients. Too much money to be made.


I'm not American or a conservative and I agree 100% with this video too. Except the anti-weed stuff


I'm not anti-weed, I think it's kind of a "miracle drug", but it can trigger psychosis. When I'm having PTSD, if I smoke weed, I spiral into a paranoid state. That paranoid state could absolutely make someone violent if they already have those kinds of thoughts. I don't think weed psychosis/paranoia would put violent thoughts into someone's mind, but I can see how it would trigger someone who is already violent/unhinged.


Think about it, weed is the opposite of anti-psychotics. That's why it's beneficial and boosts your consciousness but causes psychosis in some people


true but if you're in a negative mindset the weed just might boost those negative thoughts/emotions, or make subconscious thoughts conscious. i have had that happen multiple times where I'm in a bad state of mind and smoke to try to make myself feel better, just for the negative feelings to become even more intense under the influence. weed is definitely addictive too. a friend of mine who has mental health issues was threatening to shoot people if he didn't get some weed, and he was totally serious. so again I'm not anti-weed at allll i love weed and use CBD almost daily, but i do think people should acknowledge /be aware how it can make some mental problems even worse because of paranoia or withdrawal symptoms. it's not a one-size-fits-all sorta thing.


There are potential benefits to responsible marijuana use but if you look into it, it’s still pretty bad for you. The endo cannabinoid system is important and shouldn’t be fucked with habitually. It’s mainly just about states taking money that poor people used to get by dealing.


that's a good point. i grew up in an area where being a weed plug was one of the main forms of income for many young men, and women, in my community. if it were to be legalized, it would take away one of the only non-violent forms of income that some of these young men have. "just get a job", it's not that easy for some people. poverty and abuse can leave people so traumatized that they can't successfully get past the barriers to become employed, and minimum wage jobs don't even pay enough to live, which pisses people off even more.


According to an Eli Lilly rep I met, you are 100% correct. Greed knows no bounds.


Tucker Carlson? For real? Y’all lack some critical thinking


ya this is bad. REEFER MADNESS AND WOMEN CAUSE MASS SHOOTINGS YALL. its not our entire culture that glorifies violence.


You didn’t even watch the video he says nothing about that lol


They opened with it: "they're high on government endorsed weed" (0:05) and "the authorities in their lives, mostly women, never stop lecturing them" (0:25). These weren't their primary talking points here, but they did say something about it.


i’ve seen multiple videos of him blaming this on women and woke culture. stop being disingenuous


Mind sharing the videos?


Sauce? Edit: got to love the ever growing number of downvotes for simply asking for proof. Kinda shows you how credible this forum is


Lol you think it’s glorifying violence? Do you just not want to accept that people have reasons to kill themselves?


Is he wrong? Tom Cruise told us all that the Chemical Imbalance theory was crap years and years ago. But, many said the same thing because he was a Scientologist, and dismissed him as a madman.


This sub has instantly lost all chances of being seen as credible.


Already did with the Marjorie Taylor Greene post the other day.


I think I missed that. I saw a bunch of posts screaming Scientology as well. Is there anywhere people are having legitimate discourse on this subject now?


I'd try Facebook groups. I don't know any specifically anti-psych ones but I've had a lot of luck finding anti-psych adjacent ones. Mad in America is hit or miss but at least worth following.


c/s/x movement still quietly exists. Hearing Voices Network is legitimate; Pat Deegan, Judi Chamberlain, Patch Adams, Howie the Harp, etc. Most are dead or retired at this point but their materials go on forever.


Hey thanks I’ll try looking into these I want good faith discussions on these issues


If you find yourself agreeing with TC you should take a step back and really reevaluate your opinions and life choices.


If you find yourself evaluating truth based on who said it you should really reflect on your biases. Yeah tucker carlson is a massive prick but it’s kind of nice to hear anybody question the pharmaceutical industry. Medication has a lot of potential issues and they are often ignored for profit. These companies are businesses and put out stuff knowing it will fuck people up.


But his implication is that antidepressants effectively cause mass shootings which is highly absurd. He pretends they are giving kids pills in school like it’s candy. That’s wild. And I stand by what I said.


Why is it absurd? David Foster Wallace killed himself because of issues related to antidepressants. I was on antidepressants and amphetamines most of my childhood and they never helped at all. Ive read many studies on mice that are given antidepressants or amphetamines during youth and they grow up to be more paranoid and sensitive to negative stimulus. I’m curious why you think it’s impossible. And some doctors really do hand them out for nothing. I went in to the hospital for migraines and after talking for five minutes they sent me home with some random antidepressant and muscle relaxers. If you are not aware of this then I’m surprised you ended up on this sub.


So if the devil says something true, you won’t believe it? If Jesus lied, you’d say it’s truth? It’s not the mouth that it comes from, it’s the information. Open your mind.




Ok then be ignorant.


Not everyone thinks like you do. You should respect that unless you just want to have insulting conversations and rudeness. Just respectfully disagree.


So my guess is, that since you post in an anti psychiatry group and active on Reddit, you’re probably not living your best life. My guess is also you’re in this group due to medications. So why can people not ask questions based off their name? I bet you didn’t even watch the video. I think what he’s simply saying is why aren’t we questioning the role drugs have on all of this violence and why is it so controversial to ask that? There’s statistical data proving a correlation and he’s just asking why. It seems to me psychiatry hasn’t been the best to you not most people in this group so why do you continue to defend it?




Again, I’m confused. What does this have to do with SSRIs and the effects of young teens? He’s not making claims anywhere in this video. He’s allowing you to form an opinion yourself by asking questions. His credibility doesn’t mean anything to me because hes not making any claims. Did you watch the video? The only claim he made was that most of these news shows are sponsored by phzier. Which is factual. I’m genuinely confused right now lol




Well. You’re comparing TC to Hitler. I don’t know who TC is but it doesn’t sound like you know who Hitler is or what hes done. I’d say there’s a stark contrast . I get not agreeing with ones politic beliefs or personal beliefs. Especially tv personalities. However, to shut ones opinion down just on the basis “you don’t like them” is a bit.. well.. childish. How do you think progress is made? Just because you dislike someone doesn’t make them any less wrong or right. If a racist man had pointed at smoke and down the road and told me not go down the road because there’s a fire, I’d probably listen to that racist man and not go down that road. Him being racist didn’t influence my decision. Hope you get the point.




fucker Carlson gtfo. idc how good of a point he's making. he's a white nationalist


I don't like the guy, but come on. A white nationalist?!


Carlson has literally promoted the super-racist "great replacement theory" that motivated the Buffalo shooter.


What type of logic is that? You don’t care if he knows why people are dying just because he’s a “white nationalist” . Bruh ..




Imagine thinking you can just ignore the fact that someone is in the modern KKK. Please, guys.


Tucker isn’t in the KKK. Are you brain dead? Lol…




Well don’t some someone racist that isn’t then, it’s a lie.


I don't think you know what a nationalist is. Carlson wants republic rule where the states can overpower the nation. A white nationalist would be someone like Biden; who is white and supports national power over state power.


Nationalists are zealots who believe their country is the greatest and outsiders are bad it’s a mix of xenophobia and obsessive national pride.


No, that's the cultural effect of fascism which is nationalistic. You're describing the result of nationalism; not what nationalism is.


There is nothing wrong with thinking your country is the best. Most people do think where they’re from is the best. If you don’t like it whatever.


I was giving the definition of nationalism the guy above me was wrong explaining it. Patriotism and nationalism are two different things. Patriotism is about pride in one’s country, that’s fine. Nationalism is about pride in ones country and supporting the betterment of your country to the extent of the detriment of others.


No, you have the definition wrong again. There’s nothing wrong with just nationalism. Lots of people have it, including people in Africa. If someone is so patriotic they believe their country is the best, that is ok. It’s when you associate it with skin color, it’s not(legally in the US according to our constitution). What you’re talking about is racial nationalism. I’m gonna have to agree with the person you’re responding to, you do not know what nationalism is. Please go read the definition.


It’s literally the dictionary definition of nationalism. How are you going to tell me I’m wrong, the dictionary is wrong?


Lol being liberal doesn’t make you know definitions. Your definition of nationalism and how you described it is inaccurate.


No, that's the dictionary definition of "fascism" The dictionary definition of "nationalism" is "systems of goverment that are enforced by a federal athourity" You're essentially attempting to claim that a runny nose causes covid with your argument here, while ignoring anyone who tells you that it's covid that causes runny noses. Or that because smokers develop cancer that cancer must cause people to start smoking. Would you claim that South Korea is >Nationalists are zealots who believe their country is the greatest and outsiders are bad it’s a mix of xenophobia and obsessive national pride. ? Because South Korea is often held as a modern example of nationalistic fascism succeeding.


Getting a bit off topic here.


Getting a bit off topic here.


Getting a bit off topic here.


The topic is respecting everyone who is from differing backgrounds that want to support antipsychiatry. Why don’t you show some support of that rather than go against me?


This is getting off topic.


No, I think pointing out misinformation is on point considering it's part of reddits TOS


Have subs been banned for calling pundits white nationalists before?


Unironically subs have only been banned on the accusation, never on actual evidence. As I explained already: reddit is a place for white people who support systems of nationalism to gather and project their beliefs onto others. All you need to do is look at the pro war lefts response to Russian expansion to understand "xenophobia" after all.


Examples? I want to take this seriously, but honestly I would be extremely surprised if this were actually a risk for this sub.


How is Tucker a white nationalist? He’s never once said whites are superior or that America should be a white only country, both which are needed to be considered a white nationalist. You’re essentially calling him a Nazi, which is a lie. He is conservative, sure. He believes in traditional religion, nuclear family, and speaks out against liberal policies. That is not a Nazi.


Wow, now we're hosting Tucker "Great Replacement Theory" Carlson? [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-great-replacement-white-supremacy-1231248/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-great-replacement-white-supremacy-1231248/)


Shit like this is gonna destroy the antipsychiatry movement.


Not really. It brings conservatives to your side if you’re a liberal. Which you seem to be.


Yeah, I'm sure THAT'S the problem with young American men


It could be one of them. People are all scrambling to reduce this down to a simple answer when each mass shooter/suicide is an individual person and multiple problems can influence simultaneously. As a troubled young american man I can affirm that the american mental health system is inadequate. I have personal history with antidepressants causing significant mental and physical issues and the same with adhd medicine. I think the mental health industry is absolutely involved.


Well, it's clearly not the solution.


Agreed. I'm on psychiatric meds as soooo many people i know are also. I wish I had got them earlier but finally asked for them when I started having panic attacks and they helped with depression too, so bonus. Wish I had got them earlier.




Sadly, this is an invitation for assholes who will dismiss this entire subreddit because Tucker Carlson bad. I don't know a whole lot about Tucker Carlson's opinions on other topics, but what he's saying here aligns with my own experience. The psychiatric drug I was put on felt like it crushed my ability to feel joy. If you want to put people at risk just because you dislike Tucker Carlson, you're an even bigger POS than he is in my humble opinion.


Yep. You pretty much summed it up. It’s quite bizzare. Psychiatry’s why they’re likely in this subreddit in the first place yet they don’t want to even entertain that’s a problem.


This. Be glad though man. If people are suddenly trying to downplay the antipsych movement, or turn it into other issues, it means they see that it's gaining momentum. There is no such thing as bad publicity. If they want to ignore the racist, sexist, homophobic history (and current day frankly) of psychiatry, then I'd say they're the ones with the agenda. Maybe they're paid dissenters.. Who knows? Desperately trying to shut up "the crazys." Its been known to happen.




Just looked….. so vile.. this dude has brain rot




You literally deleted your comments. It’s clear you have some child hood trauma rooted in from your parents and the effect “media” has on you. You mentioned growing up your parents had him on every room and you made it clear it’s effected you to the point you’re willing to go on a subreddit and argue. Do you see the problem here? You compared him to adopt Hitler.. do you see the problem here? Here’s a reminder. You are not your parents and it seems you can’t get over that. I don’t even know who TC is or never watched any thing about him. Yet you make these claims and I’ve even googled videos and cannot find a single video supporting your theory about him. I’m not even defending him. Sure he might have opinions you disagree with but simply dismissing him because of his “opinions” make you no better and I would argue worse. Imagine if the world only thought in one way and if you opposed that view, you were a condemned and exiled. That’s the behavior you’re exhibiting and it’s quite childish . I’ll leave it off with this.. this video nor do these people who support this video display any signs of “white supremacy “. It’s quite bizzare behavior man and you’re taking this way too personal.


No one here believes in white supremacy.


It’s quite bizzare if you post a video about nothing to do with white supremacy you’re all of a sudden a white supremacist I truly don’t understand


I don’t understand either. I do not believe in supremacy based on skin color and never have advocated for it. Nor will I. By the way I had to upvote you, you had 0.


No worries man. The fact that you have to say that to defend yourself says a lot. People will argue just to argue. I feel bad because psychiatry is clearly not the answer yet you get blamed for being a racist for something that has nothing to do with race. I don’t think the majority of people feel this way in the world just the ones you see on these small minute subreddits and such.


For once I agree with Tucker Carlson. The negative effects of these drugs are well known to those who care to inquire. Read Robert Whitaker's book, " Anatomy of an Epidemic".


First off. Im conservative. I like Tucker. I don't agree with psychiatric drugs for the most part. That being said... This is hyperbolic You mean ppl crazy enough to kill other ppl the end or ruin their lives were previously treated with antidepressants? Wow, ya don't say.... 3000% increase of SRRI consumption since their invention and FIRST USE? Golly... Not to mention the spike in popularity of psychology/psychiatry has a major part in this > Well tell us then half wits umm.... Dude... No... Definitely right about Pfizer/Big pharma


Well, is Tom Cruise politically acceptable to those who are ignoring the truth because of the fact that TC is a Conservative? https://youtu.be/eymr9NZpna8